parsebingo · 6 years
Hello! If I've never participated in parse bingo before and just want to see how many I can do from the holiday card, do I still need to fill out a form?
For the holiday card you can just go at it! No need to sign up or anything since the sign ups are to get your own fancy personalized card. 
You can so as many squares (or as little) as you want! This page on the blog explains the different kinds of BINGO! you can get, if you have any questions about it. 
Basically, make whatever you like for the cards (and yes, one work can count for multiple squares), post the thing here on tumblr and/or Ao3, and tag this blog and/or add it to the Ao3 collection! 
If you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up!
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parsebingo · 6 years
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Happy Holidays, everybody! I thought y’all might like a generic holiday themed card, so ta daaaa! I’m totally that person that always wants to write holiday things in, like, July so as always there’s no limit or final deadline for doing this. If you want to give it a go, just do it!  Have fun creating!!!
Here’s the ‘rules’ if you need a refresher. Make sure you tag your work with #parsebingo or @parsebingo if you’re posting to Tumblr. Here’s the Ao3 collection. 
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parsebingo · 6 years
im going to make and release a holiday season parse bingo card for anyone to go at if they wish. anything y'all think would go best on there? im thinking a mix of general seasonal things, a few things from some of the major religious holidays, and seasonal-related tropes. please send in your ideas any way you wanna get hold of me. 
(i might make a separate card for each holiday if anyone is interested in one, so if you want kent + Hanukkah, etc., lemme know!)
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parsebingo · 6 years
snow, snuggles, and shitty
Kent Parson/Jack Zimmermann, Jack Zimmermann & Shitty Knight Rated M Tags: Snowed In, Injury Recovery, Anxiety, Coming Out, Temporary Mobility Aid Chapter 1/?  2.1k words 
for @parsebingo​ squares  snowed in, injury, recovery, shower sex, bed sharing.
read on ao3
Before the Aces announce Kent being put on IR, he texts Jack, asking if he could come for a quick visit while his knee rests. Of course Jack immediately thinks of how it would be to wake up next to Kenny again, to just be close to him, but his rational side speaks first.
Doesn’t the team need your support? What about training? Kit needs–
Kent fields the questions sufficiently enough for Jack to concede. He books his flight before Jack can change his mind.
Jack isn’t worried. Really. Everything is going to turn out fine. None of this is going to cause him any problems. Everyone won’t think anything of Kent coming to visit him. The world knows they’re friends. His friends know he and Kent are friends. No one will look beyond that.
Okay, Jack’s worrying a little. He’s talked things over with Kent, who reassured him for the hundredth time that things are gonna be fine, but Jack’s anxiety didn’t get the memo. He takes in a long breath through his nose and puffs it out through his mouth in a frustrated sigh.
With everyone else out for classes or studying, Jack has the Haus to himself, awaiting Kent’s arrival. He’s picking away at the blanket covering the green couch waiting for Kent to knock on the front door. With each passing minute, Jack comes up with more reasons for Kent not to be here. He’ll hate the Haus, the couch, berate Jack for using the roof as a room, and so on. He realizes all these passing problems aren’t real. Kent wouldn’t judge him.
A rapping on the door makes Jack jump out of his thoughts.
Keep reading
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parsebingo · 6 years
sleepy surprise - read on ao3 - pb&j / pimms focus
fill for @parsebingo canon divergence + polyamory 
Jack stumbles into his apartment aching with the right kind of exhaustion after staying late for some unexpected interviews about how coming back to the team has been since coming out. Marty told him not to push himself so hard, which Jack appreciates, but still pushed himself anyway.
His fingers run along the cool, smooth walls of his hallway until he reaches his bedroom. He’s grateful that he showered in the locker room so instead of feeling gross and too tired to do anything about it, he’s able to toe off his yellow sneakers, push his sweatpants off his hips and ass until they puddle on the floor with a little wiggling so he can just step out of them, and pulls his shirt over his head before he flops face down on his bed. Within minutes, he’s dead to the world.
He stirs when his bedroom door creaks, but just clutches his pillow a little closer and tries to swim back down into the dream he can’t quite remember. He thinks he’s found it again when the bed dips down beside him and calloused hands smooth over his shoulders. Lips press a gentle kiss to his aching shoulder and Jack hums at the touch.
“Mmm, Kenny,” he mumbles. He’s had this dream many times before and always loves how it ends. He turns over.
“Hey, Zimms.”
Jack’s eyes shoot open. Right beside him is Kent laying in his bed when he’s supposed to be across the country, preparing for his own upcoming season. A wide smile spreads across his face when he realizes this isn’t a wonderful dream–it’s real.
“What? How’d you get here? You’re supposed to–”
Kent kisses him silent with his own smile playing at the corner of his soft lips. Jack leans into his touch and holds Kent’s face like something fragile and precious.
