ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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SURVIVEKRP! is a closed, literate directory composed entirely of original characters, emphasizing the process and the preparation needed to become a successful Korean idol. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there in the K-pop industry. The battle to debut is fierce, while the battle to even get signed is even fiercer. Out there in the concrete jungle of Seoul, South Korea, do you think you can SURVIVE?
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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This faceclaim and position is now free to be roleplayed.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
a side blog for advertisement would help too if theres not one of those already!
it’s already being implemented, but thank you so much for your advice! 
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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DO KYUNGSOO (D.O) of EXO, human ― craftsman.
This faceclaim and position is now free to be roleplayed.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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With the world on the verge of war, Haneul University offered secret protection—until four anti-mutant advocates show up dead on campus. Suspicions arise: are there mutants within the university walls? Did they orchestrate the killings? 
(Can you stay hidden for long?)
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
from an outsider's perspective i think you should start tagging welcome posts / afiliation posts with krp tags such as krp, krp follow, krp ad, etc so more people are exposed to the rp and great rpers in it. hopefully more people will join soon since it's a really well fleshed out directory. best of luck ; u ;
Why hello there anon, you’re so sweet, thank you so much for your advice! We’re still a bit new to being admins of a directory so we’re very grateful for your help. I’ll be sure to update the tag with this now!
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME, THE FAIRY RACE WAS HEALTHY AND PLENTY. They nurtured life, lived out of harms way from humankind and life itself nurtured their existence in return. Until fairy secrets were spilled. Fast forward to current days, the fairy race now consists of fairy offspring, previously called changelings. Driven from their homes by hunters, fairies now live in secret among the humans and receive protection from magycians. But they’re not safe; the human threat poses an even greater danger as the underground gemstone trade continues to grow in mankind’s interests. Meanwhile, fairy-human bonds are formed. Will bonding be able to protect the precious hearts of fairies?
Fairy, Magycian, Human ‒ who are you, and whose best interests do you have at heart?
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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DO KYUNGSOO (D.O) of EXO, human ― craftsman.
First generations are capped, while soldiers are at (2/10) and students are at (6/10).
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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E R A S M U S, SON OF EREBUS, IS A FIRST GENERATION STUDENT // he is twenty-four & resides in room 007, arcadia.
erasmus joined moirae at the age of 10.
vision manipulation. erasmus possesses the ability to manipulate vision, creating a blanket of darkness that shrouds his opponent’s vision which in turn would blind them for a brief period of time.
( + ) the time allocation for his ability differs with each opponent, and for each individual there is a varying degree of blindness.
( – ) due to a lack of control over his ability, it is heavily linked to his emotions ( i.e. when he is frightened, it takes longer for his ability to take hold over his opponent whereas if he is enraged— he could render his opponent sightless for weeks on end. ) erasmus must be in close proximity with his opponent to affect their vision. the extended usage of this ability causes eye strain, which affects his night vision and can cause temporary blindness— if erasmus overuses his ability it could lead to hyphema.
night vision. erasmus is able see in absolute darkness, he can essentially see anyone or anything, his sight allows him to view the outlines of whatever is in his range of sight.
( + ) erasmus is more proficient in combat only if there is complete darkness. 
( – ) the extent to which he can see is very limited, he’s unable to see finer details—which could be very detrimental to him in certain situations.
( – ) photophobia. with an aversion to the light, erasmus has a strong intolerance to any spectrum of light— it causes extreme discomfort to his eyes, along with painful migraines. his ability only applies when there is only complete darkness, as even a sliver of light can deter his vision.
( + ) pain tolerance, strength, & endurance.
due to experimentation from moirae, coupled with the fact that he physically cannot see his own wounds, erasmus developed a high tolerance for any sort of injury that has been inflicted onto him.
erasmus’ strength outrivals any human, yet to some of his demigod counterparts it may be lacking. but he makes up for this through his endurance, as he can retain energy better than others.
( – ) pain tolerance, hand to hand combat, & weapons usage.
because he physically cannot see his own wounds, erasmus never knows the severity of the damage done to his body unless someone points it out.
the limitations given to him by his vision tends to hinder erasmus from excelling in hand to hand combat and weapons usage. though his coordination is adept, he’s still unable to fight as well as he could.
