paleghost13 · 5 years
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I’m one chapter into Jedi: Fallen Order and I’m already convinced about Cal’s true heritage.
Cal Kestis Checklist
Red hair
Blue eyes
Sarcastic and snarky
Powerful force user
Trouble magnet
Skilled lightsaber fighter
Late teens or early 20s
Fairly short for a human male
Kestis. Riiiight.
Obi-Wan, is there something you want to tell us about? Hmmmm? And why do I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Anakin fairly shortly chasing after Cal (Kenobi) Kestis?
(And I’m REALLY wishing Cody will appear just for the look on his face at seeing Kenobi 2nd Gen.)
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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HEY, COOL, SO I’M CRYING ABOUT OBI-WAN KENOBI AND ANAKIN SKYWALKER AGAIN. This is such a fascinating look at their dynamic when Anakin was younger, that Anakin is clearly boiling with frustration and Obi-Wan’s reaction is to give him leeway, to understand that he’s working on it, that nobody’s perfect and nobody expects Anakin to be a perfect Jedi, but he’s getting there.  Obi-Wan praises Anakin several times in this issue alone and, when Anakin has an outburst at him, the whole, “You never wanted me!” thing, Obi-Wan is hurt and concerned about this, so he makes sure Anakin knows he’s wanted. He gives Anakin space for a couple of hours, lets him cool down because Anakin needs that breathing room for a bit, then trusts him when they land on the planet and helps save himself from the pirates.  He gives him an important job to do, he trusts Anakin to use his training to help, and then he sits down with Anakin, gently and warmly explains to him that Obi-Wan felt like Anakin would be the one who didn’t want him. Obi-Wan makes himself vulnerable with Anakin, shows that he has worries and fears as well, that if he couldn’t save Qui-Gon, someone who could already take care of himself, how can he save someone who’s just learning?  But that’s the whole point–Obi-Wan listens when he needs to, understands that he needs to understand himself just as much as he needs to understand Anakin, that this struggle is just as much for him as it is for Anakin.  That he doesn’t hate himself or rip himself to shreds over this, because Obi-Wan’s emotional foundations are the bedrock of all good (THANKS AGAIN FOR THAT QUOTE, “MASTER & APPRENTICE”) and he’s so incredibly emotionally stable that he can take stock of himself and Anakin both, that he can look outside his own feelings, that he can know himself and recognize when he falls into perfectly understandable and human pitfalls, that he can recognize that Jedi wisdom is:
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(The Last Jedi novelization by Jason Fry) This is why I will always defend Obi-Wan as a teacher, because he makes sure to talk to Anakin, to show that he understands maybe not everything of what Anakin’s going through but still a lot of it, Obi-Wan doesn’t chastise him for being moody or misunderstanding, instead he praises Anakin when he does well, offers him things he knows Anakin will like, and makes them a team.  Yes, sometimes he gets frustrated, yes, sometimes Anakin oversteps his bounds and will continue to do so long beyond when he should have learned more control over himself, but even then Obi-Wan makes sure to ask how Anakin’s doing (asks about Anakin’s dreams in AOTC, until Anakin changes the subject on him), he makes sure to joke and laugh with him (when Anakin is panicking in the lift, Obi-Wan jokes with him to calm him down, and it works), he makes sure to tell Anakin things that will make him happy (points out that Padme was glad to see them, when Anakin was getting upset that she didn’t seem to care). This entire issue really seemed to be keeping Attack of the Clones in mind, that Anakin has trouble with not being ahead of where he’s ready to be, that he’s teetering between being ready and not ready to come along on a mission here, that he’s teetering between being ready and not ready to be on his own during AOTC, that Anakin is champing at the bit at 19 to be allowed to go beyond their mandate and to be seen as a big shot before he’s ready, that Anakin is surly that he’s being put with the “babies” in order to catch up before he’s ready to move on.  