packimprints · 2 years
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packimprints · 3 years
How do you do the ship thing ?
Hi. Just give a description of yourself. A detailed one would be preferable. Just tell anything you think I should know about you. Your hobbies, likes, dislikes.
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packimprints · 3 years
Ship Requests
Hello guys. I know I'm really not consistent with posting the ships. As an apology for delay, I have decided to make the ships more longer and descriptive. I have even received reaction asks. They too would be more descriptive.
I have got all your wonderful requests and they wold be completed soon.
Thank you so much for bearing with me.
Stay safe.
Have a great day.
Personality Ship and reaction requests will always be open. You can either message me or ask in the ask box. I really love writing these. Bring on the requests. 
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All credits to the owners
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packimprints · 3 years
Ship for @melannie77
I am Melanie and I have a bachelor degree in science . I’m 5’2 and plus size. I’m shy but at the same time I’m blunt and sarcastic. I don’t let people walk all over me. I have anxiety and sometimes panic attacks. I do meditation. I’m learning ukulele. I love to sing (I don’t think i’m that great at it) I speaks French and obviously English. I want to be a school nurse or a teacher. I love traveling, especially backpacking travel. I love learning about culture and language. I’m a geek I love comic book stuff and Star Wars! I play video games. I love watching movies and going shopping!
Extremely sorry for the delay. I really hope you like your ship.
I ship you with Paul Lahote!
As we all know Paul has temper issues due to his past. Buy hold my muffins, the day he met you he promised to be a better version of himself and you always inspired him to do so.
"Babe, so you're basically telling me, that your eyes don't cry after focusing for two hours straight at your physics notes?"
Paul gave a dramatic expression holding those notes pretending they were written in a language he didn't understand.
"Of course not Baby. I love it."
You giggled hugging him after a long day of patrol.
He was so proud of your academic achievements and would constantly praise you whether the achievement was big or not.
"Come on Jared, she got A + in her French exams. The closest thing that we know about that language is croissants which we should accept that we still can't pronounce."
"Sure thing big whipped wolf. "
It's safe to assume that Jared ran for his life after that.
You got to know that Paul really wanted to have a degree and graduate for a better future for you both. He was quite intelligent too but his intelligence sometimes masked due to his anger.
Paul would do anything to make you happy or see that sweet smile knowing your face.He knew you were strong and could fight your own battles but he never let you forget that he always had your back. You understood him like no one did. He knew you spoke your mind and in a way he loved that about you as you always had the exact words to help him with his insecurities, dreams, hopes and of course his past.
"You know Embry says I'm whipped for you but hey, you're all I had ever wanted in my imprint. You might have even tamed me a bit. "
Paul blushed admitting that you had made his like so much better.
"Aww baby. All I can say is you did the same by coming in my life."
You kissed his cheeks, snuggling closer in his arms to keep yourself warm.
He absolutely would loose focus when you were there. Dare anybody say anything to you about your appearance or in general anything which he literally worshiped. You both would go in shopping trips and he would be the sweetest when encouraging you to select clothes you love regardless of  what would people say.
"Come on Babe, they are just jealous that you can pull the outfit off in a more stylish manner than they can."
He would love when you wore clothes which showed some skin and those which you pulled off in confidence.
He was a giant compared to you and thus made him fall for you even more. The height difference was huge but that gave him more reason to pull you close.
"Come one babe, you were just looking cute standing there like a little bean. "
"Yeah I won't be a little bean now."
You chased him with a spoon as he had purposely kept the pancake batter on the top shelf. His warm laugh rang in the house as you chased him finally giving up after not being able to keep up with his speed.
He would love to take you hiking to new places he discovered while patrolling. It was the best way you both got some alone time and plus you both loved travelling so it was a bonus. 
“ This feels heaven, watching the sunset with you.”
During weekends or holidays I can totally imagine you both snuggling in  the blanket with Star Wars on the screen and to your surprise Paul also loving it every time edging on the seat when at action scenes.
“ Babe its ok anyways Kylo Ren kills Han Solo.“
“OMG!! My ears! Why did you tell me that! I was yet to watch it.”
This led to Paul being a grumpy wolf for maximum five seconds because he couldn’t actually stay away from you.
What the Pack thinks of you:
Sam is thankful to you for because of you Paul has gotten better at controlling his temper. He is the biggest shipper of you two in the pack. Emily is always happy to see you and with your help she could finally complete her french course that she couldn’t do. Studying with her is always fun.
Jared is happy that his brother found a person who could make him a better person.
Jake, Embry and Quil are now happy that they can prank him, tease him and still could get away hiding behind you.
Leah is happy to see Paul settle down and be more confident. Seth is the sweetest little brother you could ask for.
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All credits to the owner.
I really hope you like your ship.
If not I’ll be happy to reconsider.
Have a great day and stay safe.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 3 years
Hiiii im requesting a ship please. I'm 5'7 with spilt dyed hair, (half black half silver). I like anime and drawing. I always try to make everyone happy. My siblings say I'm to nice for this world cause I'm selfless and kind. I love making people smile, sometimes I need to learn to be a little selfish otherwise I end up hurting myself to make others happy. I'm very energetic, and I have OCD and ADD. my friends describe me as "a butterfly in a field of chaos". I'm curvy and have a flat stomach. (Which I hate cause my boobs hurt my back) and I'm Filipino and Black. Also I'm a Hufflepuff! 🖤💛🖤💛
Ship for @leahtsstuff
Sorry for the delay. I don't know why I can't tag you. I hope you really like your ship. I'm very excited for this one.
