orchdaria · 4 months
@softentify    ✧ continued from here !
     it's a little cliche to say but aera still felt like those words rang true— it isn't everyday that she gets to spend so leisurely with a friend like she did with kyunji, even more so just sitting on a cafe and having one of her favorite matcha beverages while simply chatting about every and anything. usually she's either busy with work or doing something a little more activity heavy to occupy her mind (i.e. trying to put sweaters on every cat near the deck or crocheting her next projects while watching something on tv). it's definitely a refreshing change of pace, one that aera is more thankful for than she probably realizes.
     "me too!" the nurse answers just as excitedly, more than happy that kyunji also liked their time spent together, trying to swallow down the sudden wave of affection she feels when kyunji says that he meant what he said, he really did, even if that still slips through her cracks all the way to a smile that tugs at the corner of her lips. "you know i love to hear about your babies." his plants is what she means, but they both treat their own gardens as their children so babies seem much more like an appropriate term. "talking about them! have you tried out this new fertilizer they're selling at lemon martes? i've heard it's good but i'm still a little scared of trying it out."
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orchdaria · 5 months
     "about three years, i think." aera answers after a soft hum, unfolding and folding the cat sized sweater that she has in her hands. it was not long after her borderig on traumatic breakup, her level of stress so high that she ended up crocheting more things than she was able to give out to the people around her (and their pets). besides she needed something to pass the time and to not think about the tragedy that was the relationship that just ended in her life, something to occupy her mind and body while her heart healed. of course that she doesn't mention any of this to sverre, not when the moment doesn't ask for such sad memories to be brought up. even more so when aera isn't (entirely) sad about it anymore, doesn't think she needs sverre to try to comfort her about it.
     "ah, well, maybe i was a little." she looks down at the sweater on her lap, smiling sheepishly. it isn't like aera can even argue with him, not when someone trying to harmlessly chase after cats in the pier with sweaters were exactly an usual thing, even for yuseong bay's standards— a small town with its own eccentricities; and maybe she was a little crazy because of other things as well, things that she refuses to talk about unless in very specific moods; things that she swears didn't affect her then and don't affect her now even if they sort of do; when aera repeated to herself again and again that it was ok, she was ok when that wasn't exactly the truth and maybe it still isn't, not completely.
     then she looks at sverre and those faint memories are as good as gone as soon as her eyes fall upon the grin on his face, having her own tugging at the corner of her own lips almost like a reflex. "but doesn't this mean you're a little crazy too?" aera asks with a little huff, a failed attempted at sounding affronted with the way he says that she's still crazy, even more so when she reaches out to tuck behind his ear a stray lock of hair that is sticking out a little too much even for the shaggy hairstyle that sverre usually goes for. "you're here with me. you're still here with me." and she's thankful for it, much more than she probably could ever express in words.
     "you know, i really thought you were going to call the cops on me or something." aera now retells that with a lighthearted giggle, finally feeling satisfied with how she "tamed" that little part of her friend's hair, leaving it alone. "you looked like i had took slak hostage." aera always tried her best to pronounce slak's name correctly, the same way she tries to pronounce sverre's name, but she never quite gets it no matter how much he's patient with her and repeats the word again and again until aera resigns herself that she'll never sound as good as when sverre says it, or maybe it's a lost battle from the start not only because it's his mother language but also because aera has always liked the way sverre talked in first language, regardless if it's just a word here and there. "so thank you for not doing that." then the smile on her lips softens up a little around the edges, melting into something a little less amused and a lot more fond. "thank you for becoming my friend."
there’s a story that sverre wants to tell aera, but he can’t remember how it goes. they’re sitting side by side on the pier, legs dangling off the edge, and as sverre stares into the water below he wills the details to come back to him. they slip further and further away until he’s not quite sure if they ever existed in the first place.
