paps-supporter · 3 years
So I’ve seen a few people point out how creepy it is that Spamton repeatedly and obsessively uses Kris’ name, especially since it doesn’t seem like there was any point where Kris could (or want to) introduce themself to him. 
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But it’s actually even creepier than that. Because Spamton actually doesn’t ALWAY use Kris’ name. He doesn’t use it when they first meet him. 
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And he NEVER uses Kris’ name at any point during the Weird Route. 
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Spamton ONLY uses Kris’ name after you beat his initial battle and on a Normal Route.
When the whole “Spamton knows Kris’ name” thing was pointed out to me, my first thought “well, maybe Spamton has been spying on Kris and overheard Noelle, Ralsei or Susie use their name???”, but it can’t be that simple. Weird Route Spamton has been pretty explicitly spying on Noelle and Kris, you’d think he would have heard Noelle call Kris by name. So this can have… Several Implications.
Does something Specific happen on the Normal Route and NOT on the Weird Route that allowed Spamton to learn Kris’ name? If it’s not about spying, maybe someone (or rather Someone) contacted him, got it into his head that he needs Kris and their SOUL to be a [[Big Shot]]?
Or… when Spamton says “you” and “kid” and “my esteemed customer” in the Weird Route, does he know that he’s speaking to the person who’s really in control? Not Kris, but the Player?
It’s always heard to tell how much does Spamton understands about Kris’ situation. He’s already very prone to psychological projection (”ALL YOUR FRIENDS, [[Abandoned you for the slime]] YOU ARE? SALES, GONE DOWN THE [[Drain]] [[Drain]]?? LIVING IN A GODDAMN GARBAGE CAN???”) and his situation already mirrors Kris in some ways. So it’s hard to say what Spamton knows and what Spamton just projects unto Kris which just happens to be accurate in an eerily meaningful coincidence. 
So did Weird Route Spamton figure out that Kris is not actually “Kris” because he realized that no normal person will ever do these kinds of [[Total Jackass Stunts]] of of their own free will? 
Or did Spamton figure it out in both Routes, and it’s just a matter of Normal Spamton allying himself with Kris, while Weird Spamton allied himself with the Player? 
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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excuse me sir what the absolute hell
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paps-supporter · 3 years
i am not very smart so i can’t really go much further with this thought but im thinking about that moment before the spamton neo fight where kris is very clearly frustrated with the lack of response after inserting the LoadedDisk
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what was up with that
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paps-supporter · 3 years
I’ve been thinking of making a post on how to write Spamton’s dialogue since I feel like it would be hard to write.
Some basic notes:
His bracket text is not only random words but usually also advertisement jargon and phrases. He seems to use brackets for emphasis, especially while “advertising” [[Check out this two-for-one deal!]] or with certain keywords like [keygen]. He alternates between one-bracket and two-bracket forms, I’m not sure why but I assume it’s a case of extra emphasis.
Adding to the above, in his brief moments of lucidity he might use brackets around that text too, like this: I USED TO BE NOTHING BUT THE E_MAIL GUY, NOW I’M THE [[It Burns! Ow! Stop! Help Me! It Burns!]] GUY!
He speaks in all caps with the exception of his brackets, which are either in proper case or the same way as Queen’s. He also uses a lot of exclamation points and question marks like this?!?!?!?!
Some of his speech is nearly incoherent. When he’s panicking or overly excited he repeats words and phrases. (Example: WHAT!? GO MYSELF!? KRIS!!!!! NO!!!!! THE MEN INSIDE WOULD THE MEN INSIDE WOULD)
He is clearly obsessed with Kris and is constantly calling out their name. He very often projects his own frustrations onto Kris as well, especially as Spamton NEO.
As NEO, he seems suicidally obsessed with reaching heaven, and is even more erratic than usual. Remember, he’s enough to frighten Kris who is normally incredibly stoic. There’s a lot of Christianity symbolism with this guy.
He’s very vulgar, giving Susie a run for her money in terms of expletives. He outright says swears, including censors. Some of what he says also comes off as suggestive, like [[Hot singles in your area!]].
He misspells some words, like “specil” and “delicis”. Sometimes he uses numbers in place of some letters as well. He also uses made up words like cungadero, pipis, and kromer (which is apparently a misspelling of a danish currency?).
