owenwren-blog · 9 years
It was the first time that Owen could recall being grateful for his position as a public figure. Admittedly, he had assumed that his royal title would have made him a target in this battle, yet instead it had apparently saved his life. From the way the young woman stared at him in alarm, thankfully lowering her sword in the process, he assumed that she was probably on his side as well. The prince let out a quiet sigh of relief, taking what vague comfort he could get from knowing that.
He smiled when she called his name, brightening up as much as he could. "That would be me, yes. And thank you for setting that down. I'm grateful for that." Regardless of the dire circumstances, to see a friendly face put the mer prince at ease, even if that same person had been about half a step away from skewering him a moment prior. He could feel his headache receding and some of the tension eased away from his thin shoulders.
Without much warning, the woman latched onto his arm and dragged him away from the fighting. Owen nearly tripped over his feet just to keep up with her frantic pace, but found himself glas to be away from the bulk of the fighting. She had brought them to an old farmhouse, offering temporary shelter from the relentless violence outside. The brief respite was welcomed.
The flustered girl rambled nervously and Owen took that time to look at her properly. Serena Belrose. The name was familiar to him, even more so than the names of the other nobles who graced his father's court. The merman furrowed his brow, pondering a moment before he made the connection. "Ah! You're Cora's friend, aren't you? Forgive me for not recognizing you earlier." He knew her now- she was the mermaid who was nearly attached to the hip to his newest advisor. Although they hadn't been particularly close friends, they shared the same circle of friends. It had been some time since he had seen her- Serena was rarely at court anymore.
A chuckle left him at her constant fretting, gently clasping her hands with his own to stop her before she worried herself into a panic. "I'm perfectly fine, Lady Belrose. There isn't a scratch on me." Owen stepped back, turning around to prove that he was unharmed. Well in the physical sense anyway, so long as he disregarded the raging emotions and suppressed power running rampant through his head. Still, he didn't want her to be any more distressed than she was.
His expression grew solemn by the time she had stopped speaking. "I'm sorry, Lady Belrose. It was never my intention to worry you, or anyone else for that matter." Owen let go of her hands, his voice soft. "I couldn't just sit by when every one of my subjects is risking their life out there. And-and I just though that with all of the pirate ships at the dock..." He looked down at his feet, feeling foolish. He knew his actions were rash, but he couldn't help himself. "...I though she might've been there."
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Truthfully, Serena hadn’t fully noticed just who it was she had threatened to bury her sword hilt-deep in–someone had tripped over her feet, and she had reacted instinctively, the rush of the battle roaring in her veins and making it impossible for her to do anything else. However, it was only when she finally got a good look at the person at the end of her cutlass that she realized who it was…a young man, with light brown hair and freckles all over his face and a shaky voice that was all too familiar resounded in her mind and filled her with shock: Prince Wren was standing before her, startled and timid and pleading with her in a quivering voice to lower her blade and cease her assault. Immediately, Serena took a hasty step backwards, her eyes widening and her sword lowering instantly as she was overwhelmed with the realization that she had come impossibly close to committing treason against her kingdom. She–oh God, what was Owen Wren doing in the middle of the war-torn battlefield? Why had he been allowed out of the castle? She knew him, of course, albeit not particularly well, but it was enough for her to understand that…for all of his wonderful qualities, the mer-prince wasn’t exactly a fighter in the physical sense. He was kind and warm-hearted and eternally generous and giving when it came to his kingdom, but…a battlefield was no place for the young man that already seemed so broken and run-down as it was.
”Prince Wren!“ she couldn’t help but gasp his royal title as she took in the sight of him–he was pale and clammy, and understandably shaken, and though Serena couldn’t see any visible injuries thus far, she still wanted to take him away from the heat of the battle just to be certain. He was Coraline’s good friend, and he was her prince…that meant that he was just as important to her as any other member of her family, and that meant that she would protect him with her dying breath. Not wanting to draw any attention to them and the fact that they were a pair of merpeople in the middle of a pirate-filled battlefield, Serena slid her cutlass back into its sheath and reached for Owen’s arm, gingerly tucking it within the crook of her smaller one and tugging him as far away as she could manage. "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she chanted fretfully all the while, not just because she had attempted to skewer him, but because now she was manhandling him as well. 