“how long have you been doing this?” he asks her instead, sort of assuming she’ll know what he’s referring to—after all, there’s a sweater fit for a cat in his hands and a small stack between them. they’d come here to indulge in her weird hobby that had since become their weird hobby, but if he’s honest, sverre’s sort of abandoned the cause already; hence the turning of his back to any potential cat-sweater-victims. at this point, he’s really just here for aera and the feeling of the warm sunlight on the nape of his neck. he casts the sweater that had been in his hands until now to the top of the pile.
“the first time i saw you, i thought you were crazy,” he adds, still referring to the same subject. he turns his head to the side to look at her and he immediately grins, like something’s funny. again, he wants to tell her a story; again, he doesn’t. there’s a good chance that the story he wants to tell is what he’s living right now, just some cheap rendition of the ways knowing her has changed his life for the better. the theme is one that’s rarely breached between the two of them; he knows different, but he still worries she’ll start to find him annoying if he talks too much about sentimental things.
he blinks hard, then finishes the thought, “well, i still think you are.”
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orchdaria · 5 months
     yuseong bay is a small town so there are more slow days in the clinic than busy ones. even with the addition of the resort and its tourists, aera still can say that she spends more time in the break room waiting for any patients to come in than actually doing her work as a nurse, which honestly isn't bad, even more so when it means that so few people in yuseong bay or in the resort are getting hurt. but it does still get a little boring sometimes, it still forces aera to find something to do with her time when it isn't being occupied with her patients and crochet has been that something ever since she was in technical school, trying to fight off the urge to drop everything because classes and exams could be a little too overwhelmingly stressful.
     but the thing is that aera sometimes does end up losing the notion of time when she gets too engrossed in whatever she's making this time — a request from a friend that wanted to matching sweater for them and their cat — so it's nice to have someone around that will remind her to not spend her whole lunch break with crochet needle and a thread on her hand instead of eating, that someone being selena — the part time recepcionist of the clinic. selena is nice and aera has honestly yet to witness her getting genuinely upset at the nurse for her habit, but it doesn't stop aera from feeling a little self conscious when she steps out of the break room with her wallet and cellphone in hand.
     "i haven't eaten yet!" she answers in person to the text that she received from her friend, deciding to completely ignore the part where selena called her out since aera was a bad liar anyway, any excuse that her mind could produce being so ridiculous it was obviously not the truth. "i was actually thinking we could go together." which isn't necessarily a lie since aera did think of it when she saw selena's text, assuming that the other hasn't had her own lunch yet. "and then you can tell me all bout what wild thing that you mentioned in your text."
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orchdaria · 5 months
     aera swears that the way she paid for chloe's favorite drink at andante cafe and the peachy orange handbag that she made for friend aren't any sort of bribes or some offering just so chloe won't decide to end their friendship because aera invited her for a little date just so she could talk about the new crush that she has even though she swore that the one she had before this crush was the one and went on about how she's sure that was the man that she wanted to get married and have her children with; this being a pattern that chloe might be a little too used to at this point and aera herself is somewhat scared that this will be it, this will be the time that chloe will give up on her or at least to listening to her go on about her (imaginary) love life.
     "i made you a handbag this time!" the nurse says excitedly, putting the small accessory on the table, just big enough for chloe's wallet and phone along with some other trickets, but still. she's sure that it can be useful. "it's a little too hot for scarves and cardigans, that's why i made this instead." and aera already gifted chloe a cat amigurumi last time they saw each other. she wasn't about to gift her friend the same thing twice in a row.
     and even then aera doesn't downright jump into the topic that she might've called chloe there for. after all, she's also genuinely curious about the other girl, this being as much for aera to catch chloe up as the other way around. "so how have you been? and did it work? that idea you had for a video?" something that aera vaguely remembers the details of, just that chloe seemed confident that it would work.
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orchdaria · 5 months
📱 - from selena
ask meme // accepting !    ✧ 📱 : the most recent text from aera to selena.
