palosantojildo · 2 years
Thank you Ram God I needed that
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palosantojildo · 2 years
Slavic resources in english: my collection of academic resources for beginners on the subject of slavic folklore, paganism and folk magic
Is Slavic paganism closed? - my thoughts
Slavic offerings
Slavic creation myths
My translation: Veles
My translation: Yarilo
My translation: Mokosh
Mokosh: offerings and devotions
Quotes: Perun and Veles as Saints
Quotes: Prophet Elijah and Saint Nicholas, a folktale
Quotes: Sources for Rod and Rozhanitsy
Quotes: Kupala, Kostroma, Yarilo and Mara - seasonal rituals of the Slavs
Quotes: Russian domovoi lore
What’s a zagovor and how it’s built.
Key tags: #slavic paganism #slavic folklore #slavic art #magia Slavorum  #asks
Other recommended tags: #slavic folk - traditional clothing and folk art, #ancestral veneration #wooden architecture #embroidery #folk magic
My asks are open but please keep in mind that I did not receive academic education in the field of Slavic studies. Any answers I might provide will be based on my experiences as a Polish person and Slavic pagan as well as my own unsystematized research.
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Slavic paganism is an open path, however please approach it respectfully by educating yourself on Slavic culture and making an effort to not propagate already rampant misinformation any further.
Lastly I’d like to disclaim that as helpful as the words “Slavs” and “Slavic” can be at the beginning of your research it is of paramount importance to remember that the “Slavs” were never a unified ethnocultural group or civilization. 
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palosantojildo · 2 years
You have to trust the story. You have to trust that you’ll find the overgrown path in it that leads to the place you decided to call the end. You have to leap into the action of what is happening right now and say ‘This is where Once Upon a Time is’, and then you have to follow the witches and fight the trolls and write the magic down in your bones like slightly disjointed chapters. When you tell the children about it, you can edit it to your liking, organize the sentences to create the effect you’re after, but right now, just grab your sword and believe the story will take you where you need to be.
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palosantojildo · 2 years
My name is a good day for you guys to come over.
My age is a dog.
I live in the same spot as last time.
I was born in the USA.
My body is a lot of fun.
I am looking for a new therapist, who enjoys being short, and has a series of unfortunate events.
I enjoy the rest of your day. I also like the place I have, i like it to be over, and I like all those sexy fanart.
My ideal partner would be amazing for the next two years, a person who wants to get out of work, and who can help me with the stuff, and who thinks it's ok to look like a good time.
My turn ons are going to the station and my best friend.
My turn offs are you feeling better, and I will send it to Ryan.
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being found in human form what-
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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palosantojildo · 2 years
tricky words I always see misspelled in fics: a guide
Viscous/vicious – Viscous is generally used to describe the consistency of blood or other thick liquids. Vicious is used to describe something or someone who is violent. 
Piqued/Peaked/Peeked – To pique someone’s interest is to catch or tease their attention. When something peaks, it reaches its total height or intensity. To peek (at) something is to look briefly, or glance. 
Discrete/Discreet – this is a tough one. Discrete means to be separate, or distinct, i.e., two discrete theories. Conversely, when someone is discreet, they are being secretive or cautious to avoid attention. 
Segue/Segway – one is a transition between things, the other is a thing you can ride at the park and definitely fall off of.
Conscious/Conscience/Conscientious – to be conscious is to be awake, i.e., not unconscious, or to be aware of something. Your conscience is the little voice in your head telling you not to eat the entire pint of ice cream. Finally, to be conscientious is to be good, to do things thoroughly, to be ruled by an inner moral code. 
Hope this helped! Please add more if you think of them!