Finally, and just barely, they had reached the back of a nearby farmhouse, and Serena tugged him behind it immediately, panting and out of breath. “Prince Wren, I–I’m not sure if you remember me, but my name is Serena. Serena Belrose. I’m a member of your court,” she explained in a fervent rush, gesturing with her hands as she struggled to provide reasoning for her behavior. “I came up onto land so that I could assist the humans in the fight against the pirates; I’m so sorry for nearly injuring you in the process…I wasn’t sure who you were until I got a good look at you! Oh Neptune, you…Prince Wren, with all due respect, you shouldn’t be here!” Anxiously, she allowed her nervously fluttering hands to fall upon his slim shoulders, and she patted him down gently in search of injuries she had yet to find. “You aren’t hurt, are you? Did anyone realize who you were aside from myself?" 
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
The prince had once lost himself for hours in the royal archives, fascinated by the stories of war and heroism in a time long since past. However, war, the real war, was more like something out of a nightmare. This was the conclusion that Owen came to as he stumbled through the destruction, eyes searching desperately for a familiar face among the chaos. Bodies were strewn across the street and the air was thick with the soot and something that was sickly sweet. He hated it with every fibre of his being, but he had to keep pressing forward. He needed to find her as much as he needed to breathe.
They had told him that Lady Mermont had gone off to organize the other Mer in the relief effort somewhere a little further out of town. Owen had been on her trail since, worried sick that something might have happened to Cora. As it turned out, those fears had been rightly justified as he came up the road. For starters, the church he had been directed to was nothing more than a pile of ash and cinders. He had seen a body of water rise up and fall to extinguish it, and he knew that only a Mer could have pulled off something like that. What he hadn’t expected was to see the very mermaid he had been pursuing trapped, bloodied and surrounded by pirates.
His blood ran cold as he started running towards them.
"Cora...Cora, NO!"
He had already lost Sophia. He couldn't, absolutely couldn't lose her too.
Something in him snapped. It was like a floodgate had broken and years of suppressed magic poured forth. For the first time Owen didn't care about it being in check either, because those disgusting human bastards has their filthy hands on something that was far more precious than they ever deserved to touch and he would be damned if he let them tarnish her any further. The water around him reacted to his fury, shooting out of every nearby well and leeching away from every plant around him. It rushed ahead of the running prince, directed at the pirates without grace or precision. The three who hadn't held onto the mermaid were thrown aside like rag dolls, knocked several meters away with the force of hitting a brick wall. The growing mass promptly regathered itself, arching over the ones who held Cora down and encompassing them in a dome of solid water.
Owen slowed his approach as the submerged pirates let out surprised yells, their gasps only exhausting the little air they had left in their lungs. They released Cora, scrambling to reach the edge of their aquatic prison, but with a forceful wave of his hand they were pushed right back in. He halted just outside of the dome and watched them struggle to breathe, a new and burning hate resting deep in his core. Cora would be fine in there. Her tail would return and so would her gills. The humans, on the other hand...
‘They deserved to die.’
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The Space Between || Coraline & Owen
It was as she was attending to an elder woman who had a large cut along the length of her forehead that the church caught fire. Those sheltered under its shadow that were still conscious began to scream as half a dozen pirates came out of the surrounding smoke, yelling and tossing flaming torches onto the roof and through the windows. Cora’s heart jumped into her throat, threatening to choke her as many of the helpers fled. Some stayed, trying to rally those on the ground or carry out the more seriously wounded. 
She wanted to run. Gods, she wanted to run far away from this and never return to land, but there were little children and mothers with babies struggling to get away from the circling pirates. The men laughed as they slashed at the human’s feet, purposefully missing but pushing the group farther back towards the burning walls as the injured shrieked for mercy.  
Rage welled in her chest like a spring, hot and volatile, and the water in the basins the mer had gathered began to tremble. Cora stepped towards the church and raised her hands, splaying her fingers towards the flames without consciously considering what she was starting. Every available water source within 100 feet rose into the air, shimmering and twisting violently, before crashing into the church with a deafening impact. The infant fire was no match and extinguished instantly, hissing and screaming as smoke erupted from the blackened wood. 
“Filthy fucking fish!” The pirates standing beside the church gaped in fury at the woman they’d overlooked, allowing time for the humans to flee, soaked and terrified but alive. 
Cora didn’t have more than a moment to take satisfaction in her actions. Something cracked against the back of her head hard enough to black out her vision and when she regained herself, she was on the ground. Six men stood around her; one wrapped his first in her hair before smacking her face into the cobblestone. Cora screamed as blood streamed from her nose, wet and thick, and pain and terror clouded her senses. 
“Looks like we caught a fish out of water, lads,” the man who had her hair spat, pulling her up. Two others seized her arms, holding Cora in place as she struggled. “Think she burns like a human?” 
