palaeopixels · 3 years
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He breathed in the scent of dirt and rain, filling his lungs with a sense of reality.
His stomach growled. He hadn't eaten all day, the sun hung low in the sky, he had to find something soon.
A small berry presented itself and he dove in, head swooping down, beak capturing it, he felt it burst in his mouth. Food. Finally, food. Sniffing upwards he caught the smells and sights of a small bushel of leaves, stepping forwards he investigated further with his maw, discovering a large berry bush, previously just out of his sight.
He began chewing the sweet berries, his teeth crushing the stones and hard, woody, stems of the trees. His mind began to wonder, finally free to now his hunger was being sated.
His eyes drifted up, the dark brown orbs glancing at the sky. He saw the sun. Where it went each night, he had no clue. Was it the same one as yesterday? Was each day truly new, or was life an ever-turning stone, two different sides forced to spin in perpetuity.
His eyes stinging, he looked back down at the foliage surrounding him. He noticed the leaves to his left could, possibly, be edible. Leaving his questions unanswered his beak once again opened, his tongue tasted the rough plant matter, and his mind was at peace. More important than that, his stomach was now full.
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palaeopixels · 3 years
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no story for this one, just imagine what this fella is doing <3
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palaeopixels · 3 years
Hi! We're Palaeo Pixels !
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We're a duo of a talented artist and a writer who love dinosaurs and all things prehistoric! Expect to see more pixel art dinos and some stories to accompany them! For now, take this Dracorex!
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