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for a girl 
Four for a boy
Five for silver
Six for gold
Seven for a secret never to be told
Eight for a wish
Nine for a kiss
Ten for the bird that you should not miss
Eleven for health
Twelve for wealth
Thirteen, beware; it’s the devil himself
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palosantojildo · 2 years
The Paper Doll Experiment
Primarily a creation of necessity but one that worked well, the paper doll became a part of my practice. It serves as both petition and poppet, allowing for an easier construction and handling. Outside of its capacity for writing, the ability is has for other things such as combustion, varied colours and the like, it did serve quite well for its purpose. I based it as follows:
Write the name of the person on the head, the seat of consciousness. Write what you want to happen across the chest and belly (if it is to increase) and on the back (if it is to decrease), apply appropriate symbols as well as handle the rest of the poppet as needs determine (for example, cutting off the feet and hands to bind, drawing chaotic squiggles over the head to create confusion, drawing a heart and colouring it in while chanting a prayer or incantation to draw the person to you and so on). WHen done, offer it to a spirit or deity to consecrate it to the working for empowerment, alternatively, use an awakening ritual
Examples of Paper Poppet Works
To make a person kinder to you - name on forehead, petition on the front side with a small heart drawn and coloured in green while saying a command for the person to be kinder to you. Then take syrup and dot the heart, the hands, the feet and the head (so all their actions to you will be better). An extra addition is to add sugar, rose petals, chamomile, lavender, catnip or another herb of the such onto the syrup which will be sticky and allow it to bind onto it.
To curse a person with ill health - name on forehead, reductive charm of the word health on the back. Take a yellow or black pencil and scribble over their body parts saying an incantation that they shall be afflicted with ill health, headaches, sickness, fevers, leg pains, head pains etc. take the poppet and place it in a jar and add vinegar to it.
To heal a person - name on forehead, increasing charm of good health on the front, an orange pencil is used to create the charm and is again used to write petitions on specific body parts. It is placed on a plate with oranges, salt and an orange candle where it can be worked on from one sunday to the next using suitable prayers, taking off the oranges as needed.
To make two people kind towards each other - two poppets are made with the corresponding names on their forehead, a heart and a petition on each of their chests. The hearts are coloured in green and syrup is applied liberally to the bodies of each person that are then stuck together (face to face). This is wrapped in white, pink or green ribbon and kept in a secret place.
To make money stick to a person - a poppet is prepared, name on forehead, draw a crown, a dollar sign or other representations of wealth on the chest with a petition. Place a syrup on the petition and on the hands and sprinkle witch cinnamon, thyme or chamomile (to make money and good fortune stick to your hands and to you as a person).
Reductive Charm of Good Health - literally
*Heal can be written in a different but suitable colour as to distinguish two different petitions in one. A petition to Heal and a Petition for Health.
Additional Ideas
If I wanted to afflict someone's eyes, I could do it when the Moon is in Aries (as Aries governs over the eyes) and reverse a candle or light a black and red candle in order to use Aries's energy for that purpose. Then I would draw eyes on the poppet then take a pin, hold it in the flame of the black candle to empower it, then scratch out the person's eyes. This would be to make them blind to me or to legitimately harm their eyes. On the flip side, I could light a red candle at the same time, draw eyes on the poppet and anoint them with oil that has been charged to aid in healing. This can be used to open someones eyes to a situation or to heal their eyesight. In both the former example (afflicting) and the latter, St. Lucy is good to call upon.
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palosantojildo · 2 years
Gnomes of pleasure
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palosantojildo · 2 years
what if every Tumblr user suddenly looses their mouse?
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palosantojildo · 2 years
Still watching this youtube channel about what I can only describe as "Dark Classical art" and this one absolutely floored me because I was unaware of it and I want to share it because it changes my perspective on this artist completely.
You might be aware of Louis Wain. If not by name then by his art. He's the artist behind that series of cat drawings that slowly became more and more abstract and bizarre.
This series of paintings of cats are often labelled as a visual representation of Wain's deteriorating mental illness and schizophrenia. Even more so often labelled as "a tragic display of a painter's failing battle with schizophrenia."
The paintings look like this and were painted around the very early 1900s.
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Ok got all that?
So here's the thing.
Although Wain did suffer from a mental illness that was strong enough for him to be institutionalized, his mental illness was never diagnosed with clear certainty. Although "Schizophrenia" is so heavily applied to him based purely on how his series of paintings LOOK, despite actual specialists widely disputing this. On top of this, although he did paint the kaleidoscope cat portraits during this time, it was not the only things he painted, and he was quite capable of painting "normal" pictures of cats.