The pirate leading the group leered and stepped forward, his fingers finding the silver chain around her neck. It held a translucent vial of salt water that she always wore on land to keep up her strength. With a snap, he broke it from her skin and smashed it on the ground. 
“No better time to find out.” 
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
The day had finally arrived, when mer and land-dwellers and pirates all clashed together in one long-awaited storm, and the prince of the mer kingdom had no idea how to deal with it. He saw the smoke before he even stepped foot in the village, could hear the screams and battle cries as the townsfolk rioted. The pirates had finally crossed the line, striking an innocent village for a reason that only Poseidon himself could guess at. And as he got closer to the source of the fight, and closer to the shore, he felt the distress in the air as if it were his own.
Beneath all of it however, past the chaos and the smell of burning flesh was a sensation that had the prince stop dead in his tracks. He knew it; like the tightening of a cord that grew in intensity with every step he took towards it. Owen grimaced, squeezing his eyes shut as he pushed the feeling away, stumbling back in an effort to relieve the building pressure in his skull. His blood ran cold with fear, looking past the battle to the blue horizon beyond it. He wasn't even remotely close to the ocean, but he could feel the waves churning and twisting before him. The waters were straining to their rightful ruler, like a parent reaching out to their child in a panic.
'No, no, no, no!'
Owen took a few more steps backwards, willing away the instinct to run towards it. He knew what would happen if he did, and it would mean something far worse than a raid. The crown prince let out a shaky breath, looking upwards at the clear sky. As he did, clouds began to form, heavy and ominous. He stayed there a moment, letting enough of his power leak away from him to think clearly. After a few minutes, the pressure lifted, but he was still too close to the ocean. Owen turned around, intent to get as far inland as possible. Perhaps the castle was safest? Or maybe he had to go even further than that? All he knew was that the last place he should be was back in the water. Not while the fighting was as raw and as turbulent as it was.
He turned his back from the fight and started to run, clumsily distancing himself from the fight. Owen was so preoccupied with keeping himself in control that it took him a moment to realize that he had run directly into someone else, and that said person was pointing a sword at him. Surprise temporarily distracted him from his current (and dire) problem, and he looked down at the smaller woman in front of him. "Oh, erm. I'm not one, I can assure you of that." The mer prince scratched the back of his neck nervously, beads of sweat breaking out as the pressure started mounting in his head again. It felt like his powers had caught up to the immediate threat within his vicinity.
"Um...Would you mind lowering that?" He asked timidly, gesturing to the sword as the clouds rumbled overhead. "I'm afraid I'm not in a very good condition for being at swordpoint at this moment. So if you would be so kind, I would appreciate it, Miss." Owen took a step back just in case, his gaze flickering from the fierce woman in front of him to the sky periodically.
Oh dear, he really hoped nothing bad would come of this.
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“Okay–mothers and their children, and anyone under the age of seventeen and over the age of fifty, all of you head that way, and anyone capable of fighting, you come with me. Okay? I know that this is all sorts of terrifying, and that no one really knows what’s going to happen, but we don’t have much time, so hurry!”
Standing outside of the orphanage that was as much of a “safe zone” as anyone could hope for, Serena held fast to the cutlass she had liberated (read: stolen from a pirate), and did her best to delegate who was going where in terms of fighters and civilians. The very moment she had been informed of the raid that was taking place on land, she had come out from the sea as fast as she could just so that she could try her hand at offering some form of assistance. Ronsanella had come to be just as much of a home to her as the Mer-Kingdom was, and she absolutely refused to let it be defeated at the filthy hands of the pirate lords and their slimy comrades. It didn’t matter that she had next to no fighting experience whatsoever, that she was more of a dancer and a performer than anything remotely even close to a knight or a royal guard, because she still had every intent of putting her life on the line and laying it down for the people of Ronsanella that simply didn’t deserve such an awful act of terrorism. So she would learn to wield a sword, and she would learn to use her body for something more than singing and dancing–that was all there was to it. 
Finally, the horde of people that had once been standing before her had separated into two groups: one had been taken into the relative safety of the orphanage, and the other was armed with their makeshift weapons and all of the grim acceptance of the fact that everything that took place today would be life or death. A few of the men were even looking at her skeptically, and she supposed that she couldn’t exactly blame them…most people on shore knew her as simply, “the burlesque girl”, and so perhaps the fact that she was attempting to rule an army was laughable at best. Still, they seemed to trust that she had a plan, and Serena slid her cutlass back into its holster (also stolen) before clasping her hands together and speaking once more. 