I ship you with Jacob!
Jacob absolutely adored you. Whipped? No! He would thank the spirits every single day for choosing you for him.
At first, Jake was a bit overwhelmed with the whole imprinting thing as he wished Bella to be his imprint and would basically just be confused on why you were chosen for him.
Oh boy! With the help of the pack, he started to hang out with you and realised he could be his true self and not an option for the first time in life
Even though you were just a bit shorter than him, for him you were this tiny precious ball who needed tons of bubble wrapping to keep you safe.
"What are you doing Jake! "
"What!? It's bubble wrap butterfly. You need It. "
"Jake! Help me get out."
"Only on one condition, that you would go out of your comfort zone. Look baby, I'm not saying that you don't be nice to people. Don't lose your quality for what others do to you, but also, never let anyone walk over you again OK? I'm going to be there for you."
He cupped your cheeks and helped you out of it.
That moment you realised he was not just protecting you but making you strong and helping you to not get hurt again. Atleast it was the first step.
It was going to be hard at first. He knew it but hey, if something went wrong you could always run in his arms to sweet kisses and encouraging words.
Jake really struggled sometimes with his mom's death and it became ti much. He knew he could rely on you for your wise words and every ready hugs.
You were really close to the pack as they just couldn't stop awing the both of you together. They could see how you both helped each other in breaking the walls and become confident.
He was your sunshine. Literally. His smile lighted up your life.
You were really close to Embry as he considered you as his best friend who would come and share his problems.
Jake had to admit that seeing you with his best friend, helping him out and encouraging him, made Jake fall in love with you more.
You would have anime nights where he had a hard time matching your energy when it came to your favorite parts. And also warm hugs when the anime made your cry.
What the Pack thinks of you :
God forbid anyone who messed with you or hurt you. Before facing the wrath of Jake, they had to go through the anger of Paul. He considered you his little sister and no one, absolutely no one could make you cry. Not even Jake. Jake had got a blue eye when he had made you cry. Well that day Paul entered Emily's house giggling with Jake mumbling curses helping his eye with ice.
"Well, next time I won't be this gentle sourpup." Paul grabbed the muffin with you rushing to help Jake.
"Come on I admit I was wrong. She forgave me. And still I have a black eye. "
"As a reminder that never, ever make my sister cry."
Sam and Emily were really happy with Jake finally finding his love.
Embry was forever grateful to you as a best friend.
Quil was that brother with whom you pranked others and got away because of your cuteness.
Leah first found a but weird for a person like you to adore her so much but then, she was one step ahead of Paul when it came to protect you. A big sister you could always rely on.
Seth, your little brother with whom you drew your thoughts. He always bought you new paints.
Jared was the prankster brother but so soft for you. He kept the drawing you have him for his birthday as a reminder to always look at the positive side.
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All credit to the owner.
I really hope you like your ship.
If not I'll be happy to reconsider.
Have a great day and stay Safe.
Admin T
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packimprints · 3 years
Ship for @celestialqueen13
Hi! I was wondering if I could ask for a ship request! If yes, (and if you have time of course), I shall begin ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
So I'm 5'4" with dark brown eyes and long dark hair (Think Rapunzel (´。• ᵕ •。`) just kidding but it is really long) I've got Indian heritage but everyone around me thinks I look nothing like it (apparently I look European, my parents constantly wonder if I swapped in hospital („ಡωಡ„) - I mean I'm British so I can see why - there's barely any real sunshine over here) My fashion style is more on the girl side, but sometimes I go through phases where my boyish style reveals itself. I don't wear makeup at all though - it's a hassle to wash up afterwards!(. ͡❛ ︹ ͡❛.) But I'm obsessed with skin care - particularly korean products etc. They do wonders for my skin! I'm also female and straight. 
I love love love Anime, DC and Marvels comics and cinematic universe, Kpop. I like Hunger games, Divergent, Harry Potter movie franchise, Lotr/ hobbit, (twilight \(^ヮ^)/ obvs), and if I listed every single thing we'd be here forever. But there's like hundreds of movies/ tv shows to add to this list. 
My hobbies include writing, lyrics, poems, novels. But my most favourite time to spend time is to dance (hip hop, urban, ballet just any type) and figure skating - I had lessons when I was a kid. 
In school I'm the nerdy, academic kid (O.O) I want to enter medicine when I grow up because I like helping people to put it simple (I've done volunteering at a care home). My friendship group is really diverse and different (ღ˘⌣˘ღ). While we all have similar interests, our personalities are so distinct, but it's what keeps us together, we're so different and unique that we can appreciate each others different backgrounds. My friends tend to say I'm the 'leader', despite my protests, because I'm loyal, courageous and integrity is my strongest trait (this can lead me to being a little blunt at times). When it comes to compassion I can accept and empathise with others but I find it difficult to let the empathise with me - I quite detached when it comes to my own feelings. It's only until I've formed an intimate bond with that person, (such as will my closest friends) then it's like the emotions never stop. 
