ozdemir · 4 years
Family. The word bears with it a heavy weight, like a precious gem, and Oz knows that it’ll get to Tommy. It was always such a fluid word; having lived most of his life without his last (known) remaining biological kin, he’d sought the concept, the feeling elsewhere. In the Thanes, who raised him. In the club, who gave him purpose. In Delphine, whose loud presence equaled the value of a crowd rather than a single, petite girl. In the Demirs, who thought of him as one of their own, their son.
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And of course he knows Oz isn’t stupid. He’d have caught on sooner or later, but now that he’s trying to look him in the eye and make him say it, he can’t. Or he tries not to, lowering his head to try and avert his eyes. “Oz…” he begins, a silent plead for him not to make this harder than it has to be. “I just… don’t want to impose, alright?” In the years that he’s been staying under the Demirs’ roof, eating their food, telling their stories, their jokes, imposing has hardly been an issue. There were times when he’d stop showing up to dinners, stopped answering calls, but never this long. Oz always brought him back home.
“And anyway, you really shouldn’t take Del’s word on anything, you know?” He tries to laugh, but it comes half-baked and just plain awkward. “I’m… sorry, Oz.” He gets up and starts towards the next bike putting some metal polish on the cloth and hoping that Oz would just drop it.
Oz pressed his lips into a firm line. He knew that while his friendship with Tommy was important (incredibly important, he couldn’t even put it into words), it wasn’t an easy one. Tommy needed reassurance and validation, and Oz was more than willing to give it to him... if he didn’t fuckin’ resist it all the time. He let out a sigh before running his hands through his hair, settling a bit more comfortably on the floor beside the bike. 
“Tommy, how many times do we have to tell you? You’re not imposing. Family can’t impose on family.” He said with a shake of his head. He frowned at his friend before clapping a hand on his knee. 
“Did something happen to bring this up? Did Del say something?” While he loved his friend, she could be a conniving little snake at times. 
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ozdemir · 4 years
When Oz talks about his family, the little knot that formed inside of Maya’s stomach begins to untangle. While her pessimism attempts to beg to differ, as if he may be fabricating the true nature of his family, that sensation begins to gradually dissipate. Did people truly have loving, undeniable families? The scenario seems unfathomable to someone like Maya. But to witness the way Oz beams, speaking on his family like treasured jewels, she eases into the plausible existence. 
“Families will do that,” Maya says, smile more subtle this time, but still sincere. “I think every family has a tendency to drive you out of your mind sometimes. It’s inevitable.” For Maya, that much was an understatement. Her entire life had been plagued by the troubles her parents planted upon her. But she won’t bother Oz with the details, even as her expression falls just a tad at the mention of family. “I hope they take care of you as much as you take care of them. You deserve it.”
The reddened hue decorating her faze deepens. His compliments seem to plow through them and Maya’s body threatens to reject this feeling. These days, she felt undeserving of this kind of kindness. Especially in the form of compliments. “Are you trying to butter me up, Oz Demir?” Maya questions with a laugh, still unable to accept the compliment despite feeling a bit more at ease in this situation. She invites him into the Community Center’s backroom where all the employees hang out. With everyone’s busy schedules, it’s just Oz and Maya in there today. The brunette heads towards the fridge, “Lasagna and chocolate cake. I brought some for everyone because my kitchen is practically overflowing. But I love cooking for other people so, it’s worth it.” She turns to him for a moment as she prepares plates for them, “Do you cook at all? You know, considering your mama didn’t raise no heathen.”
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“We take care of each other. It’s kind of the deal we signed the second we came into this world.” He said with a low chuckle. It was true, something that was ingrained into his head ever since he was young. The world could burn for all he cared, just as long as his family was safe. And that didn’t even necessarily mean by blood. The Club now counted as his family, his friends here in Olympus now a part of his table. He shook his head to clear his mind before looking up with a raised brow before an easy smile slid across his lips. 
“Well with Lasagna and chocolate cake, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be buttering you up.” He says with an excited smile as he glances over the top of her head to the abundance of food in front of them. He laughs at her question before shaking his head once more. 
