twiggys-dnd-archive · 4 months
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The forever dm finally got to play yesterday! And my good friend got to dm for the first time- it was a very fun one shot I had a great time. I played my silly 4ft teifling rouge ofc, and I got to do some flirty romance!!! Just wanted to share some sketches of my favorite moments.
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twiggys-dnd-archive · 6 months
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these are from a long time ago! Vaux has it pretty bad most of the time. he's my main edgy dnd character.. sorry dude.
the second image is a short comic response to an rp I was in, the other character said something like "you know, holding onto all that anger doesn't do anything good.. it'll drive you mad"
I should draw him having a better time... lol
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twiggys-dnd-archive · 6 months
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I had to draw vaux as hunter they're so similar- same scar, same ears, same eyebags. love them both
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she's so freaking bad ass you guys don't even know. I made her for an old western campaign that we haven't started yet and I'm literally dying to play her because yes she has a country accent. oops she also has a tragic backstory ↘
She grew up in a small town. She was born to a young elf women who said it was an act of the gods that she was pregnant, because her and the father had not been married and he had run off. When she was born, it was clear she wasn’t just an elf, her father had passed on his demonic bloodline. However she was beautiful and only had a small horn, so she was excepted by her very religious mother and named Efvren Llesere. She grew up a modest spiritual girl and was seen as an important member of the church.
When she was just turning 18 a strange man wondered into town. He just seemed to show up out of nowhere and he started asking for work, desperate for somewhere to stay. He was very strange and obviously from somewhere different entirely. He and llesere got to know each other and she gave him shelter and used her status in the church to convince the towns people to give him work. He was slowly excepted as he repaired houses and got closer to llesere. He introduced himself as Ornan rhruk.
The two grew very fond of each other despite lleseres mother wanting to marry her off to an older man in the church. They would run off together for long periods of time and this would effect lleseres work in the church. He eventually revealed his true demonic form to her, and told her he was from another realm. He had run off to find a better life and was glad he’d found her, he was in love. She was surprised but loved him back and they made plans to leave together.
Before they could there was a storm and a building collapsed, forcing Ornan to reveal his demonic form in order to save llesere. It didn’t matter that he had helped the town or saved llesere, he was seen as a demon from hell come to take her away. He was run out of town, almost being killed by the mob of people. Llesere defended him violently but this only caused them to see her as too far brainwashed by the devil. She was seen as a demonic witch and strung up on a stake to be burned for her sins. Ornan hid in the shadows as he saw his love engulfed in flames, and in a last attempt in saving her, he transferred all his demonic force into her. This saved her from the fire, and gave her the power to break free and run. But that was all of his life force and he had only enough power left to go back to his home plane, the Abyss. She searched for him after she escaped, but found nothing. She knew it was him who saved her with his power, and gave her his wings and tail, but she could only hope hes still alive.
After running and finding a place for herself in a larger city, she grew up and became disgusted by any religion or religious people. She has moved on a lot from crying herself to sleep and jumping every time someone touched her, but she still dreams of Ornan, she still has hope he’s alive somewhere in some unknown realm. She now uses the power he gifted her to take violent jobs and assassinations for money, although if some kind battered women comes to her with a story of her nasty husband, she’ll do it for a cup of sugar. She quickly picked up the name Ruby form her tendency to turn red when pissed off, then she came up with Whitelaw so people would have a name to go with the face.
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my most favoritest guy!!!! their a rogue that never sneak around, he's just really good at lying. he has holes in his jaw cuz their teeth are so long. oh and he's 4ft tall. I still need to write his backstory oops!
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God I love traumatizing my characters. Vaux is probably my most tragic little guy. his scars are my favorite part (I'm a bit evil) Backstory ↘
this is Vaux Lamain, an 18 year old half tiefling half fire genasi. he was orphaned as a new born and sold on the black market when he was just a few months old. he was bought by the lamain family, a very well known and wealthy line of high elves. they’ve run the business of underground fighting for generations, the newest being Roman and Illana. They own multiple legal and illegal fighting rings, most of their profit coming from the unethical ones. They find warriors to fight each other and magical beasts to be slaughtered for entertainment. Vaux was sent off to train at a prestigious school for fighters to become a gladiator for the family. he’s “parents” saw him more as a pet than a child, parading him around as an exotic attraction at the luxurious parties they would host. at the age of 10 he started running away to the small town outside of the bustling city he lived in. he met a very poor but kind half orc family and became friends with a boy his age. He felt more at home there than at the Lamain mansion so he started spending more and more time with this family. A few years later at the age of 15, vaux came over the hill to his friends house to see it was up in flames. He ran in and found he was too late. His friend, everyone, the only real family he had, were gone. He ran back to find any sort of comfort, even with the family that he hated. Seeing vaux, Roman boasted about how “it was all for the best, those dirty orcs were only a distraction from his training.” Vaux suddenly realized it was all him. Roman had found out about where he was going and burnt down the house with everyone inside. Now In a fit of rage, his fire magic burst out more powerful than ever. He had no control, his hair smoked and his hands were covered in blue flames.
He attacked Roman, slashing him across the face, leaving deep claw marks and a severe burn. He regained some sense and ran away, grabbing his things and all the gold he could find. Now 3 years later, he has no real purpose. He goes around with his only skills being fighting and accidentally setting things on fire. He has no control over the fire genasi side of himself. He was training with a sorcerer at the school he was attending but after what happened when he gets too emotional his fire magic overflows. Most of the time it’s just his hair that starts to sizzle but sometimes he’s a real danger. He’s just a wanderer, entering fighting competitions to let off steam and earn some money as he hops from town to town. He never mentions where he came from, but he is always on edge and never stays in one place for long. He’s afraid of the Lamain family tracking him down and throwing him back into the ring to fight for his life.
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Nala is the first dnd character I ever made, about 4 years ago. if I want to be the tallest in any Champaign, ill play Nala. backstory ↘️
Nala traveled as a child with a group of barbarians, most of them human or half orc. she was one of the only dragonborn for miles around. she was praised for her strength and the natural magic that she has. she stayed with them and fought for her clan for about 17 years. at the same age she found she had an interest in society and people and culture, so she broke off from the clan and they are still on good terms. she is now traveling on her own and takes regular quests/battles for an income and is very social and loves going to bars and drinking, getting into bar fights, all the good stuff.
She loves traveling and meeting new people, she’s not old for a Dragonborn but she’s very experienced and knows her way around. She cares about others and has a strong sense to protect those who cannot protect themselves. She believes that everyone should get a second chance and that people can and will change for the better.
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the map for my campaign, not the best but eh. the introduction is better ↘
Arengarr is a wonderfully diverse continent with multiple biomes to explore. There is the   beautiful lake of pathia to the far east, where fishing towns and frog folk villages pop up between the many rivers. There is also the Lizback mountain range to the east. The more impressive mountain range of Korol to the west is where you'll find huge cities of dwarves carved into the cliffsides. Be careful, stone giants are said to roam the rocky fields. The great desert of neabet is surprisingly traveled, by people looking for treasure or ancient ruins. Magical oases and tombs of old curses are said to be scattered about, free for the taking. Far down to the southwest, there are the marshy lands of feilen. Buildings on stilts and giant swamp monsters are common. The famous trading city is down southwest, called Esra, but the locals call the strange connected islands “the grape vine.” and yes, word does get through the grapevine very quickly. All the way to the west is the area of menosh, an icy tundra not many like to travel. Only tribes of experienced snow leopard tobaxi, and frost giants live there all year round. It is said there are a few werewolf packs wandering menosh as well, but that's only seen as myth. There's lots more places to chart, where will you end up?
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