Marcus just gave her a look and left it at that for now as he got undressed and into the bath with her. “Give her some space, she may still surprise you.” he took hold of one of her feet to give it a massage. 
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“I’m not going to hold my breath.  All I need in this shitty world is you and my little pet.”  Ori frowned heavily, though even her stubbornness thawed as Marcus gently massaged her foot.  A small quirk of the lips betrayed the demoness’ frustrations.  “Enough about all that.  How was your day love?”
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“I’m not.” Marcus rolled his eyes a little. “Whatever happened, I don’t really care, but you’re about to lose one of very little friends we have.” He explained then took his shirt off with the intention of getting into the bath with her. 
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“That’s on her,” she hissed around the cigarette between her lips.  Ori glanced up to see her husband remove his shirt and made a point to spread her legs and give room for Marcus to join her in the tub.  “I tried to be her friend and she threw that away.  I see what I mean to her.”
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⭐️(from Ruby)
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
Sometimes Ori would ask Ruby to join her in seducing her way into a position of power, enjoying as chaos would unfold as they treated monarchs and nobles as their puppets.
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Domination.  Ori is a true dominatrix when she’s in the mood.
Public places.  The thrill of possibly being found, and continuing anyway.
Post killing/torture.  Seeing Marcus assert his power over a poor victim.
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Mirrors.  When Ori and Marcus are in the bathroom she likes to be right in front of the mirror to enjoy their reflection.
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“I can do that.” Marcus smiled and leaned into her hand. “I know. Now, go on, I’ll see you later.” 
After Marcus’ run in with Ruby, he had taken his time to get home, knowing how Ori had probably reacted to it all and he was right, he found her in their bath with two empty wine bottles and half of a third. “You two are the most stubborn demons I have ever encountered.” 
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The demoness took a long swig of the bottle, her eyes piercing Marcus with an icy glare.  “If you’re here to lecture me don’t waste your breath.”  She reached for the pack of cigarettes perched along the bathtub, taking one out and lighting it with her finger tip before lowering herself further into the bubble filled water.
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When he finally looked up at her his eyes were a piercing blue. One by one he willed her fingers to unfurl from his arm, her hand up to one side as if she was making a vow. For both of their sakes, they needed distance between them, skidding her back a few paces and cementing her red bottoms to the concrete. And there, like a statue, she would stay.
“Let me make something very clear, Mrs. Velnias-Arkwright. You don’t have to like me. I don’t expect you to like me. You could want my head delivered to you on a platter…” A slow shake of his head, “But you don’t get to touch me. I don’t like it. It’s one of my things.”
He exhaled through his nose, “So I’m going to let you go now. And you can say your piece. And then? It’d probably be best, if I went one way and you went the other.” With an exhale the glow of his eyes faded and Ori could move around as she pleased, “What is it that you want to tell me?”
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The anger Ori felt tripled.  She was done.  “It doesn’t even matter,” she spat.  “If this is how I’m going to be treated, by you and Ruby, I don’t give a shit.  Enjoy your little romance.”
Throwing the still full coffee into a nearby trash can, Ori turned on her heels and walked away.
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Ruby’s jaw tensed. Ori just couldn’t drop it could she. Even if Ruby had been comfortable with telling her, which she wasn’t at all now, they were in public. Every time she said that word was another threat to Ruby’s safety. “Stop.” She warned. She was aware, too aware, of the consequences if the wrong person overheard Ori. All it took was one person and that didn’t even have to be a demon or an angel. She knew fae that sold information to both sides, vampires that aligned themselves more with demons. All it took was a rumour, gossip, and Raziel could fall and she would be dead. “I can’t do this… I’m done talking about this.”
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“You know what Ruby?  I’m done.  Fuck whoever you want and leave me out of it.  Sorry for trying to be your friend.”
With that Ori stormed off.  None of this was worth the headache.
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He held up his hands in defense, “That’s right. I forgot you had gotten married. I’m sorry.” Raz thought he was being more than reasonable, he already had everyone and their mother’s information jammed up in his head, excuse him for forgetting one demon’s husband. And though he now knew Ori to be a friend of Ruby’s (which held weight) he couldn’t help the roll of his eyes when she continued, “Well, Mrs. Velnias-Arkwright, you dislike me. I figured you’d be happy to end this conversation.” A quirked brow, “Or did you want me to wait for you to dismiss me?”