That 19 year old Anakin should know better, where 13 year old Anakin is given far more leeway, but ultimately Obi-Wan’s approach is the same–that he keeps being warm and understanding with Anakin, that even when he puts down boundaries, he still cheers him up and offers to talk whenever Anakin needs it, still understands that Anakin is a work in progress. Just as they all are.  That a Master is meant to be a student just as much as a Padawan.  Obi-Wan is still learning and so of course he supports Anakin as he’s learning, whether it’s when he’s 13 or 19 or 23, he’s never expected Anakin to be perfect.  Only to keep learning.  And to talk to him whenever Anakin needs to, because Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn’t have to be vomiting his feelings everywhere to be warm and caring and open. He talks about Qui-Gon.  He talks about his own worries.  He says the Jedi Council is wise, but they’re not perfect, he shows such faith and trust in Anakin, shows that his feelings are understandable, but he’s absolutely wanted. Obi-Wan tells him he’s doing well, that Anakin handles himself admirably.  OBI-WAN KENOBI SUPPORTED HIM, TALKED WITH HIM, AND TAUGHT HIM.  OBI-WAN KENOBI WAS SO GOOD WITH HIM AND THIS IS WHY THEIR LATER FALLING APART HURTS SO MUCH, BECAUSE THERE WAS SO MUCH GOOD AND CARE HERE. That, at their very foundation, they are inherently an incredible, wonderful, warm combination for each other.  Anakin and Obi-Wan, even at this young stage of their relationship, bring out so much good in each other, allow all these good things to flourish, and we get to see how good they were together.  THANKS, STAR WARS, I’M CRYING ABOUT THE TEAM AGAIN.
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paleghost13 · 5 years
Reblog if you’re a clone, you support clones, or if you’d throw chancellor Palpatine off a very tall building
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paleghost13 · 5 years
I know you just updated FloralSkin, and it's so cute! Seeing Rex and Anakin together, and the past chapters with CodyWan, has me wondering if Jedi Generals tend to be soulmates to the Commanders they work most closely with? Are Mace and Ponds soulmates? Luminara and Gree? Aayla and Bly? Depa and Grey? Not necessarily a prompt, if you'd rather treat it as a question! Thanks again for sharing your stories with us
Peeringup at the pink half moons ashe rested his arms on his knees,Anakinlet out a small hum of acknowledgmentwhen his master sat down on the rock beside him, glancingat him as Obi-Wan leaned back on his hands to stare up at the moonstoo.
Hehad amusedlook on his face, the flower on his face taking in the color to thepoint it almost looked alive, thepink sheen from the moons making it more vibrant.
“So, didyou hear the latest from the grapevine?” Obi-Wan suddenly asked,his voice thick of amusement.
Turninghis head fully to look at the other, Anakin raised his brow as hesensed juicy gossip. “No, what’s going on?” He couldn’t helpa growing smile in response to Obi-Wan’s tone.
Sniggeringsoftly, Obi-Wan tilted his head, eyes glittering. “Oh, it appearswe are not the only ones with our illustrious leading vod becomingour soulmates.” He waggled his brows at the other.
Lettingout a bark of amusement, Anakin shifted to sit up fully, stretchinghis legs out in front of him to mimic Obi-Wan’s position, leaningback to be on level with him. “You’re kidding, who?” Anakincouldn’t help the thrum of excitement.
WhileSoulmate bonds were sacred among the Jedi, they weren’t alwaysaccepted as being part of the daily life and there were someconservative members who very vocally derided the decision of thosewho took up with their soulmates.
“AaylaSecura and her commander Bly,” Obi-Wan held up a finger. “MaceWindu and Ponds, Ima-GunDi and Keeli, Depa Billaba and Stance and Tiplar and Tiplee in ajoined soulbond with Doom.” He chuckled, ticking off each with afinger.
