#really tried to not sound repetitive because all of her info is already in bullet points help dkjfhkjh
orchdaria · 6 months
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short mun introduction here. hi, hi! i'm autumn (she/they, 21+) and i bring you not only my baby aera here, but also moon taeho (@mooninkd) & ahn kiha (@srnscng) so feel free to contact me on any of them! i also have discord upon request ♡
short muse introduction here. kim aera. 25 y/o. a nurse practitioner at cheongdanhae clinic and a resident! she was born and raised in yuseong bay all her life and honestly she has never known anything else nor she does really want to (for now anyway) even though she might claim otherwise. here is her profile and here is her pinterest!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?      as said before, aera was born and raised in yuseong bay! she once dreamed of doing med school in some big city (seoul) just like her big sister that also went there for her university degree and have her little young adult adventures, however in the end she gave up the idea because of certain circumstances in her life. not that she's sad about not leaving yuseong bay anymore!! actually she wholeheartedly sees it as her home; she likes her job and she likes the house that she lives in, she likes (esp!!) the stray cats on the bay and she genuinely doesn't see herself living somewhere else (at least for now).
what does an average day look like for your muse?      she wakes up around 7am, has a cup of homemade matcha latte (recipe from her mother! she wanted to consume caffeine in a "healthy" manner so aera grew up with more matcha than coffee in her life) while attending to the small garden that she has (that was also her mother's!), talks to the plants a little bit so they can grow well and then goes back inside to have a proper breakfast, talks a little with the picture that she has of her parents in their little altar. then she gets ready goes to work after a cheerful i'm going now but i'll be back in the evening! goodbye to them so she's at clinic at 9am. as promised is only back around dinner time; usually she's too tired to cook so she buys dinner on the way or shamelessly stops by the place of one of the elderly couples/people that saw her grow up and knows that they'd never refuse to feed her (as a matter of fact they're more than glad to do so!), besides the company always does her good. then she goes home to watch some drama while doing some crocheting, especially if she didn't have any other opportunity to do so during her day (like having a slow day at work or anything like that); goes to bed around 10pm the earliest, 11pm to 12am the latest.
where can your muse usually be found?      besides work (rip aera and her 10 hours shifts), she can also be seen around the pier around mid afternoon, even more so during the colder seasons, trying to put sweaters (that she made herself) on the cats of the community they have in yuseong bay; goes to daeyanghwa florals every two weeks or so (or when she wants to treat herself a little) to get gardening supplies or new seeds/flowers for her garden and goes to lemon martes almost weekly for groceries because she always forgets one thing or two even with always having her groceries list with her— also enjoys the farmer's market to see the stalls and encountering a familiar face or two. once in a blue moon, she can also be seen in the recreation center trying to start some working out routine that she drops after a day or two.
how does your muse feel about hanhwa resort?      it's a little complicated because as much as she loves the fact that it's bringing attention to yuseong bay and allowing new people to go in and out of the town in a frequency that was never seen before, aera can't help but also feel a little resistant to how it's changing the town that she has known since she was young, after all, she was never good at dealing with change to begin with and if she really stops to think about it, she gets anxious about her own lifestyle being affected eventually (esp because of the higher prices that are only getting even higher); on top of it, she doesn't like the overall way that the resort treats the rest of the city, either like they're an annoyance to their business or as if they were part of the entertainment that they were providing.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?      as said before, aera isn't very good with changes and she has lots of attachments with the town so she has more reasons to stay than to leave. even if she does say that she dreams of a life out of it (and romanticizes the hell out of it), deep inside she feels like the calm and quiet life of a small town like yuseong bay suits her the most and she doesn't genuinely sees herself anywhere else for now. but then it's hard to say how much those desires is from the way she decided to deal mainly with her grief and how much is from a personal desire/want or even if it really matters in the end.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse’s three favorite songs.      in no particular order: red velvet - about love ; twice - cruel ; taeyeon - time lapse.