I have to be honest and probably say I'm quite eccentric, I'm most definitely extroverted and usually try to keep the mood as bright as possible. I don't get upset or angry very easily and unfortunately I forgive easily as well I just can't stay mad at anyone for long (plus I tend to forget about it within a matter of hours so... that's why my friends say I'm softie at heart (⌒_⌒;) but we'll just ignore that. It doesn't fit my tough image) 
I probably should have mentioned this earlier but I'm not really on a team. Cuz the thing is I love the vampires, like Jasper and Demetri but then I also love the wolf pack, like Embry, Seth, Jacob etc.
I assumed the ships were for the wolf pack (so that's what I'm expecting) but if you find I'm better suited to the bloodsucking vamps that's okay too. I love surprises!  °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Hope you have a lovely day! 
~Queenie 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Really sorry for the delay. Thank you so much for the detailed description. A note guys. The longer the description it's is easier for me to write scenarios. You're really beautiful. I'm so excited for your reply on ship.
I ship you with Embry!
OK. It was a tough choice between Embry and Jake. Let me explain why I think Embry is your soulmate. Our boy was floored by your beauty when the first time he saw you at a volunteering camp at the Rez. You were with a little kid who was crying, scared of the injection. You took that little boy named Nate and very patiently gained his confidence with your wise words and peaceful smile. Nate quickly hugged you and you ruffled his hair calling him brave.
You gave this little sweetheart sleepless nights. Embry's focus was you, just you.
After much pestering from the pack, he decided he would talk to you. He met you again while you were busy buying some books for biology. It's a secret that Embry loves to read. You were contemplating wherether to buy your favourite author's new book to which he quipped,
"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed. She is amazing as always."
You turned to see whose deep voice had mesmerised you. There it was lo ve at first sight for you too.
"Thanks. I'm just hoping I enjoy this book as much the last ones."
"Ofcourse and in the end.. "
He widened his eyes in shock when he realised tha the had just given you the spoiler and now the book won't be interesting.
After much convincing, that your mood wasn't spoilt, you both agreed for coffee and Merry said "his apology for giving you a spoiler."
Embry is kind of shy so, you bought out the best of him but slowly taking him out of his comfort zone and making him realize, that his fears were conquerable and you would always be by his side.
He loved your height difference. You looked so innocent and cute but he knew better that you could help yourself in tricky situations.
"So, I Eugene would ask you, Rapunzel thst would you like to go out for skating with me?"
You smiled and hugged him tight with him leading the way to the car.
Though Embry couldn't skate he had so much fun seeing your spins and delicate landing.
He loved you skirt but loved you mote in tracks and to be honest in Embry's eyes would you look mesmerizing even if you wore a potato sack.
After stressful day at the hospital this little bean would be ready with cuddles, your favourite face masks and divergent to binge watch on.
It was really grateful to get a best friend in your partner with whom you could be honest.
"Em, come dance with me. "
Before he could even answer you had already pulled him in the pouch where you both swayed to the tune and Merry thought of stopping time to forever freeze this moment.
Your parents were lucky to click this moment and Embry was so grateful for that.
He loved to read your writitng a and always was up for hiking if you ever wanted a change of scene while writing. He knew you never had any bad intentions even when you would state your point to the poor of bluntness.
He knew you had a great cirlce of friends which included Jasper and Emmet. He had nothing against them but still was protective of you. He didn't like them but didn't hate them either.
You sighed in his arms as you waved goodbyes to your friends and as Jasper and Emmet took leave.
"You don't have to be protective Em. They won't hurt me."
"No. I just missed you. "
Whenever Embry fell weak with emotions being too much, he knew he could fall back on you and hide for sometime in your arms till he was brave again or when our little bean had gone through much at home.
What the pack thinks of you :
All of them had seen Embry being sad because he hadn't imprinted and now they were happy to see Embry so happy and much more confident .
Sam and Emily were your secret wingpersons. OK they both knew you both would be together as Emily had seen Embry looking at you with love on the camp when he first time saw you. Sam owed Emily a few bucks for winning that bet.
Quil and Jake were more than happy to see theur brother being happy. You were just perfect for him.
Paul was happy that now he didn't have to Embry being sad about not having an imprint.
Leah and Seth loved you as you were strong and protective like a tigress for all the pack and a little bean as well.
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All credits to the owner
I really hope you like your ship.
Otherwise I'll be happy to reconsider.
Have a great day.
Admit T.
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packimprints · 3 years
Hello! Can I request a ship? I’m 5.1 and rather petite and have tattoos and piercings. I joke a lot and I’m sarcastic. I like to keep myself fit with running, yoga and exercising. I also like to hike and I’m adventurous and I like to cook and watch TV. My hair is dark blonde, my eyes are blue and I’m rather pale.
Hello. Extremely sorry for the delay.
I ship you with Jacob Black!
First he loved your height difference. He loved rest his hand on your head. The first image that came to bus mind when he remembers you is a little munchkin.
"Come on munchkin, how about going to the beach for a run? "
He loved to have workout sessions with you. Training, running was like your thing. You both could be seen running at the crack of dawn getting fresh air.
The pack often made camping adventures where you both would hiking away , hugging Jake for warmth. You both would often go to discover new places.