“I cook when I need to. Simple dishes that don’t really require much. At the end of the day, though, I’m not the best at it. I should probably learn, but I think I’ve reached the ceiling of my culinary skills.” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Chris was just coming home with Lala in tow, her little bag in his hand as she ran towards the goats, shouting for Javier. He was about to ask Oz how it was going, but if the man’s reaction was anything to go by, he knew what Oz would say before he even said it. “Yeah, Mister Manson over here really lives up to his namesake. Marilyn, not Charles.” He slings his daughter’s bag over his shoulder, before stomping and shooing the goat over the fence. “They’re just testin’ ya, because these buggers love to play. I hope you’ve milked them already?” He turns to face his employee, remnants of a smile still etched on his face. “And I hope your shoes are still in one piece. Dunno what it is about Jessica Albaaah and shoes, but she’ll go to town on them.”
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Oz glanced down at his shoes before shooting Chris a grin. “Still in one piece, thankfully. And yeah, I did, though I nearly lost a finger doin’ it. They’re lucky I’m bein’ paid to keep them alive. My ma’s specialty is goat stew.” He was only joking of course, but if Marilyn Manson decided to take another nip at his hands his words might end up being a touch bit more serious. He turned to watch Lala with fondness before running a hand through his hair. 
“I think I’m done around here. You can just wire me the money whenever. You guys need repairs done?” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Reina lifts an eyebrow at Oz’s words, surprised to hear him talk about his predecessors so candidly. “Don’t think this place would still be standing if it were up to them.” She doesn’t elaborate further than that, but she’s pretty sure if her dead father-in-law’s ghost had anything to say about it, the clubhouse would’ve been up in flames a long time ago. She can’t imagine Cronus is very thrilled about how his legacy is turning out. Her gaze travels to where he’s sweeping for a moment, inwardly cringing at his use of the term ma’am, but she lets it slide as she looks up at him again with a wrinkled nose. “Sounds even worse.” The Dive is probably the last place Reina would want to be stuck during a tornado, even after the clubhouse. “I ended up having to stay back at Calliope, which was… interesting. And the place is completely wrecked so that was fun to wake up to. I wouldn’t mind a helping hand cleaning all that shit up once you’re done here, if you’re interested.” It’s not so much of a request as it is a demand, but that’s just how Reina is and she’s got a lot of heavy lifting to do over there, so she could use all the help she can get.
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Oz shot her a grin before nodding his head. “It’s gonna cost ya, but you already knew that.” He said, though there was no gratification felt for the damage of a good business. While he wasn’t particularly fond of Reina, there were other people whose livelihood depended on that restaurant, and he knew that being out of business even for a few days would affect that. He rolled his shoulders back with a sigh before fixing her a look. 
“You okay, Reina? You didn’t melt away in the rain water?” A small smile quirked at his lips. Amused and concerned all at the same time. 
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ozdemir · 4 years
The man is off approaching other passersby before Hallen could tell him that it’s alright, that he can very well just leave the evidence there; it’s probably not the worst thing the streets of Olympus have seen, anyway. “You really don’t have to, it’s fine…” he says in an attempt to call the man back, but in the meantime decides to light a cigarette. “Want one?” He offers the pack to him, already giving up on their quest for a shit bag.
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He glanced over at the man with the dog and raised an amused brow “Well how are you going to pick up after your little poop producer, hm?” Oz asked with a raised brow before crossing his arms over his chest. He glanced back down at the proffered cigarette before shaking his head. “Can’t. My sisters have a sixth sense and would probably find about me smoking before I even get to light that shit. I think I’ll pass.” Oz looked the man up and down before raising a brow. 
“You ain’t from here, are you?” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Maddox is thankful that Oz’s face doesn’t go straight into the bottom of the car, instead, just snorting awake rather peacefully and rolling out. At least Maddox was the one to find him and not someone else because they definitely would’ve yelled or hammered on the car to get the man’s attention and to get him awake. Maddox, however, just chuckles when the man rolls out, knowing that he has a lot on his plate and honestly, the Primordial, himself, wishes that he had time for a nap too. “No, it’s cool. I just— didn’t want to freak you out,” Maddox insists with a shrug. “You good? I mean, to keep workin’? Maybe we can see if someone else can come in for you?” Maddox asks, worried about Oz’s wellbeing, considering he’s sleeping under a fucking lifted car, which is dangerous but even more so compounded by the fact that he could do it again. 
