Mod Wes: So I've been listening to Polkadot Stingray a lot recently, and because of that me and Midel finally pinned down Radiant☆Star's subunit genres!
BL!SS: a happy mix between genki and indie rock. They fall in line more with Printemps and CYaRon's style, being a smile subunit with a pink color theme, but we decided that since Kiku is a guitarist and plays acoustic/electric, and in my head a lot of Wakana's solos are quite soft but she still has a jumpy energy about her, and Sakura's always into trying new things, having a more untraditional indie rock vibe fit them almost perfectly. Honestly Polkadot Stingray's song Ichidaiji is a great example, though they can also do harder songs like I☆ris's Re:Call and more upbeat/hardcore things like Nijimi Anazawa's character song lol
Royal Dahlia: Look no further than GARNiDELiA. Songs like Kyouki Ranbu, Gokuraku Joudo, and Tougen Renka are perfect examples of Royal Dahlia's music. A lot of EDM but with mixes of pop and traditional themed instruments, capitalizing on their mature/charming looks but completely opposite personalities. In addition, during long music breaks RD puts on 'plays,' since Mei is an actress; their first "album's" story would be about a princess (played by Mei) falling in love with a knight (played by Harura), but after finding out the knight is a woman the mother (played by Mimi) disapproves. In the end, the princess runs away with the knight while the mother only worries if her daughter will be okay and if the knight would ever lie to her again.
CandyPOP: A rap group, through and through, since Hiroko and Ayane are in it. Ayane's voice/rap style inspiration is REOL, so a lot of her songs end up falling in line with what me n Midel thought CandyPOP would sound like. Isshin Furan is a great example, with Yuyu on vocals and Aya/Hiro rapping; sometimes they do 'rap battles' with each other. Ayane and Hiroko also have different rapstyles, where Ayane is pretty fast with words and raps in mostly Japanese, while Hiroko is a little slower but incorporates more English into her verses and lyrics. All three of them sing in the choruses, but mostly the vocals are left to Yuyu haha
As a full unit, R☆ has a lot of different styles open to them, since each girl's individual styles and the special 2/2/2/3 styles are pretty varied as well ^^ For example, Marvel!Us has a very jazzy/broadway theme and feel to their music, which ends up bleeding into the R☆ third years' music, and one of the 2/2/2/3 units, TopHat, consisting of Harura and Kiku has an acoustic song because they both play the guitar ^^ (for reference it's CHICO with Honeyworks' song Tokyo Summer Session, covered by Kobasolo and Mirai; Harura sings the lower parts and Kiku sings the higher parts ^^)
Because we haven't actually tried to compose any original songs for R☆ ourself, we just kind of end up imagining what songs would sound good for them and go from there, but maybe one day it would be cool to actually make a song for them ^^ Thanks for letting me take up some space on the feed, hope you enjoyed this little blurb about R☆'s subunits!
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I was up at 4 AM and decided it was a great time to do character analysis of my girl Yuyu, and I'm freaking caCKLING because of the way that she is like
TL;DR of her backstory is that she's from a rich family but because her parents are always busy and she has no siblings/the closest person to her is her estranged aunt, she basically grew up alone and with no sense of loyalty. She and Ayane have a huge falling out about this that is a side-arc on the main story (Midel and I want to dedicate a whole chapter""""episode""""" towards them starting to work through it, beginning with Yuyu realizing she's done Something and working towards apologizing for it, and then the rest of the story she does her best to make amends.)
Anyway her personality is like, outwardly she projects being very confident and leans into popularity with an easy smile, but she's a lot more somber and reclusive when she's on her own, and then strides a line between the two faces when she's with Ayane and Mimi—down to earth, but easy-going, likes to have fun, but isn't up for going out and just likes to like read together or watch movies and stuff—and eventually after she starts to trust Marvel!Us/Radiant Star more. But in addition to this she's 'neglectfully oblivious' which is what cackled me so heckin hard.
