otayuranidiot · 1 year
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“I would take the stars down for you.”
Meet Elaine, a PC in The Kingmakers played by Rhys, and Elaine’s wife Araborys
Elaine is a fighter formerly with the House of wolves guild, charged with hunting deadly monsters who threatened her home… until it was attacked by a mysterious cult and burned to the ground. Her town displaced and her family in danger, Elaine joins a group of adventurers hunting down the man responsible for the attack…
Tune in on YouTube and Spotify on Mondays for what happens!
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otayuranidiot · 1 year
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first post to tumblr in months and it's miguel horny- No but in my spider's verse his Miguel becomes the prowler and then everything gets evangelioned and Park relives the death of his fiance thousands of times before 2099 Miguel finds him. He's a little silly! :D
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otayuranidiot · 2 years
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omg im so so sorry i thought i already posted this :sob: ANYWAY @otayuranidiot hi! i got you again this year! here’s your fella for @masseffectholidaycheer
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otayuranidiot · 2 years
@bickeringcrab I am your holiday harbinger for @masseffectholidaycheer! I wanted to make something lighthearted for your Fab, and of course Garrus is our favorite Turian out there <3 I love the description for your Shepard, they seem like someone who has kept strong despite a lot of tragedy. I’d keep sprinkling them with praise but I think that’s the sound of harbinger’s lasers in the distance uh-
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otayuranidiot · 2 years
everybody loves the gif but I feel like this moment can only truly be enjoyed with the audio so here
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otayuranidiot · 2 years
Hello dear harbinger! Will there be a reaping this year?
Apologies for the slow response. Harbinger was deep in Dark Space when you sent this.
Believe it or not, this year is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the first Mass Effect Holiday Cheer ... and even cranky old Reapers know better than to dismiss a TEN-YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
So yes, there will be a Reaping. It will likely follow the same January Jubilation model as in recent years, so there's still a bit of time before I have to mobilize the forces OF EVIL of holiday cheer.
But the forces will certainly be mobilized.
You will know gifts.
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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My commissions are open! For details, DM me or email me @ [email protected] (no slot limit currently)
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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hi hello hi @otayuranidiot i’m your gifter for @masseffectholidaycheer this year! sorry it was so late i was very busy with work X_X i hope i did your boy justice
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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@maltdrawings MERRY ASSORTED HOLIDAYS!!! :D I was your gifter this year for @masseffectholidaycheer. Harby did wonders this year for sure. I had such a joy looking at all the art you have of Dan and Garrus. Their passion is really heartwarming, and there’s always something very delicate when drawing original characters. We insert a lot of ourselves into our writing, and that of itself is so comforting… I adore the connection your Shepard shares with Garrus, and I hope that with the future as things ease up sometime soon, these two will continue dancing wherever they may be! Because after all, there is no Shepard without Vakarian, :)
(HQ version is available on Twitter!)
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
ahhh more dnd nsfw on the mains you’re welcome
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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did some sketches for my favorite dnd characters :)
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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So what if I'm a vampire apologist.... someone should let me into their strahd game just so I can be a ditzy house himbo.
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
I remember I went to a theater camp as a tween (yeah yeah cringe whatever it was fun) and there was this one counselor everyone hated because he just Could Not Take a Joke. Someone drew Loss.JPG on the whiteboard and when someone explained the joke he literally called their parents and said their son wrote a "miscarriage joke" in the locker room
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
one day some of you will actually go outside and go to pride and you’re going to meet old black queens who refers to themselves as femme, you’ll meet people from small towns who still use the word transsexual, you’ll see that your local activist organization set up a stall about your local LGBT history that includes leather bar’s history, you’ll see lesbians in groups refer to themselves as “guys” and “boys”, you’ll see someone with breasts and pasties and little else have “he / him” painted on his chest, and you’ll be so caught up with your terminally online attitude that instead of appreciating the wide diversity of people who exist in the LGBT community who are brave enough to share themselves you’ll just be formulating posts and tweets in your head for when get home about how “problematic” it all was and it’s honestly tragic
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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Just a quick thing that made me extremely emotional from the last episode TTuTT
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
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“The stars watch over you.”
I wanted to test new color styles, idk if i’m happy with the result…
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otayuranidiot · 3 years
Saint protects his birds
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