panarobreadcompany · 4 years
Here are answers to these questions about kinning, answered here because twitter is terrible for sharing long things of text. But hey, maybe other folks here may find it useful, too!
1) Someone who is otherkin identifies as nonhuman in some way. If you identify as the thing you "think you kin" (and that thing is nonhuman), then you are (or at least, may choose to call yourself) otherkin! Being otherkin can be spiritual (such as believing you have the misplaced soul of the thing, or were that thing in a past life), psychological (such as believing you imprinted on that thing when you were young and took on that identity, or feeling you fixate on things to the point of taking them on as identity), a combination of those, or possibly other things I do not know about!
2) Yes. That is actually the original usage of "otherkin" - it was people who identified as mythical species other than elves (who were "elfkin"). Someone who identifies as a specific character usually identifies as fictionkin. They are also otherkin if that character is nonhuman. Some people consider all fictionkin, even those who are human characters, as a subset of otherkin, though that is debated.
3) Yeah! Though if you are consciously choosing the identity of the thing you are fixated on, it would be more accurate to call it "otherlinking" rather than "otherkin". Both "otherkin" and "otherlinker" describe someone with a nonhuman identity (or that of a fictional character), and the difference is that otherkin is involuntary and otherlinking is by choice. If you strongly take on an identity after consuming media about it but only for a short period of time, you might feel more at home in the "flicker"/"fictionflicker" identity than "otherkin", though! I know little about that community, but it is made up of folks with that experience of "taking on" the identity of things from the media they consume for a little while.
4) You can trigger "kinshifts", where you feel more like what you 'kin. You can also acquire 'kin identities you did not have before, with the specific method behind that varying depending on your relationship to otherkin. If you want to consciously develop an 'kin-like identity, you can also do that, but rather than "otherkin" that is called "otherlinking"!
5) This is somewhat contested, but as otherkin is involuntary, the general consensus within the otherkin community is "yes". The specific ways to navigate that identity are discussed. It is important to not claim the experiences specific to that race or disability as something you understand and have experiences of, as your current life and body has not had those experiences.
6) "'Kin" as a verb is slang and can be misleading, as "otherkin" is something you are rather than something you do. It is common enough that people understand what it means, though. Some examples of ways people communicate their identity are "I am [species/character] otherkin/fictionkin", "I am [species/character]kin", "I am kin with [species/character]", or "I kin [species/character]."
Here is an abridged timeline of the "otherkin" identity: http://frameacloud.com/nonfiction/otherkin-timeline-abridged/
Here is a glossary of some otherkin-related terminology, with useful links: https://alt-h.net/educate/glossary.php
Here is a discord for discussing alterhuman identities (with otherkin being a reason one may consider themself alterhuman and many of the folks active in the discord being otherkin) if you want somewhere to talk to more people who might know more things!: https://discord.gg/6txGpp7984
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panarobreadcompany · 4 years
Every single person saying "sex is real, it's gender that's not real" to support trans people needs to sit down and think about how that affects intersex people.
Sex is literally made up. Sex characteristics? Real. Genitalia is real, hormone levels are real, chromosomes are real... But dividing those into two boxes isn't real. We arbitrarily threw together the two most common combinations of these traits, called them male and female, and said fuck everyone who doesn't fit into that.
Sex isn't some holy thing that only the most radical people want to destroy, it's a farce used to justify the medical abuse of intersex people. If you want to be an ally to intersex people, please take the time to think about these things. Think about the way we talk about sex and how it might be hurting intersex people.
Using "assigned gender" language, legitimating the idea of a sex binary, calling intersex types "conditions"/"disorders"/etc., comparing intersex people to animals with diverse sex characteristics, and not listening to or acknowledging intersex people are all things people need to stop doing if they want to be allies to intersex people.
I'm trans as well as intersex, I know that supporting trans rights is incredibly important, but it should not be done at the expense of intersex people.
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panarobreadcompany · 4 years
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The first pride was a riot, more specifically a riot against police violence. Trans women of colour like Marsha P. Johnson paved the way for the celebration of pride today. You cannot celebrate your pride this month, or any month if you aren’t also supporting Black Lives Matter and the riots going on against police violence right now. Us white LGBTQ+ need to stand up for our black siblings and their rights, their struggles. We need to amplify their voices and show any support we can.Hey! Better yet, reblog this version:
Extensive BLM Google doc including places to donate to, education resources, etc
List of 75 things white people can do right now
Simple way to donate to the cause if you have no money to
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panarobreadcompany · 4 years
if a show has well written gay characters but dehumanizes trans people, then it just doesn’t have good lgbt rep
idc how good the gay characters are, remember that trans people are part of our community and deserve positive representation
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panarobreadcompany · 4 years
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giratinas at mcdonald’s what will they order
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panarobreadcompany · 4 years
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Happy  international women’s day 🖤🌸
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panarobreadcompany · 5 years
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Happy Pride Month!
2/2 of my pride stickers set!!
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panarobreadcompany · 5 years
Don’t get your sex ed from fanfiction!
Get it from
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panarobreadcompany · 5 years
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Pastel nblw edits
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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happy pride month !!!
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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Made a thing for all you trans kiddos out there 💙❤
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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I didn’t even look at the other options
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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Happy Pride month!
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
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panarobreadcompany · 6 years
something that’s annoying about the whole corporate pride merch discourse is how people respond like “oh so i can’t buy a rainbow shirt now??” etc. But, firstly, no one is saying that. If buying a pride shirt from somewhere like amazon or target is all you’re able to afford or that’s available in your area, then obviously feel free to do so and don’t worry about whether or not you’re “valid” (buying pride merch from big companies isn’t any worse than buying other stuff anyway)
but if you do have the means and access to do so, then a much better way to get cool pride stuff is to buy it directly from lgbt artists (either the tons that are on tumblr, or local artists who have booths to sell from at places like arts shows and pride fests) or buy merchandise from the online stores of reputable lgbt non profit charity and advocacy organizations. That way you can get your rainbow shirts, but at the same time you also get to actually contribute to supporting the community in some way rather than giving your money to corporate overlords who will just use it to exploit workers and the environment
here’s a list of 22 lgbt-owned stores that sell pride merch
here are some lgbt nonprofit and advocacy organizations that have merch for sale:
Sylvia Rivera Law Project (provides legal aid to low-income trans and nonbinary individuals)
Revel & Riot (nonprofit that makes tshirts and donates partial proceeds to lgbt orgs, often collabs with lgbt musicians)
Equality Florida (lgbt advocacy organization that lobbies against discriminatory laws and promotes legal changes that will benefit lgbt people, also played a big role in helping after the pulse orlando shooting)
OnePulse Foundation (nonprofit fund set up by the owner of the pulse nightclub to help rebuild, support victims, and build a memorial)
Lambda Legal (nonprofit legal advocacy organization that does impact litigation for lgbt people and people with HIV)
Pride at Work (represents lgbt workers and union members)
National Center for Lesbian Rights (advocates for lgbt rights)
it’s also a good idea to look for lgbt orgs in your local area or state that likely sell their own pride merch like buttons and tshirts, since orgs at a local level are often the ones who need contributions the most and who will directly benefit your community the greatest
and if you are going to buy any corporate pride merch, still try to get it from companies that are donating 100% of the profits to lgbt orgs (some ones i know that do this are levi’s and converse) and make sure to check that the orgs they’re donating to are actually legit ones)
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