( + ) affectionate, caring, empathetic, gentle, motivated, resilient, & versatile. ( – ) absent-minded, cautious, defiant, insecure, spiteful, stubborn, & troubled.
personality type: INFP. temperament: melancholic. alignment: lawful good.
erasmus is hopelessly optimistic, regardless of the situation. he lives in the past, clinging onto his memories to help push him forward through his troubles. erasmus is exhibits good morals, kindness exuding from every pore in his body— but to this day he remains an enigma as he’ll interact with a warm smile on his lips, while holding back many truths. he opts to trust little to no one within the walls of moirae, not knowing who is a friend or enemy; and has difficulty pursuing deeper bonds with his peers due to the friends he had lost in the past.
with his biological father out of the picture, jongin had spent his entire life being raised by his mother. she had provided for him to the best of her ability, even going out of her way to work multiple jobs to pay for his frequent doctors’ visits and prescription. living in one of the better regions of what had remained of seoul, the two lived happy in their own world and with their circumstances— regardless of the many nights they had gone without electricity or a basic meal.
yet the unfortunate tends to overpower even the most positive of people.
teased relentlessly for his mother and his blindness, jongin gets into a scuffle with his fellow classmates, which results with two of his classmates losing their eyesight. no one seemed to know how it had occurred, not even jongin himself, who was at a clear disadvantage when the fight began. this leads to a case where both families had pursued his mother, requesting monetary compensation in return for the lack of their children’s sight. she works herself even harder, only able to pay off a meager amount of what the two families had demanded of her. jongin watches as his mother grows weaker and weaker by the day, suffering for his mistakes.  
no one expects it when the children regain their sight. the situation getting worse as jongin’s former classmates testify their stories against him— each retelling of the experience growing more and more out of hand.
moirae catches wind of this, contacting jongin and his mother before the other families came to a startling realization that the boy had been one of those abnormal humans the country had been searching for. they offer a large monetary sum and jongin accepts against his mother’s wishes, his heart churning when he had ignored her pleas. he chooses to leave with moirae, only when they swear to him that she’ll remain safe and live well for the rest of her life.
jongin leaves home when he’s ten, promising to himself and his mother that he’ll return to her.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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R Y O K O IS A HUMAN WHO IS AN ENGINEER // she is twenty-four & resides in room 301, ithaca.
Engineer at Ithaca
Ryoko is aware of what Moirae is doing since she’s been working there for a number of years now, specifically on the masks. She sympathizes with the demigods, not happy with the idea of manipulating them into killing machines for the benefit of the Fates, but she understands she is powerless, just another expendable puppet for their use. The most she can do is try to make the masks less painful for the students and soldiers, mentally and physically.
[ positive ] calm, independent, decisive, self-reliant, hardworking, practical
[ negative ] lazy, stubborn, quiet, clumsy, weak, excitable, perfectionist
[ mbti type ] ISFP
[ alignment ] true neutral
[ temperament ] phlegmatic
Ryoko is serious when it comes to work. She could go days without proper sleep and food without realizing it until a project is complete. On off days, she spends time regaining her strength through books, food, and sleep. She’s not much of a talker normally, but with friends and people with similar interests, she could gush for days on end, excitable like a puppy. She generally follows the rules, not wanting to cause trouble, but she places friends and family above all else.
[ strengths ] quick thinker, knowledgeable, nimble hands
When Ryoko was young and her parents had more time to spend with her, they often played puzzle games together and competed with each other for the fastest time. When her parents weren’t around, Ryoko spent much of her time reading the many books her parents had collected over the years. When she had gone through all the books in her parents’ library, she tinkered with small projects, before her parents started including her on some independent projects.
[ weaknesses ] athletics, clumsy, teamwork
A typical day for Ryoko involves sitting around or lying down a lot, as her work does not require moving around much, so she doesn’t have the habit of working out. The most she can do is jog, but she doesn’t do it often. When she isn’t around the tools of her trade, Ryoko is prone to small accidents, bumping into things and getting small cuts and bruises with unknown causes. Though she knew how to work with her parents on projects, her desire for perfection hinders her ability to work well with others. Though she has gotten better since working with the team at Ithaca, she prefers to do things on her own.
