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Is... is that...?
Klavier cannot believe it. After meeting so many new people, after meeting such a colorful crowd of humans (at least he thinks all of them had been human - he can be sure though) Klavier almost can’t handle seeing a familiar face again.
It has been only a couple of days by now but he has seen nowhere familiar. Not friends nor family (hah, of course no family) and not even stars or models that he knows. Even in the newspapers and magazines he has browsed, there has been not even one familiar face.
And now to see her - Klavier cannot believe it. He has almost convinced himself that, no, that can be. She can’t be here.
Yet, he was running to her, his arms waving in the air, excitement radiating from his face like light from the sun.
Fräulein Cyyyyyykes!!!
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lordofthewholewood · 3 years
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“You look tired child.”
Aslan laid peacefully on a small strip of grass he found while traveling. It’s been hours since he’s arrived in this land, and he’s yet to find some answers that he’s been searching for. His glorious lion body left in Narnia and here he was no more than a normal lion. His lion body has grown weary of the journey. It appears he wasn’t the only weary traveler.
“Come here and rest with me. Tell me your name, young one.”
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losingmyjustice · 3 years
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@heartanalytics​ sent;
❝… where are we, anyways?❞
ENA starter sentences
"Hm," he'd glance around at first, trying to spot something that stood out— alas, being familiar with the city's structure didn't help much when you get lost somewhere where everything looks the same. Like a forest lacking a proper path, for instance. "Give me a moment."
Albeit somewhat reluctant, he'd take out the lodestar— relatively sure that the phone wouldn't work here, yet, when activated, it inevitably,
thank you f— "SHUT UP." snapped the brit practically out of nowhere. What's more surprising was the fact that the device actually did go quiet immediately, only the hologram remaining. There was an awkward moment of silence before Clive spoke up again, his composure back oddly quickly. "My apologies."
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"... it appears like we didn't stray off as much as I had thought. It'd be faster if we just go north from here, although I suppose it's safer to return to the intended path to prevent an encounter, if you'd prefer that." ... "It's your call."
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dualblossomspinner · 3 years
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“Ugh... why is it so cold here...” Being from a warmer seaside town, Marta had never been the most fond of the cold- and showing up in spirale in the dead of winter was... not exactly the most exciting thing in the world for her. She’d at least gotten some warmer clothes easily enough, but still! The wind was enough to make her shiver, holding a to-go cup of hot chocolate as she complained to herself about the weather.
“I know snow is pretty, and I’m sure it’s fun to play in, but I don’t think I’ll ever understand people who want to live with this stuff all the time.”
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spiderstaff · 3 years
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@heartanalytics​ said: ∯ !
For every ∯ I get I will say/confess something without specifying for whom it is meant 
“Despite everything, um, I could never really bring myself to be mad at you. I know you lied to a lot of people, and you didn’t always do the right thing, but I really think you were trying your best in a kinda crappy situation.”
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“I never told you this ‘cuz I know a bunch of other people were on your case, but you deserve everyone’s forgiveness, even if you don’t think so. You’re a kid just like me, after all... and you were trying to help everyone. I’m sorry I didn’t see sooner that you needed help.”
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hjoenk · 4 years
@heartanalytics​  honk honk.
Cykes & Co.
It was relatively easy to find, close to the university he regularly visited anyhow. One thing happened after the other, him now in the lobby that was peacefully empty due to the time. Nothing wrong with that itself — he didn't break in, unlike with the agency, or any of that stuff. The only concerning part was that he was carrying a bucket filled with at least 4 litres of water. Well, he wasn't moving it around anymore, placing it on the ground, but, it's still not something usual to have with you.
Fiddling with the handle, it's clear he was trying ... something, but he stopped abruptly when the door opened, leaving the water bucket alone.
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... There she is.
"Hello, Athena." he'd greet her with zero interest to keep proper formalities. He knew her, after all, even if she might not recognize the avian yet. "I'd like to speak with you." The goose stood up, pretending as if the bucket next to him didn't even exist; it didn't matter right now. 
His tone sounded far too serious for an ostensible carefree child. "It's about miss Flora."
