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I so what to have this feeling in the new room in NOLA time will tell
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I'll come back to this
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Morning Coffee; better later than not at all. I finally got a less expensive used copy of, I Wished by Dennis Cooper. This was the hot ticket about a year ago but I never get books new. Need to read this and then would like to go back and reread the George Myles books, post reading I Wished, so I can see if time, and having a better understanding the texts and George Myles shifts as presented in this text, will time and this new other book, outside of the cycle but with GM, alter my take away? Will time and age shift the reading of the books? Funny I never asked Dennis to sign any of my books so who knows maybe the next time he is in Los Angeles, I can run by and get him to mark them up a bit? It would be nice and sort of fan boy of me though I am no longer a "boy" I still have obsessions but they too have changed. A boy from VA who is str8 but in love with only one guy and it is the only guy who he could ever be in love with is sort of a new obsession of mine (as of last night) Matt Dillion grew up and became a visual artist and while I like his paintings I am wondering if I would like them as much if they had not been painted by Matt Dillion? It's sort of hard to hold onto that old obsession though I do like him in some later films and tv series. So I am back at the shitty hotel with a "new" (to me that is) Blue Willow cup and saucer. Both are stamped JAPAN on the bottom. It was the best thing I could find at the thrift shop not marked up to $10ea. and although they were marked $3.00 ea. the person sold me the set as I presented it on the counter. Blue Willow is more of a Bud thing than me but I like it and the shape of the the cup, it's pleasing to me. I did leave two lampshades that where a dirty white maybe cream color with pink floral on them. I should have picked them up and then found the perfect mismatched lamps for them down the line but I have no space to store them, yet I can't stop thinking about them. Back at the hotel for a couple days and then back to try and figure out how to get rid of that boxes of clothing I own that stopped being so great and just a reminder of failure. I am in a bit of a mood and scattered. The coffee tastes good and I just with this was Feb. 1st. But we have a few long slow days before then. I should write and ask Dennis if he plans on being in LA anytime soon. I mean it would be nice to see him again but I worry I have nothing interesting enough to hold a decent conversation any longer. Not enough to fill a lunch date at rock and roll Denny's (is that even a thing anymore? The Denny at Gower Gulch where we once shared a lunch is now gone and we talked hustlers or Menendez brothers or both? Killing has gotten sort of mundane or ruined by the fucking alt Right shoot'em up mass killing that take place weekly. It was a long time ago. 
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before the right turn to the wrong side of the tracks... too bad she sort of lost it
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X was here.
Photo from my first visit to Las Vegas, Posed here because there was a photo in a book I had on X (the Band) of them all sitting here. So Had a friend shoot this. I can't find my x book to show the one it is based on. One day. I think it is back in a box of books at my sisters house in Wisconsin.
At the time X was a huge influence on me. They seemed to live the life I wanted. The drunken too many cigarettes in a night. Bloody Mary mornings and music I wanted to find. I lived on some level.
"I'll go somewhere else I'll move to the couch it's darker in the dark it's darker in the day I forgot you were a liar now it's five to twelve shut up and smoke and I'll go somewhere else no more orange nightgowns one o'clock and then it ends this is no place to be addicted to another place never get to go don't you want me to make it I took as long as you took you take a lot from me I forgot you were a thief I want to be like her instead I stay nowhere marked down in the basement lousy at the bottom a life of intermission"
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New Orleans Rose Garden is drunk on the Popes Blood!
Pope John Paul II rose is our farm's most beloved pure white beauty! We grow hundreds of this magnificent and highly fragrant rose all over our property and have for six years. Pope John Paul II has been awarded top honors for fragrance, vigorous growth, perfect bloom form, and good disease resistance. It's no wonder it is a showpiece of the Vatican private garden. If you're looking for the perfect white garden rose, Pope John Paul II is the top choice by us and many gardeners.
36” Tree Rose
Rose Type: Garden Rose Breeder: Keith Zary, Jackson & Perkins Color: White Vase Life: 3-6 days Fragrance: Intense Citrus and Old Rose Bloom Form: Cupped with high center Petal Count: 60-70 Growth Type: Hybrid Tea Flowering: Repeat Planting Season: Spring Light Requirements: Full sun Hardiness Zones: 5-10 Spacing: 3-4' Height: 4-6 Width: 3-4' Disease Resistance: Excellent, provide routine pest & disease prevention
There is also a navigation button that allows a user to search for escorts. A user may search by a number of parameters including geographic location.
In the "Physical Attributes" category, the escorts are asked to select answers for the following attributes: "Foreskin," "Cock Size," and "Build."
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So selecting Roses for the Spring planting of the garden in NOLA!
These are Love Song.
The novel tells the story of Divine, a drag queen who, when the novel opens, has died of tuberculosis and been canonised as a result. The narrator tells us that the stories he is telling are mainly to amuse himself whilst he passes his sentence in prison – and the highly erotic, often explicitly sexual, stories are spun to assist his masturbation. Jean-Paul Sartre called it "the epic of masturbation".
Divine lives in an attic room overlooking Montmartre cemetery, which he shares with various lovers, the most important of whom is a pimp called Darling Daintyfoot ("Mignon-les-Petits-Pieds" in French). One day Darling brings home a young hoodlum and murderer, dubbed Our Lady of the Flowers. Our Lady is eventually arrested and tried, and executed. Death and ecstasy accompany the acts of every character, as Genet performs a transvaluation of all values, making betrayal the highest moral value, murder an act of virtue and sexual appeal.
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So I've decided to pick up and relocate to New Orleans... by end of year (delays with the rehab of the house and such) a new life or a different chapter...
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Old Polaroid c. 1993 Visiting Cal Arts, high on dope and od'd later that night... Puked for two days following that incident. Missed helping kathy acker at lace cause I got too high and well od'd took me two days to get back home down to LA. Glad that life is gone (clean and sober 8 years)
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This weekend on DC's: XXX
Some good stuff from Dennis's blog!
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Residue: finger painting.... 
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I only met Sylvere once but was made aware of his work often. Introduced to him by my pal Kathy Acker, the writer. Dinner out at some tacky Mexican restaurant on Lyons Ave in Valencia CA while he and Kathy where doing a panel thing at Cal Arts.  Anyhow there is this. 
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