#2nd Gen Kenobi
artcalledtattoo · 2 years
He Can Be He can be the patsy not connected to Trump And no one needs to know We leave him as shooter only Sir didn’t we do this at the school? Lone crazed white killer No affliction no affiliation He had no partners for his building shooting He can be the only one It worked with JFK This gen don’t know much, for they’ve all been, heavily Pharmaca & de-nutrient-ala We still have free lunches in our here country we’ve already paid for those lunches come late August. Only some people think, it’s getting better, this will past like all thee other lying restful for the glory of maintaining the US. Veterans Patriots Some that saw and others did time and continued with all none other Freedom Riders New phenomena Psycho Not even disciplined Don’t blame a Veteran This isn’t open fire room filled Don’t blame a Veteran 2nders why was there a manhunt for Did you run away in the crowds Big boys some could not run but walked away, I witnessed the trumped constituents too in videos, what man or woman by each other’s side name Prunt ran to building after first trigger pull. (2nd Amendment/ NRA ~ no comment) It all just happened to fast, Where are those worthless heroes that ran! Like Joel said in suicide squad? Don’t blame a Veteran A Veteran Present since I was born in the 70’s But I never read comics Never got a belief in a hero to appear Even Kenobi was requested Aided in help of a blue light saber And those macro micro things called Energy the Force Cowards carrying guns, Americans Strapped glock or something of numerous others against one single white man All strapped most likely glocks 60 something into black man Don’t blame a Veteran I’ve only said West Madness They even had bullets upon hips to strike back, sissies, pussies, fagets with GUNS Running away but fight for rights You let kids die in school too Why streets should be so different? I am m u d fucking stoopid! He can be a patsy to satisfy I must be mutha fucking stoopid! Created equal look at my work load Dear President! What you gonna do!? Show the hearts The sun will rise tomorrow No blame for pandemic Still looking in the capital assault Geneva still what tha fuck Don’t blame a Veteran Or protect and serve on bikes They probably had officially allowed ear buds in...right, no skids just what tha not real fuck reacts nah just visible forms civilian phone feeds of the what tha fucks I heard a noisy Running bystanders now parading It’s not even a marathon Runners caused no alarm Don’t, I was not even there I watched some videos Don’t blame a Veteran
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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I’m one chapter into Jedi: Fallen Order and I’m already convinced about Cal’s true heritage.
Cal Kestis Checklist
Red hair
Blue eyes
Sarcastic and snarky
Powerful force user
Trouble magnet
Skilled lightsaber fighter
Late teens or early 20s
Fairly short for a human male
Kestis. Riiiight.
Obi-Wan, is there something you want to tell us about? Hmmmm? And why do I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Anakin fairly shortly chasing after Cal (Kenobi) Kestis?
(And I’m REALLY wishing Cody will appear just for the look on his face at seeing Kenobi 2nd Gen.)
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winglssdemon · 4 years
Star Wars Fic Recs
Here’s a list of a few of my favorite fics! All of them will be in prequel trilogy, before prequel trilogy, or clone wars era. All of them are Obi-Wan centric.
Everything is Going to Plan (And Other Lies) by beamirang (WIP) Rating: Explicit Obi-Wan/Jango Fett Author Summary: Jedi. Slave. General. King. Obi-Wan has had - and rejected - a number of titles over the years. For some reason, people keep putting him in charge of shit. Word Count: 14,288
Jate’kara by pallorsomnium (WIP) Rating: Teen Obi-Wan/Jango Fett Author Summary:  It’s just his kriffing luck that the one time he decides to take a break planetside, everything goes to bantha shit. Jango happens to be on Naboo when the Trade Federation decides to invade. From there, his quiet life as a bounty hunter goes sideways. A TPM AU. Word Count: 20,418
Bloody Escape by Sulis57 (One-Shot) Rating: Mature Obi-Wan/Asajj Ventress Author Summary:  Obi-Wan Kenobi and Asajj Ventress barely escape with their lives after a dangerous encounter with Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Trapped together in a small shuttle, these one-time enemies must put their differences aside in order to find their way back to civilization. Things get complicated when Ventress realizes Kenobi has been gravely wounded. Will he survive the long journey or will his blood be on her hands? Word Count: 3,889
A Lesson in Attachment by someawkardprose (Completed One-Shot) Rating: General Audiences Pairing: Obi-Wan/Cody Author Summary:  Obi-Wan has never been enough. It's okay. The Force loves him anyway. Word Count: 7847 An Ace!Obi Fic with besotted Cody and that trope where Anakin hides his marriage but there’s no real reason to. Plus Clone Rights!