Ryoko is a quick and efficient worker. Having been brought up by two engineers, her knowledge of the field is wide and still expanding with new ideas. She takes pride in her work, and puts her all in each project, striving for perfection. She likes problem-solving, and won’t stop until a project is complete.
When she is born, she laughs, and her parents fall in love. She is named Ryoko for laughing without a care despite the never ending wars. Her parents only hope she never loses this light.
Ryoko’s bedtime stories consist of myths about gods and goddesses that once roamed the earth as all-powerful beings, and she is fascinated. The stories never end. Even when her father is recruited as an engineer in the war, she continues to read the stories in her parents’ library. However, it’s not long before her father returns, injured, unable to continue work in the field.
With the war, times are difficult. Word of undocumented beings are reported in exchange for large sums of money, but the Morisawas refuse to stoop to that level despite their low funds. They know the truth behind the bounties, at least, that these beings have powers, but they don’t blame their neighbors for their actions. Ryoko’s parents work odd jobs instead, just scraping by, until Ryoko’s mother is recruited for a project faraway, in a place called Moirae. With promise of a stable income, her mother leaves.
For a time, they’re okay. The money they receive is sufficient for the two of them, and letters from her mother reassure them. Ryoko and her father continue to do odd jobs, but then the money stops coming. The only explanation they receive is a letter of condolences, with a vague cause of death. Distraught, Ryoko’s father’s health deteriorates, and it’s up to Ryoko to provide money for the family. When the opportunity arrives to work at Moirae, just like her mother, Ryoko takes it without a second thought.
In the letter she received, Ryoko is told Moirae is in need of engineers to develop a device to help soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder, but she finds out the truth after it’s too late.
The Mask, the device she and a team worked together to develop, is complete. When it comes time to test and distribute the mask, Ryoko is horrified. On monitors, she sees through the eyes of soldiers, sees the reality and illusions, and death, and there is nothing she can do about it. Not when her mother died for opposing this project, this fact told to her by a fellow team member who had known her mother, and her father, sick at home, still needs her.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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K A L O N, SON OF ZEUS, IS A FIRST GENERATION STUDENT // he is twenty-two & resides in room 006, arcadia.
Electricity Manipulation
Strengths : Self Generated, Potential to reach 10 amps ( enough to kill ), Can create electromagnetic forcefields. Can lend energy to machines that are low on power.
Weaknesses : The strength of the electricity depends on the physical state of the user. Just as batteries lose energy, so will the Kalon as time goes on. As of now, he cannot maintain a forcefield for longer than 3 or 4 minutes. Also, his precision in terms of directing an electric attack is not the sharpest as of yet. It can be resisted by electricity of equal or stronger voltage, and it cannot pass through rubber.
Unlike his boisterous, manipulative, and reckless father, Kalon is a man who is fine with ticking at the same speed of the world around him. If there’s anything that remotely relates him to the king of skies, it’s his short temper that can quickly go awry despite his seemingly ‘silent-as-a-mouse’ aura. Kalon is also a jealous demigod; a trait reminiscent of the depth of his estrangement from the parental figures in his life he thought could be trusted. But it’s a silent poison; he finds no value in vying for the attention of others if it’s to merely satisfy his childish desires. Time spent in Arcadia continues to strengthen the push to set aside his entangling emotions in exchange for indifference. As one of the first generation to experience training, the fact that he has been able to hang onto the bits and pieces of his real self is a feat of its own- perhaps the shock of all is what has numbed him down to this.
Any remaining memories of his life before Moirae are devoid of value to Kalon. No one back then had known the implications behind the differences highlighted by those who took in subjects for reasons unknown to the suffering public. There were questions always left unanswered, but Kalon knew one thing for sure.
He wasn’t one of them. The result of a fight made that very clear when he inexplicably managed to summon the strength of a heart stopping volt powerful enough to strike his attackers into paralysis. It terrified him, watching their bodies twitch as they continued to emit the odor of burnt flesh.
