pacificae-mors · 4 years
Mirage's Shoulders are fully constructed!! minus a few details. He's starting to look like a Transformer now~ ;)
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pacificae-mors · 4 years
Snippets in one file, first chapter up! Archive of Our Own will also be my dump-zone for full-length stories. If you’re most interested in those, feel free to follow there, rather than track links here on Tumblr.
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pacificae-mors · 4 years
Hello All!
Long post ahead, but please bear with me and read it through.
I’ve gotten a lot of questions in my absence; I worried a lot of you again, and I’m sorry. Sadly all that’s been going on is more of the same, and I’ve had to make some pretty tough decisions as far as time-distribution goes. I’ll give you the basic gist, here:
I really had to focus, build up more varied experience, and find a steady job. Good news is I have!
My neck of the woods has horrible service, and I haven’t been able to afford upkeep for my devices. Now I can!
Caught COVID. Wasn’t terrible for me, but it and everything that comes with it has made family life very difficult. I’m single, but some blood relatives do depend on my help. This has gotten easier recently!
With all of these circumstances together, my time has been more or less entirely sucked up, even if I’d had access to online social treats like tumblr.
On to where this leaves us, then.
For those I’ve been writing one-on-one RP with, I’m sorry to say I won’t be doing RP at all anymore, at this time. There’s just no feasible, prudent way for me to squeeze it in, no matter how much I’ve enjoyed every one of the games I’ve been privileged to be a part of. Thank you all for your time, your imagination, and your thoughtfulness; I’ve loved every second, and I’m sorry to have to stop. If ever I’m able to return to it, you’ll be the first to know.
For those I’ve been writing public, multiplayer RP with (which is just the one TFPrime universe including the wonderful @tyrantofthefirmament and several other incredibly talented people), I have slightly happier news. While I can’t play, for practical reasons stated, there will be a successor to the Megatron you’ve helped me weave.
I’ve spoken a lot with @perishindefiance, especially in relation to Megs. I’m going to take a moment to say thank you to them, because those were such fruitful discussions, and they gave me a solid foundation to work with when I was in many a pickle. Their perception of Megatron is (by my own judgement at least) fantastic; careful and balanced, insightful, and critical where it should be. While our Muses are different, I am so grateful they were willing to take up where I’ve left off in the public RP, in order to continue the story! I hope you will all take the time to appreciate what they offer; it’s a rare opportunity. They’re a wonderful person, a striking Muse, and a formidable opponent to spar with in the realm of written word. ;)
For all my followers, new and old: I will still be reachable on tumblr as both Muse and Mun, but for the reasons above, I can’t promise consistent responses if you try to interact. I’ll be posting snippets of stories and art projects and speaking as the Muse, if you’re interested in staying! It will be intermittent, but I can promise you’ll the same quality of work that has always been important to me.
Thank you all for reading down to this point! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message.
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
Since the war is over and all now, do you visit any of your former comrades/enemies? Are you still on cybertron or elseware?
“How optimistic of you, Anon. Your assume our war IS over.” It isn’t. He knows this better than most. It’s simply changed.
Comrades? Enemies? They have always been one and the same. He was a fool to believe there were any exceptions — Soundwave, his traitorous mind garbles instinctively. ‘Visits’ are out of the question. Death is too close, clinging to him like the scent of of fire long extinguished, and he knows that it will happily claim him again if he is not careful — if he does not conceal himself and heal.
“Where would I be, if not Cybertron?” He asks to distract himself, smirking in honest amusement — making sure to avoid a direct answer. Let them wonder if he’s leading them astray or not. “Even if I had the means to do so, there would be no point, would there? The fight is here.” And, it goes unsaid, while there is work still to be done, I will be nowhere else but here.
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
“All good things in life are fragile and easily lost.”
— Khaled Hosseini (via quotemadness)
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
Starscream: You’re going to regret that
Megatron: what — not killing you?
Starscream: Yah that
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
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I will never understand why all TFP designs must be so… hot :o 
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
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For @entangledwood in the @secretsolenoid exchange! 
Coming Home (21430 words) by astolat Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers: Prime Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime, Megatron/Orion Pax Characters: Megatron, Optimus Prime, Ravage (Transformers), Knockout, Predaking (Transformers) Additional Tags: Post-Predacons Rising (Prime Movie), Pining, Post-War, Rebuilding, Aftermath of Possession Series: Part 12 of Transformers works Summary:
Megatron went back to Kaon.
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
We can get you a giant plushie instead, they're a lot softer. Here, *poofs in a giant sized plushie for him* (idk what animal he'd like)
The SHARK plushie plops with finality into the warlord’s tensed lap, blissfully unaware that a glare renowned in five seperate stellar systems is being leveled furiously at its soft, purplish grey body.