 ( txt ••• 예쁜셀레나 💙 )      ➥ i know i'm seeing you at work tomorrow but i'm too excited!!!      ➥ img.jpeg attached      ➥ don't wanna brag but already bragging!!!      ➥ it's coming out super cute, isn't it?      ➥ this is what you had in mind, right?
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orchdaria · 5 months
ask meme // accepting !    ✧ 💭 : something aera thinks about sverre.
     aera thinks about him leaving. she's more than certain that he will someday even if it's just by the fact that he doesn't give her the impression that he'd stay; not for slak, not for her— maybe for a possible romantic partner, but then there's always the possibility that they'd want to move in back to the netherlands with him instead and she wouldn't blame them, not really. the life of a small town isn't for everyone and she does have more than one friend that would jump at the first opportunity to get out of there. she thinks about the routine that they somewhat built together and whenever she does there's this whining voice in her head complaining about who is going to help her get every cat in yuseong bay in a sweater before winter arrives when he's gone, or whom and whose cat she's going to crochet matching sweaters for.
     she thinks about dramatic airport scenes. aera entertains the idea of showing up at the airport last minute and begging sverre to stay, she thinks that she could do it if it's for him; maybe she'd take slak with her in the cute beige sweater that mirrored one that sverre himself has to strengthen her argument, to be able to say that if sverre isn't going to stay for her then he should stay for his cat instead. she thinks about dramatic beach scenes, sverre showing up out of breath while aera is watching the sunset, hours after the flight that he was supposed to take has taken off, fully believing that she already lost her friend, and then he's there to prove to her that she didn't, that in end he realized that maybe he had more in yuseong bay than back in his home country.
     ( she thinks about whether or not she'd leave yuseong bay for him, if he'd be happy to know that she got a scholarship for some med school program even if she doesn't know a single word in dutch, if there are as many cats where he used to live as there are in yuseong bay; but then that thought doesn't linger because she knows the answer for it. )
     she thinks that she'll miss him; that even though he isn't her only friend, she'll still feel a little lonely without him there, at least until she learns how to deal with the fact that they don't live in the same city anymore. she thinks about how sad she'll be until she rearranges her routine so the spaces that he left in it won't feel this empty.
     she doesn't think she'll ever tell him any of this though. not only because of her inability to deal with conflicts (with the truth) and bringing up such at best bittersweet and at worst depressing topics like that, but because she wants to cherish the moments that she still has with him; because she wants to be able to say that she did enjoy their time to their fullest and for that she doesn't have want to waste it by being sad for something that hasn't even happened yet.
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orchdaria · 5 months
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in a small town, connections are everything! knowing your neighbor is highly encouraged, but also somewhat inevitable in yuseong bay. to celebrate the rp's recent opening, we've prepared an ask meme to explore characters' connections with each other. if you're interested in participating in the ask meme, please reblog this post on all applicable blogs.
💭— something the RECEIVER thinks about the SENDER (whether it's a thought that they would share or not)
🕶️ — the RECEIVER'S first impressions of the SENDER and whether or not those beliefs still hold true; if not, how do they view them now?
📱— the most recent text from the RECEIVER to the SENDER
🍷— a drunk text from the RECEIVER to the SENDER
💌 — a letter from the RECEIVER to the SENDER
🎶— a short playlist depicting the RECEIVER + SENDER'S relationship
🎁— a gift that that RECEIVER has given or is preparing to give the SENDER
🪁— a short starter from the RECEIVER, doing some sort of activity with the SENDER outside or at one of the canon locations
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orchdaria · 6 months
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short mun introduction here. hi, hi! i'm autumn (she/they, 21+) and i bring you not only my baby aera here, but also moon taeho (@mooninkd) & ahn kiha (@srnscng) so feel free to contact me on any of them! i also have discord upon request ♡
short muse introduction here. kim aera. 25 y/o. a nurse practitioner at cheongdanhae clinic and a resident! she was born and raised in yuseong bay all her life and honestly she has never known anything else nor she does really want to (for now anyway) even though she might claim otherwise. here is her profile and here is her pinterest!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?      as said before, aera was born and raised in yuseong bay! she once dreamed of doing med school in some big city (seoul) just like her big sister that also went there for her university degree and have her little young adult adventures, however in the end she gave up the idea because of certain circumstances in her life. not that she's sad about not leaving yuseong bay anymore!! actually she wholeheartedly sees it as her home; she likes her job and she likes the house that she lives in, she likes (esp!!) the stray cats on the bay and she genuinely doesn't see herself living somewhere else (at least for now).