His speech, especially as NEO, is often full of bitter resentment and frustration, but will sometimes spiral into manic rambling about being a big shot and such. In short, his speech should give the audience a serious case of mood whiplash. He’s erratic and unpredictable.
Sometimes he’s speaking to Kris only, sometimes an audience, or sometimes people from his past.
His laughter is shown through text like EAHAEHAEHAEHAEH!!
In what we know of his lucidity/last words, he seems soft-spoken and speaks normally with no odd patterns or misspellings. This is probably what he was like before the phone call.
He sometimes stops in the middle of sentences and “glitches out”, especially if it’s something pertaining to his past. 
If I’m missing anything please let me know. This guy’s speech patterns are a doozy.
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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you are killing your father lancer
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paps-supporter · 3 years
Seam Is Really Fucking Weird And We Need To Talk About It
(aka doc delves far too into a side character)
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big chapter two spoilers so im putting the rest of this under the cut (also its just rlly long lmao). this isnt a theory or anything as much as it is a compilation of wild things about seam that may or may not be important as more chapters come out.
So Yeah, Seam is a weird character and i dont see them discussed that much on their own, so here's some interesting things about them that i've noticed!!
1. Seam is only ever referred to by their name ingame, and is only talked about by two characters as of now.
This isn't as much something "weird" as it is something I find interesting.
The timeline of Deltarune, much like the timeline of Undertale, is a bit tricky to grasp at times. Pretty much every character's age is vague, and Seam is no different, making the timeline of when exactly they were the court mage questionable. However, Jevil's phrasing of "the other 100 years" during his end speech implies that it has been 100 years since they worked together, thus making it make a bit more sense that very few people know who Seam is, and only one knows them personally (that being Jevil). Everything about the keep is very mysterious, even their pronouns only being mentioned once by Toby Fox himself, so I just find it interesting that this is reflected even in simple ways like that.
2. Seam's Interesting Case of Self-Awareness
Okay, we all know that Jevil told Seam about how their world is just a game, but Seam's slight bit of skepticism makes it ambiguous whether or not Seam really believes it. Well, now that's even MORE ambiguous.
This one I've only just learned, but are you aware that Seam knows if you've beaten Jevil before in Chapter 2, even if you don't use the savefile you beat Jevil on to continue? Look at this dialogue:
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After this, Jevil's Shadow Crystal spawns in the Castle Town. I don't even know where to begin talking about this!! What The Fuck!! How did they know this, especially through a different savefile???? This baffles me in all the right ways.
3. Seam knows who all of the secret bosses are.
So clearly Seam knows who Jevil is, duh. But, for whatever reason, Seam knows who both Spamton and the next secret boss are. Now, there's a couple reasons why this interests me. First off, it's pretty well established in Chapter 2 that the Darkners from the classroom Dark World can't exist in the computer lab Dark World for very long without being turned to stone, so... HOW?? Queen being from the classroom Dark World yet ruling in the computer lab Dark World is strange enough as is, but since we can clearly see Seam's Light World representation in the classroom, this is... WILD.
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It can be argued that this text implies that Kris explained the situation to Seam, but how in god's name did Seam just HAPPEN to guess that Spammer NEO's body came from a Lightner?? I Simply Do Not Know How Much I Should Trust This Cat Your Honor.
And then we have the fact that Seam straight up knows who the next secret boss is!!
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How Do You Know This???? If the classroom Darkners really cant leave their areas for that long, then how do they know this person??
4. Seam just says?? So much cryptic shit??
This cat just says the wildest shit sometimes and I barely see anyone mention it.
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I still have no clue what they mean by this and I'm concerned. Are they talking about Kris going AWOL at night?? If so, how the fuck do they know about that???? There's also the Jevil dialogue I mentioned above, also incredibly cryptic.
5. Seam is literally the ONLY Deltarune character we don't have an overworld sprite for.
I think about this one a LOT. This is a lot more noticeable than it is with Undertale because all the fights reuse the overworld sprites, so the only characters that would need more detailed sprites are the shopkeepers, but.... All the other shopkeepers also have overworld sprites. Even Swatch, who doesn't even have a battle!! Hell, Seam is deliberately left out of the Chapter 1 post-game! Seam also sticks out in this way because their shop is the only shop in Castle Town which you can't walk around in. Isn't that weird??? We also don't even know who designed Seam!! There has been concept art shown for nearly every Chapter 1 character EXCEPT Seam!!! What!!!!