Jawdropping, Anakin stared at Obi-Wan, a bit overwhelmed. “And that’sthe ones that’s been discovered? There could be more?” He shookhis head a bit to clear it when Obi-Wan nodded. “…It’s almostas if the Force is…”
“Connectingus all?” Obi-Wan filled in when Anakin trailed off, nodding. “Yes,it is starting to look that way. People who before had no flowers arenow waking up to flowers appearing everywhere.” He stroked hisbeard slowly in thought.
“…Isthat so bad?” Anakin frowned, turning his head to look back up atthe sky. “I mean, humans aren’t really made to be alone, notreally. There are those who can manage it but most people… we needsomeone else, someone to give warmth and comfort and touch.” Heshrugged, flushing when he felt Obi-Wan stare at him.
Lookingslowly back up at the moons with Anakin, Obi-Wan let out aconsidering noise. “You have a point. Skin starvation is a terriblething and makes us… sick.” He whispered quietly before sitting upand rubbing his upper arms with his hands.
Glancingat Obi-Wan, Anakin watched the other before shifting closer to hismaster and pressing their shoulders together. “Yeah… it does,”He smiled slightly at Obi-Wan. “But… we got each other and youmight not be as tactile but I am… and you got Cody now. We aren’tgoing to let you become skin starved ever.” He winked.
Chucklingfaintly, leaning back into the other, Obi-Wan smiled fondly at theblond. “That is true. And as long as I live, I will have your backAnakin, I may put duty high… but you and Cody are at the top of mypriorities.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, hisvoice wavering ever so slightly but his tone honest.
Freezing,Anakin stared at his master in shock.
Coloring,Obi-Wan looked down. “I, that is, it’s fine if you don’tbelieve m-” He gave a cry of surprise as he was tackled offthe flat boulder to thehard clay floor around them. “A-Anakin?”He whispered, blinking up at the dark sky full of pink moonlight ashe slowly settled his hands on the others back.
Shivering,Anakin clung to the other, not saying a word.
Huffingslightly, softening, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around Anakin in anequally tight hug. “…It’s alright. You don’t have to sayanything… it’s alright.” He murmured comfortingly, shaking hishead when a concerned Cody started making his way from the camp,sending the complicated emotions into the soulmate bond as an answerto the unvoiced question.
Thecommander stopped before nodding and intercepting Rex, the twoletting the Jedi have their moment.
“It’salright.” Obi-Wan whispered, settling his chin on Anakin’s head.
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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#tbt when obi-wan force yeeted anakin
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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Oh, he knows…
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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I gave you a specific order not to come!
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paleghost13 · 5 years
Clone Rights or ‘Kidnap is such a Strong Term. Spontaneous Adoption is more accurate!’
Slightly related to this post by @sauntering-down
In Star Wars, Boba Fett is Jango Fett’s clone son. Now in Clone Wars, the clones don’t appear to have any rights and are generally considered as cannon fodder by most people rather than Sentients. It got me wondering why, although by all technicalities Jango OWNED him, Boba was treated as a Sentient Being.even by others and not just the Jedi.
This led me to headcanoning that due to a nice neat loophole in the paperwork declaring all clones property (after all wouldn’t want to violate their own Slavery Laws) that Boba was considered a Sentient Being with all the Rights associated with that because Jango (a Sentient Being and Republic Citizen) adopted him and essentially passed those rights onto his son.
So here comes the fun bit.
Anakin, having trouble reconciling the fact he’s now a general to what is essentially a slave army, goes hunting for every piece of legislation regarding the Clones and the rights associated with them. 
He finds the loophole.
And sends out the paperwork to every last clone, calling it a minor oversight in paperwork and if you all just sign here…
“Anakin, why is the Senate claiming you’ve kidnapped the entire Galactic Army?”
“Kidnap is such a strong word, Master. The more accurate term would be spontaneous adoption!”
The Senate and Palpatine are not happy with now having to treat the entire GAR as Sentient Beings with rights. It’s also costing them even more money since they have to PAY the clones otherwise it would be slavery and General Skywalker, a Citizen of the Republic, is more than willing to sue them over it.