what does an average day look like for your muse?      she wakes up around 7am, has a cup of homemade matcha latte (recipe from her mother! she wanted to consume caffeine in a "healthy" manner so aera grew up with more matcha than coffee in her life) while attending to the small garden that she has (that was also her mother's!), talks to the plants a little bit so they can grow well and then goes back inside to have a proper breakfast, talks a little with the picture that she has of her parents in their little altar. then she gets ready goes to work after a cheerful i'm going now but i'll be back in the evening! goodbye to them so she's at clinic at 9am. as promised is only back around dinner time; usually she's too tired to cook so she buys dinner on the way or shamelessly stops by the place of one of the elderly couples/people that saw her grow up and knows that they'd never refuse to feed her (as a matter of fact they're more than glad to do so!), besides the company always does her good. then she goes home to watch some drama while doing some crocheting, especially if she didn't have any other opportunity to do so during her day (like having a slow day at work or anything like that); goes to bed around 10pm the earliest, 11pm to 12am the latest.
where can your muse usually be found?      besides work (rip aera and her 10 hours shifts), she can also be seen around the pier around mid afternoon, even more so during the colder seasons, trying to put sweaters (that she made herself) on the cats of the community they have in yuseong bay; goes to daeyanghwa florals every two weeks or so (or when she wants to treat herself a little) to get gardening supplies or new seeds/flowers for her garden and goes to lemon martes almost weekly for groceries because she always forgets one thing or two even with always having her groceries list with her— also enjoys the farmer's market to see the stalls and encountering a familiar face or two. once in a blue moon, she can also be seen in the recreation center trying to start some working out routine that she drops after a day or two.
how does your muse feel about hanhwa resort?      it's a little complicated because as much as she loves the fact that it's bringing attention to yuseong bay and allowing new people to go in and out of the town in a frequency that was never seen before, aera can't help but also feel a little resistant to how it's changing the town that she has known since she was young, after all, she was never good at dealing with change to begin with and if she really stops to think about it, she gets anxious about her own lifestyle being affected eventually (esp because of the higher prices that are only getting even higher); on top of it, she doesn't like the overall way that the resort treats the rest of the city, either like they're an annoyance to their business or as if they were part of the entertainment that they were providing.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?      as said before, aera isn't very good with changes and she has lots of attachments with the town so she has more reasons to stay than to leave. even if she does say that she dreams of a life out of it (and romanticizes the hell out of it), deep inside she feels like the calm and quiet life of a small town like yuseong bay suits her the most and she doesn't genuinely sees herself anywhere else for now. but then it's hard to say how much those desires is from the way she decided to deal mainly with her grief and how much is from a personal desire/want or even if it really matters in the end.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse’s three favorite songs.      in no particular order: red velvet - about love ; twice - cruel ; taeyeon - time lapse.
describe your muse’s wardrobe.      cute scrubs, mostly very light/pastel colors, a combination of feminine and comfortable. loves loves to wear oversized sweaters/cardigans (and alikes), even more so when she learned how to make them herself and that's why it's not unusual to see her with rolled up sleeves of whatever she's wearing so her hands are usable, also adores short overalls and high waist bottoms (skirts, shorts, jeans, etc etc), sneakers over anything else but does own a couple of heels for any "fancier" events even if they're very rare.
