orbiborb Β· 5 days
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Some doodles and character design concepts I did while waiting for Maya to download.
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orbiborb Β· 7 days
Animation Project from my 2D animation class. I'm a repeating student and thought I'd challenge myself to learn the node editor in Toon Boom Harmony, as well as learn to animate and lip-sync alongside audio. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧ [[ Animation Notes ]] *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧
The main character singing is my OC, Alex
Each color represents a certain beat in the song.
Each color represents one of my other OCs who have important roles in Alex's life: β€’ Pink: Jamie β€’ Yellow: Skye β€’ Green: Jamison β€’ Red: Florian
The symbols paired with each color also represent each character: β€’ Jamie is the star ⭐ β€’ Skye is the sun β˜€οΈ β€’ Jamison is the knife πŸ”ͺ β€’ Florian is both the X and the black rose πŸ₯€
At the part of the animation where each character is shown with their respective color, I wanted Skye, Jamie, and Florian to look at the camera to represent them looking at Alex ("seeing eye to eye.") The only one to not look at the camera is Jamison, representing his indifference about Alex.
Each of their reactions is representative to how they feel about him (Jamie being nervous, Skye being excited, Florian being accepting.)
Also, each character starts with their eyes closed and open them, except Florian, who starts with his eyes open and closes them, symbolizing his passing.
The eyes represent Alex's ability to shapeshift, and the changing eye colors represent all of the different forms he's able to take. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧ [[ Credits ]] *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧ Song: PUSH UR T3MPRR by femtanyl
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orbiborb Β· 1 month
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Been thinking about The 7D and a lot of Disney XD shows I watched lately - - - (I don't think Ford would let Doc read his journals, but hypothetically, they would be wholesomely nerding out)
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orbiborb Β· 1 month
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He was a boy She was a girl Can I make it any more obvious?
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orbiborb Β· 1 month
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(tablet practice)
Somebody's getting tossed in a venus flytrap.
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orbiborb Β· 1 month
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Currently watching Total Drama and wanted to draw my fav character
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orbiborb Β· 2 months
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Testing different brushes in Medibang
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orbiborb Β· 2 months
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Why run a successful criminal empire when you could fall in love with petty villainy instead? πŸ§ͺ
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orbiborb Β· 2 months
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The sillies β˜€οΈπŸŒ™
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orbiborb Β· 3 months
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Watching all the 'superfan' episodes of The Office on Peacock and really wanted to draw this pose for some reason (These two are NOTHING like Andy and Angela though dsgndsjnk) (Also just found a shirt on Pinterest I thought was cool)
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orbiborb Β· 3 months
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Happy Pride Month! Here's the last batch of drawings with Syn and Eddie (+ an Alt. version with Eddie's timeskip design.) (Protected with a little Glaze, so heads up)
These two are one of my favorite couples to draw (and kind of the couple that cause half the plotline.) So, buckle up--it's a LONG read ↓
Years of living in a dysfunctional household and losing all of his close friends to the foundation forced Syn to feel it was easier to shut himself off from the world than try to get close with others. Even when forced to go out in groups with Jamison, he tries to stay in the back, only ever stepping forward to get the job done sooner. Despite hating Jamison's guts, he often accepts work from him in return for contraband: Jamison could easily sneak whatever Syn asked for into the foundation as long as Syn followed his orders. It was a good distraction for Syn, though he always felt there was something missing in his life.
Syn and Eddie start off on a rough patch at first. Syn automatically has distain for Eddie in the beginning because he is Jamison's right-hand man. And Eddie, having to hang around Jamison 24/7, only hears the worst parts about Syn. Without even knowing each other, the two create warped ideas over how the other acts. Even so, Syn couldn't help but find some intrigue about Eddie; not just because of Eddie's past and how it led to him being the only human considered 'contained' by the foundation, but there was something about Eddie that Syn had never encountered before. Syn relied heavily on his powers--having the ability to manipulate others emotions made it easy to get what he wanted. The only person who doesn't seem affected by them is Eddie, who often reacts genuinely to what Syn says, catching him off guard at times. It both terrifies and captivates Syn, and he can't help but actually pay attention to Eddie when they're in the same room, trying to learn more about who this guy is, why he's here, what he did to get here, and how he's somehow the only person who isn't affected by his powers (or any powers, for that matter.)
