or-simplydreaming · 1 year
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cozy nook
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
“I need a father, I need a mother, I need some older, wiser being to cry to. I talk to God but the sky is empty.”
— Sylvia Plath - Taken From ‘The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath’ February, 1956
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
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Edith Icons | please, like or reblog if you save.
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
But the thing I will never admit to anyone who's met me is how desperately I want to be loved, I don't think I could say it. How I want someone to hold my wrists and kiss my palms and smile at me, and want me, I want to be wanted and I don't know how long poetry or songs will substitute for being wanted.
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
send me   ‘ frostbitten ‘   for your muse to find mine stumbling around out in the cold, half frozen 
send me   ‘ frostbitten reversed ‘   for my muse to find yours 
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
First Impressions sentence starters
“You’re not… how I thought you’d be.”
“Is this what you’re really like, or was that an act?”
“I need to know this is for real. If you’re not genuine, tell me right now.”
“You’re… good at that.”
“I didn’t realize you were - maybe we should start again. I’m [name].”
“So this is what the (in)famous [Name] is like behind closed doors.”
“You have a lot of experience with this.”
“Do you know what people say about you?”
“You’re just like they said.”
“Why don’t you correct them? When people talk about you, and they’re wrong?”
“I thought they were exaggerating about you.”
“I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time.”
“Am I safe with you?”
“Do you mean that?”
“I’m just trying to figure out why you’re here.”
“What made you get into this/that line of work?”
“Look, you’re either going to help, or you aren’t. Which one is it going to be?”
“You … you chose me.”
“I… no, nothing. I just didn’t realize you were brave.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed/fired, you know.”
“Have you always been like that?”
“That was kind.”
“That was good of you.”
“That was stupid.”
“You didn’t have to do that. But you did.”
“You were there. You didn’t have to be.”
“I think .. I have you to thank, for this.”
“I wouldn’t be here without you.”
“I wouldn’t have been there if it weren’t for you.”
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
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Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, from “Carmilla”
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
scars and relaxation
scars:  how many scars does my muse have? where are they located on my muse’s body? how did they get them? what do they look like? 
(TW for s/h and allusions to disordered eating) The most noticeable are the scars on her thighs, which were self-inflicted, but she quit that habit a few years ago. Aside from that, she has scars/calluses on her knuckles. There are also a few tiny scars on her fingers from her cranky old lark biting them if she puts her fingers too near his cage.
relaxation: what does my muse do to relax? do they find it easy to carve out time to relax? 
Jo has never relaxed, ever. She usually prefers to busy herself with other things, lest a Bad Thought occur. Things like needlework, angrily playing piano, cleaning her room, or rearranging her bookshelf for the third time that week. If she really does need to relax, she usually just sits at her bay window and listens to the birds outside, perhaps also identifying them by their calls.
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
all about health
send one ( or more ) in to learn all about… 
scars:  how many scars does my muse have? where are they located on my muse’s body? how did they get them? what do they look like? 
sleep: how many hours a night does my muse sleep? do they take naps? how restful is their sleep? do they experience nightmare? if so, how often? 
meals: how many meals does my muse eat a day? what do they generally consist of? 
routine: does my muse have a consistent routine in their lives? do they find it difficult to stick to a routine? 
chronic: does my muse have any chronic health conditions / illnesses? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
doctor: how often does my muse visit the doctor? do they tend to go routinely, or only when something is wrong? 
relaxation: what does my muse do to relax? do they find it easy to carve out time to relax? 
aches: does my muse have any frequent aches? ie, muscle aches, joint aches? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
stress: does my muse handle stress well? what is a surefire sign for others to tell that they’ve become stressed? how does stress affect them mentally / physically? 
mind: does my muse have any mental conditions that affect their lives? what are they? how do they handle them? what coping methods do they use most? 
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
your muse has just arrived on my muse’s doorstep, disheveled, cold, hungry, and in need of help…     send    ‘ in need ‘     for my muse’s reaction to opening their door and seeing your muse in that state. 
send me  ‘ need reverse ‘   for the roles to be reversed
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
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Alex Dimitrov, from Love and Other Poems; "Suddenly, Summer"
[Text ID: There were days I didn't go out / and days I couldn't remember. / Sometimes I sat at my desk / watching the trees outside blooming, / as if we had nothing in common. / They had the sun, / I had the sun through a window. / They were beginning, / I was unsure what I was.]
