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What I’m feeling internally right now because classes are almost over with and I’m so close to being with my sailor again. The countdown is on. 😍❤️
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Passing the time by
I’ve been doing a couple of The Fitness Marshall’s workouts for an hour or so and all I can say is that it definitely makes my workout 10x more fun and it’s amazing. You should definitely try it. It passes time by so quickly and gives you an insane workout!
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Eep! I love it when people message me asking for advice or just wanting to talk about things! It makes my day so much brighter. I will NEVER tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I’ll always give you what I did in that situation or what I feel like I would do. Don’t be afraid to contact me even if it’s something completely normal or exciting and you have no one to talk to. I have very few who understand what I’m going through and talking to those people can be tough. They don’t understand how excited a 2 minutes phone call is. So please don’t be afraid to reach out if you need it. ☺️
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Me when the girls call asking for a girls night. Just what I needed to distract myself about the nerves of seeing my husband again in a few months. ❤️
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Never take the time that you have with a loved one for granted. Many don’t even get to say goodnight to their significant others for days at a time. Give them kisses, show appreciation, show you love them even if it’s the smallest things. I wish I could with my sailor right now. Just gotta keep telling myself that it’s less than two months away.
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So many things to get done before the husband gets back from deployment. Taxes. Housing Applications. Job Applications. Dog Training. Packing. Looking for a Car. Finishing up my Spring Semester for college. It feels like it’s a never ending list and I only have a couple months. I’m going insane and my stress level is maxed out right now. But if it means that I’ll get to see him and be with him in the end that’s all that matters. After the last 6 months and the next 2 months. I think I can deal with the stress that is coming because the feeling of seeing him walking towards me off the ship it’s going to be feeling in the world.
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Hello, it’s me.
Hello to whoever gets around to reading the first post!
I feel as if I should give you an introduction to who I am, although I’d like to keep a little bit of myself private. I’m from a small town located in upstate New York. My family owns and runs a farm where I had lived all my life. I graduated from a school who had a senior class of 72 and everyone knew each other’s business. Not very fun. The man I would eventually marry lived in the next town over. He too is from a small town. Our story isn’t a cliché, high school sweethearts fall in love, one elists into the military and the other one follows, no. Although it’s similar it’s not quite 100%. I meet him while I was in high school but we never started dating until I had graduated two years later. I was a sophomore in college and he was doing his own thing as a carpenter. After we met you could ask anyone, we were extremely good together. We were and still are a great team. He enlisted about 6 months into our relationship and it definitely put a hold on what we could do as a couple. How could I get to know a man who couldn’t even talk to me for 2 months? But we did it. We got through boot camp and he was stationed in San Diego. Now I’m in New York and he’s in San Diego. That’s more than 3000 miles in between, coast to coast. There were three options. Norfolk which would be perfect, 6 hour drive, no problem. Florida, 2 day drive, I could manage. San Diego.... no.. We had to make it work. I couldn’t give up on him for something he had no control over. Now granted we are young and we have years and years to go but I do love him with every part of me and marrying him was something that we both wanted whole heartedly. It was the next step. We had been through so much all ready and we were still going strong. Many couldn’t even manage that. He proposed at a private lake at sundown with our friends surrounding us. So I went to San Diego for a week. Fell in love with the place. And decided I wanted to move out there to be with him and experience something I never had while living in a small town. We got married and that was that. I was officially part of the lifestyle. I never expected it to be like it is though.
Marriage is hard. But marriage and being married to a military personnel is even harder. I went at this alone. I have no one who I can relate to. I’ve never been good at making friends and communicating my issues with people. My goal for this blog isn’t to just blabber about my life and my issues. My goal is to post those issues and post my routine and all of the tips I can give, that helped me, because there are people out there, like me, going through the same thing I am, alone. If they can communicate better this way and I can help them in any way that’s what I want to do. As I independent as I am, I still need some guidance and help sometimes. I don’t want people to be afraid to talk to me if they need it. Share their stories. Their pictures. Or just their own tips. I’m here for anyone.
I’ll be sharing things and posting updates hopefully everyday or every other day. Please feel free to chat, ask, or advise. ❤️
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