"Come on, munchkin, Is that all your small feet can do? Keep up with me. "
Which led you to frown and hum hugging you fondly and picking you up bridal style to take you up the cliff to see the waterfall at sunset.
He loved to trace his finger along your tattoo and listen to the stroy behind each of them.
"So this represents courage and life."
"I knew my munchkin was strong. I'm so proud of you Baby."
He loved that he could joke around with you and have a banter with the other pack members. Quil, Embry were like those brothers who would tease you a lot but at the drop of the hat could run to protect you.
"Your eyes baby, they have a magic, like a magnet pulls me in the magic."
Jake loved your eyes not only for those mesmerising blue shade but, for the emotions that swept across them.
What the pack thinks of you :
Sam was thankful to you for making Jacob comfortable and grounding him and helping him to fight his emotions, always supporting him.
Paul considered you his little sister and would do anything to protect you.
Quil and Embry were your best friends since school. You guys were inseparable.
Emily loved you like a little sister and loved to have you around.
Seth and Leah were the fun cousins with whom you had heartfelt conversations.
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All credits to the owner.
I hope you really like your ship.
If not I'll be happy to reconsider.
Have a great day.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
Ship requests alert!
Hello guys! I hope you all are safe in this situation. I know I have been lagging in the requests for some time. My mom just had an operation and now has been advised bed rest for a month. I have to juggle studies , office and work at home. All your requests have come to me and I’ll definitely complete them. Sorry for the delay.
All my ship requests and scenario asks with your favourite pack member are always open.
Thank you so much for always bearing with me.
Take care and be safe. Have a great day.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
Hi, may I request a ship? I'm bi, f or m is fine :) I'm studying translation and literature. My English bears a noticeably English slant (it's where I learnt lol). I'm very optimistic, believing it will all be alright in the end.. and also manic-depressive, resulting in a specific dry/absurd humour. I'm 5'10 with a kind of boyish figure (not skinny, biceps for days), shoulder length ginger hair and blue eyes.. For that, and for my mischievousness, my friends nicknamed me the fox lol. Thank you!!
Ship request
Extremely sorry for a late answer. I hope to complete all the requests by next week. Ships requests are always open.
Thank you for being patient with me. Have a great day and hope you all are safe at home.
I ship you with Jacob!
OK so Jake would he head over heals with you. He would love that you were a literature and translation student. He was always in awe of students who could knew more than two languages and you had just scored his heart.
"Babe, you know it'll be so amazing when we visit here. You could easily converse with people and wouldn't even need a guide with us."
Whenever you'd study, he would be right besides you trying to memorize your cute concentrating face as he says.
"Jake, what are you doing?"
you questions your boyfriend who was squishing your cheeks as you tried to cram the last bit of notes for tomorrow's exam.
"I can't help it. You're just to cute. You'll be fine babe. You've studied a lot. You'll do amazing. Now it's time for cuddles and some rest."
He said as he reluctantly pulled you away from your books to a much needed sleep.
He simply loved your hair and could spend all his free time gently running his hands through your soft hair. It comforted him more than he could ever tell you.
He was worried for you a lot. He would always be there for you. He knew you are a strong girl who could handle situations but, he still would ask one of his brothers to look after you if he wasn't around. He cared deeply about your mental health and was very patient with you.
"Babe, you don't need to take pressure about telling me everything OK. Just know that I'll always be there for you in a heartbeat. Remember at the end of any storm you'll always havet cuddles and my support."
He loved on how optimistic you were. That was the trait he fell for. He knew you had your bad days and still believed for a rainbow was something he always loved about you.
What the Pack thinks of you :
If you thought Jake was protective then, Sam and Emily just double the game. They are so protective of you that often the pack teases you of being their favorite child.
Paul would be your overprotective big brother who knew you didn't need his protection but couldn't help not having a soft corner for you.
Embry, Seth, Quil, Jared and Leah was your sqaud and you guys pretty much had camping trips and other fun activities on weekends.
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All credits to the owner.
I hope you liked your ship. If not I'll be happy to reconsider. Positive criticism welcome.
Have a great day.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
Ship Request for @youralternantpersonality
Hi, I saw that your ship requests are open, and i was wondering if i could get one. 
My name is Mel, I'm heterosexual. I am 5'10, my heritage is Creole with chocolate melanin skin, brown eyes, dark brownish redish curly hair that is mid-chest. I am thicker but athletic. I love volleyball and soccer. I played basketball, volleyball, and soccer. I love watching football (Geaux Saints! lol). At the moment, to pay through school, I work 2 jobs at two different warehouses. 
I love art, writing, and reading. I am close to my roots and where my family genes--voodoo and such is a strong trait and importance to my family and myself. (There's a big misconception to VooDoo, HooDoo, VouDou, etc. that society has screwed). 
I am in school to be a counselor and about to start graduate school to do my masters. I am dyslexic with epilepsy and an introvert and quiet and have a small group of friends. I have an active and playful side and hate it when i get mad. I am an empathic and observant. I love laughing just as much as i hate stupid people. I am a sarcastic funny person who is protective of the people I'm around and i follow my intuition. 