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
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Seychelles paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina), Aleksandar Topalov
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
a collection of my own writings … sentence starters a warning for dark themes and profanity
“ i was just a kid. “
“ i want to be soft… “
“ you are immovable. “
“ do you forgive yourself? “
“ can i stop fighting, now? “
“ you were different. you cared. “
“ you never really cared, did you? “
“ i keep waiting for it to get easier. “
“ i’d lay down my life to keep you safe. “
“  think i’m owed a happy day… just one. “
“ i should’ve known better than to trust you. “
“ who the hell gave you the right to hurt me? “
“ you always made me believe that it was okay. “
“ no one’s ever smiled at me the way that you did. “
“ i thought i had forgiven. i thought i had forgotten. “
“ but, anger is damn well better than nothing, right? “
“ maybe some people are just made to be shattered. “
“ you gave. and you gave. expected nothing in return. “
“ all the love I’ve ever known… has never been gentle. “
“ do i fear you…? since when does a wolf fear its prey? “
“ something inside you is broken. maybe it always was. “
“ i’ll never forget their faces. i still see them every night. “
“ why do i find myself missing a life that never even was? “
“ maybe it’s time to show them what a mistake they’ve made. “
“  i didn’t know how far i’d fallen. i don’t know how i can escape. “
“ and, sure, you can fool them… but, you can’t fool them forever. “
“ i fucking hate it when you smile, because i know what’s beneath it. “
“ i found myself craving touch, aching to be held, if only for a moment. “
“ i’ll hold your heart as it deserves to be.  i’ll protect it to my final breath. “
“ no, you were never meant for this, but that will not stop you from trying. “
“ i guess i always knew it was too good to be true. shame on me for hoping. “
“ a fire still has a way of blazing ,still eats you alive, even if you aren’t looking. “
“ if that’s what it takes… i’ll let the beast inside win and claw my way through this. “
“ you thought you could keep them all fooled, but your silver tongue keeps slipping. “
“  you will have my forgiveness, time and time, again. always. ——  but, my trust…? “
“ i would do whatever it took to protect you… let my hands drip  r e d  to keep you safe. “
“ oh, yeah, there’s a lot of things i would love to say to you… ‘ fuck you ‘ comes to mind. “
“ there’s still so much of me that’s pieces of you. and i can never seem to claw them all out. “
“ how do i trust you won’t bring the lighter, the gasoline and set my garden ablaze as they did? 
“ i was too young for these scars on my heart. i was too young for this blood on my hands.”
“ we climbed all the way to the stars, but heaven knows we were doomed to fall from the start. “
“ wounds don’t ever heal. you just notice them less. on good days, you forget they exist at all. “
“ why the hell do i rearrange my world for you… when you pretend i’m not even a part of yours?”
“ it took me long enough, but i think i’ve finally figured it out. i’m the villain of this story after all… “
“ the moment they touch you is the moment they should be falling to their knees, pleading for mercy. “
“ they dropped the world on your shoulders and called you atlas.  ——- how long can you hold the weight? “
“ i could live without you. i could fight without you. i could survive without you. but, that doesn’t mean i want to… “
“ you were once among the strongest, appearing unbreakable, unshakable… oh, but, darling, even Rome’s walls crumbled. “
“  i don’t know how to put it into words how much i need you, how much i love you… i just know i sleep better when you’re beside me. “
“ they molded you into a monster. sharpened your claws, your fangs. ripped out everything good and holy, made you howl until your throat burned… “
“ you were so pure before they dragged you through the flames… now, you’re all charred remains and shattered bones, choking on ashes and smoke, begging for the fire back. “
“ when i tell you that i love you, i am swearing that i will be here for you when you need me. i am saying that you are my entire world. i am saying that you are more precious to me than you could ever know. “
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
Send me a character as a ship suggestion for my muse, and I'll talk about it!
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
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reading these books beside this window
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or-simplydreaming · 2 years
Pistol for the emoji meme
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Johanna doesn't trust easily, on account of being warned from birth about the evils of the outside world. Even though she logically knows the Judge isn't a great person, she still hasn't deconstructed everything he taught her.
She's a very loyal person and won't betray anyone who puts their trust in her without a very good reason.
She hasn't been backstabbed before, unless you count Anthony accidentally blurting out their plans in front of the Judge -- but that was an accident, and he felt really bad about it afterward. So.
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