orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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star boy
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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Happy birthday to my dear, dumbass son, Draco Malfoy, and happy pride to everybody!
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
Drarry Synastry: Enemies to Friends/Lovers (HP Astro #10)
Be it friendship (I do love a good Draco-Harry friendship) or romance (I know there are lots of Drarry lovers out there!), how do these two get along? And where do they connect?
Read also: Astrology Introduction, Harry, Draco.
Exhibit A (I say, as if I have another exhibit to show you.)
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On an energy level, Draco and Harry's Big Three (sun, moon, and rising) have it...pretty good, actually, when you think of "classic compatibility." Sun: Gemini and Leo; air feeds fire. Moon: both in Pisces. Ascendants: Cancer and Scorpio; both water signs.
Sun is our core. Their cores can get along. Moon is our emotions, our subconscious. It's the same energy feeding them both emotionally. Rising, is how we react, and how we are perceived. Easy flowing water there. Sun to sun, moon to moon, there's potential; but no actual aspects.
Where we do see an aspect in the Big Three are Harry's moon trining Draco's ascendant. Trines mean harmony. There is mutual understanding and appreciation, Draco for Harry's innermost feelings, and Harry for Draco's expressiveness. This is all the more telling since Draco's ascendant is Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. This lends Draco an extra boost of lunar energy, giving him empathy and intuition with which to comfort and support Harry.
It's not all sunshine and roses, though. Harry's moon squares Draco's Venus, meaning tension between Harry's emotional needs and Draco's social/romantic needs. It happens to be an exact square, giving a little extra oomph to that kick. This implies emotional baggage (moon's connection to not only emotions, but history and roots) on Harry's end, and issues of self-worth (Venus) on Draco's.
Knowing what we know of them, we can imagine that it is their individual selves clashing. Harry's past issues cropping up, effects of the abuse and trauma he's endured. Draco's issues linked to family expectation and poor reputation. And, together, a negative shared history from boyhood antagonism.
But while squares mean stress, it isn't necessarily bad. This just means they have to work to communicate and reconcile any issues that arise. And by overcoming that together, will make their bond all the stronger.
Speaking of Venus, the good news is: their Venuses are conjunct. Essentially, they're on the same wavelength socially/romantically. Both have Venus in Gemini. There are shared interests and hobbies (Venus' link to leisure and sociability), shared ideas and views (Venus' link to harmony, balance, beauty), and values in relationships (...Venus' link to relationships, obviously.)
Harry's Mars trines Draco's sun. Harry is open in expressing (action, Mars) his desire (sex, Mars) for Draco, while Draco inspires (sun) Harry. With Harry's Mars in Libra, I imagine he is quite sweet and affectionate. And with Draco's Gemini sun, it is Draco's cleverness and playfulness that inspires and attracts Harry.
Moon square Mercury...Issues in communicating, and reconciling, emotions (Harry) and thoughts (Draco.) There are barriers that keep them from understanding one another. Harry likely feels vulnerable while Draco feels frustrated.
Which is interesting when you take into account Harry's Mercury conjunct Draco's ascendant. When emotions aren't clouding their vision, their communication runs smoothly. Harry is able to see Draco's thought patterns and articulate them, even when Draco can't. Draco's awareness influences Harry's ideas, while Harry's ideas influence Draco's view of himself. Both are in Cancer, giving a reserved, but intuitive, lean on matters.
Cancer can be moody, and maudlin. Emotional, vulnerable, protective, and nurturing. This colors how Draco appears to others, and how he reacts to the world (ascendant), and how Harry interacts (Mercury.) Harry senses that kindred Cancerian spirit in Draco, even if Draco is either blind to it (willfully, or due to distraction), and/or Draco is trying to hide it (again: Cancerian reservedness, defensiveness.) And Harry can teach (Mercury) Draco a thing or two about himself.
Now, looking at the houses...this gets interesting. Harry's sun (self) is in Draco's First House (...self.) Planets represent "what", and are parts of us, whereas the houses represent "where" matters take place...so the best differentiation would be...Harry's sun is the inner self, and Draco's First House is the outer self. To simplify matters.
Anyway. Harry's sense of self meets Draco's appearance of self. They can't help but notice each other, be aware of each other (this explains a lot.) This also represents a desire for approval. (Think: the handshake.) Matters don't work in their favor, due to circumstance, but even then there was a deeper need in them both. A need for connection.