“Okay! Good. Now that everyone’s been taken to safety, it’s time for us to head back out there. We need to find their ships–that’s where all their supplies will be, and all of their cargo, and if we’re able to bring them down, then they’ll have no choice but to turn themselves in when they realize there’s nowhere else for them to go. But we need to be safe! Protect as many people as you can, but try really, really hard not to get yourself killed in the process. I–alright? Your lives are just as important as anyone else’s out there…it’ll do you well not to forget that.” Letting out a soft sigh, she waited expectantly for them to nod in response, and she inclined her head as well before reaching for her sword and pulling it out of its sheath once more. 
“Alright then, ladies and gentlemen! We’ve got an island to defend!" 
And with that, she was off. She darted away from the orphanage, only after ensuring that the doors were locked and barred from the inside, and she made a beeline towards where she knew the ships had pulled into the dock. She would have taken off at a run if not for the sudden sensation of someone nearly tripping over her own dainty feet, and with a breathy and furious little gasp, Serena was whirling around to face them fully, cutlass at the ready and brilliant brown eyes narrowed dangerously. Even if it were someone she knew, or perhaps just a civilian, she still couldn’t be too careful.
"You’d better hope that you aren’t a pirate, because I will not hesitate to skewer you on the end of my sword!”
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
Owen was sick of this.
He wasn’t a very patient man by nature, always restless in his search for adventure or knowledge. The courts were not where he belonged, no matter what everyone else insisted on the matter. His advisers didn’t listen to him, and the nobility straight-up despised his incompetency. Yet he was expected, no, obliged to act as their political plaything while his sister, the only one who even remotely understood him, was at the mercy of the most atrocious pirates that the seven seas had to offer. Even Nox and Cora, well-meaning as they were, refused to listen to reason- that his time was better spent on other matters like actually looking for the bastard who had taken her away. They had insisted that he was too important to be left to wander around freely, when he was the only monarch available to protect the throne. 
Quite frankly, enough was enough. His crown could be thrown among those rabid nobles for all he cared. Sophia was more important than any of that nonsense. For that reason, he had made a beeline to the royal archives after the court was out, where he knew the security was lightest and where there was an old hidden passageway out of the castle. He wasn’t going to let himself stand by like this any longer. Crown prince or not- he would join those search parties and find Sophia if it was the last thing that he ever did. 
A panicked and familiar voice rang through the room, just as he had finished moving the musty bookshelf to reveal his gateway to freedom. Owen whirled around, alarmed to see a mermaid who had been noticeably absent as of late. He knew her of course- the merman knew most of Sophia’s ladies-in-waiting since the siblings spent so much of their time together. This particular one had always been hot on their heels whenever they fled the castle for a few hours. “Miss Sera, I-” The prince shifted instinctively, covering the gaping hole he had been planning on sneaking through. “What are you doing here? I thought you were on leave to tend to your parents?” His mind raced, fearful that she would call out for the guards and have him quarantined to his chambers again. No, he couldn’t let that happen, not when every minute wasted meant more time for Sophia’s kidnappers to do terrible, terrible things to her. 
It dawned on him that Sera didn’t understand a word of what was going on when she had asked about Sophia. Owen wasn’t exactly sure what to tell her, so he decided for the honest answer. Cora always told him he was an awful liar anyway. “I-I don’t know. Sera, it’s been weeks, months since anyone’s heard anything from her.” He scratched the back of his neck, nervous as he sneaked a glance at his passage out of the castle. Maybe if he got a head start, he could outswim the guards before she sounded the alarm. It was as good a plan as any, he supposed. 
“I’m going to find her whether you like it or not. Please don’t try to stop me too.”
Risky Business || Owen & Sera
The older Sera’s parents grew, the more concerned that Sera became. They insisted they were fine, but she still preferred to visit them and check in on them when she got the time. Now though, having stepped away for her usual visit, things were different. Coming back to the castle wasn’t the same. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. Sophia was gone. Not the usual type of gone, where Sera just spent time fretting and then later scolding, but a terrible sort of gone where no one was speaking in anything other than hushed tones and no one would outright tell Sera what had happened. Find the prince, they said, talk to him.
Find Owen. Talk to Owen. Sera couldn’t see their faces but she knew their tones well enough that they were more than concerned. Sera rushed around the castle as quickly as she could, not bothering to speak with anyone but looking for Owen’s familiar form. People typically had a habit of moving out of Sera’s way when she was in a mood like that. Chasing after Sophia or Owen had her moving as fast as she could through the castle, a pace that wasn’t necessarily appropriate for a noble but there were times that Sera didn’t have time for politeness and this was one of those times. Sera paused just long enough in doorways to chirp and get a handle on the room before moving on again.