Cuz really it's awful that due to her upbringing she just has no sense of what's going on in anyone around her, and no idea how to even begin to Look for those signs, and even beyond that sometimes she doesn't even take things to heart because it's not a problem To Her. And she's definitely going to take baby steps to work on that and be better but like... at the end of it there's being intentionally oblivious to problems and then there's Yuyu who doesn't actively avoid problems she straight up doesn't even notice them happening right in front of her. She's like that cartoon character that's walking and all the bad things are going on around her but she's just "oh wow today is such a wonderful day!" conveniently ignoring the city's on fire cuz she never turned around.
Can you believe this all happened because I remembered she's a Scorpio at 4 AM.
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Mod Wes: With the release of School Idol All Stars in the last couple months, I had to draw Marvel!Us in the special outfits made for the game! It was also an excuse to finally draw the girls in their warm weather workout gear ;D
I really love these outfits, I want to either make or buy the smile one so I can cosplay Mari/Wakana with it haha Also cuz this took me a couple months to do (busy from school and moving back home for quarantine) I had to recolor Mei’s skin tone to match her new dark skin. I def got it wrong and I have to practice a ton more on her, but I hope she still came out okay! Also Harura’s idolized looks weird, her entire drawing is physically bigger than everyone else’s in my sketchbook LOL;; One more thing! I hope you notice Yuyu’s painted nails to match her outfit ;D
I also gave them card names/skill names for fun! 
Wakana: R☆'s Cheer Leader, “We’re radiant, right?!”  Harura: R☆'s Fitness Trainer, “Remember to drink your water.”  Mei: R☆'s Lyricist, “With everyone’s support, I’m not nervous!” Hiroko: R☆'s Mascot, “Call me Spicy!”  Yuyu: R☆'s Beauty Supervisor, “No hair out of place~” 
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This is art from last year (hence why Mei has light skin, I’m sorry. We’re slow on producing sets because some of our old ones need to be updated, especially Mei’s cards where we need to change her skin tone to the correct color), but I’m gonna reblog it in honor of April Fools! 
(Reblog from Mod Wes’ art blog lol;; )
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April Fools >w<! I wasn’t gonna do anything today but then inspiration struck after seeing the new April Fools cards and I HAD to draw Marvel!Us as kids! 
Wakana is not childhood friends with Hiroko and Harura, but they’re always together so I drew them anyway lol Also, I’m sure you’re wondering why Yuyu’s hair is dark instead of her usual pink? It’s because her hair is actually dyed! That brown is her natural color and she maintains the pink color she has now because she was inspired by Mimi’s hair ^^
I had fun converting @hanayosdad‘s Animal Kingdom outfits into hoodies for them, I might make myself one of these in the future haha 
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Mod Wes: Finally got this colored! They’re some old doodles I did about two years ago so the body types don’t match well, but I wanted to give Marvel!US some live outfits for their half of the story and this is one of the later ideas I came up with ^^ I’m not sure which one this will be, maybe their first live at school? And then they use the outfits again for the first competition. 
Hiroko is responsible for all of Marvel!Us’ outfits before Radiant☆Star is formed and she starts working with Ayane. To make the outfits, Hiroko mods things that she/the other girls already own, so she can focus more on the stuff she actually needs to sew, and if they need to buy additional parts they just thrift things together or order online. Wakana also helps with any sewing, and if there are small parts of the outfit the other girls can finish by hand, Hiroko passes it off to them because she mostly sews by machine. That way, the work is split between basic home ec skills and more advanced sewing, so Hiroko has more time to focus on her homework outside of club ^^ 
Fun fact, the gradients are from the stars used on their profile pages! You can check them out on the blog ^^ 
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Part 2 of the R☆ subunits as drinks! This was a fun little project as I don’t often draw food or drinks. It was CandyPOP’s that gave me the idea in the first place ^^! It comes in cherry, orange, and melon
And I think RD as iced coffee vibes with them really well <3
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Midel had the genius idea to turn the R☆ subunits into drinks, and I jumped on that so fast. I’m not good at drawing food but it’s something I like to do. SSS’ sounds so refreshing..,,, i want it..,, I love yuzu...,,
Can’t wait to see what he does for Royal Dahlia and CandyPOP!
