paladinpayroll-blog · 5 years
I’d certainly hope so
I’d certainly hope that you’d be the one
I’d certainly hope that maybe one day you’d see me the way I see you
I’d certainly hope that we could see eye to eye
I’d certainly hope that you could be there for me the way I’m there for you
I’d certainly hope that there was a way for us to be more than just . . .
I’d certainly hope so
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paladinpayroll-blog · 6 years
Only does walking through the world decide our fate;
It’s an experience that turns our black roses red;
And our loses, troubles and woes into hate.
While our life turns we get caught up in our moments slipping away,
And they turn into screaming winds of judgment that only some articulate.
With a new wave of emotion we get sucked into all the little details,
Only ever finding a piece of ourselves from what we used to be,
While the bitter sweet whispers of ourselves turn out to be our ales.
Our friends and family gather around us in solidarity,
While we wash all our mistakes and missteps away with cocktails.
We gossip and chant about whoever is closest when really,
Our scheme is the definition of the pot calling the kettle black.
Wait! Wait, Wait! It’s all we want to know and all we want to tell.
Because telling someone is easier than putting ourselves through hell.
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paladinpayroll-blog · 6 years
The leaves fall and change
Just like our minds in the wind
few can put them back
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paladinpayroll-blog · 6 years
We’ve Come A Long Way...
You and everyone you know has certainly made changes that have got them where they are today. Good or bad these things have defined our lives and we should all take a moment to just recognize them and respect each other for them or help each other with them.
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paladinpayroll-blog · 6 years
These things really keep me up at night...
Have you ever thought of something about yourself in the future or tried to imagine something about your future? I’m sure lots of us have but have you ever thought that once you think of that thing suddenly the universe is like NOPE THEY GUESSED IT NOW IT CAN’T HAPPEN!?
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