They were only children when they met. Harry had just had his eyes opened to the truth. He was seeking knowledge, experience, and connection. He'd been neglected, abused, and lied to his whole life. This new world held so much promise and potential.
For Draco, I think, there might have been a bit of wanting status. Part of this is familial expectation, but part of it is desire to be part of something. Draco is sociable (Gemini sun and Venus) and tender-hearted (Pisces moon, Cancer Rising and Mercury.) He has an inner need for friendship and community (Eleventh House Sun.)
But should they move past their differences, and take the time to truly see one another, they move onto agreeableness, and even affection. Harry, being his lovable self, energizes and stimulates (sun) Draco, and pushes him to self-awareness (recall that Mercury conjunct Ascendant bit above?) Meanwhile, Draco reacts (ascendant) to Harry in ways that make him feel seen and valued.
Meanwhile, Draco's sun (his self) is in Harry's Seventh House: his House of Relationships. This is quite a powerful place to be! But power doesn't always equate to good. This is actually a pretty strong indication of a love/hate relationship. There is a feeling of completeness here. Parts of the self are intensified within the relationship. But the lines can be blurred, and they can lose themselves in the relationship, identities twisted and molded. This creates the potential for codependency (if contented), or competition (if fighting for individuality.) It can be a bit of a balancing act for them to maintain harmony with each other, and harmony within themselves.
Draco's moon (emotions) are in Harry's Third House (communication); easy dialogue for emotions; Draco has the ability to console Harry, and is sensitive to everything he says and does. Harry's moon (emotions) are in Draco's Tenth House (social status.) Draco looks up to, and adores Harry (reputation, authority.) But their relationship is also on public display (social standing; Harry's fame), both affection and discord. There is a sense of expectation here, too. Expectations of Draco to be with Harry; and expectations of Harry to maintain the status quo, as his own status greatly impacts Draco's life.
While there is tension between them, once they work through their past, the future seems to promise ease. Ease is, of course, not always a good thing. Ease can mean stagnation, and boredom; or it can mean comfort, and contentedness.
However you like to ship them, be it platonic or romantic, there's plenty there to work with! I definitely love the idea of them having a relationship, even if I generally view it as more platonic. There is so much room there for them to lean on one another, and work together. And, if given the chance, they could become quite close. And once there, I think it's for life...whatever form that takes.
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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Gemini and Leo are naturally attracted to one another. They have similar values and interests and share a mutual appreciation for one another. Both are theatrical individuals who want attention and need an audience. At the very least, theirs will be a dramatic, playful, and fun relationship based on mutual appreciation and good times. They accept and enhance each other; they are better when together, and both encourage the other to be completely and honestly who they are.
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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Draco & Harry + Sky
I just love drawing them so much // /  My Harry Potter Fanart HERE ☆
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
HP Astro #4: Draco Malfoy
First: read Astrology Introduction.
Then: look at the confusing pretty chart and read on!
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Draco Malfoy, birthdate: 5 June 1980. Birth time & place: my best guess.
Put very, very simplistically: he's a Gemini.
Sun is identity and ego. Gemini is curious, playful, and adaptable. Eleventh house is the House of Friendship: organizations, community, and teamwork.
Draco was born into a wealthy family of status. Privileged, in some ways. Plenty of money and opportunity made it easy to appease Geminin's varied interests; presuming his interests were acceptable. Spoiled when it suited, restricted as needed. Draco likely wanted for nothing, except freedom.
Geminis are the jacks of all trades. There is an interest and ability to find and learn new skills. Adept at sociability. With a host of allies/acquaintances/friends, he likely had plenty of occasion to hone his communication skills while showing off other skills. With his sun squaring Mercury, he over-identifies with his intellect and charm. Squares are an uneasy relationship; the stress could prompt growth, or it could mean struggle.
There is an inner need and outer pressure to be the best, in many areas. Draco has money. He has skills (academic, athletic; Gemini.) He has connections (status; Ninth House.) But he's not as good as Hermione in class, nor as good as Harry on the pitch. He's friends with Crabbe and Goyle, who make for fine acolytes, better bodyguards, and Draco looks pristine in comparison. There's the veneer of friendship and teamwork, and he can be the leader.
But there's more to the story than that.
