p1xi3h0110w · 9 hours
i want to write another fic
i'm trying to decide on whether i prefer the angst of caryn pines visiting stanley's grave and meeting stan and fully believing that he's ford
or, the equally but differently devastating idea that she met stan and knew it was him IMMEDIETLY.
both of these lowkey would make suuuch banger fics i want to write both but i'm literally such a lazy bitch and 2 fics is already soooo much for me to so
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p1xi3h0110w · 22 hours
hey remember the sun is going away and you’re going to go nuts and to not take it personally
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p1xi3h0110w · 1 day
so i finally fucking did something
i hope u like it
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p1xi3h0110w · 4 days
My Great Grandma who loved her babies very much
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Reference that I used for the face!
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p1xi3h0110w · 5 days
Decided to make a list of all my current favorite Gravity Falls fics (which mainly include the Stans, cuz duh, but other characters as well!).
"Better Kept Secrets" - BadonKaDank
“A Tale of Three Stans” - Beleriandings
“…And Count To Ten” - impish_nature
“Unseen” - impish_nature
"Lost Time" - BethKerring
"Twinstinct" - Renconner
"Towards the Sun" - pinesinthewoods & notthistimespock
"Always Something There to Remind Me" - ObsessionIsMyOpression
"By Any Other Name" - Zeragii
"Can't Sleep (And It's Not Because I'm Touch-Starved)" - rubyflakes
"Losing Sleep Without You" - rubyflakes
"Lost and Found" - rubyflakes
"Déjà Vu" - interlude
"Sea Sick" - thatalienwriter
"Safety Net" - Hinatauryusen
"Third Time's the Charm" - detectivejigsaw
"Fisherman's Knot" - scribefindegil
"Safety in Numbers" - paperjamBipper
"A Matter of Time" - pinesbrosfalls (civil_warriors)
"hide and seek" - parsnipit
"Pinestasia" - detectivejigsaw
"The difference between holding and gripping" - detectivejigsaw
"Breaking Point" - impish_nature
"Legacy" - BethKerring
"Proper Reunion" - TheAngelofFate
"Wherever We Go..." - IncomingAlbatross
"How Old Are Babies Again?" - madwriter223
"Unless I Be Relieved By Prayer" - thesnadger
"When Did We Become Old Men?" - Inkblot9
"'Stanford' Pines" - impish_nature
"Spill It" - pessimisticvirtuoso
"Onyehsa" - pessimisticvirtuoso
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p1xi3h0110w · 6 days
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been comparing TOTS!Mystery Shack to the current one...
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p1xi3h0110w · 7 days
Sup dude, just wanted to day that i really enjoy your art!! Your lines are so fluid and i really like the way you make shapes! Gives the art as a whole a really nice flow that makes it do pleasing. Also, you've made me read by the skin of your teeth and holy shit wasnt that the best GF fanfic ive ever read. Do you have other fic recommendations?
OK FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU OH MY I feel so flattered teehee THANK YOU!!! SECOND! I SURE DO! But they are all kinda ... Stan Twins related! A bunch of ANGST and plenty of brotherly companionship!!!
I reblogged a list before that made me sob happy tears with wonderful fics, check them out as well!! But here are some of my favourites anywas:
By Any Other Name
Stan's life hasn't always been great. He's done some not so nice things, got caught up with the wrong kind of people but just because you can't remember the past, doesn't mean it can't come back to haunt you. In the most terrifying of ways...
hide and seek
Stan’s next shout feels more like a scream, desperate and frightened and tearing his throat on the way out: “Ford, please! Come on! Stanford, you can’t do this to me, not again—Stanford!” Something slams into him, and he hits the deck hard. His first instinct is, naturally, to punch—but he doesn’t get that far.
Stan is a hero. He wonders if that's the only reason Ford suddenly wants to be his brother again.
none of those phds is an md, you dumb idiot
In which Ford's interdimensional universal translator breaks, and he realizes just how much he's lost. Turns out thirty years of dimension-hopping aren't great for language retention
Breaking Point
Accidents at sea happen, however careful you may be. Unfortunately for Stan, some can dredge up memories with them
How Old Are Babies Again?
When Mabel and Stanley went off into the forest for something or other, Stanford didn't think any of it. Stanley was a grown man, he's able to handle himself. Right? Except... Stanley was definitely older when he left, Ford is sure of it.
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p1xi3h0110w · 7 days
"Wouldn't it be funny if Bill and Ford were bitter exes?” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
"He's right," they say. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 2nd row stands: Alex Hirsch, holding The Book of Bill in his hand.
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p1xi3h0110w · 7 days
doing an apology video with genuine tears sobbing and wailing ripping my hair out and clawing at my face until i draw blood but i simply cannot describe what i did without laughing
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p1xi3h0110w · 7 days
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get hype
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p1xi3h0110w · 8 days
me but i'm 19 years old
the children. they yearn for a monster of the week show
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p1xi3h0110w · 8 days
whats the meaning of life? son, its those little tiny pumpkins. the ones that are mad small.  you know the ones i mean. 
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p1xi3h0110w · 8 days
dunno about you guys but i’m still not over “i’m sorry fiddleford” being a part of ford’s thoughts in the last mabelcorn. i don’t think i’ll ever be over it. because like!! ugh…
devastating to me that the regret he still feels about that time didn’t present itself on the screen as like… “i shouldn’t have trusted him” (him being bill) or something similarly vague. no!! sure he probably dwells on his mistakes having had the possibility of destroying the world, but the thought that was at the forefront of his mind was specifically about FIDDLEFORD.
and like! how often must he think about that for it to show up right away? how often does he lay awake at night thinking about how he so callously threw away their friendship over a misguided fantasy of glory and success? when fiddleford had always believed in him? when fiddleford had been right about the portal being a dangerous idea all along?
it kills me to realize how deeply ford must miss him in the days he’s back home. he has his family now, of course, and he’s warming up to them bit by bit, but what had felt like home to him for a good while was fiddleford. they lived together, worked together, fiddleford was ford’s best and only friend. and now everything is different, and ford doesn’t even know where fiddleford IS, much less if he’d ever want to reconcile their friendship.
“i’m sorry fiddleford.” fiddleford, who uprooted his life to be by his side. fiddleford, who devoted so much of himself to ford’s ideals, to ford’s eventual success. fiddleford, who stuck with him until he literally couldn’t anymore, until the result of ford’s foolish ambitions irreperably scarred him and severed their ties. “i’m sorry fiddleford.”
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p1xi3h0110w · 8 days
literally 1984
maybe there never were any twin towers. like did u ever see them?
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p1xi3h0110w · 8 days
sorry about stanford pines with no arms
this is my real stanford i hope u like him
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p1xi3h0110w · 9 days
stanford pines but he has no arms
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stanford pines but he has no arms
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p1xi3h0110w · 9 days
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