#c: maya
caroldantops · 8 months
Maya thinking you look familiar when you offer to buy her a drink. At first she thinks you’re from an enemy gang but then she remembers that you were/are Kate’s fucktoy (which she found out during surveillance in Hawkeye) and takes full advantage <3
next time kate gets in her way somehow she sends pics of u that she took while she was railing u to kate like "hey is this urs btw"
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artsy-sunny · 1 month
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aaand more d&d characters
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aidankeef · 2 months
closed starter to @mayafitzg local: passeio de barco - circe's island
Estava entretido com a paisagem, deitado no convés, sentindo o sol queimando o corpo e incendiando parte dos pensamentos que ainda invadiam sua mente. Era momentâneo, sabia que estava enfrentando a hipótese de recair no alcoolismo sempre que se tornava acessível como naquela ocasião, e por isso precisava resistir. Os passos de Maya fizeram com que despertada dos próprios devaneios e erguesse o rosto para recebê-la. "Como vai, docinho?" Questionou dando espaço para que, se ela quisesse, se sentasse ao seu lado. "Quem diria, uh? Depois daquelas noites no relento iríamos desfrutar de um Resort juntos." Os fragmentos de memória, quando esteve pela cidade de Maya, demonstravam o quão generosa a vida tinha sido com eles. Da vida nas ruas para o SPA, algo havia melhorado. "Você já tinha feito o passeio uma vez? Na minha primeira tentativa aquela filha de Circe rabugenta jogou minha vara de pesca no mar."
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katiexklein · 2 years
Of all the girl scout lessons to need to use, this was the last on Katie's list. Yet she diligently worked on crushing the rocks into fine pigment for paints. The mediums that Maya worked with were utterly beautiful in most situations, but she wanted these particular works to be vivid. She trusted her friend's talent to make the dragons breath life. "I was thinking that we might retell a classic." She handed the bowl of blue to Maya. "Some of the fairy tales that have been passed down through the generations. Do you think that they would like that or should we go with something new?"
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tmrrwppl · 1 year
Maya: “…please tell me you and Russell aren’t going around trying to raid area 51 again.” Russell: “Woah, chick, woah. Leave my name out ya mouth on this one. Besides, we tried it before it was cool.” Russell: “...There are totally aliens there, though.” Maya: “… it was gonna be either you or Cas, so– i’unno what you expected. but sure. right. totally.” Russell: “Cas didn’t want to go, he said-- and I quote -- “I’m not getting shot in the other fucking leg because of you think they got little green men over there.”“ Cas: “You're damn right I did.”
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dualanya · 4 months
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i just killed a man, she’s my alibi
merry pride! have my two favourite lesbians 💕🌈
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carmenblake · 8 months
WHO: @mayxlee WHERE: Lucky Joe's
With her time in Providence Peak dragging on, Carmen had to find little ways to find the closest thing to joy she could in her new life. And one of those things? An everything bagel from Lucky Joe's with strawberry cream cheese. It's something Dani had turned her on to in Chicago and it was both a happy little memory of her time with her friend as well as a sad reminder that Dani was no longer alive. So when she got into the shop and it was already more crowded than usual, Carmen gritted her teeth and took her place in the slow moving, long line.
After watching several customers walk away from the counter holding their own everything bagels, Carmen's anxiety began to get the best of her. Rocking onto her heels, she let out a slightly frustrated sigh. "I haven't seen this place this busy... ever. You think they'll sell out?" Turning to the person in line behind her, she raised her brows in question as she awaited an answer.
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immortalmuses · 9 months
Watch Echo. Please. Please.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to see this kind of representation, this kind of investment from a company like Marvel, in telling indigenous peoples' stories. They consulted with the Choctaw nation, they DUBBED THE ENTIRE SERIES IN CHOCTAW. Choctaw is an endangered language! Fewer than 500 people remain that speak it fluently! And here it is, preserved in a Marvel Show about a Native Super Hero!!!!
I know you have MCU fatigue, I get it. I understand that some of the disney+ Marvel shows have been underwhelming. But I am BEGGING YOU. Just watch Echo. Just give it a chance, give Her a chance. The world is a better place with stories like this in it, and the only way we will get more of them is if we show companies like Marvel that their investment isn't a waste.
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firstfullmoon · 1 year
I made it through April, May, June; it seemed I had outsmarted grief but pulled the hanged man card repeatedly—the self-same sorrow said a different way.
— Maya C. Popa, from “Signal”
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dvstbvnnies · 2 years
* / @wingsandahalo​ ( maya x ?!?! )
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“if i don’t look like my profile picture, then who do i look like?”
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geryone · 2 months
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Wound is the Origin of Wonder, Maya C. Popa
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caroldantops · 8 months
ever since hawkeye ive been thinking abt kate and maya running into each other in bar a little while after the show, and kate has already picked up ASL for clint so they have no problem talking, and maya very begrudgingly apologizing for trying to kill kate and kate is just like "nah its cool, that car chase was pretty fun. tho if you really want to make it up to me you could let me buy you a drink" and then after a few drinks theyre stumbling into the bathroom with maya shoving kate to her knees and holding her head between her legs, so rough that kate probably has a sore scalp the next day which she is very proud of. and then they go their seperate ways but then end up meeting again a few times when they turn out to be fighting the same dudes and then hooking up afterwards before finally deciding they wouldnt mind meeting on purpose, both for crime fighting purposes and fucking purposes
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nephilimbrute · 11 months
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peculiar creatures of the sea. if u want u could suggest some other bands for me to draw :3
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lifeinpoetry · 1 year
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— Maya C. Popa, from "Duress," Wound Is the Origin of Wonder
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gradol-cuties · 1 month
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Maya Imamori 今森茉耶 2006年3月26日 T164cm B78-W61.5-H87.5cm Cカップ
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tmrrwppl · 2 months
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ” / @ russell, mAYA NO
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"Girl, how the hell do I always end up having to babysit your alien ass when you're being weird... But also you must consider: I don't think anyone should run unless they are being chased. So... This is a fair point." He's not sure how he got roped into this Maya unhinged episode but so far he's willing to deal with it. Can't be any worse then the last times, right?
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