packerpain · 4 years
BRIGHT SMILE, BRIGHTER EYES-- a pale resemblance to one of the limbs of the spider. shalnark---- always did his fellow troupe member fiddle away on that wretched phone; accompanied by a smile no less. one could never assume what exactly was going through his mind. always those type of people around, even in a place like this. how annoying-- shalnark was tolerable. useful.
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“are you always like that? smiling?”
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packerpain · 4 years
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ISOLA MUTUALS ONLY – now that feitan is all settled and ready, here is an uncapped starter call (may be selective if the number ends up getting overwhelming)– so smash that heart button for a small starter. important links: isola follow post, isola relationship + additional info post
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packerpain · 4 years
** espionage / spy based sentence starters.
“  when  they  catch  you  they  will  kill  you.  but  first  they  must  catch  you.  ”
“  when  the  time  is  right,  we’re  going  to  make  them  pay.  all  of  them.  ”
“  but  in  all  chaos,  there  is  calculation.  ”
“  i’m  not  in  danger,  i  am  danger.  ”
“  we  go  to  war  with  a  smile  on  our  faces.  ”
“  but  whatever  you  do,  always  be  dressed  to  kill.  ”
“  this  ain’t  no  place  for  a  hero.  ”
“  i  can  do  this.  and  even  if  i  can’t,  i  have  to.  ”
“  my  purpose  is  greater  than  my  pain.  ”
“  nothing  scares  me  anymore.  ”
“  there  is  some  good  in  this  world,  and  it  is  worth  fighting  for.  ”
“  you  should  not  be  here.  ”
“  i  don’t  think  you  understand  what  you’re  messing  with.  ”
“  take  cover !  ”
“  you  take  the  lead,  i’ll  cover  you.  ”
“  i’m  not  who  you  think  i  am.  ”
“  i  knew  you  would  come,  eventually.  ”
“  don’t  you  understand  ?  this  is  a  trap  !  ”
“  this  will  be  your  destruction.  ”
“  make  sure  they  don’t  see  you  leave.  ”
“  stop  touching  your  ear,  you’re  making  yourself  known.  ”
“  quick,  follow  me.  ”
“  this  is  about  to  get  really  messy,  isn’t  it  ?  ”
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packerpain · 4 years
is there a link to the group youre a part of?
Yup? It’s right here! :) (and if the link doesn’t work, it’s: https://isolaradiale.tumblr.com )
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packerpain · 4 years
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ISOLA MUTUALS ONLY -- now that feitan is all settled and ready, here is an uncapped starter call (may be selective if the number ends up getting overwhelming)-- so smash that heart button for a small starter. important links: isola follow post, isola relationship + additional info post
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packerpain · 4 years
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short.... very short (5′) but very dangerous and deadly
he won’t attack you indiscriminately or just because but give him reason to and he won’t hesitate-- warnings are very rare and won’t repeat himself
a thief, a shadow, an assassin, a limb of the spider
the spider, a group he’s affiliated with called the phantom troupe (genei ryodan) and one of it’s original members
the original members of the troupe hail from meteor city. meteor city is a city overrun by garbage, a junkyard, and a place for outcasts and give birth to outcasts (where you can abandon anyone from as a baby to an adult). people from their don’t have personal records and don’t ‘exist’ to the rest of the world. the city, although unknown to many, is a place for criminal activity.
feitan is the troupe’s interrogator with a high success rate due to his proficiency with torture
he can easily lop a person’s head off with a swipe of his hand
dislikes most people, children included. doesn’t think twice about harming them if any try to interfere or mess with him.
usually has a book in hand, ones with a very macabre nature. could be filled with gore, could be filled with history, but in the end, very macabre books -- illustration books are a favorite since he likes art with dark, mature themes that tie with death, gore, and abstract
he’s very straightforward, doesn’t like it when anyone beats around the bush
for the most part, has a good handle on his temper but once he’s set off, may god help you
usually comes off as aloof, impassive, or lethargic
all in all, just know he’s a nasty lil goth gremlin
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packerpain · 4 years
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to my non isola mutuals-- as stated before, now that i’m affiliated to a group, don’t let that discourage you lovelies from hmu and writing together. we are still able to do that, only that isola mutuals will take top priority. lets have fun writing together. <3
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packerpain · 4 years
I’ve finally have time to write! Also— would love to reapply, if that’s okay! Re-applying for feitan portor from hunter x hunter! you can find the app by writing /app at the end of this url! thank you! Ooc contact on twitter @k0uk0n— wasn’t sure if I was to include that in the ask but will just in case!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Feitan!