Bonus: Small things about Seam that are either pretty neat or just make me laugh
- Canonly Jevil's only friend. This says a lot about both of them as people to me
- Canonly over 100 years old!! I mean, damn, I'd be pretty nihilistic too after being lonely that long, christ
- They laugh a lot, mostly at things that are kinda fucked up. This dude literally laughs after finding out that not only have they been robbed, but the thing that was stolen from them is apparently Incredibly Powerful.
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- Loves puns (calling their shop the "seap", "You're a Lightner. Don't take your life, well, lightly!"). Where's all the comics of Seam and Sans hanging out, huh?
- Presumably can cook! They sell Darkburgers, they have a cake in their shop during the 6th anniversary stream... Also, they probably go pick the Dark Candies themself! Neat!
- This SHOULD be common knowledge by now, but it's incredibly possible that Seam is meant to represent not only a plush toy, but the red joker card, as it represents the court mage in cartomancy! A neat way to pair Seam n Jevil together thematically!
- They say "Huzzah!" in one of their post-game quotes. This is very important to me.
Anyways, thanks for reading this long list of nonsense, and hopefully I got it pretty well across how bizarre Seam is as a character!! This is a Seam Love Zone Only.
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paps-supporter · 3 years
Some insights from the Japanese version of chapter 2!
(I'm not THAT great at Japanese, and am NOT a native speaker, it's been years and even then I never got super-fluent, but I can still read a little, and just used my dictionary for the rest. So, if anyone wants to correct me on this, go for it.)
-In case you missed it, Spamton's speech is translated REALLY interestingly, using "death" in English instead of "desu" (since they're pronounced the same), spelling daisuki (love) as "die-suki", uses Watakushi (formal and gender-neutral, though not exclusively, pretty much anyone can use it) as his pronoun but replaces "kushi" with the numbers 9 and 4, which are pronounced Ku and Shi but whose sounds out of context can mean "death" and "pain/torture" and are therefore considered unlucky numbers, etc. Also, less horrifying, instead of BIG SHOT he just says he wants to be "BIG" -- which, given that he's a literal email spambot from the 90s, has some implications...
-Seam's pronoun is...Atashi? o____O Which is, like, really feminine. The girly girl pronoun. If they don't straight-up identify as a different gender in Japanese, I guess we're supposed to interpret this as them seeing themselves as being more feminine?
-King and Queen both use Watakushi, with Queen even using it and all other words referring to people/specific topics in [brackets] sorta similar to Spamton (though in Japanese this translates more as just being in quotes), along with other formatting quirks like everything she says being enclosed in <!-- HTML comment tags -- >, making her seem more computer-y.
-The Addisons don't use any pronouns at all. None. They NEVER say the equivalent of the words "I" or "Me" ANYWHERE in Japanese.
-SCC all use male pronouns:
Sweet and Cap'n both use Ore (very masculine, tough guy, arrogant, connotations of being a delinquent/gangster).
Interestingly, Sweet rarely refers to just himself, but as part of the whole group (Oretachi), while Cap'n does both.
K_K uses Boku (standard friendly male pronoun)
-Susie also uses Ore, which makes sense for her since despite being almost exclusively a male pronoun, she doesn't care about that shit! She is tough and you WILL respect her.
-Now for the big one! Swatch also uses Watakushi (gender-neutral, formal). Now, literally anyone can use that or its less-formal version Watashi, male, female, or otherwise -- it's pretty much just the default pronoun (I use Watashi whenever I speak Japanese, since I'm NB). But, in this case, without any English equivalent to go on, I think we can officially say They/Them Swatch confirmed!!
-I've seen others bring this up before, but I'll include it for completeness: Rouxls Kaard uses Yo as his pronoun, which is...basically Watashi but EXTREMELY formal and a little old-fashioned, only really used in writing rather than speech. So, pretty accurate to him!
And now for some more SCC stuff, since I focused on those scenes (for obvious reasons):
-Sweet and Cap'n both speak pretty normally, albeit VERY informally, with the latter using slightly harsher/even more casual language and not really ending his sentences properly, but K_K's manner of speaking is different. He basically speaks in either a really lazy or cutesy manner, rarely using difficult kanji and ends every sentence li~ke thisssss!!~
-In Japanese, K_K's nickname makes a little more sense -- the line where in English he says "K_K is short for 'Cakes.'" is instead "K_K wa 'Kēki' no ryaku da yo~" or "K_K is an abbreviation of Kēki (Cake)!~" In Japanese you abbreviate something by either using the first kana of each word or, especially in cases like this with a shorter word in katakana, the first English character of each kana. So, his name is Kē Ki -- KK!