The episode was something Kalon thought he could keep under the covers. From what he could remember, there weren’t any witnesses nearby. Then again, hardly anyone crossed paths on a street famous for its gang oriented crimes and rivalries. It’d all been to protect the one sure figure in his life- so it was worth it. But in exchange for his heroism, he’d gained a taste of betrayal instead. The woman who’d raised him faithfully for the past 17 years had been robbed of the sanity meant to prevent her from valuing material needs over her own son. She was the one who’d ripped the skeleton out of his closet. And when they came to take him away, Kalon could only mourn the loss of an innocence that would forever be dead to him.
Entering the domain of the Moirae was both a curse and a blessing in disguise for Kalon. The heart that’d once held the single most important person in his life so dear had died, shed its skin and was clay once again for someone else to mold. He couldn’t give a damn about being separated from the rest if it meant not seeing her again; he couldn’t give a damn about becoming a weapon meant to sharpen its blades to sheer perfection if it meant more power.
Admittedly, the regime wasn’t easy for Kalon. Specifically, the mask. Having someone else he didn’t trust completely manipulate his vision and neuro senses was one thing, but the effect it had on him was another. Although he understood that the purpose behind becoming a student was to better hone his abilities for war, the moments during which he fell out of line or failed to meet expectation left him nearly on the brink of death. They could take away his sight, or form harmful illusions that would even to this day cause his will to falter. He saw them all; horrifying beasts, screeching shadows and nightmares turned to reality.The sheer pain was excruciating. There were often days where he began to question his own ability to continue living this way; there were often days spent wishing he had left her to die with those men. But he knows now that they would’ve found him anyway.
He wasn’t a part of the first batch of soldiers to enter Ithaca. From the beginning, Kalon knew from his subpar summoning and aiming skills that it would be awhile before he would take step on the field. He wasn’t going to fight the Moirae on their decision, though. Instead, he’d choose to continue trying and trying, over and over again until the electricity within him understood his every beck and call. Precision had to be key.
Kalon is well aware of the belief the Moirae hold in him. Because of that, he is able to perform as a demigod. It was never his choice to join the Moirae, but now he knows that outside of it, there’s no way he could’ve lived.
In order to become the strongest soldier out there, he needs this. He needs their belief, training, and discipline in order to out will the destruction of those who dare oppose or threaten the Moirae.
After all, who in history could ever challenge the mighty Zeus? Much less, his own son?
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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A S T R A, DAUGHTER OF NYX, IS A STUDENT // she is eighteen & resides in room 001, arcadia.
darkness empowerment, the ability to be empowered by the dark or in darkness
1. darkness aura (def.) — the ability to surround oneself in darkness for defensive and/or offensive purposes 2. enhanced senses (def.) — the ability to posses extremely accurate senses 3. darkness costructs (def.) — the ability to create weapons out of darkness
NOTE: she is only able to use her ability, darkness empowerment, during the night time. since her abilities are often unavailable, she is currently training extensively to become a capable hand-to-hand combatant.
1. darkness aura (details/limits) — the ability enables astra to enhance her physical capabilities, such as speed, strength, and durability
if consumed by a large amount of negative emotions or triggered, she will lose control of her mind and body, rendering her soul unconscious as she becomes an entity only capable of killing and blood thirst
the ability can only be enable/fueled by negative emotions
there is a time limit for darkness aura, as it can only last up to 5 min
2. enhanced senses (details/limits) —
her senses are only enhanced when is shrouded within darkness, during the night time
although she has enhanced vision, she does not attain the ability of night vision
3. darkness constructs (details/limits) —
she is able to construct a variety of weapons from the night sky limited to her own imagination
she is only capable of constructing a single weapon at one time
a passionate soul with curious eyes, but yet calm & poised like the world above her. individuals who are to use her older brother will face a living nightmare and merciless souls who prey on the weak for no justified reason.
i. the twilight tints have left the sky, and night commences her watch over the world high in the heavens is her taper lit, around which will soon glow a thousand kindred flames. while finding comfort in the solace of darkness, her daughter she holds in her arms treads with regal beauty across night’s sky. she belongs to it, she is a part of it. the stars sing across the veil of night welcoming her into the world.