At one door, Sera paused. She wasn’t entirely certain but it did sound like Owen was in there. “Owen?” She called out, moving further into the room. “Owen, is that you?” Chirping again she was almost positive that he was in the room and moving. “Owen, what’s going on? Something’s happened. What’s happened?” Admittedly, Sera was panicked. Her brow was knitted together and she was wringing her hands. Out of everyone, Sophia’s brother should be able to tell her what was going on and what had happened.
No matter what it was, Sera was already becoming to feel overwhelmed with guilt. It had happened while she was gone. To Sera, Sophia’s safety felt like her responsibility. Sera was meant to be a good moral conscious, an extra person to keep Sophia on track and to take care of little things. If something happened, it was at least in part her fault. “Is Sophia okay?” Sera could hear her own voice break as she said it. Sophia had to be okay.
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
Merciful Neptune, you don’t have to apologize for something like that! I can understand the sentiment. Rather, I have a very hard time keeping my mouth shut about things, although how relevant they are to the circumstances can vary. And legs are very difficult appendages to use- I can’t blame anyone for tripping over them!
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I certainly hope this plan will work. I don’t have much of a mind for directions either. Normally when I have to walk around the surface, my destination is that huge castle in the distance- it’s hard to miss. I’m sure we’ll at least find it before sundown! 
A pleasure to meet you, Miss Sun. My name is Owen.
It is. Not that I stand out from the crowd normally. Well, unless it is I’m falling on my face which is…all the time. But that’s not the point and I’m rambling. Sorry.
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Oh! Well, that should be helpful…when we find it, that is. That sounds like the best plan I’ve heard all day! I also didn’t have any other plans, but that’s probably better than anything I could have come up with. I’d have just wandered aimlessly until I found it. Or got too tired to keep going. I’m Sun, by the way.
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
I believe we are. Oh dear. But yes, it is dreadfully exciting, getting lost in a crowd like this!
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From my recollection, there are supposed to be some sort of sign or post on the corner of the street that can point us in the right direction. I haven’t seen anything that says ‘market’ yet, however. How about this: markets are supposed to be pretty busy places, right? Maybe if we follow the crowd, we’ll end up there?
O - oh no! We’re in quite the predicament, aren’t we? They are! I’m sure what I expected but…it surely wasn’t this. Exciting all the same, isn’t it?
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I have heard that, yes! The market! I got directions from someone a couple turns ago, but…my sense of direction seems to be a bit hopeless.
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
Oh, I would help it I could. Unfortunately, um...I’m not quite sure where I am either. Human streets are confusing.
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Well, you know what they say about two heads being better than one! Where exactly are we going?
Right. So. I have no idea where I’m going. Um, help? Please?
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
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7K notes · View notes
owenwren-blog · 9 years
The prince was barely able to process the wave of questions that bombarded him. He gripped the arm of his father's chair, trying not to shrink back or bolt from the room as quickly as possible. His heart hammered loudly in his chest, the huge swell of emotions raising his anxiety even further. It became obvious to him very quickly that deciding to hold court in his state was not the brightest of ideas- well, forget that. It was awful. Just the worst thing he could have possibly done.
Owen almost turned to his guard to cancel the session early, his head reeling at the backlash from the nobles. However, before he could utter a word, he felt the water to his right shift ever so slightly as Cora swam forward. The request to delay the meeting died in his throat as she began to speak to the court, calming them with nothing more than a few firm phrases. Poseidon's beard- how on earth had she managed to do that?
The merman's jaw slackened, surprised as his newest adviser calmly and professionally addressed the concerns of each noble in question. Cora commanded the room, detailing the death of Lorelei (his chest tightened painfully at the mention of her name) and deflecting the criticisms of his silence (which was more attributed to bewilderment by this point than abject fear of saying the wrong thing). When one of the noblewomen spoke, the one who was easily offended and quick to lash at him, apologized to him, Owen was convinced that Cora had been an excellent choice.
He felt her hand, cool and steady on his shoulder, the prince straightened up and tried to focus back on the court. As glad as he would have been to watch Cora work her magic on the nobles, he was the one who was supposed to be dealing with them. The least he could do was pay attention and try not to ruin her hold over the room. Yet when Lord Sangrie, an older member of the court, swam forward with a scowl and a glare directed at the mermaid beside him, Owen found himself reconsidering his stance.
He didn't quite like the way that the elder merman regarded her.