Overtime, I easily switched from team Edward to Team Jacob (really the wolfpack in general). I was bullied (hard) as a kid who suffered (still do) with anxiety and depression. 
Sorry if this is a lot, just hoping i could get a ship. Never got one before, so i figured I'd give it a try with this lol. 
I'm extremely sorry for delay in your ship. To compensate for the delay, I have planned to write your ship a bit more longer, in detail and a bigger scenario.You're such a strong person and I'm giving you virtual hugs. I'm extremely sorry you had to go through so much and you're such a sweet person. My requests are always open dear. Not to make you wait any longer. Here's your ship.
I ship you with Paul!
Paul would be so supportive of you jobs and would always make sure that you take care of yourself . He would even go to Emily and learnt a few of your favorite easy dishes that he could make for you. He would leave little notes in your bag to help you get through the day.
"Good morning darling! I have left something for you in your right pocket in the bag. Hope you like it."
You'd excitedly open the bag and find your favourite chocolate.
He would be your number one cheerleader and would be present for all your games and even training. He would always encourage you and celebrate your wins. He would be so proud when you particularly took a three pointer win in the last quarter and thus taking the trophy home.
He loved to go out on treks with you. He loved being in the nature's embrace and would often wisk you away in a tent where you would spend the night star gazing.
"Darling look that's a Orion."
"We should probably come here with the boys. They need a break as well.
"That's what I love about you darling. You always think of the others. Maybe we should plan a trip next week. I'll ask Sam."
He even trained with you. He took you for your excerises and made sure you pushed yourself harder. He encouraged you to be the best version of yourself.
"Paul, please can we stop. I can complete the remaining sets tomorrow."
"Darling, I not buying your puppy eyes. You did five sets yesterday and today we are doing six. Come on I know you can do it. Just the last push. "
He always called you darling. He just felt this suited you the best.
"Darling, you should just probably take the new project. It'll help you with gaining new experiences and that your favourite field. Practical experience matters right?"
"You're the best. "
When you told Paul about your past, it took the whole pack to stop him from beating those guys who had hurt you. He would hug you tight and with forehead kisses, you both promised to be each other's support systems. Being new to the relationship this was a huge step that you both had taken.
"Darling, you know I'm always here right? And, you can share everything with me. "
"Of course Paul, I feel safe with you and I can be myself around you. "
He would kiss you on your forehead and everyone would hear Quil screaming about how his innocent eyes and ears couldn't believe that Paul had turned warm soft for you.
This resulted in Quil running for his dear life while Paul chased him with a plastic knife.
He was literally heart eyes for you. He would control his anger around you . Sam and Emily would be thankful that you had changed Paul for good.
You knew that Paul never really received the live of a family and you were determined to change that. Paul would finally feel home when he played with your nephew or when your niece would cuddle in him for warmth and fall asleep on his chest or, when your parents hugged him tight when he expressed how much you mean to him and when your grandma made his favorite dessert. He finally felt loved and wanted. And, he couldn't be more thankful to you.
He too was an introvert of sorts and you both would enjoy each other's company. If someone ever spoke bad about you or made you feel low about yourself, Paul would be happy to scare them away in a woof! He would instantly try everything to make you feel better. He knows what it is to feel like not being enough and not being loved. He would daily remind you how lucky he is to have you.
When Seth and Leah were shattered after their father's death, they refused to talk anyone but, you patiently stayed with them and eventually they both returned to being normal and joining the pack.
He just loved the way you sassed back when Jake decided to just trouble you. You were his little firefly who had lighted his sky.
What the Pack things of you :
Sam and Emily are thankful that Paul has finally found his soulmate and that you bring out the best version of him.
Jake, Embry, Jared and Quil are the four mischief makers with whom you have a lot of fun.
Seth and Leah are forever grateful to you. They always are so protective of you.
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Credits to the owner.
I really hope you like your ship. If not, I'll be happy to reconsider.
Positive criticism is always welcome.
Hope you're safe in this situation.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
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Ship For @glors3
Hello dear. Extremely sorry for the delay. Here's your ship
I ship you with Jacob!
Jacob would adore you so much that you'll never ever fell unloved ever again. He would be right to support you and practically do anything to make you smile.
When he first met you in school, it wasn't a good start as..
"Hey watch where you're going?" A handsome guy, more importantly your crush, Jacob Black yelled after you bumped in him. As you were late for classes you didn't give him a look back or even apologized and ran away hurrying and silently praying that you wouldn't get detention as your family would be more upset with it.
In the class, you however left a note on his desk apologizing to him with a small chocolate that you had made for him.
From that day, Jacob would always look for you in classes and at lunch.
When one day he didn't see you in class, he frantically began searching the whole school being worried for you. He found you near a small lake outside the school campus where you weren't in mood to face the world as something had happened home and you were pretty upset about it.
Jacob thanked the heavens that you were safe and prayed that he would try never to make you cry.
He would sit besides you and slowly you opened up to him and he was shocked with the way you were such a sweetheart . Behind the mean and tough exterior lied a fragile girl would just needed love and Jake was determined to give you all his love.
"OMG! What is this? " you exclaimed as Jake touched your cheeks with flour on it as you were trying to bake a cake to surprise his dad on his birthday.
