"I don't want to read this" is totally valid.
"This is disgusting to me" is totally valid.
"I don't want to read this because it is disgusting to me" is totally valid.
"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.
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pandoras-little-box · 3 months
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OP made the post unrebloggable but said it's fine to screenshot and I'm in love with this
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pandoras-little-box · 9 months
Look, peak wriolette dynamic is Neuvi being 100% in love but being too emotionally constipated to realize it.
Ar first he thinks that Wrio presence upsets him but it doesnt rain so maybe is not that. The melusines feel pity. Furina is the one done with Neuvillette shit for a change.
The he finally realizes and is over.
In a nutshell:
Neuvillette: Fell first and fell harder.
Wrio: just along the ride. He somehow pulled the baddest bitch of Fontaine and doesnt know how.
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pandoras-little-box · 10 months
I thought it was more of a matter that the Traveler didn't know. With Childe, he was upfront, the Traveler knew almost immediately - this is Childe, he's a Harbinger. He was very upfront on his identity as a Harbinger.
In contrast, the Traveler didn't know Lyney and Lynette were Fatui. He found out from Furina in a damn murder trial - with Lyney being the main suspect.
The situation is completely different. Plus - we knew Childe before the entire Delusion situation in Inazuma as well. From what we can see, Teppei was someone the Traveler cared for, and his death was caused by Fatui.
So, yeah, it's understandable that the Traveler is cold. But, it does look like they're warming up.
It's so weird like Childe tried to drown an entire nation + tried to kill us and we're besties with him, totally trust him, Paimon is making jokes about him making up excuses to see the traveler.
And then Lyney simply exists as a fatui and suddenly the traveler doesn't trust him entirely anymore and starts acting cold towards him as if THEY DON'T HAVE A FATUI HARBINGERS VISION IN THEIR POCKET??? HELLO WHAT?? How dare Lyney..exist as a fatui?? Childe can try to drown a nation but Lyney can't simply exist smh wtf hoyo
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pandoras-little-box · 11 months
Wait what's a buildings fire evacuation plan if you aren't supposed to use the elevator to get down
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every time i see those posts like ‘what food from a show did YOU always wanna try’ i go lol none? but i just remembered im a liar
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i always wanted the fucking soup brock made in the pokemon anime
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idk i just had to continue this bc i had the image of kaveh shaking al haitham stuck in my head to laugh at
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
*sshh... don’t think about the fact that Wukong knew that getting the fourth Samadhi Ring from Mei would have ended in his death - and him going after Lady Bone Demon by himself was a bad idea too* 
(But, no, for real, how did the characters not notice Wukong’s, frankly, concerning actions during that time? I really hope it’s a plot point in Season 4.) 
Don’t Think About It: Lego Monkie Kid Edition
Don’t think about Monkey King or Sun Wukong or the Great Sage, whatever he’s calling himself at the moment, looking at his successor and seeing himself. An impulsive, powerful young man surrounded by a pig, a water spirit, a dragon, and a scholar.
Don’t think about MK constantly defaulting to ‘my friends have abandoned me’, like during Sleep Bug, when they were gone for just a moment. Don’t think about what his parents might have been like to make him so scared about being left behind and so willing to accept it at the first glance.
Don’t think about Monkey King playing that simple Journey to the West video game over and over again, closing his eyes and straining his ears at the cut-scenes so he can pretend for at least a moment that he’s hearing his friends’ voices again.
Don’t think about the face he makes at the end of Revenge of the Spider Queen, getting away from Tang and the others as fast as possible because even if they aren’t reincarnations the sight of such a similar group must have sent him reeling.
Don’t think about how Monkey King gave away his staff, the most prevalent symbol of his power. He destroyed the mural of himself and his friends, too, and he did it so easily. He’s erasing himself from the world, severing all ties that connect the Great Sage to life on Earth. Don’t think about how common it is for suicidal people to give away important heirlooms because it simply doesn’t matter to them anymore.
And don’t you dare think about what would happen if Sun Wukong decided to leave Earth behind. Don’t think about how empty and silent Flower Fruit Mountain would be, how desperately MK would try to rebuild the mural because even a picture of Monkey King would be a comfort.
Don’t think about MK losing the one person he was sure would be around forever.
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
No, kids should not have unsupervised acess to the internet.   Yes, I got that and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.    Its a paradox.
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
cr: 百变花央
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
whenever twitter wants to land their hot takes about age gaps in relationships, I think what’s often overlooked is that it’s not all that unusual to not be aware of how old the people in your personal life are.
if you asked me how old my coworkers are, i don’t think I could give you a single confident answer. I could give you some educated guesses based on their appearances, interests, and behavior, but not anything more specific than “I think Kat is in her 30s?”