ii. to the freedom of space and to loneliness, moon astra knows not about the existence of her father and an older sibling. while wandering in contrast with lost stars, from village to village, ruin to ruin ; with curiosity in her eyes as she touched the skies, her thirst for knowledge and the world above and beyond had begun to increase as she matures.
iii. wandering travelers cannot walk on an unknown path unarmed. along the road, the goddess has taught and tamed the awakening of young astra’s abilities as she develops her affinity with darkness and embraces light’s opposite.
iv. once moon astra has reached the coming of age, the hidden truths unravel and become revealed. she had been told that her older brother’s final destination was within a land roaming with peculiars that wielded the power and strength of the gods and goddesses. she begins her journey and search toward the land inhabited with the children of her kind.
v. with silver eyes that dwell beneath moonlight under the crescent moon, under a cape like red riding hood but with the color of void, she stood still before the steel walls, whom individuals called moirae.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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G I L E S, SON OF DIONYSUS, IS A STUDENT // he is nineteen & resides in room 006, arcadia.
giles is able to project illusions and trick people into believing that he is someone else or that they are seeing, feeling and experience something when in actual fact, they are just seated in front of giles, safe and sound.
however, giles can only project imageries that are grounded by or based on that he has seen with his own eyes before. for instance, he won’t be able to conjure any illusions if he has never met that person before, nor is he able to imagine an experience he has never gone through (for example, being on a plane). he is unable to sustain the illusions for more than a few minutes.
there are two things that giles cares about the most: his personal space and his appearance. it’s not so much that he is vain, but he doesn’t ever want to look shabby or battered. he doesn’t have anyone he is close to, but somehow that has never bothered him. he adapts, he keeps to himself, and he doesn’t ask too many questions. his survival instincts are strong, but he’s not exactly street smart because he has been sheltered by the blanket of safety his aunt’s home was able to provide before he was enrolled. while he prefers to keep to himself, giles knows how to charm people into liking him, but that’s the extent of it. closeness is a whole different story. he is probably the most closed off yet sociable person his acquaintances know.
giles never knew his parents and was raised by his aunt. he isn’t close with his aunt’s family but they treated him quite decently, providing material support wherever emotional and mental support is lacking. he discovered his powers when he was thirteen, being pushed around by a bunch of thugs who just didn’t like what they were seeing: a pretty boy with shoulder-length hair, minding his own business. his power wouldn’t have change his life much if not for the thugs who sought revenge and what better way than to report what they saw to moirae? giles was certainly reluctant, but his aunt and her family’s safety was at stake and so he ended up being enrolled anyway. he doesn’t want to admit it, but moirae is now a place he has been able to get use to. he doesn’t like it but he doesn’t hate it either.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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E L I A D E, SON OF PERSEPHONE, IS A STUDENT // he is twenty-one & resides in room 007, arcadia.
anthokinesis / flower manipulation.
⌜offensive. petal bullets: user is able to create flower petals, manipulating them to turn hard as glass shards, and releasing them to cut and pierce through enemies. petal storm: user can create a storm using a thousand piercing petals to shred through enemies.(ex: senbonzakura of byakuya kuchiki.)
⌜defensive. anthokinetic protect: user is able to generate and form a shield of petals to grant protection for others or himself.   pollen manipulation: user is able to manipulate pollen from flowers to irritate the enemy’s sense of smell or temporarily blind them, rendering them useless for a small period of time.
⌜healing. healing: user can manipulate flower aura to heal external wounds, including fractured bones and deeper burns, disregarding of severity. lost limbs can be reattached given time. minor damaged internal organs may healed, but more severity may be beyond repair. nerves may remain damaged. regenerative healing: if the user is not using his powers and not being attacked, the flower aura will passively patch his wounds and begin the regenerative process.
eliade has a lot of utility uses in his kit so he’ll be adaptable and resourceful during different situations. the most effective abilities in his powers are protect and healing.
eliade has three stances (offense, defense and healing) and cannot use more than once stance at a time. it takes 10 to 30 seconds for him to adjust and change stances, which in some cases, may mean life or death. he is not able to control his offensive ability petal storm very well, often times accidentally hurting himself or others, which discourages him to use it often. his petal shards can slice through metal but grows dull. anything too thick he wont be able to cut. he is weak to fire and ice abilities. he is physically frail and unable to defend himself amidst focusing on lashing out his attacks or healing someone. healing and regeneration can be extremely time consuming if the wounds are deep.