Everything was going as well as Raz expected; He wasn’t naive enough to think Ori would enjoy his presence. But when she touched him – grabbed him – that changed things. Raz stiffened at the thought of a hug from someone he knew. The only person he let touch him whenever she wanted was blocks away.
This is Ruby’s friend. This is Ruby’s friend.
“Ohhh.” he exhaled, eyes still fixed on her hand, “You really don’t want to do that.”
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This one demon was also the best friend of the woman he was seeing.  So yes, Ori expected better from him.  “Regardless of my feelings towards you, Ruby is still fond of you and so we have things to discuss.  Unless you want to turn tail and run like a coward, then by all means, I won’t stop you.”
She cocked a brow at the other.  “Or else what?” she challenged him.
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Her tone focused him.
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“Well, Ms. Velnias, it’s clear you already know who I am. And I already know you. So, there’s no need for introduction.”
In an instance gone was the dropped coffee and any stain that may have splattered onto her shoes. In her hand now, a cup of whatever she had been drinking.
“New coffee.” Stepping aside now he pulled out his phone.
[txt >> Red]: Did you need me for something?
[txt >> Red]: Met your friend.
He figured the conversation was over. “Have a good one.”
Ori’s eyes narrowed into sharp daggers.  “Mrs. Velnias-Arkwright,” she seethed icily.  As Raziel turned to his phone it only deepened the demoness’ scowl.  “You know, it’s quite rude to busy yourself with technology in the company of others.  An angel should know better.”
Her free hand darted out to grip his arm tightly.  “Not so fast angel.  We need to talk.”
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“It all happened at once. There literally wasn’t time for me to process my emotions before we were going from shouting at each other to…” Ruby sighed. “You’re the first person I’ve told anything. And I mean anything. Any kind of detail. I know I haven’t told you everything but I want to, even if you are a judgemental bitch about it. It’s just as up be in my own time.” 
She paused, her eyes closing for a moment as she collected her thought. “Okay uh… Fuck.” She looked over at Ori. “I haven’t even said this to him yet but if it’ll help you trust me. I don’t believe in fate but… It’s like something I can’t explain pulls me towards him. Like we’re suppose to be what we are, whatever that is. It doesn’t matter what vessel I’m in, nothing will change that.”
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Her expression turned softer the more Ruby explained.  Annoyance flashed across her face at being called a judgmental bitch, but Ori let it side for the time being.  Her eyes searched over the other before finally speaking up.  “I....I do trust you.  For the record.  And I know you will likely laugh at this, but I believe in soul mates.  Perhaps....this angel is yours.”
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“Games?!” Ruby was ready to lash into her but a timid employee cleared their throat. 
“What?!” Ruby growled at them causing the employee to step back. 
“Could you maybe… take your argument outside?”
She almost yelled at them but a quick glance around the cafe she knew they were causing a scene. Deciding to take her leave she stormed from the cafe and once she was a few feet away she turned knowing Ori would follow her out. 
“I’m not playing a game. I’m fucking scared.” She admitted. “I’ve never done this before. I’ve never felt like this. I don’t know how to deal with it or understand it or what I’m suppose to do with it. We’ve been in this little perfect bubble and I didn’t want it to burst so yes I’m being vague. I want to protect that bubble for a little while longer because at the end of the day the details don’t matter. I’m happy Ori and I wanted to share that with you. Can we just… not.”
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Ori glared absolute daggers at the employee, daring them to say anything else.  She followed Ruby out, head held hi.  
She allowed a sigh to leave her lips as she regarded her friend.  “If you had told me sooner I could have helped you to deal with it.  You didn’t have to struggle with your feelings alone Ruby.”
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“And I was planning on telling you everything!” She spat back as she turned back to face her. “I was only half way through the fucking story but you just had to go poking and try to find shit to disapprove of! I was planning on telling you everything because you’re suppose to be the one person I know hands down that I can trust. This isn’t supporting me. You’re trying to back me into a corner. You’re not owed anything about my personal life, Ori. I was going to share it willingly with you but you just couldn’t wait to try and find a problem, could you?”