(The Separatists think this is hilarious and a few planets are actually considering becoming neutral after watching Skywalker verbally flay the Senate for threatening his ‘sons’. The Public, of course, thinks it’s great.)
The Jedi Council is in two minds. One) it’s very impressive that Skywalker managed to find the one loophole that would get the clones their rights. Two) This screams attachment but as Kenobi brought up, there’s no part in the code that says Anakin can’t adopt.
(Plo Koon, Obi-Wan and Aayla Secura might be bargaining with Anakin over who gets to adopt 104th, the 212th and the 327th. Anakin is willing to give them partial custody.)
The clones think this is a) one of the best things ever and b) are very touched.
Most of the 501st think it’s hilarious to call their General ‘Dad’ after Jesse blurts it out in the middle of a battle.
Kamino tries to stop Skywalker from adopting even the undecantated ones but someone cough ShaakTi and R2 cough hacked their systems so the unborn clones are now also Skywalkers. They can’t even ‘decommission’ any more clones since it would technically be murder both under their own laws and the Republic’s.
Anakin’s just worried about what he’s going to get everyone for their Life-Day gifts.
This all leads nicely into a happy au where the Skywalker Twins grow up with an entire Army’s worth of brothers. Leia is a little disgruntled about being the only girl.
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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paleghost13 · 5 years
(I’m tired and feeling whimsical and have another au)
AU where the Clones have existed almost as long as the Jedi and are basically the Jedi version of Hogwart’s letters. They feel a pull and go out and find their Jedi, unless their Jedi were already found in Search and there for they grow up together
- Obi Wan is never kicked out in this verse because as much as he can’t find a Master, Cody is adamant This Is My Jedi so if Obi Wan goes, he does to (or maybe they both leave)
- when Qui Gon finds Anakin on Tatooine, he’s already been found, by a rebellious Clone who left the Order because Fuck This Shit. His name is Jango
Jango was Dooku’s clone trooper and they had a serious falling out. Jango recognizes Anakin as a possible Jedi and sticks around to keep the kid safe. Anakin’s Clone Trooper can be either Rex or Fives
- no chips this time, Palpy uses some other means to attempt to neutralize the troopers
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paleghost13 · 5 years
in reference to this post
star wars au where the Clone Wars happened before Phantom Menace, a Republic still licking it’s wounds from a lengthy Civil War, the fragile peace threatened by a Sith conspiracy, the Jedi scattered
and a group of abandoned, hiding soldiers, left adrift by a government that lacks the will to make them citizens and would rather them all just go away as they are a reminder of the past
finds a young Jedi and his even younger charge
and collectively go ‘ah fuck’ as their protective instincts go into over-drive
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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VFX Artist Reveals HOW BIG Star Wars Ships REALLY Are! [x]
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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paleghost13 · 5 years
What does Dooku find while slicing? (I mean it's probably that Qui-Gon is dead but how does he find out that Qui-Gon is dead?)
Ok so this was actually half written before I got your ask, since @ladyteldra had suggested that the earlier snippet was practically begging for more, . It’s a bit rushed and I’m not completely sure how it fits, but here you go anyway!
Dooku stares blankly at the screen in front of him, not quite processing the meagre information he was able to obtain before impressive security systems had kicked in.
Qui-Gon is dead.
He takes a deep breath finds his centre. Really he should have considered this a possibility. It had been decades after all, and the life of a Jedi is a dangerous one. Dooku has always known that one day even Qui-Gon’s seemingly uncanny luck would eventually run out…
He’d just expected that it would happen when he himself was already one with the Force.
Which apparently may have been the case, come to think of it. His own mortality seems easier to accept. Perhaps it is because, in the midst of all this insanity he had hoped to at least have the known quantity of his former Padawan’s reckless will and stubborn surety to anchor him.
But Qui-Gon is dead.