positive: selfless, empathetic, kind, loyal, selfless, wise. negative: anxious, conformist, melancholic, naive, pushover.
eliade doesn’t hate many people without good reasons, but he despises those with fire/magma abilities beyond belief. much like his ability, he doesn’t know how to handle those with fiery, hot tempered personalities.
moral alignment: lawful good. temperament: phlegmatic. personality type: infp.
deep in the topiary, whispers of the wind followed yellow dresses of young girls hunting butterflies. champagne glasses glistened under the warm sun as drunken men and women cheered to the absence of the bitter winter. a once white land began to unfold into evergreen fields and flowerbeds. the trees were adorned with fairy lights; the statues were dressed with ribbons; the gardens were filled with picnic blankets and laughter. cherry blossom petals gently brushed over skin of lovers worshiping their own sin. everyone was intoxicated by the illusion of a dream they once shared. time has stopped for the new season to grace itself.
eliade was born on the first day of spring.
even for the rich, that happiness only lasted for a second. all sunshine and laughter dissipated into the thin air the moment they heard sirens of war. insignificant bodies began to pile like mountains once more. melting snow became the only ground that buried them. they were happy once. the fingers on the clock began to turn. time could not wait, not even for the spring. eliade was not born into this world to experience joy. like spring, he was born to heal the barren land and let flowers bloom even with the ground doused red in blood.
five springs. his starry eyes followed the way the grass bent to the warm breeze. they whispered to him in tongues; telling him secrets of the earth, gardens in the sky, flower fields etched along the horizons in the stars. they whispered by trembling under his feet. eliade was fond of the flower fields. he had never seen a brighter smile on asra. for a second, it felt like home.
and not a second more. the breaking of the glass echoed across the small room. eliade’s father had directed his empty glass at asra, but the boy had it. the nauseating scent of dry gin slowly seeped into the boy’s shirt. blood dripped rouge from the back of his palm. the boy spent the first day of spring picking glass out of his palm. to him, it was quite alright. she was unharmed. they ran to the flower fields the next day to gaze out into the waves of stems dancing along with the howling wind. his short locks curled beneath the undying sun like a crown. persephone had blessed the earth with the gift of the spring air for her sons and daughters. at that time, eliade knew neither her name nor her myth, but all the unsullied, wild beings rooted in the earth knew and they adored him for his endless love.
other than the humming flower beds and whistling trees, the only other thing precious to him was his sister asra. first the harsh winter took away all the shades of green. then it took his sister. threw her into the stomach of a beast and laughed as they fed.
eliade planted flowers whilst waiting for her return.
they would bloom each spring and wilt each winter. beautiful shades of lavender and scarlet would cover his window sill. each night the boy would look out the window and find his own reflection in a blur with the stars and the reflection of the potted flowers. for a moment, he was simply lost wandering in the fields of grass once more.
eighteen springs. the lone candle flickered warm in the empty living room. the silence no longer bothered him. he’s spent the last ten birthdays alone. the flower petals would hum with the breeze slipping through his window sill. when the candle blew out, he’d sit quietly in the dark for a brief second to make a wish before flicking on the dizzying artificial lights. birthdays made him feel more lonely than any other day of the year. he made a promise to himself and the spring that this would be his last.
father had met a woman last winter and now spent his days treacherously chasing her through fields of snow. his abusive tendencies had stopped two or three years after asra was taken away. the memories of the physical pain had faded away long ago, but time could never heal the deeper cut in his heart.
the boy had planted a seed inside himself, a seed of an emotion he had never truly felt before, one he couldn’t describe: hate, rage, despair.
on the end of his eighteenth spring, the cultivated seeds began to peek out of the surface. eliade found the true secret behind the whispers of the roses and the songs of the dandelions. he found it in pools of blood, deep and near grove of the cherry blossoms. his father laid lifeless next to the woman he loved, his eyes glassy like that of a butchered fish. the petals began to bury their dead bodies in cotton candy graves, gently blown away by the wind to uncover the deed.
