pandalaziness · 8 years
I Will Be Leaving Tumblr
Hey everyone! I have some announcements to make. First of all, I want to address the big issue here since the title is right in front of your face, but I will actually be leaving Tumblr. I just don’t really see this site help me grow in any way. The reason for this is because as a growing artist, you want your work to get out there and I understand that it takes a while. You don’t get 500 reblogs or followers overnight, but I just don’t feel like I’m getting the sort of traction I need from this site. I just feel like that the content I post only gets thrown down a hole and buried under many other things. I understand that that’s just how Tumblr works, but I need some form of traction. I need to keep moving and unfortunately, Tumblr just isn’t offering me that. Recently, I find myself using DeviantArt and Instagram more often. Those sites just have a way with being able to showcase your content somehow, even if not a lot of people see it, someone eventually will. I will not be deleting my account, but I am leaving this site.
Being an artist takes a lot of trial and error and most of the time, we never know what we’re doing whenever we start out and only try to imitate what we see. Sometimes you’ll have more errors than you will successes. Unfortunately, I realize that Tumblr just really wasn’t for me. Feedback is something that I need so that I can keep going as an artist. Community is something that I need so that I can have people to talk to that have the same interests as I do and to make connections and receive feedback. Tumblr just wasn’t giving me any of those. And so in the end, I will be leaving this site.
“Does this mean that I’m giving up on the Monty Oum Project?” Not really? Monty’s words still resonate with me and I hold them very close to my heart. He’s the reason why I started Lazy Panda in the first place. He has always been an inspiration to me. However, for the time being, I will be taking a break from my RWBY related activities for a while in order to focus on my own projects.
“Where will I be posting my art now?” Like I said before, I will still be posting my work on DeviantArt and Instagram. I will also still be using my Twitter and Facebook account in order to share with other people. I just won’t be doing anything with this site except maybe updates to other sites that I am on. Other than that, that’s pretty much it.
“Where can I find your other accounts?” My other accounts are listed at my main page on pandalaziness.tumblr.com at the top of the site. That section will be updated if i am ever on other places.
Thanks everyone.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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So here’s the next character I designed for my project. I will upload another one soon.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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Yes, I did draw a furry. The context of this character is that she’s supposed to be a lycan as the world I’m building for these characters is that it sort of takes place in this sci-fi/fantasy world with monsters and demons and stuff. I wanted to experiment with other kinds of characters besides humans and I also wanted to try and do something different regarding poses with my characters.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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Before the days of viewers complaining about bad TV schedules on CN and Nick on the internet, a 2006 era Nicktoons Network mocked their own schedules during the commercials.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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Hey everyone, I’ve been pretty busy these past couple of weeks, but I was able to squeeze in some time to make some new characters. So these characters are for my new project for the Monty Oum Project. My project is an original webcomic series that I’m planning on making. I thought I’d update all of you as to what I’ve been up to. School has kind of been keeping me occupied and I sort of wanted to go a little low profile this year and focus a bit more on what is going on around me. I’ll try to keep you all updated hopefully by the end of March.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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As for something new, I have designed this character for my Computer Applications in Art class for our first project. Her character design has turned out a lot better than I thought and now I might use her in one of my own original projects. I've taken a bit of inspiration from RWBY, Bee and Puppycat, Invader Zim, Panty and Stocking, and a bit of Mega Man as sources of inspiration for what I have planned. More details on that later.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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I'm back guys! So I have a couple of things in mind this year for some projects, but for now I have decided on looking back at some old character designs I made a couple of months ago and redesign them. I wasn't very satisfied with the final product and so I decided to retweak them to give them a better look. And what better to start out with than my RWBY OC, Azure, from Team TARO. I will be working on more soon as well as some originals as well, but for now I will leave this for you all.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
Thank you everyone!
(From Neath Oum’s Journal)
Hello all,
I wanted to take a moment and reply to all of the posts and tweets I’ve been receiving on this second anniversary of my brother’s passing.
When I was approached by Rooster Teeth to play Ren, I thought it was a great chance to become involved with the RWBY community and help continue my brother’s work.  However, I didn’t anticipate the sheer volume of people who would offer their support for me to be part of the show.  Even now, two years later, I’m still meeting fans of my brother!
What is even more encouraging though is how so many of you decided to try and contribute to his work and memory yourselves.  Despite his passing, not a day goes by when I don’t see some RWBY fanart, fanfiction, videos or cosplay.  He may no longer be with us but it’s as if his presence never left.
So thank you for your support and for your kind words!  I am very grateful to all of you for welcoming me into the RWBY community.  I am even more grateful that so many of you decided to continue what he started in your own way (I’m sure he is happy too)!
Neath Oum
P.S.  Lots going on at the moment.  When I get a chance, I will try to reply to as many posts and tweets as I can.  d^_^
P.P.S.  Some of you have asked or commented on what happens to a certain couple.  You’ll find out soon.  ^_~  This time though, I don’t think it’ll be just Ren’s fan girls reacting strongly.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
The Monty Oum Project
Last year, thousands of community members and fans came together on February 1st to honor one of their idols, Monyreak “Monty” Oum. They spent a day working on their passion projects, pursuing their goals, and doing their best without worrying about whether they had the skills or time.
They started writing, drawing, coding, sculpting, creating in any way they could, and this year we want to do it all over again.
On February 4th, the Monty Oum Project wants you to start something new.
Write the first page of the story you have in your head, start the webcomic you’ve been thinking about, make a video and post it on youtube, start coding a game, building something new, create an art piece just for yourself.
It doesn’t matter if your goal is to create, to better yourself, or to just do the absolute best you can do for that day.
Without thinking about the time constraints or whether you think you can, start a project that you want to start, and remember that the effort you put into anything transcends yourself.
Keep Moving Forward with us, this February 4th.
-The Monty Oum Project
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pandalaziness · 8 years
Hey everyone, I wanna apologize for ghosting like that. I knew I said I would try to find time to get on, however I was going through some very personal issues that sort of demotivated me from keeping up with this page. It also didn't help with trying to keep up with my artwork. I apologize for the large amount of radio silence these past couple of months. I am slowly starting to get back into the groove of things again. Please know that I will not be posting as often as I have last year as I am still trying to figure things out and hopefully, I will be able to catch up soon. I want to let people know that I am indeed still drawing and I'm trying to get back into swing of it currently. I am also still devoted to The Monty Oum project with my TARO comic as I have been in the past, as if it weren't for RWBY, the path I have chosen wouldn't have existed in the first place. I have a couple of things planned for the future, but the details have not been finalized. I hope everyone understands and for those of you who have stuck around after I ghosted, i want to thank you.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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Mei is bae
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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Forgot to post this last night.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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Hey sorry I havent updated in a long time. I've been taking three art classes at the same time on top of statistics and trying to balance work and school. This isn't a new comic or anything but I'm doing inktober and this was yesterday's drawing I'll put up today's some time tonight.
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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I can’t do small talk or basic conversations. I think they’re awkward and the conversations get old pretty quick
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pandalaziness · 8 years
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They never listen.
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