The two have an awkward friendship at first, to say the least. Eddie is too anxious to talk to Syn, and Syn is too reserved to start the conversation. And every time they do seem to talk to each other, one of them always misspeaks or goes too far, abruptly ending things on a sour note. Not only that, but Jamison was practically glued to Eddie's side. And whenever Jamison caught Syn trying to buddy up with Eddie, he'd make sure to ruin the mood.
However, one odd circumstance leads to another, and Syn and Eddie find themselves alone together on more than one occasion, giving them time to open up about themselves. Eddie confides in Syn how exhaustive his work and Jamison are, and Syn realizes just how much distain Eddie has for the district. He realizes they both had their chances of experiencing the outside world snatched away by the foundation and how desperately they both wished to be free without the pressure of someone always breathing down their necks.
Syn soon finds a different way to distract himself, focusing his time and attention to helping Eddie with his work, taking some of the weight off Eddie's shoulders and giving Eddie a chance to actually take care of himself for once. This in turn encourages Syn to start taking care of himself as well, gradually helping him open up more and be himself again. Eddie confronts Syn about his sudden change in behavior, and Syn's choice of words (along with his own powers projecting his feelings), has Eddie believe Syn has caught feelings for him. This misunderstanding causes Eddie to act, and while Syn's reaction isn't quite what he expected at first (confused, conflicted, taken aback, etc.), Syn later admits he does see Eddie that way, though he's terrified to admit it knowing Jamison would tear him apart if he ever found out. His fears do come to fruition and the two desperately try to escape the foundation and Jamison's wrath. Syn goes to great lengths to ensure Eddie makes it out alive, even nearly sacrificing himself so Eddie could get away in time.
So, while Eddie manages to escape the foundation mostly unscathed, he's forced to leave alone, believing he lost Syn (I mean he sees Syn fall of a bridge and not come up after landing in the water--I don't blame him.) Eddie goes into hiding and at first nearly gives up entirely; but, not wanting to let Syn's sacrifice be in vain, Eddie follows Syn's last wishes and carries on, experiencing the outside world like they hoped to do together.
When Eddie finds out Syn is still alive, he is more than overwhelmed with relief. And although he desperately wants to see him, he's reluctant at first; worried that Syn might a.) Not like how much he's changed physically, but also that b.) Syn might feel Eddie's wasted his new life on the "mundane." He restrains himself from contacting Syn at first, but one drunken call later has Syn drop everything and haul ass to go see Eddie once again. The minute Syn sees Eddie's alive and well, he immediately takes him into his arms, just happy to be holding him again.
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orbiborb Β· 3 months
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Continuing Pride Month with Nolan and Jack! (Art protected with Glaze.) They originally both started out as antagonists but I took a complete 180 with them in the process of developing my story. More information below ↓
Because of the change in direction, I haven't fully-finished developing their storyline yet. Jack and Nolan were both originally monsters that were after Erika, but after some plotline changes, I ended up changing them entirely. Now they're both college students (and roommates) and two of Erika's closest friends. In the beginning, Nolan has a crush on Erika and does a not-so-great job being subtle about it. Being a first-year college student, Nolan initially starts out very reserved about the things he likes, opting to hide that part of him in favor of fitting in with his new friend group. This in turn causes him to sometimes tease others about their interests, including Erika (which doesn't help him win her over in the slightest.) Jack on the other hand isn't afraid to be himself--he doesn't fit into one style and is accepting of pretty much everyone. Jack had feelings for Nolan in high school but was always too afraid to confess out of fear that it would ruin their friendship. Not wanting to lose Nolan, he kept it to himself, believing it was better off that way. Going into college, Jack grows frustrated with Nolan, having seen who Nolan truly is and witnessing Nolan actively hide that part of him in order to fit in. He also hates watching Nolan put others down to make himself look better in front of his "friends."