"Come on babe, what's baking without a little mess? "
At the end, the whole kitchen was a mess and his dad made Jake clean all the stuff as he claimed that you, his precious little girl could never be so messy. You had to hug Jake for eternity to make him forgive you and had to supply him with endless kisses that night. Not that you minded.
He would love the way you sassed back at Paul and stood up for yourself and weren't afraid of speaking your mind and standing up to what you felt right.
Both of you would be always working out in the jungles and having camps with the pack and even going for a small two days trek alone.
"Babe, how's the weather down? "
"Better Jake unless you want to experience it when my karate moves show you how it is here. "
He laughed out loud but still considers your height to be cute and only he can joke about it. If, someone else does it he'll be so protective and would be ready to fight that person.
Quil became your best friend as you guys connected with your sense of humor and the other boys would be happy to see you being a goofball once they knew you were comfortable with them.
What the Pack things of you :
Sam and Emily would love you as you bought out the best in Jake and only allowed the two of you on kitchen if you promised not to create a mess.
Paul loved the way you sassed back and weren't the damsel know distress but knew how to fight your way back.
Embry and Jared were your close friends with whom you often went on trekking trips and the pack quickly realized that the three of you create such a mess to never let you guys be alone for long.
Quil was your best friend and often Jake would come back from patrolling to see both of you goofing around or just having a talk and he felt blessed to see you guys being so comfortable with each other.
Seth would be in awe of you and how much you pushed him to ask questions and stand up to himself.
Leah welcomed you with open arms and loved that she would be share her deepest secrets with you and you'd always guide her.
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Credits to gifs go to the owner.
Hope you really liked your ship.
If not, I'll be happy to reconsider.
Hope you're safe in this situation.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
I loved your last reaction!! Could you do how the pack would react if their unknowing imprint started to fall in love with another mythical being? (not just vampires, like merman, wizard, etc) Love your writing!!
Wolf Pack Reactions
He being the eldest of the pack and the leader, would be very matured of the situation. His reaction would depend on whether your love is a vampire or not. If that person isn't a vampire he'll try to get to know the person and will always be there for you no matter what. If that was a vampire then if would be difficult for him to actually adjust to you and him and your love. He would still be there for you but keep his distance. He'll try to reason you out on why dating a vampire isn't good. He'll still have hope for a future with you but if you still go ahead with that person then, hell just be a support and he won't actually try to make you his.
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His immediate reaction was to shift and run away in anger. He had always expressed himself with anger more and you were left confused when you introduced your love to him. He wanted to be the person to make you smile, hold you in his arms and kiss all those tears away. Vampire or not, Paul would take a long time to adjust to you loving someone else and would lead the a strained relationship between the both of you. He would come back to you because of the imprint bond but, he would still be a hurt puppy.
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Jacob couldn't believe for the first time when you looked at the person so lovingly who wasn't him. He would always give subtle hints on why he is better and how you should be with him. Vampire or not, he would still hope for a future with you and would be truly heartbroken at your loving someone else. He would always protect you and be there for you whenever you needed him. Of all the boys, he would be the one who would tell that you're his imprint and not just silently watch you.
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He would be lost. He had a future planned with you and now you weren't his. He was heart broken. He would take so long to recover from this that you would worried for him. He would always support you and still hope you'd be his. I think he would matured after this break down and completely accept the fact like Sam and be there with you in every step.
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Jared would be hurt and try to act cool on front of his brothers but when alone he would cry a lot of losing you. The thougths of not being able to have future with you would make his stomach churn out. He would hide his pain in laughter and brush it off but, would take a long time to heal. He would still support you but from a distance.
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He would make so many jokes about his situation that weren't funny and his brothers would be worried for him. He would be aloof, make sarcastic commenrs and just be difficult in general. He would want to support you and he will but it'll take a long time and many sarcastic comments thrown at you till he is OK again.
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Leah would be furious. She knows what it is like to lose your love to someone. The first time it happened with Sam and Emily she did need a lot of time to convince herself RK look at the both of them with genuine happiness. Losing her love again would just break her heart. She would be blunt and not even try to hide her feelings and emotions. You knew you had hurt her. You might not know the imprint thing but let's be honest, our sub conscious mind gives us signals. Of all the pack members she would take the longest to even talk to you as whenever your name came up in any conversation she would be fuming and run away in her wolf form.
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For Seth his world stopped. He had grown up in the stories of imprinting and knew what it meant for his wolf. He would be completely heartbroken and the pack would be so worried about him. He would try to be allaured about the situation but fail drastically. He would take his time to gather the broken pieces again and support you.
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Gifs credits to the owners.
I hope you like the reaction.
Please free fell to request more.
Have a great day and hope you'll are safe in this situation.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
💜💮🌷🌸✨This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨🌸🌷💮💜
OMG. You're just so sweet. @urirealvibekiller And @charc0al-grey
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packimprints · 4 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!!
Hello dear! I'm extremely sorry for not replying to your message earlier. You're really a gentle and kind soul. You really made my day. Gosh! Here are hugs from me. Have a great day and hope you're safe. @urirealvibekiller you're really an amazing person. I really don't know many people on tumblr. I'd love to make new friends.
Have a great day and hope you're safe in this situation.
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packimprints · 4 years
Ship Request for @charc0al-grey !