“You do snore. That’s why I knew you were asleep, man,” Maddox adds, eyebrows raised. “You want some coffee or…?” he offers as an alternative to heading home for the day. Although, maybe at this point, the man is too far gone and too far sleepy for this day to be worthwhile. “I can take your cars.” Which is admittedly, not a great plan, considering the man is tired too but he’s always willing to help a friend.
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Oz could do nothing but wave away Maddox’ concerns, running a tired hand over his face as he tried to slowly wake himself up. “No, man, I’m okay. I’m... just so tired.” He said, letting out a massive yawn before pushing himself up to stretch out the kinks in his body. “I’ve been spreading myself too thin lately but I’m fine. It’s just something I need to push past.” He twisted his back a bit more to work out a crick before raising a brow almost incredulously. 
“... Am I a loud snorer?” Nobody ever seemed to comment on it. He paused to frown in thought before letting out an incredulous grunt. 
“No, you look like you already got your hands full.” He clicked his tongue disapprovingly before running a hand through his hair. “The bags under your eyes look just about as bad as mine. You okay? Family okay?” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Oz had been fiddling with his order sheet behind the front desk when he heard the ring of the bell, gaze moving up will they finally met Gisele’s, smile easily tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Hey to you too, stranger.” He said with a tilt of his head. “Yeah, there was some damage, but we’re still standin’. I’m doing pretty good, family’s doin’ well. How are you?” 
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“Car trouble?” 
location: thane autoshop
for: @ozdemir​​
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Another day, another car favour she needed to do for Javier. When she was in her teens and eligible to drive, she used to do this for him on an as needed basis. At first, she was confused as to why it was frequently serviced, but after realizing that it was used to head south of the border, she decided to no longer ask questions and do as she was told. Today, she was having his truck serviced and as she pulled up and got out of the vehicle, she approached the available mechanic and noticed it was Oz. “Hey! Glad to see this place still in tact.” she greeted. “How are you holding up? Family is well?” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
He’s been polishing the motorcycles parked out back for a little over an hour now, not because anyone asked him to, but because he thought it would be a nice thing to do. They’re all muddy from the rain, and it’s not like he’s particularly occupied with anything. Most of the other members are busy patching up the damages, and with so many hands already on deck—and in fear that he might be more of a liability than an asset on the spot—decided to put his effort into something else.
He’s sitting on his haunches as he shines someone’s wheel rims. His earphones are plugged in, the music turned all the way up,that it’s a good thing Oz stepped in front of him or he would never have noticed his presence. He yanks the earphones out and throws the wires over his shoulder, looking up. “Oh, hey, Oz.” He smiles at his friend. The two hadn’t spoken much lately, and it’s by no accident; he’s been told that he shouldn’t mistake himself as a fixture in the Demir’s family photo, that they’ve got enough on their plate as it is, and since then, Tommy’s made it a point to step back. He just didn’t realize anyone would notice, though his visits used to be frequent enough that his absence would be more than glaring.
“Uh… I’ve just been busy, y’know?” He twists the corner of his lips in what was meant to be a smile but ends up being an awkward display of his terrible lying skills. He continues to polish the metal, though it’s clean enough at this point. “I’m sorry.”
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“You’ve been busy.” Oz repeated, obviously not convinced. “You can’t be too busy for family. That’s a load of bullshit. I also know for a fact that you asked Del to go bird watching with you not too long ago, so you can’t be that busy.” In all honesty, Oz was miffed that Tommy seemed to be pulling away. They had always been close, even from when they were younger, and his presence in the Demir residence was something he had grown used to. Sure, he would pull away sometimes, but Oz always managed to reel him back in when needed. Now was one of those times. 
He pressed his lips together in annoyance before crouching down so they were now at eye level. 