describe your muse’s wardrobe.      cute scrubs, mostly very light/pastel colors, a combination of feminine and comfortable. loves loves to wear oversized sweaters/cardigans (and alikes), even more so when she learned how to make them herself and that's why it's not unusual to see her with rolled up sleeves of whatever she's wearing so her hands are usable, also adores short overalls and high waist bottoms (skirts, shorts, jeans, etc etc), sneakers over anything else but does own a couple of heels for any "fancier" events even if they're very rare.
what is a color, word, and emoji that you feel describes your muse?      lilac, daydream, 🐣
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse.      really likes crochet, rom coms, matcha bubble tea / really dislikes interrupted naps, almonds, iced americano (and/or most iced coffees)
three positive and negative traits for your muse.      positive traits softspoken, dutiful, caring / negative traits fanciful, unambitious, naive
three talents and shortcomings for your muse.      talents has a good memory, high tolerance for spicy food, queen of small talking/starting conversations / shortcomings doesn't know how to say no even when she wants to, can't whistle, trusts people that she shouldn't
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?      she gives off the same energy as honda tohru from fruits basket.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome.      TW DEATH & GRIEF it's been six years since her parents passed away and even though she swears that she's over it, aera obviously isn't. she's still incapable of letting them go. of course that she isn't as depressed as she was during the highest point of her grieving process, but she's also sort of lowkey in denial while clinging to small things that she feels are the only things that she has of her parents (i.e. her house which ends up stretching to yuseong bay as a whole, the necklace she is always wearing that is from her mom's, even her love for match only developed after her mother died, etc etc) so i wished that she'd genuinely move on and cling to her parents' memory in a healthier way/in a way that doesn't stop her from doing things that could want but (maybe) convinces herself that she doesn't (like leaving yuseong bay even if for vacation). END OF TW.      also she's almost ridiculously afraid of ending up alone/feeling lonely so hopefully she'll overcome that and make healthier friendships/be taken less advantage by people just to make them stay 🙏
extra bits !
started crocheting as a way to deal especially with stress related to getting her nurse license and now it's become a habit/hobby, it isn't really unusual to see her crocheting somewhere, even during work if it's a slow day; part of her love language became offering/making sweaters or scarves or keychain sized amigurumis for the people that she cares about (including the community of cats in yuseong bay).
once in a blue moon she gathers enough stuff to sell that at the farmer's market in a very small stall, but it's extremely rare since she has a full time job and usually gives away anything that she makes that isn't for herself anyway.
has a driver's license because her sister insisted that she at least learned how to drive just in case, is pretty ok at it but has no real interest in getting a car for herself.
has a good relationship with her sister even if it'd be easy to assume that they're strained (i.e. big sister doesn't visit often unless it's some special event like chuseok or anything relating to their parents', aera doesn't visit her at all because that would mean leaving yuseong bay, their different personalities, etc etc). they still care for each other and even though big sister can be a little pushy in trying to get aera to move on from the things that she feels like aera needs to, she means well and tries to tone it down when/if aera calls her out in it.
is always wearing a delicate necklace with a pendant of a single (real) pearl that used to be her mother's. the story behind it is that it was aera's father engagement present to her mother, it was even said that he fished that pearl himself and then asked to make a necklace out of it; it's unsure how true this story is but aera believes it wholeheartedly.
had a very serious relationship (wc coming soon!!) that ended up badly and now she's also scared of falling seriously in love again, instead she is more fond of the idea of love and her feelings are completely about the image/idea of the target of her affection that she has in her head instead of the real person, thinking that this way she'll protect herself from genuine feelings + still enjoying her romanticized (and somewhat shallow tbh) idea of love. big consequence of it is that she has at least one new crush every day and then ghosts anyone who shows genuine interest to her.
would love to adopt a cat (or any pet tbh) but feels like her lifestyle is too busy to be able to properly take care of any other living being that isn't the plants in her mother's garden so instead she tries to look after the kittens and any other strays that she meets on the street but then again never fully commits to it.
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