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“I have no doubt that any one of the esteemed nobles of the court would serve as excellent advisers, Lord Sangrie. As for why Lady Mermont had been chosen, I would have thought the reason to be obvious.” He said quietly, locking eyes with the nobleman. "My father's council is host to mer with particular skill sets. Generals, apothecaries, scholars, and the like. What it lacks, however, is someone to serve as a representative of the court. Of you and every other merfolk in this room. Socialites invest their time into knowing the people of the court. So wouldn't Lady Mermont, who has grown up among you for most of her life, act best as your representative?"
Owen could have perhaps left it at that. In fact, that would have been the smarter thing to do. However, he wasn’t quite finished with Lord Sangrie. "If age and experience are your concerns, then why haven't I heard a complaint over the inclusion of Lord Grey among my council? He was younger than Cora when he gained his title." A murmer ran through the crowd at that. He could see them considering his inquiry seriously.
The nobleman’s face coloured in what the prince could see as anger. "With all due respect, Your Grace, there is a distinct difference between Lord Nox and Coraline-"
"And what would that be?" The prince interjected sharply, his eyes narrowed in warning. His voice remained calm, but there was a clear and decisive shift in the water. It weighed down on the merfolk, heavy and ominous. However, it served its purpose. Lord Sangrie bowed to him, muttering the faintest of apologies with resent and a touch of fear before returning to the masses. 
Owen leaned back with a faint sigh and the pressure was relieved. “My apologies. Please continue.” He looked over the crowd, whose chatter had died down, relatively-speaking, after the small display. “However, I ask that you respect my decisions to enlist Lady Mermont among my council. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.”
Cora floated there as Owen announced her appointment with all the hesitancy with which he normally addressed the court. She tried to look regal, composed, and pleasant, but her mind kept flitting back to Owen’s strange comments about whether or not he was sleeping afterwards and who he might be sleeping with. The way he looked at her had been full of promise and mischief, so unlike the man she knew. He had chosen just about the worst time to confuse her, and though she knew it wasn’t intentional because of how exhausted he was, it was still hard to concentrate on the tide of merfolk. 
The nobles murmured among themselves as Owen continued and Cora did her best to determine how they felt about her as an adviser. Many that had known her since childhood looked pleased; they were the men and women grouped near her parents, who seemed proud to burst. Others were skeptical and a few downright angry. She could name each of them and easily list off the reasons they didn’t like her, all from past biases or perceived offenses. She could do little to change their mind; luckily, the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. 
Court began quickly after and Prince Owen was flooded with questions from the neglected nobility. Cora glanced over at him to see the merman stiff and frozen in place, fear in his eyes. He was in no state to be accosted like this. She swam forward.
“Monsieurs and mademoiselles, one at a time, s’il vous plait. Monsieur Portiere, I believe I heard you first. You have the floor.” 
A thin, graying merman approached the throne and bowed to Owen. 
“Your Grace, what have you to say about the murder of Lady Lorelei?” 
“Lady Lorelei was a close childhood friend of the prince; it has been a devastating shock for the kingdom, most especially her family. However, acting while emotions run high will only bring about more deaths. It has been very hard for the Wrens to speak of her murder. Please, allow those closest to her time to mourn. There will be retribution but it must be exacted with caution and intelligence. The royal family will not forget what must be done.” A murmur of assent rose from the court as Monsieur Portiere bowed and slid back into the crowd. 
It wasn’t a moment before a large-breasted mermaid with dark hair pressed herself to the front of the room, clearing her throat. Cora knew much about Mademoiselle Montrevous — all that knowledge came down to the fact that she was best avoided. She would be dispelled from their company if not for her wealth and aristocratic background. 
“Lady Mermont, why are you speaking for His Grace? Is there a reason he has not held court in so long?” she asked, voice rising in displeasure. 
“You look lovely as ever, Lady Montrevous,” Cora said, gracing her with a pleasant smile. Some of the other woman’s annoyance melted away as she smoothed down her hair and grinned. It was easy to play to the mermaid’s famed vanity. “As for Prince Owen, he has struggled with illness since Princess Sophia’s capture. The stress has put a great toll on his energy; you must have noticed how rough the seas have been. Unfortunately, the murder of Lady Lorelei exacerbated the depletion of his power and His Grace has been very ill. I’m sure you can tell how he struggles with it even now, yet he’s come forward because he understands how important it is to keep the court informed.” It wasn’t a downright lie, no; mental illness was just as potent as physical illness and Owen did look the part, gaunt and pale upon his father’s throne. 
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Lady Montrevous’ hands fluttered in the water and she bowed to Prince Owen. “Oh, Your Grace, I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been ill. We just had no word of it and only a few knew you were close to Lady Lorelei. I know you must have the best care and I hope you will recover soon.”