Uhm I can’t actually remember what I put on the first one but I’ll re start if t
I’m nori. I have blonde hair and I’m 5’6. I’m a engineering student. I love writing and nature. I go camping and hiking a lot. I’m vegan. I’m an awesome cook. I love big families and plan to have one when I’m older.
I tend to go for kinda toxic guys that end up playing with me. But I mean well. I have a big heart and like to be friends with as many people as possible. I love helping others.
I’m W bit awkward and don’t really know how to accept compliments or anything but it means a lot when people say them. I always fall in love quite fast. When I’m in a relationship I’ll pretty much do anything for my partner. I show my love through practical favours and gifts.
I'm really sorry dear for taking so long to write your ship. Hope you really like it.
I ship you with Paul!
He loved to see you concentrating on your new project. Whenever he felt you were stressed he would be happy to drag you away from work in his warm embrace.
"Babe, you're taking a break. You can continue after a small cuddle session. And to be honest who would ever say no to KY handsome face and muscles. "
Paul said with a smug face making you throw a pillow towards him.
"Owe! Babe! "
Which resulted in him chasing you and then hugging you tight.
Now, all of us know that Paul has temper issues. But, that was before he met you. Now he tries hard to control his temper in front of you and to an extent even with his pack. Now that the impact you have on him.
Paul never received love him and he knows what it is to grow up such an environment. He gives you all the love he has and wants to make sure you're happy and you feel loved with him.
He loved the fact that you absolutely loved making friends and have a great fun with new people.
Most everytime he came back from patrolling, he would see you helping Emily in the kitchen or, Seth with his homework, helping Jake on his bike or going out of your way to be his family so that you could amend the relationship between both of them.
"No Seth! You're not leaving this study table unless you finish your assignments. They count in your grade."
"Nori, it's all because of you that I'm passing my classes."
"Yeah! Thank me after your results when you come first in your class. "
Paul would whisk you away for camping or long drives. He loved holding you close while enjoying the silence of nature.
Paul would have no issue beating a guy to pull who was toxic to you. All that mattered to him was your happiness.
He knew how much you went out of your way to make people comfortable and especially the Paul in this relationship, he would always be grateful for you. He would love that you showed your love throught thoughtful and practical gifts.
What the Pack things of you :
The pack is very protective of you. You won their hearts with your nature.
Sam and Emily were happy that you were the one who could handle Paul.
Jake loved That you helped him in the garage which strengthened the bond between Jake and Paul.
Embry, Quil, Jared, Leah and Seth was your gang. And honestly it's good to have amazing friends like them in your life. All thanks to you that the boys' grades improved a lot.
Seth loved how intelligent you were and always loved to study.
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All credits to the owner.
I really hope you like your ship. If not, I'll be happy to reconsider.
Positive criticism is always welcome.
Hope you're safe in this situation.
Have a great day.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
Ship Request for @urirealvibekiller !
hello !! i read through your blog a little and i absolutely love your ships and reactions <33 i would love to request a ship too !!
appearance || i am asian. i have long black hair that is wavy. my eye color is nut brown and i have a lightly tanned/medium skin. i'm very petite and short - my height being barely 5'. i do really love working out so my body is toned and fit from that. 
personality || my mbti is a mix between enfp and esfp ! my friends usually describe me as outgoing, active, kind, supportive, and understanding. i do genuinely think i'm an ambivert; i absolutely adore making new friends and being around people yet at the same time, i love being by myself just as much. i'm pretty independent. i kind of have a 'devil-may-care' attitude and i'm generally pretty easygoing and chill unless i feel that someone is being unfair or just plain horrible. i don't like to take myself too seriously - i'm usually goofy, silly, and playful. it's not unusual for me to randomly start singing or dancing - even in public. i'm very optimistic but not to the point that it becomes toxic. i strive for balance in life (it's the libra in me ahaha). 
i'm a bit emotionally closed off - very open about my feelings yet when it comes to emotions, i'm not the best at dealing or expressing them. i tend to use humor as a coping mechanism. i don't really like to be sentimental - it kind of make me feel uncomfortable. with that being said i'm naturally very caring and nurturing - it's instinctive to me. i'm not one to 'baby' my friends or people around me but i'm very attentive to others' feelings and needs and i always try to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy. i'm also kind of the 'therapist' friend and a shoulder to cry on. i do take my responsibilities seriously and i want to do well in whatever i do. 
i can be quick-tempered at times and can be quite sarcastic or blunt but i get over it just as quickly. this is something i'm working on though because i really don't like hurting people with my words. i don't like doing the whole brutal honesty thing (although i do offer it sometimes when needed) but i'm more for the compassionate honesty. i love building people up.
i can be quite frivolous and materialistic.. i'm fun-loving and a bit of an excitement-seeker so i tend to get bored easily and move onto something else quick. i can also come off as a little arrogant sometimes too. i'm kind of a leader too; i'm usually the one who gets chosen to be the leader in group projects but i'm okay with not taking the lead too; i don't mind letting the other person take charge if i believe they are capable. 
my hobbies include reading, working out, dancing, listening to music, and partying. 
thank you so incredibly much for your time. i do hope i didn't write too much ahaha <33 
Hello dear. You're such an amazing person and I really hope you like your ship. Guys don't forget to check her blog for amazing kpop group ships and her ships definitely gives feels and warmth in the heart with you favorite kpop idol @urirealvibekiller
I ship you with Jacob!