what is a color, word, and emoji that you feel describes your muse?      lilac, daydream, 🐣
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse.      really likes crochet, rom coms, matcha bubble tea / really dislikes interrupted naps, almonds, iced americano (and/or most iced coffees)
three positive and negative traits for your muse.      positive traits softspoken, dutiful, caring / negative traits fanciful, unambitious, naive
three talents and shortcomings for your muse.      talents has a good memory, high tolerance for spicy food, queen of small talking/starting conversations / shortcomings doesn't know how to say no even when she wants to, can't whistle, trusts people that she shouldn't
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?      she gives off the same energy as honda tohru from fruits basket.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome.      TW DEATH & GRIEF it's been six years since her parents passed away and even though she swears that she's over it, aera obviously isn't. she's still incapable of letting them go. of course that she isn't as depressed as she was during the highest point of her grieving process, but she's also sort of lowkey in denial while clinging to small things that she feels are the only things that she has of her parents (i.e. her house which ends up stretching to yuseong bay as a whole, the necklace she is always wearing that is from her mom's, even her love for match only developed after her mother died, etc etc) so i wished that she'd genuinely move on and cling to her parents' memory in a healthier way/in a way that doesn't stop her from doing things that could want but (maybe) convinces herself that she doesn't (like leaving yuseong bay even if for vacation). END OF TW.      also she's almost ridiculously afraid of ending up alone/feeling lonely so hopefully she'll overcome that and make healthier friendships/be taken less advantage by people just to make them stay 🙏
extra bits !
started crocheting as a way to deal especially with stress related to getting her nurse license and now it's become a habit/hobby, it isn't really unusual to see her crocheting somewhere, even during work if it's a slow day; part of her love language became offering/making sweaters or scarves or keychain sized amigurumis for the people that she cares about (including the community of cats in yuseong bay).
once in a blue moon she gathers enough stuff to sell that at the farmer's market in a very small stall, but it's extremely rare since she has a full time job and usually gives away anything that she makes that isn't for herself anyway.
has a driver's license because her sister insisted that she at least learned how to drive just in case, is pretty ok at it but has no real interest in getting a car for herself.
has a good relationship with her sister even if it'd be easy to assume that they're strained (i.e. big sister doesn't visit often unless it's some special event like chuseok or anything relating to their parents', aera doesn't visit her at all because that would mean leaving yuseong bay, their different personalities, etc etc). they still care for each other and even though big sister can be a little pushy in trying to get aera to move on from the things that she feels like aera needs to, she means well and tries to tone it down when/if aera calls her out in it.
is always wearing a delicate necklace with a pendant of a single (real) pearl that used to be her mother's. the story behind it is that it was aera's father engagement present to her mother, it was even said that he fished that pearl himself and then asked to make a necklace out of it; it's unsure how true this story is but aera believes it wholeheartedly.
had a very serious relationship (wc coming soon!!) that ended up badly and now she's also scared of falling seriously in love again, instead she is more fond of the idea of love and her feelings are completely about the image/idea of the target of her affection that she has in her head instead of the real person, thinking that this way she'll protect herself from genuine feelings + still enjoying her romanticized (and somewhat shallow tbh) idea of love. big consequence of it is that she has at least one new crush every day and then ghosts anyone who shows genuine interest to her.
would love to adopt a cat (or any pet tbh) but feels like her lifestyle is too busy to be able to properly take care of any other living being that isn't the plants in her mother's garden so instead she tries to look after the kittens and any other strays that she meets on the street but then again never fully commits to it.
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orchdaria · 7 months
“This is what I have. The dull hangover of waiting, the blush of my heart on the damp grass, the flower-faced moon.”
— Mary Oliver, excerpt of “Crazy Little Love Song”, in Blue Horses
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orchdaria · 7 months
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orchdaria · 7 months
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KARINA Elle Korea Chemistry Interview
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orchdaria · 7 months
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karina ❤︎ smcu palace @ jakarta bts (231217)
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