Usually I'd move onto the moon, but I think we'll talk about the ascendant first. Draco's ascendant is Cancer. Our rising sign is how we are perceived, and how we react. Cancer is sensitive, gentle, but also withdrawn; a hard outer-shell protecting the soft insides. Paired with what we know of his sun, it's really quite sad...He's loud. In want of attention, in want of connection. He's also quite sensitive, vulnerable, and scared. It would suit him to be louder, more haughty, reaching outward for attention and admiration all while hiding (or trying to hide) how much it matters to him, and how much he truly cares. Noise as distraction, truth as a shield.
The rising sign also gives us our chart ruler. Cancer is ruled by the moon, and the moon rules Draco.
The moon: center of emotion and the subconscious. The moon is comfort and safety. The moon is Mother. Draco's moon is in Pisces: his moon is dreamy, whimsical. and elusive. This has a romantic, enchanting quality to it. Draco has high hopes, he aims for the stars. His inner world is vivid, and deep.
He's sensitive. Idealistic.
Moon and Jupiter are in opposition: subconscious and emotion meet abundance. Draco is intense and obsessive. Over the top. Generous. Pisces spells addiction, Virgo spells service; when he opens up, he gives too much of himself away. Is eager to please. He doesn't know how to strike a balance, to mellow out. He feels too much, and when the lid comes off, it all comes pouring out of him.
Bottle it up. Wear a smile. Pretend your fine, Draco. You're just fine.
Mercury in Cancer: Draco has an interest in, and pride in, family history. (Mercury, learning; Cancer, family.) His interactions are based in emotion and instinct; he can be thoughtful, when at peace, but defensive when put to the test.
Mercury trines the moon...an ease between his emotions and his expression. He is highly perceptive, and has a good memory. Our Draco is quite clever, isn't he? Always with a retort at the ready, a plot in his back pocket. He knows how to get under people's skin, because he sees too clearly. What he fails to account for, often, is how much he gives away of himself. However hard he tries to hide, his heart is forever on his sleeve.
But maybe he can distract from that.
Venus is in Gemini. Fun-loving and sociable. He wants to meet new people, engage in light and interesting conversation. In the Twelfth House, love and pleasure run deep. The Twelfth House is sacrifice and transcendence. He has high ideals that are unlikely to ever be reached. He knows what he wants. Can't he have it?
Ancient astrologers called the Twelfth House "the Place of Bad Spirit." Draco's charming, playful Venus is trapped in a prison. Self-undoing, addiction, betrayal, are all in the realm of Twelve. It is the House of Hidden Things. (Think of the Room of Requirement, aka the Room of Hidden Things.)
Pleasure and addiction are linked here. This speaks to bad habits. Narcissa sends him sweets, remember? Does he over-indulge on sugar? Does he move onto more deadly vices? Potions, maybe, or Dark Magic.
More so, I think this is one link of many that led him to Voldemort. But we'll get there in a moment.
Let's turn to Venus' opposition with Saturn: a blockage in the realm of love and pleasure. Saturn's link to the Father tells of a lack of affection from his father. Lucius has his expectations of Draco; he treats Draco as an heir, not a son. If Lucius proves his love for his family later on, it is unlikely he showed this to Draco in his childhood.
Due to this, Draco does not feel worthy of love. To him, duty and love are interlinked. He must first prove his worth. Draco will find himself paying for love, or earning it, but it is not a gift he'll be given without work. He must make his father proud; then Lucius will love him. He must show his wealth and status to draw people to him, because that's what he has to give. (Brooms gave him a spot on the Quidditch team; blood purist pride his first meeting with Harry; an attempt to name drop to get into Slughorn's good graces.)
This relates to his Chiron in Taurus. Chiron represents inner wounds. Taurus ties this to the material world: wealth, and security. There is a lack of self-worth, likely due to his father's treatment. He doesn't want for material goods; that he has aplenty, and so the wound is feeling his worth is based on these things. Nothing within him his worthy; all he can offer are possessions. In the eleventh house, this relates to community; misunderstandings, and rejection from peers. (Lucius' scoldings, Harry's refusal to shake his hand.)
Now, let's address his three Virgoan planets: Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Mars is action. Jupiter is expansion. Saturn is discipline. All driven by meticulous, perfectionistic Virgo. Draco has a good eye for detail. He is crafty. A practical problem-solver. Nothing is left to chance. There is pride in a job well done. Mars gives him a competitive lean when it comes to service; he wants to impress, to be the best. Saturn is the taskmaster, giving him the push to improve and succeed. He has the will, and the drive...
So what happens?
