oriioll-blog · 7 years
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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                             oh, baby, do you like the taste of fame?                        there’s nothing sweeter than them screaming out your name!                                                                           [art by ryo]
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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goodnight !
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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      He kicked his legs back and forth while he thought, “If you don’t mind. I need to go out and buy another body pillow. I just haven’t gotten around to it. I don’t even know why. I mean before you were around I used to invite my friends over so they would cuddle with me, but I don’t think you’d appreciate strangers here all the time.” Although Niven preferred an actual human to hold, he could deal with a pillow.
      “I dunno. I mean my ex said that losing some weight would be better. I guess it kind of just stuck to me.” He scratched at the back of his head and let out a laugh, “I’ll try to eat more though if it’ll make you happy. Can’t say I’ll remember all too much. You might need to remind me. Gosh Oreo what am I going to do when you move out? I mean I won’t remember to eat nor will I have someone to patch up my wounds.”
       He tapped on his chin in thought, “I’ve tried meditation. Not hypnosis though. It’s more memories so hypnosis might work. I just don’t know where I’d get that done. Do you know anyone?” His legs still swinging back and forth like he was a child. He was surprised he could sit on the counter with how short he was.
      “Hey Oreo you haven’t told me much about yourself. So how about you can ask me any question and I can ask you any question? You don’t know all that much about me either.” A smile lit up his entire face at his idea. He thought it was a stroke of genius. 
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“ then they’re as good as yours. thank you for the consideration. ” though, i’m sure meeting a few new people wouldn’t be bad. returning to his side, he unveiled the cookies from their sheath, steaming milk casting murals of tales long passed along niven’s features as he offered it. 
ex ? this kind of dependency... how troublesome... “ i think— ” his words were fluent, yet carefully chosen, “ —you may find optimal health by ensuring you pay close heed to your state. generally, pain is a sign that there is an issue. ” 
he briefly considered answering that he, himself, would be able to perform a simple technique—though, of course, there may be risks—before easily opting that it would not lead to the appropriate long-term desired results. 
a gentle smile. soft tones. mild amusement. “ that’s fine, ” in an afterthought, he decided, as a game he would be spending time in, he may as well make it fun for himself, too, “ but, as my condition to play, you may only guess the answer—with three chances—and i’ll tell you if you’re right or wrong. if you’re close to the answer, i may elaborate. 
will you play ? ”
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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      JiHo hated these sorts of events. He always had to act polite and kind, but if it would boost him into the position of director sooner he’d have to deal with it. He forced a smile at being addressed. His own hand reaching to shake the others.
       “Very nice to meet you Oriole. Quite a unique name if I may say so. I’m JiHo Choi representing Choi foundation and corporation. It’s a pleasure.” His words were carefully constructed to keep up his facade of the kind young man, “I haven’t seen you at one of these before. Care to tell me a bit about your position at Polyxeni?”
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with fingers like warm linen and lithe fingers in a firm grasp, his smile was reminiscent of the red-tipped rose pinned by his breast. his instincts flinched on the touch: was it posture ? —the eyes ? his time as a lawyer had brought knowledge with its fruits. 
“ thank you— ” ( was it even a compliment ? ) “ —the pleasure is mine, i’ve heard many good things about you, mr. choi ! ” finesse and practised refinement had come through, the well-preserved product of his experience: both inside and outside of the company. “ of course, but only should you humour me with your time and have a drink with me ! ” it stood in the air, a playful invitation reeking of delight. 
perhaps such genuine joviality was misplaced at such an event. 
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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『 that was the last thing he’d expected for the boy, let alone anyone else, to produce. a gift? an offering of tea and pretty blooms for one undeserving? he could not contain the surprise he felt fluttering in his chest like excited butterflies, green eyes enraptured by the kind form before him. was he being decieved by a gentle voice? but there was no malice, no hidden desires emanating from his spirit. only curiosity and genuine sentiment, softness and– but why would someone seek out a dying a spirit? who would wish to offer flowers up to a spirit who no longer had a place in this world? 』
『 vibrant hues regarding his own figure and an innocent question pulled him from the mess in his mind, the slightest of upward pulls on his lips altering otherwise smooth features. tsubasa pulled his arms free of his kimono sleeves and spread them, revealing a simple pattern in the blue silk of his kimono. clawed fingers then returned to the safety of his sleeves, putting an end to the minute display. ‘ it is silk. ‘ 』 
『 ‘ you may call me tsubasa, ‘ he went on to say, green eyes alight with a gentle warmth. ‘ not a soul has come bearing an offering in several hundred years. might you dispel that notion? i fear i am mistaken, oriol. ‘ 』
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incredible... —thus came unto him, in the form of this man( ? ) dressed in the silk of a summer sky, the due hope that there truly was so much more to the world than the reflection in the water, and that he had yet skimmed the surface. 
with arms full of pale cornus and blushing blossoms, the light from his smile and the sun filtering through the forest forged dancing flames out of his grey eyes. “ tsubasa... ” he tested the syllables, played soft chords through his tongue, letting the power of a name manifest and rebound across the empty greens. joyous laughter rippled leaves and warmed bark. “ if you are who you seem to be— ” he swept his lithe figure into a low bow, “ —it’s an honour to meet you. ”
“ though i’m not entirely familiar with customs for such a greeting, please pardon any such blunders. ” the sweet words of one made familiar in the art of using lips for lies—though those he knew were not his own; a attorney, defender of truth—but trusting that truth was well versed and like birdsong. 
