orionblackwatson · 1 year
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
I...can't fault that logic. I'm in no position to know what The Dark Lord and his advisors are thinking with their requirements, though in my class actual use of one's brain is required. And despite the reputation of my family, with a few notable exceptions, I've always preferred to judge a witch or wizard on their actual ability rather than bloos status or now designation. For students who show potential, I was thinking of offering lessons on how to brew wolfsbane. As you know we've...had an uptick in the werewolf population in recent years.
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That's sound advice, Professor. It's hard to see any of this as anything but an attempt to lull submissive-branded people like myself into a certain level of brainlessness in the hopes that we'll be more 'naturally' compliant. Which...of course, I am. Compliant, that is. Umm... Anyway, I'll look forward to those intellectually stimulating brews you have planned. Thank you, Sir.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Keeping his eyes on Justin as they younger man hurried to follow his order and nodded his approval as he stripped off his tight shirt. "That's a good lad," he rumbled, letting his gaze slowly wander over the smooth, pale skin and lithe muscle that was revealed. Rolling easlily to his feet, he closed the distance between them, a large hand lifting to brush his knuckles over the skin below one of Justin's nipples. The few inches Orion had on his student seemed a far larger difference up close and he looked down at Justin before smiling and saying, "You're the first to help me break in this classroom. Perhaps even earn some house points." The sort of things one could award points for now was vastly different from when he himself had gone through school. Haking the initiative, Orion slid his hands around Justin's hips and down over his round ass, big palms flexing to grope at the tempting globes, before gripping his thighs and easily lifting him to allow Justin to wrap his legs around his hips.
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"Just...Just a little." Justin admitted sheepishly, his panting finally subsiding enough for him to clear his throat and gather some modicum of composure. Which, of course, fell apart all over again when Watson oh-so nonchalantly suggested Justin take his shirt off so as to save the last remaining buttons from being scattered as it was alternatively ripped off. Gulping, Justin stepped forward, his hands accommodatively at his sides as he did so. "With all due respect, Sir - Reparo is a rather simple charm. If you'd rather rip it off me, it wouldn't be any trouble to mend the damage later..." Justin's breath caught in his throat as his professor moved to shrug his massive frame out of his robes, leaving him clad in that mind-numbingly tight Oxford button-up, straining infuriatingly at the seams around the man's muscled build. Justin's eyes fell to those thick forearms, which led to even thicker biceps. "O-Of course, whatever you feel is best." He added - his usual snarky spark subdued by how unbelievably attracted he was to the man sitting in front of him, like a king on his throne. He tentatively reached for the first button but was slow to unfasten it in case Professor Watson changed his mind.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
The familiarity of focusing on the academic side of things could help you find your equalibrium in this new situation. There will be other potions taught of course, more intellectually stimulating ones rather than the mandated brews alone.
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It will continue, Professor. I've always prioritized my academics. I won't lie and pretend I'm thrilled with the new curriculum. I find it rather crass, actually...but this is the new world, I suppose. I trust your ability to prepare us for it, even if I'm not overly fond of the subject matter.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Glad to hear you intend to devote yourself to your studdies, Mr. Crabbe. How are you finding the new academic structure at Rookwood?
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Nice to you again, Professor. Potions was always one of my favourite classes, and now I have a reason to devote myself to this year's lessons too.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Watching the younger man tumble into the room was amusing, but not enough to deter Orion from what they had been discussing. Pulling a pocket watch out, he considered it, then hummed, "You made decent time. I'd say someone's eager." He let his eyes roam over the way the snug uniform clung to Justin's frame and nodded, noting how he was staring at Orion's own lap...or, more likely, the heavy buldge of his cock hidden away in his pants. Raising a hand, he motioned him closer and said, "Why don't you take off that shirt for me, Justin? I have a feeling more buttons will be going flying if I have to rip it off of you." As he spoke, he shrugged out of his robe and began to roll his sleeves up his forearms.