When Nolan sees Erika has found someone she's in love with, he can't handle the "silent rejection" and tries to go out of his way to stop the relationship from ever becoming a thing. He goes to great lengths, even choosing to side with the wrong people in order to get what he wants. When Jack confronts him about this, all of Nolan's actions come to bite him back, leaving him and Jack stranded in the middle of nowhere (literally--a supernatural state of non-existence.) With no idea how to get back home, they're forced to spend a long, long time stuck with each other. At first, they argue and fight over how they ended up in this situation. Jack confronts Nolan about his behavior, which helps Nolan realize he's lost who he used to be. After admitting his mistakes, Jack sits down with him, and the two spend their time alone finally learning to express themselves.
(Don't worry, they get rescued and Nolan learns to finally be himself again and Jack finally works up the courage to confess to Nolan.🀭 That's just later, later, later down the line that I haven't fully fleshed out yet.)
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orbiborb Β· 3 months
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Happy Pride Month everyone! Sorry for the delayed posts--I've been a bit discouraged to post online lately (college, etc.) I'm trying out Glaze for the first time, but I'm only adding a low amount of it since I figure the noise and watermarks I add to my work does a pretty good job already. I figured it'd be fun to draw my character's relationships throughout my story
First up is Alex and Jamison (with a bonus Skye). Alex is by far one of my favorite characters to write in terms of relationships (warning: I have a LOT to say about them ↓)
I made two versions with Alex because in my story, he starts out in a relationship with Jamison. For years, Alex was stuck fending for himself, everyday being lived like he could die any second. He both refused to get close to people (in fear of losing them) while simultaneously desperate for protection of some kind. Alex believed Jamison fit that role and saw him as his protector. Jamison on the other hand didn't see it that way, but since Alex was so easy to manipulate, he chose not to shatter Alex's worldview of him.
Over time, Jamison himself started to believe in this connection, fully convinced that he was the only one for Alex. He grew possessive and controlling, his temper on the brink of a whirlwind outburst if Alex ever stepped out of line. This also meant he was not afraid to critique Alex on everything he did, from his mannerisms to his appearance (hence why Alex is hiding one of the flags when he's around Jamison.) He made Alex believe no one else could love him because of how he looked and behaved. And no matter how unhappy Alex would feel with Jamison, deep down he couldn't bring himself to leave because he was terrified of being alone again.
Eventually, one of Jamison's frenzies results in Alex getting severely injured and Jamison, not wanting to confront his reaction, begins to avoid Alex. Alex, desperate to make things right, sneaks out one night in an effort to find a way to make Jamison happy again.
This causes him to meet Skye. Regardless of how Alex initially treats her (which is aggressive and standoffish), Skye sees how injured and sick he's become and is determined to help him get better. He initially rejects everything she offers and tries to leave to go back to Jamison, but something keeps him from leaving every time--something he can't quite figure out: he tells himself it's just his fever, but deep down, he's afraid. Even though Alex is reserved, Skye is still social and extremely open with him. She comforts him and reassures him about some of his insecurities, eventually encouraging him enough to open up about his life bit by bit. Over time, Alex feels how freeing it is to be with Skye--her positive outlook on life, her motivations and goals, her gentle nature--everything about her reminds him of what he lost. And when Jamison comes back into the picture, and he's forced to relive his past, Alex no longer lets his fears hold him back--he realizes there are people he has now that he needs to protect. And he sees the feeling is mutual with Skye: Skye fights to protect him, and Alex fights to protect her.
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orbiborb Β· 4 months
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I completely forgot to post these at the time, but here were some pose practices I did back in 2022 for my Animation Fundamentals class!
(the shading is all over the place kdfngkjdn--I learned how to hue shift my shadows and highlights and I went a little overboard from excitement)
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orbiborb Β· 4 months
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He pulled a loooonnnggg face
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orbiborb Β· 4 months
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Drawing dump since it's summer β˜€οΈ
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orbiborb Β· 4 months
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I really like drawing beady eyes,,,
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