panscanwrite-blog · 4 years
TodoIida Fanfic ^-^ (First Post)
Pine: Hi and welcome to the first post on our blog! We hope people actually see this so we don’t have to feel like we aren’t talking to anyone. Please enjoy!
Warnings: None! It’s fluff :)
          Iida is always the first to wake up out of the two. He has always been an early bird and he usually gets out of bed if Shoto isn't clinging onto him in some way, if he is, then he doesn't get out of bed or even move a muscle as to not disturb the sleeping one of the relationship. However, if he is able to get up, he does so and the first thing he does is find and clean his glasses, he needs those to see so it makes sense that would be the first thing he does in the morning. Iida is still half asleep in this state so he doesn't think about much. He usually sleeps in a T-shirt, usually ridden up a bit on his stomach so his V-line is showing, shorts that are ridden up a bit as well due to the natural way a person sleeps. His hair is a bit messy in the mornings as well, tufts of his blue hair sticking up in random directions. 
           He heads to the bathroom as his next step in the morning, on his way he grabs a few fluffy light blue towels, one for his hair and another for his body as well as some clothes, usually jeans, and a button up shirt.  He made his way to the shower, turning on the water and letting it warm up. He went back out and grabbed some cologne,  and deodorant, heading back into the bathroom. He stripped himself down and put his "dirty" clothes into the laundry hamper that was in the bathroom for this purpose. He took his glasses off, setting them on the bathroom counter, turned the fan on above the shower to keep the steam under control, and stepped into the shower. 
           He started with his hair, and you know how you get those shower thoughts? Those are what he's having right now. He's thinking about how cute Shoto looks while he's sleeping so peacefully...how his hair gently falls into his face with every small movement he makes. His peaceful expression as he dreams in his deep sleep state. His soft breathing against Iida's, Shoto's being much softer and gentler than his own. His quiet movements as he turned in the bed. I think you get the point. He's thinking about all the gay things his little gay heart can think of. As he thought of the cute things Shoto did in his sleep and in his conscious state, he finished up washing his hair and started to wash his body, he tried to keep everything as quiet as possible as to not disturb Shoto. Shoto was a light sleeper, so any loud noise could wake him easily, and he wanted him to sleep well. He shifted his thoughts to what him and Shoto were going to do today, if anything at all. He didn't have any plans but he thought that maybe Shoto had Hero Work to do, so he based most of his plans around that. 
            He finally finished washing his body and he stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel that was for his hair and quickly dried his hair off, his hair fluffing up quite a bit from the static electricity from the two together. He didn't mind this and and dried his body off, wrapping the towel for his body around his waist and going over to his clothes on the counter. He grabbed his deodorant and rolled it on in a generous amount. He then moved to his clothes, slipping on his clean boxers, jeans and slipping his shirt on, buttoning it up. Lastly he put his cologne on just under his jaw and gathering everything up, putting the towels on the towel rack in the bathroom, by the shower and putting his personal hygiene items back in their place. He made his way out to the kitchen and started to make his morning coffee, along with Shoto's. He let the brew and started on breakfast for the both of them, today's menu being, eggs, toast, hash browns, and  sausage. He was always the one to make more food for breakfast, since he has to eat more to get energy, whereas with Shoto, he could eat 2 bowls of cold soba and be okay for the day. Iida...not so much. He had to have more energy for his quirk to work, and he still had to workout, but he did that when Shoto was awake and ready to, which usually was later in the day. Iida finished making the breakfast for the both of them, at the same time the coffee finished up. He set the table in the proper form and got some coffee mugs for him and Shoto, filling them up, putting them down on the table. He then got the breakfast plated, garnished and set down on the table, setting silverware out as well. 
        He then went and gently woke Shoto up. Waking Shoto up usually consists of gentle kisses, soft petting, and at last....it resulted in Iida picking Shoto up bridal style, and standing him up himself.
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