To him it was only yesterday that he stormed out of the room in exasperation following one of their typical arguments. Mere hours since they had glared at one another in the halls.
Now Qui-Gon is dead, and he will never get to apologize.
Dooku bows his head, and reaches out into the Force, the only place where he might now find his wayward student.
He imagines, for a moment, that he feels the ghost of a familiar presence before it is gone.
His grief must be more encompassing that he had realised, because it is not until on gloved hand reaches over and the image of Qui-Gon Jinn (older, more solemn than he had ever thought to see him) and the words that accompany it (“Jedi Master: Deceased”) flicker into nothingness, that Dooku realises he is no longer alone.
Gently, Knight Skywalker removes the sliced datapad from his hands.
“I think that’s enough for now, don’t you?”
Idly, Dooku notes that the younger man does not appear to be either irritated or surprised by his subterfuge…
He scoffs.
“Ah, I see. You knew I could not resist the bait. Well played Knight Skywalker.”
Skywalker lets out a harsh snort of his own. “No. I guessed.” Blue eyes catch Dooku’s own, full of terrible sympathy. “It’s what I would have done, after all.”
And Dooku wants to feel angry at the presumption that he is anything like this brash young hothead, but…
He inclines his head, accepting the unspoken support.
“Then we should be grateful that today only one of us must live with the unwelcome results of such an investigation.”
With a sigh Dooku turns to stand at the window, looking out on to Coruscant’s ever bust streets. A subtle shift in the air tells him Skywalker has followed a step or so behind.
He keeps his eyes focused on the horizon.
“I… understand… the hesitation in allowing me access to information which could result in temporal paradox, and I am not asking for for classified details, only…”
Dooku hesitates a moment, wondering if he truly wants to know, yet certain that Skywalker is his best chance to find out. “How did it happen?“
The silence stretches uncomfortably between them. Moments pass and Dooku feels himself deflate at the realisation that no answers will be forthcoming.
He turns to offer his apologies and request some time for contemplation, when Skywalker abruptly opens his mouth.
“The Sith.”
In a flurry of movement Skywalker is staring Dooku in the face, fixing him with heavy intent.
“You want to know what happened? The Sith happened. Qui-Gon Jinn was the first Jedi in millenia to be killed by a Sith…” Skywalker’s voice is matter of fact but Dooku can hear the echo of pain and bitterness in his tone.“…and he is far from the last.”
This, this is…
There are no words. If Dooku had not already been determined to find and eradicate every last trace of that ancient evil then the surge of determination that flows through his veins would be enough to shift even his most logical conclusions.
It is not revenge, he tells himself. Not an emotional imperative. Simply justice.
“I see.” He offers. It is not enough to contain the sheer magnitude of his feelings, but it is a start, and Skywalker nods at his expression. Which come to think of, is rather similar to the Knight’s own. Perhaps…
“This is personal for you.”
Again there is silence, but this time Dooku can almost see young Skywalker processing his options, determining how much he is willing to reveal.
“Master Qui-Gon found me. He gave me the chance to become a Jedi.” The knight swallows, voice thick with emotion. “In another world I might have been his Padawan. Instead, I helped light his pyre.”
Dooku takes a moment to reassess the man in front of him. It seems that at some point Qui-Gon progressed to finding strays that actually belonged at the Temple. Anakin Skywalker may be arrogant and foolhardy, but he is undeniably a Jedi. One that Dooku may have even been proud to have claimed some small part in his formation…
But Qui-Gon died.
It is a kindness the way Skywalker simply stands to his side, allowing him time to process a world of might have beens.
But he cannot leave it alone. He needs to KNOW. The Sith have returned, the galaxy is in turmoil and no one will give him straight answers.
(And Qui-Gon is dead, at their hands)
“The Sith who killed him…”
The first words have barely left his throat before Skywalker shakes his head sharply.
“It’s not my place to tell you.”