It comes down to a few of the aspects at play. Sun squaring Mars means adversity and conflict. Sun squaring Saturn means obstacles and challenges. The sun being the core of who he is, these difficult aspects hit close and personal. We also see moon in opposition to Jupiter. There is a generosity of spirit that can result in Draco biting off more than he can chew (his task for Voldemort), and being taken advantage of (Voldemort plays on his emotions and his loyalty.)
There is a deep need in Draco to be somebody. Familial pressure. Societal status. A desire to show off (Gemini skills), to lead the pack (11th house), to be part of something big (11th house), to make a change (Virgo), to do great things (Mars), to have connections (11th house.)
He is driven (Saturn) by his ideals (Venus); his ideals (Venus) are tied to a deep place (12 house; trine moon.) An overactive imagination can lead to visions of grandeur, and biting off more than he can chew (Pisces moon + Gemini Venus; moon opposition Jupiter; 12th house.)
His emotions run deep (ruled by Pisces moon). There is loyalty to family (Cancer rising + Mercury), connection to community (11th house + Gemini.) The people and things he cares about are weaponized against him.
Join the Death Eaters, make his father proud. Obey the Dark Lord, keep his family alive. Besides, doesn't the Dark Lord represent his values? Power, and purity. Don't the Death Eaters offer an organization, and community? They are an army (a team), and Draco can help. Can't he serve them? Isn't his task from the Dark Lord his chance to shine? He has many skills under his belt. He has the drive. He can do this, can't he?
Only...the Dark Lord's cause (ideals = Venus) isn't all it's cracked up to be (sacrifice, betrayal = Twelfth House.) Draco (Sun) isn't all he's cracked up to be (square Saturn.) What material security he clung to is wrecked (Taurus Chiron; invasion of the Manor.) He worked hard (Virgo Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), he gave his all (moon opposition Jupiter), and for what? To have all of his pride and passion sucked dry, used and abused (Sun opposition Neptune) by those whose respect he craved (11th house; Venus square Saturn.)
However capable and confident Draco wishes to be seen as, he was not built for war. He is sensitive, and overwhelmed. He is afraid. In his darkest moments, he withdraws. Curls in on himself. His vulnerability is wearing him thin, and he can't let anyone see that (Cancer.) He has to give and do to be worthy (Chiron, Venus), and his need to connect with others and serve others pushes him on. And it is this need for connection (Eleventh House) that has him unload onto Myrtle. She is a ghost, she isn't relying on him, he can't do anything for her, and so it is safe to simply be. He needs that connection to begin to heal, (11th house Chiron) and it's sad that he only finds that, truly, in Myrtle.
Only after the war can Draco begin to heal. With luck, he escapes Azkaban. He can't do this alone.
Postwar reparations are what will help Draco blossom. Remember, the Eleventh House is community and teamwork. The core of him (sun) is reliant on connection to the collective; so, too, is his means of healing (Chiron.) In a healthier, happier place, he won't need to lead the pack. He can offer his variety of skills and interests (Gemini Sun + Venus) to work hard (Virgo Mars + Saturn) towards a common goal (Eleventh House.) This is work he can feel good about, and be proud of. The feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction in helping others and contributing to a better future. Maybe he'll help rebuild Hogwarts. Maybe he sets up a charity foundation. He offers money and supplies, of course; but he realizes he has more to offer than just that. He can turn on his Gemini charm to woo donors. He'll throw many entertaining events (Venus.) He puts his nose to the grindstone behind the scenes to make it all happen (Virgo.)
Along the way, he'll make real connections, with people who value him. He works alongside the "good guys", who can finally see the real Draco. Harry will have causes of his own that Draco will gladly donate to. He and Hermione can bond over scholarly debates. He can play chess with Ron. Academia (Hermione + studies), strategy (Ron + chess), and friendly competition (Harry + Quidditch) keep him entertained and on his toes.
They learn that when Draco cares, he cares a lot (watery, emotional influence.) He's soft and spoiled, but he can be generous, too; with his resources, and with his heart.
His upbringing led him astray. His vulnerability, and tendency towards obsession and addiction, could lead him there again. But Draco isn't bad at heart. And given the opportunity, and the support of the right people, Draco can accomplish what he's always wanted: great things, and a lasting impact.
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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It’s this guy’s B-day and he can start right by playing with his precious craft
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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After some (dirty) cake fight
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Askfladkjfkhak @saulaie 
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
Draco Malfoy in a nutshell.