“Is something wrong? Did you do something? Are you in trouble?” Oz paused. “Because you better say yes to one of those things because at least that way I can fix it and you can start coming over again. If not, I’m going to be really angry that you’ve been staying away for no reason.” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Silas leaned against one of the other pinball machines while he watched Oz examine the one in question. He was normally really good about fixing everything on his own but sometimes he needed an expert. Maybe if he hadn’t had so much on his mind he would have been able to tinker with the thing and figure out the problem on his own. He was pretty good when it came to most of the machines in the arcade, but he didn’t have the time to spare anymore. Hell, he didn’t know when he would have that kind of time in the general future. With the house a mess and the clean-up that needed to be done both at the Rec Room and the mini golf course. 
“Thanks for looking at it Oz, it can wait until you have the time.” He gave him a small and short smile, then rubbed the back of his head with an exhausted exhale. “I’m surviving, just super busy and a lot of shit I got to do. Plus with the house all messed up, I’m not sleeping great. Super fuckin’ drafty even with the temporary patches we placed.” That and the usual ghosts that haunted the place when it was late and he was alone. “How about you? You and the family okay?” He switched, always more worried about everyone else around him than himself.
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“Don’t mention it man, we all need to help out, especially at a time like this.” He shot the man a sympathetic smile before clapping him on the shoulder before shaking his head. “If you need help with repairs or anything just let me know. I’m going a few jobs here and there, but once I get all of those done, I’d be happy to lend a hand.” Honestly, he felt like he had bitten off a bit more than he could chew, but Silas was practically family, what with him prospecting for the club, and Oz took care of family. 
“Yeah, we’re doing good. We’re lucky the storm didn’t do much damage save for some things that good ol’ plaster can’t fix.” Oz fixed Silas with a raised brow. “You were in the clubhouse the night of the storm, yeah? How did that go? I hear quite a few people were there.” He couldn’t help but snort. 
“That many bikers and their families under one roof for a night? Must have caused some trouble?” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
There was something about Oz’s family. She’s never met them, no, but something about their existence earns Maya’s stomach to twist. Probably because she never experienced closeness like that from her own family. They were all so distant. Even something like a giant, catastrophic storm could only bring them together temporarily. They’d find something to argue about soon enough. It’s why Maya attempts to marvel in the calm that’s washed over them. Her parents had something else to fixate on than their failure of a daughter. The storm, the mess it made of their home, it came as a tragic miracle. 
“She’s very lucky to have you, you know,” Maya says sincerely, her smile never faltering despite the negative thoughts that swarm her brain. There was only a touch of sadness hidden behind her words. “Your whole family is. You seem to love them a lot.” That was certainly an understatement. “It’s no problem, really. I lost my charm bracelet at The Dive a couple weeks ago, so. I know the feeling.”
The woman holds swats her hand then, “A real busy bee. Hence why I’m ready for my lunch break.” She pauses, moving from behind her desk. “Would you maybe wanna join me? I made enough food to feed an army..”
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Oz’ expression softens at the mention of them. It was true, they were his entire world. His life revolved around them, everything they needed, everything they wanted, he would move mountains just to at the very least try and provide. And it wasn’t like he felt he was the only one who contributed. His parents, for all those years, have broken their backs to give their children the life they had now, and his siblings did their best to also put as much love and energy into that unit as well. If there was one thing that was going right in Oz’s life, it was the family that he had, and he would damn well like to keep it that way. 
“I’m lucky to have them. Keeps me sane mostly, even if they drive me nuts every other time.” He laughed at the contradiction before clasping his hands together and rubbing them in anticipation. 
“Well, if a pretty lady offers me free food, who am I to say no? My ma didn’t raise no heathen. What’s on the menu?” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
“Yeah, yeah. Some things can wait.” Finn pointed out. He moved to a table near the back and grabbed a towel. When he came back he chucked it to him. “Here, dry your ass off. You look like a drowned rat.” He smirked and took a seat at the table the other man had set the bags down on. Finn was about to answer the man’s comment about the booze when the man picked up his phone. He laughed at the woman’s loud yell. “Tell yo’ ma I said ‘ello and hope everythin’ is alright over there but I ain’t lettin’ you leave this bar tonight.” The bouncer raised both eyebrows and pointed with his words to signal he was being serious. He didn’t care if he had to pull together help to tie the man down, no one else was going back outside. 