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ragestaged · 4 years
heroic wasn’t a word to describe chloe price; reckless and brash might’ve been better terms. even so, it wasn’t as if all of her energy was expended in favor of stupid exploits. pointless? maybe. did she always tend to fight against the current? absolutely. chloe always followed what she thought was right in the moment; even if that was a mistake, even if her gut & instincts were always a step behind. but sometimes you had to say fuck all that noise and just act. which was exactly what she was doing. as a woman she knew that men could be fucking awful, she’d had waaay too many experiences with shady men in her life that she knew when something was up. so obviously when she spotted another woman-- just about her age-- getting heckled by a creep, she had to step in and do something about it. she was lucky that she had height on her side, though a good portion of men were still taller than her, she had dealt with aggressive shorter guys, too. but this guy was about her size, if not an inch or two taller, and luckily he was no body builder. he was about skin and bones in an incredibly unhealthy way, so much as that she was sure he was probably on something, and that was no fucking good to deal with. chloe’s gun had been drawn from her waistband as soon as she was right upon them; her timing impeccable considering she could tell he was about to do something. a click signaled chloe was cocking the gun, and the man’s head turned. ❝ Step. The fuck. Away from her. ❞ chloe growled, motioning with her gun slightly. the man gave her a blank look. was he calling her bluff? did he know it wasn’t a real gun? the adrenaline pumped through her veins, her heart beat in her ear, her muscles felt like a spring under compression. she could have to act at a moment’s notice and act accordingly, or the both of them could be in danger. ❝ I said get away, shithead! ❞
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floradorned · 3 years
“Are you lost? I can try and give you directions.”
* MISCELLANEOUS  MEETINGS.    ||    @heartanalytics    ( meme. )
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     ❝ Ah... ❞  Eyes flit to the bystander, arm drawn up in nonchalant notice. It appears his plight has been realized... He knows scarcely the ways of this ward, and thus what started as a curious look around resulted in a gradual loss of bearings.      Her help, albeit unexpected, is appreciated; he likely wouldn’t have asked for directions were it not for her approach.      ❝ Lost is an accurate way to put it... I am searching for ward Cotes. This one, I believe, is Golden, is it not? ❞  It should be, unless his wanderings have led him elsewhere. A circumstance that seems plausible given how the shoreline is now entirely out of sight.  ❝ Given how late the hour, I thought it would be best to return to my residence... Although my efforts have been met with some struggle. If I may trouble you, might you be able to redirect me? ❞
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bigbangsmasher · 3 years
Makoto still hasn’t found the Spirale indoor lacrosse team, so this will have to do for now. Maybe she could be doing something important, like shopping for gifts or reconnecting with old faces in the city or a third thing, but it’s not every day you get to do some sick snowboarding. Now that Makoto thinks about it, even though she came from a world where everyone lived on the sides of mountains, there really weren’t many ski resorts. Go figure.
She’s about to hitch a ride up to the top of the hill on one of the snowmobile taxis when someone else wanders into the clearing. Never one to let a good deed go undone, Makoto turns to the driver. “Hold on a sec, I think we might have another passenger.”
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Then she turns and waves to the new arrival, shouting out her greetings. “Hey! You headed for the top? We got room for one more over here! Beats waiting around in the snow for the next one, right?”
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journalskeeper · 4 years
Lucretia’s come to be fond of Sunset Circuit. It’s not a trip she makes often, but it’s a very peaceful place, and makes a nice place to try to relax and take in her surroundings. Not only that, but the properties of the moon beach are fascinating.
“What a lovely view...” she’s commenting to herself as much as the girl standing nearby. The beach isn’t crowded, but this is the best place to see the sky as the sun dips below the horizon.
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“I wonder if we’ll be able to see the stars from here? I’d hoped to be able to get a good view of the constellations without the lights of the city in the way.”
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bykaruma · 3 years
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@heartanalytics​ asked:  !!
send ‘!!’ and i’ll write a para description of your muse from mine’s perspective 
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Your coworker who you are incredibly grateful for. Though you’ve gathered your own bit of experience working as a defense attorney while still remaining a student, you’re still pretty inexperienced in the grand scheme of things, and starting a law firm on your lonesome would have been a big undertaking for you otherwise. It... Still kind of is, but considerably less so now.
She’s a bit young to be a lawyer, true, but you hardly think that’s an issue. You were granted your badge while still attending school, at an age not much older than her in fact, and youe own legal assistant started out at an even younger age.
More so, you’re impressed she was able to study the law at such a young age. Despite your special permission to start practicing the law early (as well as spending practically your every waking moment studying,) even you hadn’t been able to get into law school that early. Plus not only did she study law, but she studied other languages too? You know Japanese and English, true, but she seems to know a fair bit more... And psychology! She knows, psychology too! You barely know a thing about psychology, considering the mental health care in your time is... Not Great.
She can be... A bit unconventional in her practices. Utilizing psychology in the courtroom is definitely not a thing you’re used to seeing, especially since it’s something that wasn’t really understood in your time. That weird necklace, too... You don’t really get it (how can something possibly detect ones moods?) but it seems useful enough. You think. It’s certainly... An interesting way to utilize modern day technology in the courtroom.