You will be housed in APARTMENT 315.
You will retain everything you were given in your prior stay.
– mod pleiades.
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packerpain · 4 years
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packerpain · 4 years
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packerpain · 5 years
@florablade​ from 𝐗
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ENGROSSED, FOCUSED; THE girl’s gaze never left the performance. upon closer inspection, feitan noticed she was vaguely familiar. one of the two people from the shared condo he was situated at. an exchange of introductions or greetings, hadn’t taken place. then or now. never was one for formalities. never cared for it. 
like a looming shadow, he hovered behind. silent, still; almost like her very own shadow. seconds, moments, he finally situated himself two seats from her, intrigued with the performance himself. alas, the finishing act. “shame.” a ghost of a murmur, having caught the performance at it’s end.
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packerpain · 5 years
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while... fei can just steal to get by at spirale... he finds it just far too tedious (and.. punishing, i guess) to put up with the consequences after so... he’ll have to get himself a job. maybe open up his own butchery... or work at a butchery where he won’t mind working under someone who... he won’t kill for one reason or another.
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packerpain · 5 years
@impulsciv​ from 𝐗
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RED STAINED HANDS, a tattered book rested between. undisturbed and aloof, feitan casually flipped a page of the book. an unfinished autobiography of an inhabitant in spirale. an inhabitant that met an untimely fate by the torturer’s hands. wrong place, wrong time. the poor fool.
overall ordinary, their book was. normal life, as normal life can be in such a place. information.. history of spirale, even in small troves, proved useful. to pluck out anything, a hint or clue, to aid with an escape plan, would be rewarding in the long run. 
lingering eyes would bore holes in his skull if possible, the attention; garnered. lethargic eyes locked on a boy. brats never knew to mind their own business. “something of interest?”
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packerpain · 5 years
@requiemsfighter from 𝐗
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CACOPHONIES COLLIDING, an erratic chaos of sound. untamed at first, bit by bit, it came together. unifying, harmonizing. the chaos was missed, as quick as it came, it was swept away. as if it never existed. it all just began to mesh together, the music in the theatre. predictive, typical. “how unfortunate.”
feitan moved to a smaller theatre where a familiar, classical piece played in a very practiced manner. moonlight sonata. 
an audience of two, it seemed. “rather ordinary, wouldn’t you say?” a tinge of disappointment lingered in the lethargic tone, gaze stilled-- lingered on the adequate performance.
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packerpain · 5 years
if you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I, am not. And I am out there, very dangerous and I am looking for you. Good luck
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packerpain · 5 years
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STIFLED CURIOSITY, FIXATED GAZE; unwavering, focused. doing as one pleased, a motto the spider followed. the mention of comfort connected to haphazard meandering into forests, mere amusement danced in feitan’s eyes. “oh? i agree, though most.. beg to differ. disappointing, really.” the common, the sheep-- daunted by the unknown. the unknown, the mystery, simply enticed him. possibility of a lurking danger, that was something he found... comfort in. “do you just sleep on the floor of the forest? open and vulnerable? that will get you killed immediately. easy target.” easy prey.
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“ I sleep where I want. ” He has pieced together that he might have somewhere to stay, but finding and staying were different matters entirely. “ I like forests. They’re comfortable. ”
@packerpain ✧ s.c.
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packerpain · 5 years
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Hunter X hunter #97, Pain Packer.
Feitan: How unfortunate… You could have had a quicker death if you’d dealt me more damage…
Well, you only have yourself to blame.
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