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
I think this is one of the most important things everyone needs to learn. Maybe just a brief overhaul of your age and things you don’t like - maybe not triggers, since we have the blocking system and muting/blocking specific tags (which really need to be looked up on again, especially with people coming from apps like TikTok where you can get in trouble for not censoring a word properly - that mindset is actually really damaging to a place like Tumblr, because if it’s censored, then the tagging system won’t pick up on it, potentially exposing people that have it blocked for a reason). 
Mostly, I think we need to be careful about what we put online; and we need to teach our younger family and friends to be careful about it too. Don’t put your name, don’t put your age, keep triggers away from you (block, don’t interact, etc), and try to protect yourself as much as possible. 
Don’t put personal information out there. It’s better to be safe than sorry. 
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this kid is 14 oh my god is no one teaching children to protect themselves online anymore…
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
I’m fully aware that this won’t get to a lot of people; but I just needed to let some steam off. Personally, I used to define myself as ‘proshipper’ - as in, anti-harassment in the name of ships. This is something I didn’t mind, since I grew up in an internet that allowed this type of mindset; if you shipped something I didn’t like, all I had to do was look away. Since it wasn’t that loud and out in your face, it was easy to ignore and cultivate your own experience and be able to be/do whatever the fuck you wanted. 
But, that isn’t what most people see proshippers as anymore. Proshippers were (mostly) those that were on the internet while they were younger/teens (at most), and have a very stubborn mind-set. They were the ones who did what they wanted, and when they saw something they didn’t, they made a note of it and left to never return to that. 
That isn’t what proshippers are anymore. And I’m not comfortable with it. I have... different tastes from others, and I’ll admit it. I shipped some very disturbing things in my youth when I was more hormonal (that doesn’t excuse it) but as I grew, I became more disgusted with those ships. I can’t stand looking at them anymore, which is good, since I wouldn’t be very happy if I were to still be into that type of things. And, no, I’ve never shipped pedo. Children were always off limits; and as I grew, the idea of familial relationships turning romantic was incredibly off-putting to me. I will admit that. 
When I was younger, there was never a “proshipper” label. As I said before, this *isn’t* the case anymore. “Proshipper” now stands for “I support pedo’s and incest” and that... isn’t something I can, in good mind, support. I can’t call myself a “proshipper” when that label is used for something so horrific. I can’t say that I am OK with the “proship” label, because of what it now stands for. I will always condone harassment, since I have seen what harassment leads to. It leads to primarily none-English artists and writers being bullied off websites and apps they thought were a safe place; where “antis” (and they’ve called themselves this too) have celebrated when they successfully dox an artist like this (sometimes when the artist is lbgt+ in a place that... does not like that) and I have seen people celebrate learning that the person they harassed had a mental break, and even killed themselves. 
I cannot, in good health and morality, accept that. I also cannot accept the label “proship” for what it’s standing for. So, what am I? I am definitely not proship. I don’t think I ever will be anymore; not when the original label has been perverted so much. But, I can’t call myself an “anti” either, since (as long as the ship is not incest or pedophilic) I do not care for the ships you like, and I certainly won’t condone harassment over it. Perhaps, one day, a label will come out that will help me figure out a way to word it; but until then, I will simply refer to myself as “anti-harassment”. 
I’m sorry if anyone found this, and it upset you. That was not my intent. I just needed to write this down somewhere, before my head explodes. 
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
thinking SO hard about that “Babybel gets transported outside of his own mindscape with Luz and Hunter and ends up stuck in six year old form” concept
i want him to have adult Belos’s memories and knowledge but he’s physically occupying the body and brain of a small child so like his cognitive development level is really lagging behind what he’s used to (which wasn’t a problem in the mindscape where it runs on dream rules, but unfortunately,)
he’s scheming but he’s also having a hard fucking time because like you will never. ever convince me. that Philip Wittebane is not a deeply traumatized man. all rectangles are not squares but all squares are rectangles and brother? this is one developmentally disrupted square.
so anyway he’s got four hundred years of being fucked up and evil crammed into a six year old brain and he’s furious and terrified and overwhelmed and going to get put in shitty mindbaby jail for sure.
serenely choosing to interpret the fact that he never said anything in Babybel form but then immediately would not shut up in Belos form is because he was nonverbal for a very long time in childhood* and therefore, not possessing several centuries’ worth of verbal communication workarounds**, he can’t talk to anyone in the Owl House
they give him a big sketchbook and a bunch of colored pencils and markers, because if there’s one thing the Owl House has in abundance it’s craft supplies
he spends a while being profoundly frustrated by six year old motor skills and total lack of most of the artistic muscle memory he’s used to but starts to work something out that doesn’t totally disgust him
i just want him to without really thinking draw a familiar face, look at it, and get hit with 400 years of missing (and recreating and raising and programming and using and being betrayed again by and murdering) Caleb but, and this is the crucial part, with the emotional and cognitive capacity of a six year old
and burst into furious tears
(*people were not, i think, kind about this)
(*actually there are a couple of notable occasions as Belos where he gets confronted with something he clearly doesn’t have either a preplanned speech or a well-oiled social script to respond to and just. does not say anything.)