Cora nodded and placed her hand on Owen’s shoulder, encouraging him to sit up a little. There would be even more sympathy if he looked as though he was straining to stay strong. 
Yet another merman came forward and Cora immediately recognized him as Henry Sangrie, a man who disliked the Mermonts because of a long-held grudge from when her father had won her mother’s hand instead of him. For a while he had tried to court Cora, saying how much she looked like her mother, but the young mermaid had denied him. The whole deal had been much too disturbing. 
“Coraline speaks very beautifully, Your Grace, and I mean no offense, but why is a socialite deserving of a spot on your court? There are older and more experienced mer that would serve you well. How can she be qualified in any way?” 
Cora nodded her head coldly at the merman, who considered her with equally icy eyes, before she looked over to Owen. He would have to answer this one alone and she could only hope he’d regained his filter. 
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owenwren-blog · 9 years
Indeed, but given all of the atrocities that the pirates have committed, I don’t see how we can avoid war any longer. I wish there had been another way, but Sophia’s kidnapping is not something that can go unaddressed. There isn’t any time to rest until she’s back and the pirates are dealt with for good.
Ah, I don’t think we’ve met! At the very least I don’t recall hopping on any bars or the like. It sounds like a peculiar activity, although with so many pirates around, it’s not exactly safe enough for me to try it out. According to what my friend said, anyway.
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My name is Owen, and it’s a pleasure meeting you!
You’re telling me! I feel like I’ve hardly got a spare moment to sit down anymore, let alone relax. And what with the war and stuff hanging over us like this…
It’s alright, man; we all deal with it. What’s your name, by the way? You look a bit familiar to me…have we gone bar hopping together or something?
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
Good grief, I know what you mean! The moment you think you have a little room to breath, another wave of work is thrown at you. It’s quite tiring, really. 
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It sounds like we’re in the same boat. My condolences for that- it isn’t something I would wish on anyone.
I feel like my life is just made up of work, work, work. Is there ever a time in your life when you start to settle down?
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
I quite understand. The only thing I fear is that such an opportune moment might never arrive. The Pirate Lords have proven themselves to be a formidable enemy time and time again. By the time they leave themselves open, well...it may very well be too late. Already this is an exceptionally long time for the pirates to have kept a mermaid alive, and I pray to Neptune she still is. So, while I do understand your reasoning wholeheartedly, I also know why my people grow anxious. But thank you, King Bennet. Your men don’t need gills to be of great help to us. 
To be frank about it, sir, the Mer council is not my council, strictly-speaking, more as it is my father’s. They do what is best for the kingdom and I try to recognize that as best as I can. Unfortunately, as they have spent years governing in a very specific manner, they tend to be tied down by old mentalities and traditions. On top of that, it doesn’t quite help them to know that our association is temporary- I’m still far from fit to rule by any means. My relationship with them has always been a work in progress for as long as I can remember, but there are a few among them that I can depend upon. It’s a start, at least.
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Oh yes! Many of them have had a brilliant time of it, really! I know of a few who can walk on land as easily as we swim underwater, and one in particular who has a rather expansive knowledge of your customs and your people. For them, it’s like leading a second life. Understandably there have been concerns, what with the current influx of landlocked pirates, but overall I’ve thought it to be an excellent learning opportunity for the merfolk. At some point I would like to figure out a way to return the favor, since obviously we can’t bring humans underwater for very long amounts of time. If we can create more opportunities for both of our kingdoms to interact, perhaps we’ll have a better time of eliminating the stigmas between them.
I’m glad to hear that we’re on the same footing then, your highness; I know some people may be judgmental or wary of my personal opinion on the matter, but I truly think it’s wisest for both of our people if we approach this with a great deal of caution. Make sure to strike when none of the pirate lords are quite expecting it, you know? And thank you for lending a helping hand with my men; the same can be said for yours, so long as it doesn’t require them venturing underwater. I’m afraid my people aren’t quite as adaptable as yours, in that matter.
I’m terribly sorry that your relationship with your council as a whole is strained, your Grace; it saddens me to hear that you aren’t on good fitting with those who are supposed to help you lead a nation. Perhaps what the Mer Council could use are some fresh faces? Some who share some ideologies similar and adjacent with your own, perhaps?
It’s entirely possible that the young lady was allowing her distressed emotions to get the best of her; I understand that it’s a very emotionally taxing time for all of us, and that sometimes words and meanings get muddled. But I don’t appreciate being spoken to in a disrespectful manner, and I certainly wasn’t a fan of what she was implying, and so I merely wanted to inform you, as my acquaintance and ally, and clear the air before any tensions rose between us.