“ if you should have a place to rest, may we go there ? ” chirps of sweet spring rain were what he thought of when this tsubasa said his name ( what a lingering sense of oddity, though not unpleasant ), “ we may find out if your fears are well placed. ” there was no deception, mere inquiry—too, respect of his speech, his notions. why provide proof with mere words—which could tell of many falsehoods—when his capacities allowed so much more ?
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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      “If you weren’t so finicky on it then maybe we could. Or you could just sleep in my bed with me so I have something to cuddle.” He chuckled a bit at his joke. He didn’t expect the other to take up his offer at all. If anything he expected to be slapped or something. Not that he wasn’t used to stuff like that.
       “Hmm? It’s okay. I just try to think of her happily. I mean why would I want to forever be sad over something like that.” He smiled and followed after Oriol. Sitting on the counter in the kitchen he watched the others movements.
      “I mean I eat sometimes. It’s not my fault. I just forget. Plus I was told I needed to lose weight anyway so.” He waved off the other’s words like it was no big deal. Yet his stomach churned in hunger normally and he couldn’t help but frown at the feeling. 
       He took the cup into his hand and sipped it, “It’s not a matter of falling asleep it’s a matter of staying asleep. I get too panicked and end up being more tired than I was before.”
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concern drew ocean views like kanagawa’s wave across his skin, but they settled quickly as he pushed them aside for niven’s sake. murky—implicitly dangerous ?—depths swirled in his clouded eyes. “ that’s a good mentality to have. ” ( perhaps one oriol could learn from. ) “ if it’s a matter of having ‘ something ’ for comfort, you may keep my pillows, if you’d like; i’m impartial to their presence regardless, so it’s really no trouble, ” his voice was melodic, perhaps to the tired ear it would resemble sleep itself. 
“ for the better interest of your health however, you ought to eat when you’re hungry. please do well to remember that, ‘ven, ” despite the formality of his speech—habitual: it occasionally did serve as an unintended barrier for some—the warmth was still present; his eyes in a trance-like relaxation. “ if anything, gaining some weight may do well for you—though i’m no qualified health expert, of course. 
“ have you tried meditation, or hypnosis, perhaps ? ”
finishing his tea, he moved to prepare a mug of warm milk, along with a number of oreos—hiding them under a small tissue. who on earth told you to lose weight ? his back faced niven and the high tide returned, if only for some moments. 
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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He paused for a moment, blinking in surprise. ‘ You picked bowling even though you’re no good at it… ?’ And he’ll snort, then break out in a chuckle. ‘ Oh my god, you’re adorable. But, yeah sure. I’m fine with whatever you wanna do hun.’ He starts walking again, but pauses momentarily, turning his head to face the other and winking. ‘ And I mean whatever.’ Unfortunately for the other, flirting came as easy as breathing to Lucius. 
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with as thoughtless and offhand of a look as he could muster, he said with utmost scrutiny: “ please file my taxes. ” the smile that tailed the edge of the statement was unmistakable—was he... having a good time ? taking a cue and chalking the tip, his hands turned a pastel blue and a graceful form set up the telltale triangle of perfect spheres. “ want to break ? —ah, and i can get us drinks, if you’d like ? ”
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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‘ Oh, already here ? That was quick. I was enjoying getting real snug and close with you in the car.’ Tone was all but a purr, low and soft, though just as quickly as it was said he’d moved on, making his way inside, hand still holding tight to the other’s. ‘ So are you any good at bowling ? I’m TERRIBLE but it’s still fun. We’ll at least have fun laughing at me.’ He chuckled, warm smiled ever present and directed towards the other. 
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“ aha... about that. ” in their close proximity, oriol was glad for the natural perfume of the flower on his lapel. his own hands felt like warm sand, and he hoped it wouldn’t prove unpleasant for this... lucius. “ i, too, am not particularly good at bowling, so i was thinking you might want to play another game. billiards, perhaps ? ” with a bashful air, he admitted: “ it would appear as though my decision-making under pressure isn’t all the best. ” ( perhaps this would successfully divert the conversation from his new partner’s seemingly endless flirtations. )
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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It seemed like the other was a little nervous, though that wasn’t unusual. First time clients usually were. So Lucius would try his best to ease his nerves. ‘ Mm, Oriol, got it. What a pretty name, so cute– just like you~ My name’s Lucius silly.’ And he’ll take the other’s hand in his own thumb brushing against skin reassuringly. 