eliade left their bodies, unapologetic for the first time in his life as he wandered back home to water his flowers. it was his goodbye to them and a goodbye to the world. worried neighbors knocked on his door the next morning to see if he was okay. they told him a few kids stumbled upon the bodies on their way to school. the courts ruled it as a hit and run. there was no other evidence on their bodies to accuse anyone else. no motive. no one felt any sense of grief. the woman had cheated the two kids of her own and a loving husband. they knew his father was a resentful alcoholic. the town saw it as an act of judgment from the gods.
eighteen springs, eighteen summers, eighteen autumns. deep in the topiary, the howling of the wind followed long black dresses of young girls as they traced their fingertips over the leaves. champagne glasses glistened under the quiet undying sun as the morning dew began to part ways with the evergreen fields. a once clear blue sky has now painted itself into a darker shade of grey, one of sadness and gloom. the trees were decorated amber and honey; the statues were dressed with fallen leaves; the gardens were filled with picnic blankets and the scent of tea.
on the first day of winter, eliade tried to turn himself in. his neighbors were struggling with their finances and he was struggling with his morality. the boy told them they could do it for a big cash reward to support their starving children. he only asked for them to take care of his flowers in return.
poor boy. eliade thought turning himself in would be his salvation, but arcadia was only the beginning to his damnation.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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D E I R D R E, DAUGHTER OF POSEIDON, IS A STUDENT // she is twenty-three & resides in room 001, arcadia. 
water manipulation: can control water, including moisture in the air
healing: accelerated healing; ability to heal others (with water)
amphibious: can breathe underwater
water manipulation: can alter the states of water, but is unable to control large volumes of water (largest volume of water she’s manipulated is a swimming pool, and even then it was with much effort and little efficiency)
healing: longer stamina when fighting as minor injuries can heal almost immediately, but her accelerated healing is only possible with sufficient moisture in the air (in dry climates with low humidity, her healing might only be marginally faster than other demigods)
amphibious: is impervious to death by drowning, but as her body is still mortal, she is still susceptible to being crushed by water pressure if dragged to deeper depths
positives: independent, tenacious, adaptable, competent, amiable
negatives: guarded, insecure, self-serving, sentimental, repressed
mbti: esfj “the consul”
temperament: phlegmatic
alignment: true neutral
like many people at moirae, deirdre is quite the paradox. while friendly and open, she’s also private and closed off; she’s always willing to offer a smile and advice to newcomers, but is exceptionally great at having long conversations without actually revealing anything about herself. she’s also both adaptable and stubborn at the same time. she can be stubborn about holding onto certain beliefs – she’s quite an exceptional student, and the only reason she hasn’t yet graduated is because she refuses to kill – she’s also flexible enough to deal with changing circumstances. once moirae succeeds in forcing her to make her first kill, it will be much easier for them to shape her into the perfect soldier.
before moirae, deirdre had no knowledge of her godly heritage. not only was she raised by a bitter single mother who hardly spoke to her – much less divulge information as to who her father really is – she had never exhibited any special abilities that might have clued her in. basically left to raise herself, deirdre is very independent, and more than capable of taking care of herself; however, it has also left her with a deep longing for human connection, which is the reason why she’s so friendly with other students, although her friendliness is rather superficial, as her childhood has made it difficult for her to truly open up to people. she was sold to moirae by her own mother, and because her powers were still dormant at the time, moirae conducted experiments on her to try and awaken her abilities. they succeeded, however it left her with an acute fear of drowning (despite her inability to actually drown). as a student, deirdre tries hard not to let moirae change her, which is the reason why she’s still hasn’t graduated despite having been at moirae for years. although, the longer she spends there, and the more she grows to care for the people there, slowly, she’s changing, even if she doesn’t realise it. moirae may be able to make a soldier of her yet.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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KIM NAMJOON (RAPMON) of BTS, son of phobos ― soldier. LEE DONGHYUCK (HAECHAN) of NCT 127, son of hephaestus ― student. 
These faceclaims, positions and Gods/Goddesses are now free to be roleplayed.
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ophionrp-blog · 8 years
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DO KYUNGSOO (D.O) of EXO, human ― craftsman.
First generations are capped, while soldiers are at (2/10) and students are at (6/10).
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