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Standing up suddenly, Ori didn’t care as the chair clattered to the ground.  “How dense are you?” she snapped.  “I wasn’t disapproving!  I was simply asking to make sense of why you’re being so fucking vague!  I’m tired of these games you’ve been playing!”  
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“Oh I don’t know Ori, maybe it’s because I’ve never done this before? Maybe it’s because I literally don’t know what I’m doing. Maybe, just maybe, I might want a little privacy to enjoy this before I let the world in. You might be my friend but you’re not entitled to know anything about anyone I have feelings for. Maybe if you gave a shit about how I was feeling I’d be more inclined to tell you but all you’ve done since walking over here is threaten someone you don’t know and then interrogate me.” Ruby got out of her seat. “You know, when I came to you struggling with how I was feeling it was because I trusted you. The way you’re acting now is making me question if that was a mistake.” She blinked, her eyes switching colour. “So unless you’re going to fight me for the information. We’re done here.” Her eyes switched back as she grabbed her bag and yanked it up, heading for the door. 
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Anger boiled inside of her.  “This all started because I give a shit about how you feel,” she snapped.  “You were stressed, crying, clearly hurt, and as your friend I’ve been trying to be there for you!  Support you!  I’m sorry that’s not good enough you.”  Ori was absolutely livid.
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Marcus pouted with a chuckle. “I’m so sorry my love, I have a lot of patients at the moment, I don’t think I’ve had this amount in a long time.” he put his hands on her thighs and gave them a squeeze before leaning up and kissing her lips. 
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The demoness put her hand atop of his, leaning into the kiss.  “It’s okay love, I understand.  I know how important your work is.  You just owe me a nice, relaxing massage when you get home,” she teased.  With her free hand Ori ran her fingers through his short hair.  “I know you like to keep their privacy, but you know you can always talk to me.”
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Hearing her guess made Ruby feel cold inside. “I didn’t even get to the good stuff and you’re already trying to guess?” She joked to try and deflect. She wasn’t going to confirm or deny anything. Ori might have been her friend but Ruby wasn’t stupid, she knew how a lot of demons felt about Angels. Hell, she had been the same. There was no reason for her not to assume hell could have just as much problem with her and Raziel as heaven would. “I actually had sex with someone where there were feelings involved and you care about something as unimportant as what species they are? Kinda sounds like you’re looking for things to disapprove of. If you wanted me for yourself babe you just had to ask.”
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Ori gave her friend a pointed look.  “Is there another reason besides his species you’re being so secretive and on edge about this?”  She really wasn’t in the mood for games.
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Ori pursed her lips, about to tell this angel where exactly he could shove that coffee when something clicked.  She was all too familiar with that look of being absolutely smitten.  “You just missed her,” she stated simply.  This was the guy Ruby was involved with?  Really?  “Next time you should just try calling,” she said with a bite.
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He couldn’t explain why, but his bond with Ruby had gotten undoubtedly stronger since they slept together. This wasn’t just some romanticized bullshit about sex. This was a pull. Like he was tethered to her in a way he had never felt connected to anyone else before. It was just something to note until today — nothing too unusual until he was dragged through time and space.
He had been waking to the Univeristy, expecting to see the campus when he turn the corner, instead running right into a stranger on the complete other side of town.
“I’m...” glancing at their surroundings in genuine confusion. Had he teleported here? “—I’m sorry. Let me buy you another coffee. Please.” He was so discombobulated that he almost hadn’t noticed he knocked the coffee out of her hand, “I guess I wasn’t... looking where I was going...”
Ruby had been here. He could feel her.
“...Random question: has a woman about this tall been this way?” He asked, holding up a hand to demonstrate her height, his free hand holding a handkerchief out to the stranger, “Wavy brown hair, she has a scar over her eyebrow...” Beautiful brown skin, deep eyes he could go on.. then realized he probably sounded as crazy as he looked lost. So he shook his head, “— Never mind. It’s been a long couple of weeks. Forgive me.”
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