“And I’ll make you a drink, what do ya want?” He asked getting up again to move behind the bar. 
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“Fuck that noise, I look like a majestic lion that just walked out of the motherfuckin’ river.” He shot back, though grabbing the towel with a teasing smile. He threw it over his shoulders to soak up the water from his hair before going back to his phone call, apologizing quickly as his mother cursed him out for cursing (yes, he understood the irony of his mother telling him not to curse while yelling expletives in Turkish). 
“Finn says hello... No I’m not going to... You fucki-... I mean, you ask him, ma... Okay okay...” He turned to Finn before propping himself down on a bar stool. “Just a beer please.” He said before finally clicking his phone off. 
“She says they’re fine and that if you want dinner she can send some over.” Oz said with a roll of his eyes. 
“Fuck, to be honest, I’m kind of grateful I’m not in that house right now. I feel like everyone’s bouncing off the walls over there.” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
bonus: him in a fucking APRON
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Can Divit Outfits - Episodes 26, 27, 28 & 29
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ozdemir · 4 years
Oz has never been good with animals. The family pets they’ve had always always hated him, and he’s had to take several rabies shots as proof. Why the fuck he said yes to helping herd goats for Christopher, he didn’t know... besides the fact that he paid good money to have him do it. So what if a goat chased him around every so often? So there he was, urging a stubborn goat into the fencing only to have it just stare back at him with its demon eyes. 
“I think he wants to eat me.” Oz says after a while, turning to Chris with a grimace. 
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ozdemir · 4 years
where & when: 8pm, street
who: @ozdemir​
“Hey, sorry, uh… could I ask if you’ve got a spare plastic bag I could use to, uh…” He gestures to the small brown lump right by the edge of the curb, courtesy of his furry companion who couldn’t have shat in a more conspicuous location and is now panting gleefully at him. “Forgot to bring one.” 
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Oz jogged to a stop, pulling out an earbud before his eyes fall to the dog sitting proudly beside the little shit he popped out. He then glanced back up at the owner and raised a brow in amusement before holding out his hands to show they were empty. “Sorry man, it’s never a problem I have. I don’t do well with animals.” He bends down to stare at the dog before getting back up. “I can help you get one, though.” Before he could say anything else, Oz was already walking around their area, bothering people for plastic bags. 
“Excuse me sir, that man’s dog just pooped do you have a- oh okay.” 
“Ma’am, sorry, I was wondering if you had a- Oh, no worries.” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Maddox was working in the shop. It had mostly been cleaned up and put back together but between this shift, trying to work on the repairs from damages done by fallen branches or flooded cars, it was a madhouse at the shop. Not to mention at Chambers Contracting, shit was all but in ruins, trying to keep up with everything. It seemed no matter where he turned, he was drowning in work. Which, admittedly, Maddox kind of liked, at least, until he became a father. He’d lately been contemplating settling on just one of the jobs, rather than splitting his time but he enjoyed both— he loved them both for different reasons but like in a threesome, someone always got left out a bit more than the others. Still, he was elbow deep in a car when he heard snoring and it took him some time to look around at everyone else’s confused faces before Maddox has figured out who it is. 
The mechanic comes around to the side of Oz’s car that he’s working on, wondering if he can move the board he’s laying on quickly enough that Oz won’t pop up and smash his head into the metal undercarriage of the car. He sighs, figuring he’d try the light touch first. Maddox bends down and taps Oz’s arm gently. “Oz, man, get up. You’re fuckin’ sleepin’,” Maddox says, his voice calm and gentle, hoping that he didn’t spook him. “Oz?”
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It was another minute or two till he felt a light nudge on his arm. He grunted slightly before his eyes fluttered open, heart hammering against his chest as she snorted awake, looking around slightly disoriented and more than startled before realizing that he had fallen asleep under the car he was working on. Shit, that wasn’t the best idea. He hummed lightly and rested a hand over his chest before slowly rolling himself out from under it, clearing his throat slightly. 