Gemini is talking, screaming, laughing, joking around, gossip, pranks, tricks, treats, teasing, rivalry, debate, siblings, twins, extended family, friendship, neighbors or neighborhoods, community, duality, flexibility, persuasion, grace, charm, charisma, rumors, learning, curiosity, diversity, quick changes, scattered energy, nervous energy, restless, boredom vs. stimulated, is cleverness, wit, is the teacher, the student, youthful, playful, mischievous, connection, intellect, exercising the mind, the navigator, writing, reading, games, puzzles, symmetry, many inner selves or conflicts, attention, immediate responses, is the silver-tongue, is the messenger, the librarian, and the quickness, exchange, and change of wind, of air.
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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Happy Bday to the smirkiest, slytherin Boy
i drew him smiling because how rare is that 
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
I love everything about this.
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Happy birthday to the pointiest boi💚🥳🎉
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
I'm speechless. This is too stunning for words.
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Draco Lucius Malfoy - June 5th, Gemini
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
~Gemini Season~
Gemini - the talkative, social butterfly who tends to be painted as a studious nerd or absent-minded life of the party. They are the wallflower or attention seeker. The trickster or the victim of their own curiosity or friendliness. Below I'd like to look at some of Gemini's major traits in more detail and give light to this highly flexible and versatile sign.
Hungry Mind: Gemini is famous for their intellect and curiosity. This may paint the picture of a person who is a bookworm but there are many ways the mind can be exercised from debate to reading to creating art. Gemini has a restless nature, they are very much changeable. They desire diversity and change and, in most manifestations, this is expressed either through the mind or socialization for Gemini. They may be labeled as the center of attention, prankster, gossiper, or extroverted but many Geminis may be shyer, finding themselves detached or just chill vs. the "bubbly, outgoing, or class clown" archetype. Instead their busy brain will be interested in hobbies, games, puzzles, maybe teaching, or going to classes, etc. Gemini much like Virgo can also easily fall into worry or nervous energy from such an active mind and imagination. I also want to note the air element tends to find a lot of self-discovery and emotional understanding by exploring the "right side of the brain" aka art, creativity, emotional intelligence, etc. Many air signs may find they are more creative and intuitive than many describe.
Duality: Gemini is mercurial, even with leaning towards more intellect and detachment vs. feeling/emotions. They also are the sign of duality, showing two extremes, two sides, honestly many sides of a person. Gemini can be smart and creative, but also superficial and changeable. It is a sign that values communication but can also be scattered, disorganized, tricky or deceptive, and flaky. Gemini's duality can be both a weakness and strength - it shows the strength of being open to new information, trends, and identities. But it may cause Gemini to feel easily confused or conflicted internally. Gemini may feel like they have a light side and dark side that is more at war with each other than others (Scorpio, Libra, & Pisces may give Gemini a run for their money though), the duality of Gemini shows a window of complexity behind the stereotypical shallow sign.
Social: Gemini and the air element is all about making connections with others. I mention how Gemini is typically painted as the popular kid or maybe the office gossip and these labels come from a valid place. Many Geminis have admirable social skills, being funny, quick-witted, personable, a conversationalist, maybe an instigator at times. Many Geminis do well in communication or advertising. They may be great teachers or supporters in causes and organizations. Gemini is the messenger of the zodiac after all. But Gemini can also be detached, lack reassurance, warmth, or affection, they tend to be highly attentive or the opposite with aloofness and surface-level interactions. Even the Geminis who don't seem or act as social as others likely still value social status, reputation, or at least communication or community. All air signs are associated with a different type of bond/relationship. Gemini focuses on community, neighbors, extended family, siblings, twins, and rivalries. While Aquarius is associated with friendship - Gemini is also frequently labeled as a good friend or having a great focus on friendship in their lives. They tend to be supportive, fun, and easygoing friends.
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
Starting the day with a big fat
🎁🎂🎊HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎊🎂🎁 to ✨Draco Lucius Malfoy✨
~ 💚🪄💚 ~
and a big fat
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Ending the day with another Draco to celebrate two things at once
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
things that bring me joy (a numbered list)
draco's pointy nose
pansy's pointy boobs
that's it, nothing else brings me joy
thanks for coming to my ted talk
No because they bring me so much joy too🥺
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I let my queer little brain escape me with this one😭
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month! (again!)
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orgasmic-rock · 1 year
Man do I love Draco's earring.
Also, am I spotting a sectumsempra scar on Draco's neck and jaw?🧐 If so, great detail!
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Ref: Blaise, Pansy, Draco
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