The More I Live The More I See this Life is Not About Me by K_R_Closson (WIP) Rating: Teen Gen Author Summary:After touching a mysterious artifact, Cody's general is suddenly a child with the memories to match. Cody has to coax a suspicious adolescent back to base without alerting the nearby Separatists of their presence. Reversing his general's age an easier fix than Cody thought it would be, but he didn't factor in the possibility that Obi-Wan might not want to give up his self in order to become General Kenobi again. It'd be easier to think if he didn't have an insidious voice in his head, whispering to him to distrust the Jedi.  Word Count: 18,895 General Kenobi is turned into his younger Melida/Daan time period self. The clones are horrified. (Author has stated that the fic is finished and there will be timely updates.)
The Interviews Series by Bloody Devil (3 Completed Fics in the series, but there might be more? I sure hope so) Rating: Teen Referenced Obi-Wan/Quinlan Vos Author Summary:  1st in Series:  An interview with Master Jedi Qui Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-wan Kenobi to give insight into the Jedi Order and it's workings, turns into a group interview when a bunch of Padawan Kenobi's friends crash the interview. 2nd in Series: After the 'unedited' version of the follow up interview was posted to the Holoweb, a lot of sentients came to the same conclusion. The Clones were good with Kids and Trustworthy.This leads to complications for the Coruscant Guard. 3rd in Series: Another follow up interview, this one with someone Obi-wan doesn't like, snowballs in a way no one predicts.Obi-wan is just very tired. Word Count: 35,805 Technically Crack!Fics but the series holds a lot more, brings up clone rights, and has some very heart-wrenching moments.
The Past Remains by otherhawk (Completed)  Rating: Teen Gen Author Summary:  The war drags on leaving trauma and destruction in its wake. After a bereaved Master is accused of harming his padawan, Obi-Wan is sent to talk to her, dredging up memories of his own past. Word Count: 15,692 Contains Anakin and Cody along with Obi-Wan. This fic REALLY hits the feels. It’s a fantastic emotional hurt/comfort fic.
Hold Onto Me by LuvEwan (One-Shot) Rating: General Audiences Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon  Author Summary:  Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan crash land on a random planet (oh no!). They must rely on each other to survive (oh yes!). Word Count: 3,149 Just...straight up hurt/comfort. I do wish there was more to this fic but it does stand alone very well. I’m just a sucker for good old fashioned hurt/comfort and worried partners.
Balance by beamirang (WIP) Rating: Mature Mostly Gen Author Summary: “I’m not going to kill Palpatine because I hate him,” Obi-Wan says serenely. “I’m going to kill him so Anakin can’t.” In a bid to pull Anakin back to the Light, Obi-Wan hurls himself into the Dark. They both land somewhere in the middle and the whole Galaxy shakes with the impact. Word Count: 17,847
Patrilineal by markwatnae (One-Shot) Rating: General Audiences Obi-Wan/Cody Author Summary:  General Jinn is dispatched to join the 212th Attack Battalion and Cody watches General Kenobi interact with his former master, the man who skirted death at the hands of a Sith. He cannot seem to find a suitable definition for their relationship. Word Count: 2,467
Misunderstandings are Born of Miscommunication by Fic_Request_Blog (One-Shot) Rating: Teen Gen Author Summary:  Or The one where Kenobi is blind and no one remembers to tell the clones. Word Count: 2,210 Blind!Obi is freaking life and this is such an enjoyable one-shot
It Was Another Time and I Another Man by Pell_Binterhol (WIP) Rating: Teen Gen Author Summary:  Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi find themselves thrown decades into the future and into the midst of a civil war. Ahsoka is delighted for an opportunity to know her unflappable grand-master when he was her age, but as their differences mount, she comes to learn just how much the order has changed. Word Count: 27,707
Matter of Time, Matter of Opportunity by markwatnae (One-Shot) Rating: Teen  Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon Jinn Author Summary: Obi-Wan wakes up in the Halls of Healing after a terrible mission with a broken jaw. He does not realize until later how his experience had also fractured his spirit. Word Count: 8,172 Note: While this the 3rd in the Alpenglow series, this one can stand on it’s own.
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