“I’m awake. Sorry, I’m awake.” He said, voice rough from sleep because he had most certainly not been away a few seconds ago. 
“Fuck, sorry man, I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.” He said, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes tiredly. “It’s a good thing I don’t snore, huh?” Oh if only he knew... 
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ozdemir · 4 years
Needless to say, the atmosphere enveloping the Community Center was more than hectic. Once Maya arrived, she had a ton of work to do and a bunch of people to help. She brought a large amount of the food she’s been stress-making this morning, containers piled high filled with dinners and desserts alike. It was strange. Maya was an anxious person, one who can easily crack under her own pressure, under her own problems. But when it came to other people and what ails them, she became resilient. Suddenly she’s a hero, using every redeeming quality she obtains and putting her best foot forward.
It’s evident, really. She practically glows. But that also might have been because she’s free of Matthew for the time being as he fixes his home which was close to destroyed during the storm. Though, a nightmare lingers on the horizon. Maya was aware Matt is probably going to stay with her while his house gets fixed. She knows that well. But, for once, she tries to enjoy feeling like herself again.
That’s when Oz comes into view, giving her a sly compliment just as she did to him the previous day. “Hey, handsome,” Maya says in return, cheeks reddening. Fuck Matthew. Who cares. The receptionist then gasps, setting down the pile of papers she was sorting through. “Oh shit, you found it?! Where was it? Please don’t tell me it was under the scandalous pink bra I spotted…” The woman teased, smiling wide. 
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Oz laughs, loud and booming before running a hand through his hair. “That’s actually exactly where I found it.” He joked before shaking his head. “No, thank god, I wouldn’t have touched that.” He waved his hand with a sigh, all the while tossing the USB up in the air and shoving it back in his pocket. “My darling little sister, after giving me an earful about not looking hard enough, just texted me this morning saying that she found it buried in her test papers. I’m here to have her things printed while she helps ma make some meals for the people helping out with repairs.” He grinned at the thought. 
While his family was a frustrating bunch, they had good hearts, and he was happy to do whatever menial work they needed him to do. 
“Thank you though for trying to help me. I thought you just might want an update. ‘Story needed a happy endin’ or whatever.” He said with a shrug before raising a brow. “You seem busy.” 
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ozdemir · 4 years
CLOSED / @ozdemir​ LOCATION: Primordial Clubhouse
Reina’s first stop after having gone home to make sure her kids are still kicking should probably not have been the club. Not only did she not know the state of it, but she’s really got no reason to be hanging around there especially when she’d just openly went behind Seth’s back. But even so, these people are Reina’s family, and although she doesn’t often act like it their wellbeing is a priority for her. So she’s gotta check that the club isn’t damaged, that everyone’s all in one piece, and thankfully that’s what she finds. Oz is inside when she comes strolling in, assessing the place for any damage on the inside. “Lucky it wasn’t worse, huh?” she asks, sparing a glance at the man as she nudges a broken bottle with the toe of her heel that’s most likely not a casualty of the storm, but rather some idiot who thinks the floor is a trash can. “I’m surprised that old tree outside held up. Could’ve had a lot more to clean up than just the remnants of what looks like a party. Were you here last night getting wasted with the rest of these idiots?” Of course Reina doesn’t know if that was even the case, there are often stray beer bottles just laying around on any given day, but she can’t help but pass judgment.
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He had volunteered to help with the cleanup of the clubhouse. This time for no extra charge, but mostly because he wanted to do it. He wanted to feel like even if it were the smallest efforts from him, he pulled his weight around here. He turned to the newcomer and scoffed at the sight of Reina Thane, stopping his sweeping in favor of giving her his full attention. 
That always seemed to be how she liked it. 
“My dad thinks it’s rooted down by the spirits of the old Primordials. My ma doesn’t like it when he talks like that. Spirit talk isn’t her favorite subject.” He snorted before continuing to sweep. 
“And no ma’am, I was in the Dive getting drunk there. You?” 
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