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this contact was foreign: a seduction ploy ? —would that really be so unusual of an escort ? then again, his job was to scout this company to see if it was worth investing in, or even partnering; how wise would it be to expect anything less ? best leave it be, it was in his favour, after all, to interest the potential clients as well. “ lucius...? —ah, thank you. ” as much as understood that this was a service being paid for, it did not stop fair cinnamon from gilding his freckled cheeks. 
it was smoothly covered, however. “ it appears as though we’ve arrived. shall we ? ”
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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       Niven smile widened, “That’s so cool! My grandma was the one who really took care of me when I was little. Well until I turned fifteen and she passed away.” He tapped on his chin, “After that I had to teach myself stuff on my own. Probably why I’m bad at dressing wounds.” His parents had never been around much. They were always too busy for any of their children.
        Niven nodded, “I’m not too reckless. Well I don’t think I am at least.” That was debatable. He would jump off a bridge for an adrenaline high if he was in a bad and stressed enough mood. 
        He followed after the other. His entire being feeling better after the ruffle to his hair. He was a sucker for any type of affection. His stomach growled at the mention of food, “I probably put off eating for too long this time.”
       At the next comment, he let out a whine, “Come on Oreo! You know that’s impossible. I can’t sleep more than three hours without hugging something. I lost my pillow I use for cuddling. Even with that though at most it’s like four hours. Then I wake up from nightmares again.”
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“ well, that’s a shame... guess we’ll never get the opportunity to go out then... ” with a wicked grin, he added a final provocation: “ no harm done, i’ll get to go out alone once i leave anyway. ” proceeded by a smug wink, graceful maneuvers took him around the now familiar kitchen like a dancer. he had to deliberately turn—that is, to mask his giggling smile. perhaps it would be this lighthearted banter which he would miss, should the company really decide to send him off so soon. 
“ and i’m sorry to hear that. you two seem to have been close, ” as he set down a plate and returned to his—now cold—tea, pouring hot water into a pot and dumping his previous drink before settling—sat cross-legged, an inert gesture of comfort. 
“ but ! ” in a masterful tone, with finality not unlike a judge: “ i’m near sure she’d debate you on the point of not being reckless... honestly, with you not even having eaten, what kind of proof is that ? ”
he exhaled, pouring tea. “ this might smell a bit like ass, but it’s chamomile, and will no doubt help put you to sleep. ” 
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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‘ —-Bowling ?’ Well, most people wanted… other things. But bowling could be fun he supposed, something different. ‘ M’kay ~! Sounds like fun, lead the way sweetie.’ 
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the ride over—in a company provided limousine, no less—help him calm down. his breathing fell into an even rhythm, disturbing only the light frost from the cold. “ i’m so sorry... it seems i’d forgotten myself earlier and neglected an introduction: please call me oriol. oriol kiele. 
what was your name again ? ” ( —how very uncharacteristic of him indeed. )
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
Lucius || open
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‘ Heya ~! I’m Lucius, mhm so you got me booked for three hours, what are we doing ?’
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“ —uh ! ... bowling ??? ” ( suffice to say, oriol had no idea what he was doing; shock was the more minor of his rising emotions and it was an unusual catch: to have him so off guard. )
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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      He looked at the other with a sort of disdain, “That was a terrible joke.” Yet his face lifted up slightly in a smile despite his words. He couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled from him after a little bit.
      He shrugged at the question, “I mean I was going to run it under some hot water and wrap it up. There’s never been much else I’ve learned to do. Maybe go see my sister since she’s a doctor. I don’t know. I was just going to wing it to be honest.”
      Niven looked curiously at the bandaging. He’d never really had anyone else do it for him unless he was in the hospital again, “You’re pretty good at this Oreo. Almost as good as the people at the hospital. Where’d you learn to do that? I mean is that something that your parents teach you?”
      Niven’s face lit up, “It’s amazing to explore. It’s so gorgeous in it’s own way and I love it.” His face took on a look like what he was saying was the most obvious thing in the world, “Duh. A lot of these building are really old though. They’re falling apart.”
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he himself was at a crossroads of information—was it ? he wasn’t quite sure ( he knew his parents had bandaged him, but would they have taught first aid to this extent ? ). “ i wonder... ” it was a soft pondering. lilies’ petals could not compare. dust fell around his features like snow under a full moon, shifting with his breath. 