The favourite time of the day for Jacob was when he was awake before you and the Sun shone through the windows with you in his warm embrace. He would snuggle up closer to you admiring your sleepy sun kissed face as the sun highlighted the nut brown colour of your eyes even more.
"Babe, wake up."
"Jake, it's Sunday and we finished our exams yesterday. At least let me be in your warm hugs for some more time. "
you said smiling warmly at your boyfriend who looked 100 times cuter with his bedhair
"God, you're going to be death to me."
Jake said takling you in a tight hug deciding to be in the bed for longer time.
He really loved your height. He would love on how he could hug you anytime and your smaller size made him feel more protective about you.
"Dear grab the chocolate chips for me. My hands are full mixing the flour."
Emily said as the both of you were in the kitchen to bake some chocolate chip cup cakes for the boys to eat for their short break while patrolling in the woods.
"Sure Em."
You said as you opened the fridge where suddenly you were pulled by a pair of strong hands and you collided to a strong chest and the smell of fresh pines and mint filled the kitchen.
It was no other than your tired boyfriend. Now Jacob wasn't really a very PDA person. He wasn't shy in showing his love for you but he prefered showering you with all the love he had in private. Not that you minded that anyway.
"Jake! We were making cupcakes for you guys. Now the chocolate chips are on the floor. "
You scolded him as the boys entered tired flopping on the chairs ready to pass out.
"I missed you."
Jake whispered as he hugged you tighter.
He really loved working out with you. You both would be that athletic couple who were always in shape. Jake would always come up with new ways to workout whether in the woods or outside the porch of his house. He loved the fact that you really looked after your health.
Jacob loved your hair. He loved the way they framed your face. After a tiring day in school or after his patrolling, he would hug you from behind as you studied hard for an upcoming test. He would sometimes secretly use your shampoo so that he would smell like you when he was always from you.
He loves that you were independent and would figure your way out in any situation. Don't get me wrong he was very protective about you but he was proud that his girl wasn't a damsel in distress waiting for her prince everytime to save her. He was always a call away though. If ever you felt low for not being able to solve any problem, he would be ready to help you out with a logical reason and lots of hugs.
Basically your relationship was encouraging each other to give your best.
He was a bit shy but he loved to see you have fun with your friends. Yet, he understood when you wanted to be left alone. Even he liked some time alone. But remember this ball of sunshine will be ready for you with a blanket and your favorite movie at any given time.
He loved your supporting and kind nature. He clearly remembers the time he imprinted on you.
You were shopping with Jake in a store for a sleepover where you saw a little boy crying as he couldn't find his mother. You quickly when to the child, wiped his tears and calmed him down with your soft voice. Taking his small hand in yours you went to the reception to make an announcement. That little boy happily kissed your cheek and ran off in his mother's embrace, the happiness on face, made Jake fall for you even more.
Whenever someone got on your nerves and you were ready to fight, he would let you do your thing unless it was in a limit and where he saw the person crossing your line of patience, he would quickly hug and pull you behind, rubbing soft circles inside your wrist, instantly calming you and he dealt with the person.
He knew all your friends came to you with their problems but he made sure You knew he was there for you when the situation overwhelmed you or when the friends were just draining you emotionally, he would quickly take you away from the situation to the beach where his hugs and the cool breeze calmed you.
"Thank me later with your special cup of coffee for rescuing you from your friends' problem. Look, I really love that your friends trust you with their problems but, all I care is about you."
Jake said hugging you.
"Thanks for saving me , my wolf in shining armor."
Both of you would plan out new activities which always kept you excited and Jake made sure you weren't bored with him.
Your leadership skills really helped guide Jake when he broke from Sam's pack to form his own.
The pack knew you that you could be blunt at times but you always had the right intentions in mid or sometimes things got too much for you.
Jake would love to place his head on your lap as you read your favorite book. He would drag you to dance on your favorite song in the hall as Billy would fondly look at the both of you. He was forever grateful to you for amending the relationship between him and Jake.
In short you guys were the power couple, cheesy love birds and best friend who were constantly bickering on small things but always pushing each other to be the best version of yourself.
What the Pack thinks of you :
Sam and Emily loved the fact that Jake had somewhat calmed down being you with and realizing his inner leadership skills.
Paul would be your best friend and the both of you would always be in trouble but hey, you both had fun. You compassionate nature calmed him a lot for which the pack is always thankful.
Embry, Quil, Jared, Seth would be your squad with whom you had a lot of fun and memories.
Leah was initially distant towards you but slowly she opened up to you as you patiently helped her in her shifting.
Billy considered you as his daughter .
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All credits to the owner.
I really hope you liked your ship.
Positive criticism is always welcome.
If you didn't like it then, I'll be happy to reconsider.
Hope you have a great day and are safe in this pandemic.
Admin T.
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packimprints · 4 years
Uhhh Gabbie again!! I’m so sorry! I keep forgetting to add the I love old songs!! And scary movies HAHAHAHAHAH!!
It's all right dear. Not a big issue. I'll add the details. If you have other details, you can add them as well. Have a great day ☺
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