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Justin clamored clumsily down the spiral staircase that led to the dungeons. He'd taken this route from the Hufflepuff common room several times, but never had he been this eager to get where he was going. His new school uniform, tight and magically form-fitting around his generous ass, his thick thighs, and chest, he let out a yelp as one of the buttons to his shirt went flying as he veered around the corner. "Oops." He huffed carelessly. It was easily fixable with magic, but one-less button would only speed things up at this point - assuming he got what he was hoping he'd get from his new professor. Finally, finally, Justin arrived at the potions classroom and stopped just outside the threshold. He hurriedly composed himself, but it was still obvious how eager he'd been to get there by the time he turned the corner and strode into the room. "Here...Here I am, Professor." He huffed, blushing in spite of himself. "Apologies for making you wait." Once he properly had his eyes on Professor Watson, he felt his throat go dry. Pictures, moving or not, did not do this God of a man justice. "Bloody fucking he--..." He stopped himself, worrying his lips together as his eyes roamed every inch he could appreciate; arms the size of his head made his robes strain at their seams, a strapping chest looked like the perfect place for him to bury his face into and it all led down to massive thighs with an equally endowed bulge at the center. Reluctantly, he dragged his gaze upward and settled on the man's ridiculously handsome face. He managed a weak, crooked little smile. "Hello. Sir." Justin adjusted his shirt, trying to remember simple things like his name and the first three letters of the alphabet because his mind was very disconcertingly blank at the moment.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
I have looked over the notes left behind by both of the Potions professors from the last decade and do seem to recall seeing mention of your skills in the potions lab. I look forward to seeing if that continues to be a trend. I'd say come into the class with an open mind. These potions won't be akin to what you're used to brewing but they do fit into the new learing requirements as has been directed by the new school governors.
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Despite learning from a notoriously tough grader, to say the very least, may he rest in peace - I managed high marks during my first six years here, Professor. I wasn't top of my class, but I was exceedingly proficient, I'd say. Charms and Transfiguration have always been my respective fortes. But that said, I think I look forward to what you have in store for us. Anything you could tell me that might help me prepare for your first lesson?
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Yes, the notes from Professor Snape definitly indicated your accumen with brewing potions and Slughorn also seemed impressed...though he seemed to value things other than academic proficency. I have indeed brewed under the moon and I'm sure you know different potions fare better during different phases of the moon and time of year. Even your location on the planet can have an effect on them. I once traveled to the Yucatan Penninsula to brew something atop the Mayan temple ar Chichen Itxa during the summer solstice. We can most assuredly discuss more tips for brewing as class begins. Are there any potions you're looking forward to learning about?
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You should, Sir, I'm nothing if not impeccable in my Potions work. Oh of course, they're crucial to the more delicate brews I've read about. it's fascinating to see what the results might be with some potions under different star signs or planetary alignment. That would be brilliant, Sir, thank you. Have you ever worked on any, that require being brewed under moonlight? I've attempted some at home but they've never quite gone right for me. They've worked but not to the degree I had hoped they would. I would love any tips on those types of potions you might have to offer.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Yes, I ran a successful apothocary and potions shop before this...opportunity was presented to me. And who am I to say no to such a boon? The potions that the board of governors want students to learn are a bit more unconventional than ones that would be taught to underage witches and wizards. They require more...mature hands. Most of the potions we'll be working with shouldn't be prone to explosive results, but I will let the hospital wing know to be prepared.
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I don't know about good considering the situation we're all in right now but I guess we just gotta make the best of things. Is this your first year of teaching? I know that I had a.. delayed start when it came to completing our basic education but what is that supposed to mean? More difficult potions? That's just one name I thought of, there could always be others too of course.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
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Good to know.  I shall expect good exceptional performance from you then.  No rush...though I’m delighted to hear you are aware of the impact astronomical forces have upon different brews.  I’ll observe some of your potions in class, of course, and if I find your skill up to standards, perhaps I’ll allow you to take some supplies up to the astronomy tower.  The dungeons do have aesthetic appeal, but some potions fare better closer to the moon.
Potions has always been a passion of mine, Sir, even before I came to Hogwarts. My grandfather was a fairly famous Potions Master in his prime. I have a few ideas, but I need to determine which order I should do them in. Some of them depend on moon phases and star alignments for particular ingredients so timing is of the essence.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
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Lovely to meet one of my Houses’s students and one who’s interested in potions at that.  I think some extra time in the potions lab could be arranged, though I would need to know what potions you plan on experimenting with.