-Instead of "See ya! Smell ya! Hear ya!", they all just say goodbye, but in their own way:
Sweet: "Mata kaiou!" (Until we meet again!)
Cap'n: "Mata na!" (See ya, very casual)
K_K: "Mata ni~" (Same as Cap'n, but in a much more cute, childish manner)
-Instead of lemon drops, K_K talks about lemon jelly. Which...explains a lot of the Japanese fanart I've seen with K_K eating it.
-Instead of saying Queen gave him candy for being so sweet, Sweet says that Queen gave him a nickname that translates directly to "Little Sweets/Candy Boy". And when he hears it, Cap'n says he wants to be called that too!
-Cap'n drops the freaking k-word! Granted, it's referring to the damn Berdly statue, which, I would use that word to describe too, but still. Someone wash this boy's mouth out with soap!
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-"Boku wa sweets daisuki!" / "I love sweets!" Shippers, this one's for you.
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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ZERO. fucking words can describe how much DREAD this image makes me feel
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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Idk if anyone else has posted this, but this happens during the snowgrave fight with Berdly if Kris is defeated but Noelle isn’t… interesting…
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paps-supporter · 3 years
hey so, you remember this line in spamton’s shop
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it reminded me of the “unused” dialogue from chapter 1 that’s hidden in the files:
Where… Where am I? Hello…? Anyone…? Is… is anybody out there…? Someone!? Anyone!? Can anyone hear me!? … It’s dark. It’s so dark here. Someone, anyone, if you can hear me… Say something… please…
it’s quite similar, right?
but take a look at the same line in the japanese version…
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… it’s not just similar to the unused dialogue - it’s an exact quote.
ここは… どこ…? ねえ…誰か… 誰か…いないの? ねえってば!誰か答えてよ! … 暗いよ… 真っ暗だ… お願い… 誰か… 聞こえてるなら… なにか…言ってよ…
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paps-supporter · 3 years
Saw a post being curious about it, so went back to check on what the fun gang had to say about Noelle's equips, especially the ThornRing:
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"SnowRing": A ring with the emblem of the snowflake.
Noelle: (Thank goodness...) Susie: "Smells like Noelle" Ralsei: "Are you... proposing?"
This is the ring that Noelle starts with, and you can't unequip it in normal gameplay. Notably Susie can recognize Noelle from smell, and Noelle is just glad to have it back: either for sentimental reasons or because the only alternative items are ones you force on her.
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FreezeRing: A ring with a snowglobe on it. ... is that someone inside?
Noelle: ... Susie: Heh, you steal this? Heh. Ralsei: It's beautiful...
This being the item you stole, Susie actually hits it right on the mark. Noelle having nothing to say on it because of how it's obtained. I'm not sure if the "someone inside it" is meant to be the salesman she stole it from, a metaphor for the snowglobe that forms around Noelle when you win battles during this route, or what.
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ThornRing: Wearer takes damage from pain Reduces the TP cost of ice spells
Susie: A torture device? Ralsei: ...
In this instance, Noelle has nothing to say about the item, as she's completely entranced with it on. Susie, once again, calls it like she sees it, identifying it as a torture device. Curiously, Ralsei doesn't say anything about it.
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paps-supporter · 3 years
So uhh... Remember how at the start of this year's anniversary stream, Toby showed off some extremely hard to unlock dialogue from the xbox undertale's dog casino?
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All things considered this is uhh. Such an interesting and specific thing for him to try and get shared around in preparation for chapter 2.
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paps-supporter · 3 years
berdly haters are literally the weakest link. he has good character development and he spends like the majority of the second chapter in both routes just trying to make sure noelle is okay and stays okay. if u like noelle u gotta like noelles bestie thats the rules
like look at this shit. hes a great friend
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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hey yall, found the dogboy $!$? squad sprites from tasque manager's ACTs and cleaned them up/resized them. feel free to use for whatever. you might have to click/tap on ralsei's one because tumblr's cropping kinda cuts it off 😅
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paps-supporter · 3 years
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deltarune videogame reference 80 year old japanese meme (not fake) [[real]]
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