Dooku pushes down his rising anger once more, opting instead to try a more emotional approach. “Please! Qui-Gon was my Padawan, at least let me know what became of the monster responsible!”
“ I get it, ok!” Skywalker snarls “ I have a Padawan of my own, and if I were in your place I’d be tearing the galaxy apart to find her killer. But like I said, I’m not the one you need to talk to!”
“Then who is?” Dooku demands, losing his grasp on his composure.
Skywalker pauses, clearly weighing up his next words. Dooku takes the opportunity to maintain eye contact, willing Skywalker to see how much this means to him. Something in his mute appeal seems to break through to the young Knight who sighs, raking a gloved hand through messy curls.
“It was a painful time for us all.I wasn’t there at the end… but my Master was.”
He pauses once more, body language tense and unyielding, ensuring that  Dooku understands how deadly serious he is about his next words.
“ Obi-Wan still doesn’t like to talk about it. And I don’t blame him, if I’d I’d had to… Look, if he wants to speak to you on his own terms then that’s one thing, but if you think I’m going to let you go barreling in like a wounded Nexu in an effort to bring that all back again you are woefully mistaken!”
Ah. That would explains much. Even with the limited the he has spent in their company Dooku would be a fool not to realise how close Skywalker and Kenobi are, that they are treading a fine line with regards to attachment. He will get no more out of Skywalker without Kenobi.
That is fine. Dooku can be patient. Still, a few more hints as to how to potentially guide the conversation might not go amiss.
“I understand. He was also close to Qui-Gon then?”
Skywalker just stares at him.
And laughs.
“You really didn’t read the data file did you?”
Pride stung, Dooku snatches back the offending item, hastily flicking through display back on.
The answer stares him right in the face.
(“Padawan: Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Master Kenobi, the charmingly sharp tongued and unorthodox General, who shows a seemingly complete and unwavering confidence in not only the Force but also those around him, and does not hesitate to argue with Dooku without conceding a single point, was Qui-Gon’s Padawan.
How did he not see the influence sooner?
What a complete and utter fool he must seem!
Thankfully his Great Grand Padawan only offers an amused smile.
“Come on, I think we could both use a good spar. I’ll grab one of the training rooms to give us some privacy and let Obi-Wan know to meet us there.”
Dooku raises one eyebrow, caught off guard by the abrupt change of topic.
“Is that permitted?”
Anakin grins, and for a moment Dooku can see an uncanny resemblance to another frustrating young man.
“No one said it wasn’t.”
Almost against his will Dooku can feel his mood begin to lighten, the dark shadows of his grief pushed back just a fraction. And then it hits him.
“You said Master Kenobi is on the council.”
“Yes?” Anakin responds, a little puzzled.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi, student of Qui-Gon Jinn, is on the council.”
Anakin eyes him strangely. “ Yes.”
And the ironic laughter bursts from Dooku’s chest like a thunderstorm at the end of summer, washing away the worst of his anger and frustration.
Qui-Gon is dead, but his legacy lives on.
( Dooku cannot wait to know them better)
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paleghost13 · 5 years
(I’m tired and feeling whimsical and have another au)
AU where the Clones have existed almost as long as the Jedi and are basically the Jedi version of Hogwart’s letters. They feel a pull and go out and find their Jedi, unless their Jedi were already found in Search and there for they grow up together
- Obi Wan is never kicked out in this verse because as much as he can’t find a Master, Cody is adamant This Is My Jedi so if Obi Wan goes, he does to (or maybe they both leave)
- when Qui Gon finds Anakin on Tatooine, he’s already been found, by a rebellious Clone who left the Order because Fuck This Shit. His name is Jango
Jango was Dooku’s clone trooper and they had a serious falling out. Jango recognizes Anakin as a possible Jedi and sticks around to keep the kid safe. Anakin’s Clone Trooper can be either Rex or Fives
- no chips this time, Palpy uses some other means to attempt to neutralize the troopers
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