Hello there, Sir. Millicent Bulstrode, Slytherin switch and hopeful Potions Master myself. Will we be permitted to use the potions lab out of hours for personal projects?
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Kissing ass ~ Orion and Justin
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The walk from his suite to the dungeon classroom took only a minute, so Orion found himself in the room before Justin and stowed a few bottles of potions in the drawer of his desk. He wore the dark robes of a professor, but with green and silver piping along the edges. Underneath, he favored deep emerald green trousers and and a black button down shirt that stretched across his back, chest and biceps. The candlabras that lit the room flickered slightly brighter as he settled into his chair, hands steepled and thick thighs spread in relaxation as he waited for the younger man's arrival..
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
Good to meet you, Mr. Diggory.  Your records indicate you shouldn’t have too much of a problem with my class, though some of the potions will will brew will be a bit more advanced.  Ah, yes, Mr. Finnigan.  I’ve already been warned of his tendency to have explosive accidents.
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Hello Sir. I am Cedric Diggory, student from the Hufflepuff House and not a potions master but I did manage to keep a good grade in potions when your successors were around. At least I believe I did, you can check your records if you want? I would definitely keep an eye on that Gryffindor. Seamus?
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
I used to run a rather successful apothacary shop, Mr. Finch-Fletchley, I charm everyone.
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Good boy, I’ll see you soon.
Oh, yes. Yes, preferable, to say the least uh-huh. So you admit you're trying to charm me, then?
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I'd be there in a second if students could Apparate in this bloody castle, but I'll be there as fast as I can, Sir. I'm on my way as we speak, actually. Being a good boy is sort of part of the whole teacher's-pet/kiss-ass deal, so you can rest assured I'll be quite, quite good in more ways than simple obedience, trust me - so get those fun potions ready for when I inevitably earn that preview. Please~.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
I’d think corny would be far preferable to some stances and attitudes I could take.  Glad to know my charms are working.
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Figurativly and in reality, it’s a good skill to have.  We can definitely see about you getting your lips on my ass, but first you have to get down to my classroom.  Now would be good.  I’ll leave the pumpkin juice out, but maybe if you’re a good boy I’ll show you a preview of some rather fun potions that can be used during such an encounter.
Merlin, you're smooth. A little corny, almost to an adorable degree, but bloody smooth, Sir.
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Why do I get the impression you're not speaking figuratively there? Because...your ass is certainly one I'd be up for kissing. Figuratively and otherwise. Oh, I feel...quite excellent about that prospect, Professor. Sure, it'd make it difficult to think about anything else in class with you when I'm staring at the spot where you bent me over and made me see stars, but I'll manage...especially since I reckon top marks in your class will only earn me more goes on your desk. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we? I need that first shag to motivate me to earn more.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
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As classes will be starting soon, I thought it best to introduce myself to students who haven't come across me yet. Professor Orion Black Watson, Head of Slytherin and Potions Master. I look forward to seeing you all in my classroom as I assume you all managed to at least pass the potions classes previously...and yes, I have the records so I know who I will need to keep an eye on lest we have any explosions or unapproved poisonings.
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orionblackwatson · 1 year
I’ll have to make sure the first lesson is especially memorable then.  Start things off with a bang.
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Kissing ass is an undervalued skill.  It’s quite possibly one that will serve you well here.  I think you should find your way down to the potions classroom.  It could be quite fun to see what kind of ways we can make use of being horny...without adding anything to anyone’s pumpkin juice.  How do you feel about being bent over the Professor’s desk, Mr. Finch-Fletchley?  Or would that mak class in there too distracting?
Good thing none of us are underage, right? Well, I know which class I'm looking forward to the most, that's for sure.
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What can I say, Sir? Old habits die hard. (Another Muggle saying, I reckon. Gross, I know.) I've always been a bit of a kiss-ass, or so I'm told. Basically, all the points for Hufflepuff when I was a student here two years back were earned by yours truly...though not for the sorts of things I imagine I'll earn them for here, looking at the curriculum. Looking at you is enough to make a bloke horny, Sir - but I suppose, as long as we're being honest, I don't think it'd be a bad thing to start off this whole experience being in our very strong, sexy Potion Master's good books. It'll lessen the odds of my pumpkin juice being spiked with something, right? ;)
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