“ i think i primarily learned from my grandfather. ” and he left it at that. 
once more did those snowflakes dance with the current, and oriol’s exhale was fragmented into subdued chuckling—niven’s enthusiasm certainly reminded him of one he knew all too well. “ well, i’m glad you at least take some precautions. ”
with a ruffle of the younger’s earthy brown locks, he stood up. “ come on then, i thought you were hungry ? ”
from some distance away, he was quick to add: “ if you get a solid eight hours of sleep tonight, i’ll accompany you the next time you go out, if you’d like. ”
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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      He grimaced at the prodding on his wound, “I never said your food isn’t good. I just forget to eat occasionally. Or sleep. Or do a lot of things.” He just nodded at the other’s assessment, “I would say. This is probably the worst thing that’s happened in a long time, but it’s okay. It looks worse than it is.” His flinch might have said otherwise.
      “I’m not comparing you to anything. It’s a nickname. If we have Oreos I want a couple at least.” He did as he was told and held the cotton ball, “What does this stuff do anyway? I mean is to help it stop swelling. Or is it so it doesn’t get an infection?” His head was tilted slightly in confusion and fascination as he thought about it. 
      “I don’t normally broadcast it. Most people don’t see how interesting the buildings are, and just think they are gross and dirty.” He laughed a little bit at the thought of watching someone like Oriol trapeze through the places he goes, “The floor gave out. My arm got cut on some glass that was sticking out. My shoulder got bruised from the impact.”
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“ if we had oreos i’d be all out of supply, ” a gentle up-tilt of his lips suppressed minor giggles at his own joke before the crevices of his brows directed downward in strange harmony with the rest of his feature’s gentle slopes. 
he was almost shocked, cracks turning to deep furrows in the freckled landscape: “ this is an antibiotic: it aids in the healing process by preventing or eliminating infection. how did you intend to treat your wounds without this ? ” 
with a basic pattern of gauze and medical tape, as oriol completed his works, his eyes meandered upward, catching sight of the curiosity in niven’s appearance. somewhere deeper, thoughts of a past life touched the tips of his conscious, reached and mingled with his memories—surely, once ( or perhaps even now ) was that same look bestowed upon him?
he laughed openly with him—though they were ultimately to different thoughts: “ there must be much to explore. ”  his jovial nature, however, quickly died at ven’s consequent thought: “ please tell me you at least check the demolition dates of the buildings you visit... ? ”
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
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      He finally let his act fall, albeit it wasn’t very convincing in the first place. He slowly let his arm drop and reveal itself, “I’ll eat those later I suppose.” He glanced at the small puddle on the floor. How he hadn’t fainted yet was beyond him, “I don’t think you really want to mop up my blood do you oreo?” He couldn’t even meet the other’s eyes in embarrassment. He honestly felt like Oriol treated him like a child at some points.
       His eyes widened at the sight of a syringe, “Now where the hell do you think you’ll be sticking that.” His own face falling at Oriol’s words, “Excuse me? I am not childish! You just don’t like going to abandoned buildings with me. Then I go and get injured.” He shook his head and walked over to the other, “I would love to hang out with you if you suggested something to do.” 
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“ i certainly hope you do, i didn’t study in france for my junior to tell me my food isn’t good, ” as he spoke—his tone airy, the breath of persephone’s spring tidings—nimble fingers coaxed the wound pressing gently on particulars to assess damage. a soft exhale which mingled on the fringes of being a sigh let out a near inaudible melody: “ this is indeed rather wounded... ”
“ if you compare me to a cookie, i’ll be eating those biscuits while i watch you clean it, ven ” as his prodding tone continued, ever so smoothly—as abuelo had taught him—did he swab and insert the syringe, ambrosia-hued antibiotics entering the swelling flesh with ease. “ it goes into the muscle, just like— ” he removed it, pressing a cotton ball to the area “—that. please hold that there. ” 
eyes still focused—mercury swirling in curious storms—his voice was liquid and honey-like, “ perhaps if you had the foresight to tell me of your escapades i could come along, ” there was a lack of malice, simple concentration; “ we could always do that. 
so that’s how you got this ? ”
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oriioll-blog · 7 years
( @oriioll liked for a short starter! )
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          Yasu jolted away from the male that he had bumped into a look of shock crossing his features as he bowed in apology. “I-I’m sorry!” He cried, aware that his temperature often put people off. 
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his mind must have been elsewhere: far or near, it was irrelevant in the now; that he had almost caused harm to another. surprise framed defined features and his eyes glittered with galaxies temporarily forgotten. he had felt a cold which reminded him of... home ? ( was it inviting in an unplaceable way ? —but where had it come from ? ) 
“ ah— please don’t worry ! if anything i should be apologizing; are you alright ? ” 
well aware of the size difference, concern had forced his focus away from the documents now blowing away in the wind. they rustled further and further away, blown about with autumn leaves. 
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