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The Kaleidoscope Cat portraits are more images of him experimenting with colour and shapes, something the Smithsonian themselves state on their website.
Wain had actually made his entire living painting whimsical images of cats, often for product adverts, before he was incarcerated and was actually a very beloved artist at the time. When his friends learned of his incarceration, they started a collection of donation money to help transfer Wain to the Bethlam Royal Hospital instead, one of the best mental health facilities of the time. Even the Prime Minster of the time donated, and they raised a large amount of money across England to help him.
4 years later, Wain drew this as his final image which he released publicly
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I knew all about "the Schizophrenic cat Guy" but he had always been presented to me as some tragic case of an artist going mad and his skills and work unraveling as he went insane.
Which is why I wanted to share this information which was new to me. And because I think it's important.
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palosantojildo · 2 years
What is Hunger Pangs?
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In a world of dwindling hope, love has never mattered more...
Do you ever start something as a joke and lose complete control over your life? 
Hunger Pangs, affectionately referred to as “Phangs” by the self-proclaimed phangdom, is my debut novel published in Nov 2020.
Like most things on my blog, the original concept began as a joke. My friend and enabler, @jeneelestrange, and I were talking about our least favorite tropes in romance/erotica, including but not limited to toxic “alpha” masculinity, boring, broody stalker vampire boyfriends, and the absolute profound bullshit that is the Conflicted Love Triangle and Bury Your Gays.
Eventually, it culminated in this post:
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It was meant to be a joke. I really cannot emphasize this enough. It was meant to be a shitpost.
A throwaway ADHD impulse.
Certainly not something I was supposed to turn into a book, let alone an international bestseller with enough material to turn it into a five-part series.
But Tumblr somehow managed to trick me into becoming a professional author, and well, here we are...
I also started writing the series while dying, which I highly do not recommend as a functional creative process. Absolutely do not start a 500k five-part novel series about love and hope while dying from an undiagnosed genetic disorder. Or if you do, make sure you actually die so you don't have to edit the damn thing. (I am mostly kidding.)
There are two editions of the novel. The Flirting with Fangs edition depicts on-page sexual acts and the Fluff and Fangs edition which uses alternative scenes/fade-to-black scenes for those who prefer not to read about sex. You can read more about why I decided to do this here.
So what is Phangs about?
In the simplest of terms, Phangs is a queer-polyamorous-paranormal-satirical-romance series featuring vampires, werewolves, and all other manner of creatures that go bump in the night. It’s been described by some readers as the queer, goth love child of Terry Pratchett meets Jane Austen, and frankly, no amount of promo I could ever do will top that.
If Game of Thrones ascribes to the idea that the night is dark and full of terrors, Phangs is the monster-fucker politely sidling up to them at the bar and asking if they can buy them a drink.
The narrative follows the antics of three main characters, a disabled, hard-of-hearing werewolf named Nathan, a 400-year-old neurodivergent-coded mad scientist dandy vampire named Vlad, and the mysterious Lady Ursula, who drops into their world like a magical atom bomb.
It’s set in a pseudo-regency-steampunk-ish-gaslamp fantasy universe that, if you squint, looks much like our own, excepting, of course, the existence of vampires, werewolves, and government bodies being held accountable for their actions.
Style-wise, it is basically a love letter to fandom, which has led some people to believe it’s fanfiction with the serial labels filed off. But as the person who spent five years agonizing over the world-building, I can assure you this is all very much the product of my weird little ADHD brain picking up tropes, shaking them upside down, and running off with whatever interesting things shake loose.
Thematically, the series touches on many things, but the book’s overriding theme is love. Romantically, of course, and love between families, both found or otherwise. But also love as an act of courage. As a choice. An act of defiance in dark and troubling times, and what it means to be loved and belong even though you’re different.
Especially when you’re different.
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Both of you...
And I really fucking hope you enjoy it.
To read the full synopsis and check out the heat ratings, buy links and content tags, go to www.joydemorra.com
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palosantojildo · 2 years
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Know Thyself, Tuco Amalfi. 1990.
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