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
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pandoras-little-box · 2 years
For those who see this or are even remotely think this is interesting in any way I had a random idea for an Dadpin AU that popped into my head late last night and as thanks to @roosterteethloverwritingblog for discussing things with me and helping me out with ideas I decided to write out my my thought process
Beast AU
(I may change that later if someone else has a better name to call them)
Basically the plot is not much different from canon. Except with one key thing. Instead of Faunus’, every human has an animal companion deeply bound to them emotionally and physically. Basically the concept of His Dark Materials/The Golden Compass but not really set in that universe.
The concept I have is that animal companions or Beast wouldn’t come about until after the Gods thanos snapped the world. And I’m the aftermath of that instead of the GoD leaving Faunus, he leaves animal companions instead.
Team RWBY:
Ruby: Red Panda Bear, named Rooi.
Weiss: White Peacock named Anais.
Black: Black Panther named Aarav.
Yang: Grizzly Bear named Bali
Team JPNR:
Jaune: Gold Retriever named Etel.
Pyrrha: Eurasian Eagle Owl named Adira.
Nora: Honey Badger named Bayo.
Ren: Rough Green Snake named Aalin
Now we get into my favorite part of the reason I came up with this Au; the Ozma’s.
So originally I was just going to have Oscar be the only Oscar be the odd one out and have him not have a Beast, making him an outcast amongst his peers and then after Oz dies at the fall of Beacon BOOM, the kid suddenly gets one in the form of the old headmaster of beacon.
But my conversation with @roosterteethloverwritingblog lead me to really think about it and I decided to have that concept but add that it was just part of the curse that was bestowed on Ozma.
Each Oz reincarnation is instead of being placed into the mind of the next host. Is instead given a different connection entirely. One where the next Oz whomever it maybe, can still be themselves. No longer fearing a merge. Instead given a companion for life whom their connection only grows with each life time.
Each reincarnation it varies with each life time when they get their companion. Some got them right away. While others had to wait for the previous Oz’s soul to catch up and would sometimes be late.
When the GoL brings Ozma back he reincarnates into the form of a medium sized dragon and he is bounded to Omar (Ozma 2.0)
Then when Omar is killed he is reincarnated into a White Barn Owl and is bonded to Ozias (old dude)
Ozias (old dude) is reincarnated into a White Capuchin Monkey and is then bonded with Oren (Dude with Hat)
Oren (Dude with Hat) is reincarnated into a Brown Koala Bear and is bonded to Ostin (Dude with Glasses)
Ostin (Dude with Glasses) is reincarnated into a brown Kodiak Bear and is bonded to Orion (Dude with Blue eyes)
Orion (The Inquisitor) is reincarnated into a Brown Red Tailed Hawk and bonded to The Hermit (The Wizard)
The Hermit (The Wizard) is reincarnated into white Scottish Terrier and bonded with Ozymandias (King of Vale)
Ozymandias (King of Vale) @immortal-green-snom will get a kick out of this is reincarnated into a brown Flying Squirrel (and is mad about it) and is bonded to Ozpin (Headmaster of Beacon)
Ozpin (Headmaster of Beacon) after his death is reincarnated into a white Lynx and is bonded heavily to Oscar
Almost every person in Remnant loves and adores their Beasts, they are born with them, they are their other halves but the Oz’s? Their bond and loves is deeper then that because it goes back centuries. And with every new life time the connection and love only gets stronger.
Which we now go to Oscar.
Whom was heavily bullied by kids his age and older for not having a Beast. So one night when he was fast asleep while the Fall of Beacon was happening miles away.
He dreamt, dreamt that someone needed his help, he reached out and pulled, gasped a hold of the person whom needed him and instantly connection was formed, and seemed to burn his body in doing so.
And then he woke with a jolt and found a White Lynx curled on his side. Sleeping just as peacefully as he had been. The Lynx blinked his eyes open and smiled at him, “Hello Oscar. I’m— or I was Professor Ozpin”
Oscar is torn at first. He doesn’t know if he should be confused or happy about finally getting his Beast.
Ozpin is immediately protective of Oscar, as all incarcerations often are the moment the connection happens. For he sees the boys memories and knows the torture he went through not having Beast.
Something that he himself knew all too well. Having only gained Mandias when he was around 16 years old.
Plus he figured that it also had something to do with the animal that he turned into since cats were protective of their young and very territorial.
But Oscar doesn’t mind, he loves the attention because he’s felt so isolated and alone after being bullied for not having a Beast until now
Like he clings to Oz both physically and mentally as one all do with their Beasts
Oscar needs an emotional support animal and Oz is ready and willing to be exactly that for him.
That’s all I have for right now, still working everything out.
If anyone at all is interested in this, wants to ask me questions or to do art or fanfic, feel free to drop me an ask I will be more then willing to answer it.
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