It was not in fact alive, and was so incapable of doing wrong. Regardless, Megatron’s expression conveyed with acidic conviction that the shark currently occupying his lap had insulted him in every way possible, and deserved a fitting end.
The gleaming fusion cannon at his side seemed to approve of this assessment, letting off a disgruntled —but nonetheless threatening — sheen.
“I. Have no need. For any replacement.” Megatron seethed, and without another word dumped the offending plushie to the floor.
The fusion cannon, though as lifeless as the plushie, seemed to approve of this also, and gleamed with appreciation of its wielder’s uncomprimised fidelity.
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
Oh, you would be correct, if you had assumed the right meaning. No. What I meant is by gaining everything you sought, to stand there and look at all you had, the emptiness of all purpose anymore. Not your methods ‘dear’. But it’s always so fun to listen to your speak as if you knew my intentions to the fullest~
It is an impressive dodge.
His laugh is a rarity; genuine and full, its authenticity a bit too rough to be pleasant. She is quite something, this one. “Pardon my error, my dear. We seem doomed to chase one another in the same dance; I wonder whether we’ll ever stumble on one another’s true intentions, at this rate.
The warlord’s accent turns effortlessly twisted; complex and grand in the fashion of grand speeches and haughty mecha born for glory on a platter. “For your benefit, then, let me speak plainly. If not what I desire, what I’ve done is neither purposeless, nor is it empty — be relieved for me, therefore, and further celebrate my achievements. Or would you rather avoid celebration? I seem to recall you mourn the many I’ve killed, after all.” It is all hot air and teasing; he sees no need to give her the satisfiaction of hearing anything more substantial. The femme enjoys the banter, to all appearances.
“I speak as I find, as far as your intentions are concerned; you are always free to correct my misperceptions.”
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
*Tips Stetson jauntily* Thank’ya kindly, Anon
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
Do you sleep with your Fusion cannon?
Sleep clouds his mind, thick and heavy, recharge still lingering in his dozing systems. Megatron glares with dim optics at the Anon, neck cables already aching from holding his heavy helm upright, irritation building at having been so rudely awoken.
The fusion cannon in his arms couldn’t be more obvious, its gleaming beauty painfully conspicuous. It’s locked like a lover in his arms, pressed close to his chassis, perfectly oiled slot ready to slide into his arm, the trigger mechanism poised and tempting in the event that an intruder should be so foolish as to dare its glorious wrath.
The warlord glares at the Anon defiantly, a war battling in his optics, before his jaw finally clenches. Voice still gravelly, one optic twitching, Megatron grinds out a short, mulish response in viciously clipped syllables. “You wouldn’t?”
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
Megatron: The Autobots will never know what hit them!
[Later in Autobot MedBay]
Ratchet: Looks like a fusion blast. Like. From Megatron’s one-of-a-kind cannon that he probably sleeps with.
Megatron: *flips DHC meeting table* HOW DID THEY KNOW
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
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When Megatron first came to the Lost Light I thought he would bail in the first day.
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
👀 - what’s your role play guilty pleasure? ⚓️ - What fatal error means you will instantly drop a thread?
👀- seeing my RP partner affected by my writing. There’s nothing better than writing a scene so well that the other person forgets everything but the story, and feels as if they’re actually talking/interacting with Megatron. It’s a ‘guilty’ pleasure because, for instance: I don’t like to scare people, but sometimes it’s so rewarding when someone is scared because they got into the story — especially if it’s the good kind of scared.
⚓️- Depends; on my part, or theirs?
On my part, when I make a big consistency mistake I will want to start over. Only if I went too far — if I really upset a person with my writing (especially a young person) — would I instantly drop the thread.
On theirs, narcissism. If someone is so focused on themselves and their character that they aren’t really playing, and/or they aren’t following rules, and ESPECIALLY if they try to abuse Megatron by god-modding the outcome they want, I will discontinue a thread.
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pacificae-mors · 5 years
🦋 - Has your muse changed how you approach certain situations?
Sometimes, after a long day of writing during breaks at work, I will start to respond more assertively to people. Sometimes my teasing takes on a point. I start to be a bit less meek about how I approach giving advice, and more blunt about how I see things to be. Never a huge difference from what I usually do, but enough to notice and feel odd.
Sometimes I have a more calculating/distant approach to life in general, after playing him for a long period of time.
Most of all, I’ve noticed that in confronting someone in person, I get blunt far more quickly; not aggressive, by any means, just more straightforward. I’m not sure if that’s a Megatron thing or a ME thing, but it certainly helps in writing him.
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