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A face…only a mother could love…   
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Just redid all the water. Got a few more details to add and some stuff to clean up but almost done
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Greek Pantheon Asks
Aphrodite: What do you love most about yourself?
Apollo: Do you have any talents?
Ares: What small thing makes you angry?
Artemis: What are you hunting for in life?
Athena: What is/was your best school subject?
Demeter: Do you miss anyone?
Dionysus: Do you drink alcohol? If so, what's your beverage of choice?
Eros: How do you define your sexuality?
Gaia: Where's your favorite place in the world?
Hades: Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Hecate: What do you think of magic?
Helios: Do you sunburn easily?
Hephaestus: What's the coolest thing you've ever made or built?
Hera: Are you the jealous type?
Hermes: Have you ever stolen anything?
Hestia: Where's your home away from home?
Hyperion: Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Hypnos: What was your most recent dream about?
Iris: What's your favorite color palate?
Kronos: What's the stupidest thing you've ever eaten?
Nemesis: What's a time you helped deliver justice?
Nike: What's your most recent accomplishment?
Nyx: What's your favorite nighttime activity?
Pan: What do you do for fun?
Persephone: What's your favorite season of the year?
Poseidon: What's your favorite sea creature?
Rhea: What's your favorite type of nature?
Selene: What's your favorite phase of the moon?
Tartarus: What's your personal hell?
Thanatos: Is there anyone you just really, really hate?
Uranus: What are your zodiac signs?
Zeus: What do you think about thunderstorms?
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Hey Michaew, I diagnose you with the big eviw. - Doctow Loomis UwU
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ashy wants to slashy
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recently i watched this movie so i decided to make  a fanart … im doing peacocks 
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I love this so much
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Some titlecards I made for my horror fanfictions. The only one that isn’t a fanfiction is The Cursed Moon of Wickertown which is my own original horror novel.
As for my horror fanfictions, they all basically take place after certain movies in each series. They also setup a “next generation” of slashers and (respectfully) puts rest to the old ones. Of course, this doesn’t mean I’m trying to outshine any of them, it’s just an idea. I also love the old slashers a lot, which is why I put them in these stories and allow them to have a fitting end of some kind. If you want to know more about any of them, please let me know. I am currently working on Heart of the Lake.
I almost forgot to mention that in some way, most of these stories intertwine with each other in some way and it’s basically a crossover series.
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