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Don’t Let Your Mimi’s Be Dreami’s
-Mod Midel
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Mod Wes: Messing around with signatures for R☆ ^^ I still have to do Marvel!Us’ third years, but here are the other three members. First is Yuyu’s, second is Mei’s, and third is Hiro’s; I hope I got the kanji for their names right wwww 
Edit: Now with Harura and Wakana’s! 
When it comes to making sigs, I have a really hard time haha Mine is really dumb and I haven’t changed it because it’s easy to do. Like with other love live sigs, I want them to match the personalities of the girl who it belongs to. For Yuyu’s, I had to incorporate hearts. She almost had all four letters as hearts but I changed it to only the Ys lol. Mei’s is sweet, straight up and down (like Dia’s and Umi’s, also straight up and down in the traditional style) but with a little flower because she’s a sprout. Hiro’s of course had to involve a panda, since that’s her favorite animal and also her emblem.
Added Haru’s and Waka’s. Haru’s is basically my sig LOL But with the H and S for her first and last name, and the line is part of the kanji in her first name. Waka’s.... was so hard LOL I had no idea what to do and had a vague idea of stuff I wanted to incorporate (the star, the stripe, english, kanji, a cat, there was so much) and in the end this was what I come up with. The swoosh on the top was an accident but I ended up really liking it so it stayed! 
 I really like how they all came out ^^ Can’t wait to use them somewhere LOL
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Holiday season is here, so Ayane decided to design an outfit based on a Christmas tree!!
Mod Midel: This was done as a part of one of my projects for color class working with a found color palette. And I wanted to use the opportunity to explore ideas for a Christmas Tree set for Radiant Star! (Which will get done eventually lol)
Happy holidays and hopefully we can get more Christmas content out in the upcoming weeks ^^!
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i just happened along this blog today and saw its wakanas birthday lol happy birthday to her
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“It’s been a bit of a week, even Haru-chin and Hirocchi’s mom forgot my birthday and wished me good cheers early! But it makes me happy that you just dropped in to say happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day too!”
(Mod.Wes: see the joke here is that I wished her HBD early twice, thanks for being more on top of it than even us LOL)
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Mod Mayo: 
What I should be doing: actually making a set to post here  What I want to do: make a center solo outfit grouping for someone. 
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Happy Birthday Kiku!!
We’re starting Birthday URs off with R☆’s leader! She’s holding up two peace signs because celebration but also 2/2, 8/22 is her birthday ^^!
Mod Wes: I will come back and add color later, I’ve beeb really busy lately but!! I want to color her!!! Because best girl deserves it!!!
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Mod Midel: And what better way to celebrate than with flan, her favorite dessert! It matches her colors too! (I’ll probably color her later too haha)
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‘Sausage’ is code for ‘winning Love Live’ lmao
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“You’ve got some nerve, asking me to help you plan this live but slacking off during practice. That won’t do! Come on, chop chop, get back to work!!”
Introducing, Maya Inoue! She’s a supporting member to the cast and Radiant☆Star’s biggest fan (although, unless you see her wall of merch for yourself, she’d never admit it to your face). A former member of Marvel!Us when they started in her second year, she quit the unit to focus on her studies and her job as her school’s student body president. She has a very responsible nature, although she can be quite strict when it comes to the management of the student body; and she’s double strict when it comes to anything related to Radiant☆Star. Although she’s no longer on the unit, she was roped into being their manager by Wakana and Mimi. Most commonly you can hear her say, “Dame da!!/That won’t do!!” when she’s fed-up with the unit’s antics. Also, surprisingly, she is Sakura’s older cousin. 