Whatever the case, with such an impressive lawyer around you definitely need to stay on your A game. 
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noxiouslotus · 4 years
  —  ★. Somehow she had found herself in an unusual situation. Everywhere she looked there were the same melons. It didn’t take much longer before she became irritated. Not that she wouldn’t mind eating a some but the whole atmosphere was far too cutesy for her liking. If she had known it’d turn out like this she would have left before sunset. This was her punishment for wanting to take a simple swim.
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      It became a bit worse when someone bumped into her, spilling their melon-drink onto the sarong wrapped around her waist. The person in question was a young teenager boy but she didn’t hesitate to pick them up by the scruff of their shirt, glaring down at him. “Mistakes deserve consequences,” she hissed. She wasn’t looking to actually harm the child but scare them a little. Though neither the child or anyone nearby to watch the scene would know that.
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spiderstaff · 3 years
“Miss Athena, this one’s for you!” She hands over a pink and yellow heart-shaped card, with the words ‘sal quarlani'har‘ written on it.
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“I know how much you love languages-- this one says ‘I love you’ in Elvish!”
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applesmiled · 4 years
@heartanalytics​ ( event starter call! )
In terms of how much exploring she wanted to do regarding the islands, there weren’t many of them she was content with heading to... perhaps she might eventually go visit Foss Isle if only for the sake of being able to say that she had seen a dinosaur up close. One island she definitely wasn’t going to be visiting any time soon was Haugst Isle. As much as she’d like to say her swordsmanship was great, even Flora wouldn’t be able to put up much fight against the monsters on that island. From what she’s heard from travellers that had already been there, they weren’t the average monsters either.
They were more like something out of a horror novel. Or maybe a film would be more accurate... if that was the case, there was no way a sword of her own would do that much damage. So, she was sticking to the more peaceful islands. The short time she spent on Nommin was spent helping others build shelters and anything else they might have needed using the supplies the island offered. However, she hesitated on building shelter for herself, as she still had the Volaat Isle to check out for herself.
Which was why she was there now.
Something that was apparent was that this was one of the smaller islands... it was easy for her to bump into other travellers on the island, offering a wave to each of them. Something else the lady noticed was that there... didn’t seem like there was a lot of resources here... sure, there was shellfish running along the rocks near the shore, but there didn’t seem to be any other source of food. Then again, she had still to get onto one of the ships... most of them seemed to have taken some form of damage, so she was avoiding those ones for the time being. Instead, she was gravitating towards the more secure ships; ships that looked like they had something to offer on board.
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If she had been looking for resources before, it had been pushed to the back of her mind for the time being as she had finally found a ship! It had a little bit of damage, but nothing that seemed too concerning. Flora had never been on ships before, merely only hearing about them from stories her mind could barely remember any more. Perhaps she should’ve checked to make sure there wasn’t anyone else on the ship before her curiosity got the better of her and she began wandering around... maybe it was simply the fact that she hadn’t bumped into many people she knew that made her not so inclined to look for them currently.
At least she wasn’t touching anything yet! If anything, she seemed more interested with what the deck itself looked like. She was even contemplating attempting to climb up into the crow’s nest... which was easily resolved. She was trying to climb up now. Oh dear.
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reincarna · 4 years
Cheryl had searched Haugst as best she could, but she was unable to find any way out. She should have expected that much- if this is anything like the Otherworld, there’s no way out until the world itself decides it’s done with you and spits you back out into the real world.
But she has yet to hear radio static or see the looming figure of Valtiel. So, at least, it’s not her nightmare all over again.
She decided to try and get her bearings in the sleeping quarters, just as she was about to lock herself in one of the rooms- she sees another person had beat her there.
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“Hello...” She says, pressing her back against the door- ready to run out if this person was dangerous. “Who... Are you? What is this place...?”
One hand snakes up to rub her forehead, already suffering from a headache. 
“I’m not the only one who sees the monsters, am I?”
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paaperboats · 4 years
[ Oh, hey. Don’t worry, there’s lots of room here if you want to sit. ]
Propped atop of his own towel, the Transistor speaks out to the woman who stands above both him and Red as she lays on her own right next to him. It’s an odd sight to see-- a sword with its own towel, sunbathing on the beach.. but Red felt it only fair to bring one for her partner, even if he didn’t really need it.
She lowers her shades a bit, giving the woman a small smile and a wave.
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[ Nice beach, huh? We’ve been here all day, not really.. doing much at all. But it’s nice to relax. You’re welcome to join us. ]
                                                            (   ;▽ @heartanalytics​​ )
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