So your subjects have been having overall pleasant trips on land?
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
Let’s see…There were these pastries they had the last time I visited up on land which were incredible. They were covered in powdered sugar, and they were a bit on the thin side, I think? Anyway, you would bite into them and there would be different jams or custards inside and you had them with coffee for breakfast. And you could also fill them with cheeses and meats- but you certainly wouldn’t add powdered sugar to those. Oh Neptune, they were delicious! Now what were they called again?
…Oh! I’ve got it! Crapes! Or was it crepes? The pronunciation was a little odd. 
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Anyway, I really ought to look into how I can get more of those underwater. I could go for one now, really. Maybe I should try making one? How hard could it be?
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
"No, Your Grace. You are not needed here today."
"Oh, but are you absolutely sure? I’m positive that I could be of some assistance.” The prince protested, straining to look back at the guard who pushed him out of the courts. The firm push of water against his back forcing him into the hallway would have toppled the poor merman over, had he been on his shaky human legs. Owen turned around to say something more, only to have the guard look at him sympathetically before slamming the door in his face.
The elder Wren visibly drooped, feeling a little dejected. Sure, it was his first day off in a month, but did it mean that he couldn’t spend his time helping anyone? The librarian turned him away for being too noisy, and the cooks didn’t let him anywhere near the kitchen. The head maid shooed him away as he attempted to help clean up the dining area, and now the head guard was kicking him out of his own court! Good grief, if no one was letting him be of help, then what the hell was he supposed to do?
His gaze turned over to window, watching the steady stream of merfolk bustling about to and fro in the town below. A small twinge of curiosity had the prince’s attention. He glanced to his left, then his right to see if anyone was watching. It didn’t look like there was anyone around. Owen floated over to the window, carefully unlatching the glass so he could wiggle his way through.
Well, if the merfolk at the castle didn’t want him around, surely that meant it would be fine to escape to the town for a few hours, wouldn’t it? Perhaps there were a few people there that he could help out with. This cheered him considerably.
The string of unintentional disasters which then followed in his wake would ensure that the Mer prince would not have another day off for a very long time.
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
I appreciate that, really. After everything that’s happened, I’m inclined to agree. Acting rashly won’t be helping anyone except the pirates in this matter. And I extend the same courtesy to you and your people as well. If there is anything I can do to make this operation easier on your men and women, let me know. 
I can grant a few days of good sailing for them, should that be of any help. I know it’s been difficult to leave the ports for the past few weeks, and I apologize for that.
I am not my council, King Bennet, and I will make it a point to keep that distinction clear. While they serve as advisers to my father and are loyal to him, I’m afraid the sentiment doesn’t exactly extend to me. It suffices to say that my relationship with them is strained, although that may be putting it lightly. To be quite truthful, I don’t think they want me around at all. I don’t really blame them for that. But so long as I’m still the acting ruler, you have my word that there will be no conflict between us.
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...Cora? Really? Merciful Neptune, that’s a surprise! Lady Mermont is the newest addition to my council, and a friend I’ve known for years. She’s been of great help in keeping my court calm. Normally she’s a very tactful speaker, I never would have thought that she would say something so carelessly- not that I doubt that it happened, Your Grace! Rather, it’s not in her nature to do something like that. She’s much better at my job than I am on most days.
I’ll um...have a word with her about that. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d have to lecture her about proper behaviour. But getting back on topic, you and your people have been more than accommodating for us. I’ve recently come to know a few of my subjects who’ve told me all about their experiences on land. Frankly, if I had the time I would have joined them by now. 
I completely understand, your highness; and once again, I am extremely sorry for the losses your kingdom has been dealt already. If it were in my power to end this all by tomorrow, I would, believe me. But pirates, as you know, are slippery folk; we need a plan of caution, more than anything else. And if you need anything, of course, feel free to let me know.
I’m glad to hear that, Prince Wren, you’ve no idea how relieved I am to hear that. I agree completely—the less fighting going on, the better for both of our kingdoms. Thank you for your understanding and apology, your highness, though I should hope the rest of your council does not share her opinions or views on the matter.
I remember her being dark-haired and named Coraline, though forgive me, I can’t seem to recall her surname. She was a very passionate young thing, but I didn’t appreciate being told I have given your people no reason to trust me, especially when I’ve gone out of my way to make sure that ties between our people are as pleasant as possible. I cannot speak for the pirates, as they’ve always been rogue civilians and difficult to put a thumb on, so to speak, but I can speak for my nobles and commoners…and to suggest that I am untrustworthy is an insult to myself, my family, and my subjects.
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owenwren-blog · 10 years
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