(Background ripped directly from the game lol)
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Mod Mayo: Oh, now that we have all the girls posted, I can actually say what some of their voice insps are LOL
For Wakana, 100% her voice insp is Yuu Serizawa from i☆Ris. In their full unit songs/vids, she’s usually the girl in blue ^^ There’s a video on YouTube of some of the roles she played (most notably Mirei Minami in PriPara and Shera L Greenwood in How Not To Summon A Demon Lord), plus her songs Princess Policy and Voice for YOU!. Voice for YOU! is like, literally Wakana right down to the bangs and red outfit, all they needed to do was give her a side ponytail LOL It just makes me sad this will probably forever be an online project cuz I’ll never get to see Miss Serizawa actually play Wakana lol 
Midel decided that REOL is a good voice insp for Ayane, and I agree ^^ I always heard her voice as being similar to Dia’s but higher, and REOL’s rap style/vocal line is a good fit for Ayane’s voice. 
Midel also decided that Minori Chihara is a good fit for Mimi. Um, SAME??? Miss Chihara has an amazing voice and her voice acting is so much fun to listen to (most notably to me, I remember she voiced Mitsuki Nase in Kyoukai no Kanata, and they had the one ep which demonstrated her beautiful singing voice as well as her talented voice acting.) She’s a very good fit for Mimi, who I also always thought would have a high voice--kind of like Nozomi, but not really that high haha
EDIT: Yeah ummmm Aimer is the perfect voice insp for Harura. I have not stopped listening to After Rain, her voice is WONDERFUL and I bet she’s a joy live <3
EDIT 2.5: I change my mind, I think  Atsumi Tanezaki’s voice (voice of Miu in Blend S and Chise in Ancient Magus Bride) actually fits better for Yuyu. She has a very mature sounding voice, and I love her breathy way of singing for Miu, which I think actually works better for the kind of vocalist I envision Yuyu to be. For Maya, a better insp would be Mes, a cover artist from Nico Nico ^^! She’s really good at english, and Maya’s half-British so she’s pretty good at English too. Also, I think giving her a high pitched voice probably makes her too tropey but she gets mistaken for a kid easily so it kind of works/plays into why lol;; 
Edit 3: Kyouko Suwa hasn’t been introduced yet but her voice insp is DEF Akari Kito’s. Again, known for her role in Blend S as Kaho, similar to where I found Yuyu’s voice insp LMAO I think it fits Kyouko’s cute appearance, and Kaho similarly has a hot temper/is competitive, so I think Miss Kito’s voice would fit super well!
Edit 4: Hanatan for SSS’ leader Tsubaki? Hanatan for SSS’ leader Tsubaki. 
Edit 5: Mirai’s the voice insp for Mei! It took me a while to find a perfect voice because I wanted her voice to be more masculine/deep, and when Mirai sings in her low voice it’s just everything I wanted Mei’s voice to be. Mirai does covers with Kobasolo on Youtube, specifically this song (https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=FBd6KME8EuU) shows off both her low voice and her high voice. As a fun fact, Mei’s older sister Rei would have Mirai’s high voice ^^
Edit 6: Minami is the perfect fit for SSS member Naomi Shimizu’s voice. Minami has this wonderful growl when she hits her lower notes, and offers such strong emotions in her singing, it’s perfect for someone like Naomi who’s restrained usually and has all her raw emotions come out when she sings. Also sometimes Minami makes a cute kind of aquak when she sucks in a quick breath? Idk it’s like the opposite of Ainya and Rikyako’s but it’s still really charming/cute to me haha Songs by Minami include Crying for Rain and Lilac (my personal fav if her’s, and also what I’d picture Mei’s solo to sound like :O!)
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And here are all nine members together on their very own loading screen! 
You can find all the profiles on the blog ^^ Who’s your best girl?
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