“Bits just went to Georgia and I had some freetime. Figured you wouldn’t mind my company. And don’t worry. None of the reporters saw me,” Kent tells him when he breaks their kiss and smooths out Jack’s bedhead. “Besides, I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Kenny. How long can you stay?”
Kent settles himself down in Jack’s arms and sighs. “Just a few days.”
“Guess we better make the most of it, eh?” Jack reaches out to Kent and pulls him into a more heated kiss.
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parsebingo · 6 years
5 + 1
Want to to the these things happen plus the one time it didn’t (or something to that affect), but aren’t sure how to go about it? Missing a place to kick off from in relation to our dear kent? Well, here’s some ideas. 
The 5 times ___ and the 1 time ___:
in the sin bin + the time he deserved it
he tried to come out + the time it worked
chirps hit too close to home + the time he reciprocated the hurt
kit ruined something + the time she fixed it
kent hide his feelings + the time he didn’t have to
someone told kent their feelings + the time kent realized what they meant
kent hooked up with someone + the time they called him after
he’s rejected by those close to him + he notices the support system he has
he goes to jack + the time jack seeks him out
kent considered another career + the time he knew he was were he belonged
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parsebingo · 6 years
One Month-ers!
Your deadline is coming up! August 30th is the end of this round. If you want to change your deadline or need an extension, just let me know!
Happy creating!
Reminder that this is an open event, always accepting new participants!
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parsebingo · 6 years
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Parswoops Parent Trap AU for @parsebingo
When Holly and her doppelgänger, Alison, meet at a summer camp in Maine, the girls hate each other immediately. When their ‘friendly’ competition gets on everyone else’s nerves, the girls are placed in the Isolation Cabin, where they discover that they have more in common than they thought.
Eleven years ago, Kent Parson and Jeff Troy met at a hockey game in Las Vegas, and soon fell in love and got married. They adopted identical twin girls, and everything appeared to be perfect. Less than a year later, they’re filing for a divorce.
Holly Parson lives in New York, where her father Kent is a world renowned fashion designer. Alison Troy grew up in Napa, California, where Jeff owns his own vineyard. Their arrangement worked. Kent and Jeff never have to see each other again, and the girls aren’t aware that they have a twin.
After discovering that they’re sisters, Holly and Alison switch places in order to meet their other parent, and eventually bring them together again. What they didn’t plan for was Jeff announcing that he’s getting married…
Can the girls stop the wedding and get Jeff and Kent to fall in love again? And will Jeff realize his mistake all those years ago, and go after Kent when he leaves a second time? The twins are in for a wild ride, and Kent and Jeff are about to find out that true love never dies.
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parsebingo · 6 years
The current two-month deadline is approaching! You have until July 28th to make Bingo! [aka a little over a week :O i know! how did time move so quickly??]
As you post your works, please tag parsebingo so I can share them! Don’t forget about the Ao3 collection too!
Reminder: this is a fun challenge meant to not hold much pressure. If you aren’t going to make the deadline, just let me know and I can switch you to a different type, such as extending another month, providing no deadline to leave it open-ended, etc.
Sign-ups and Square Suggestions are always open.
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parsebingo · 6 years
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Tattoo Parlor AU for @parsebingo: 
Kent Parson owns a tattoo parlor in Las Vegas. Business is going as usual, when Jade Grace, bassist of Mike and the Stands, comes in. Kent won’t admit that he’s been crushing on Jade ever since the band’s videos started going viral, but a few tattoos and songs later, Jade is definitely in love with the cute tattoo artist who brings his cat to work.
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parsebingo · 6 years
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It’s finally here! The sign-ups are ready!
How to Sign Up!
Check out the card types available here. [if you need any clarification, just ask!]
Go fill out this google form. [please double check your stuff]
Wait with antici—–pation for your card! [It will be sent to you in the method you determine in the form.]
Some people thrive on time pressures (and I am not one of them), so we have options! It’s your choice whether or not you want a deadline included with your card. If you choose to have a deadline, your card will be given out with the rest of the peeps that want said deadline, that way everyone has the same amount of time with their cards!
Getting Your Card
Cards will start being sent out May 9th. After that date, they will role out as they are asked for. Once cards start rolling out, I’ll make a post outlining all the submission options. 
Be kind! This event is all about Kent and we all know there are some people that aren’t too fond of him. This isn’t a place for all that negativity. Be kind to each other, duh.
If you are under 18, no NSFW things for you. There’s no way for me to know if you’re lying about being an ‘adult’ but please don’t!
NSFW/Kink Bingo cards will only be given to those that request them.
Work must be your own. Don’t steal from others! If you’re doing an edit or related work, ask the original artist for permission.
If you have any questions, please check the FAQ and event pages on the blog or send an ask/message!
[If there is any interest, I can create a Discord group for communication, inspiration, motivation, and a place to cry about how hard making things. :D ]
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parsebingo · 6 years
Discord Server!
I asked and y’all replied! Over half of everyone wanted a discord sever (and not a single person said no), so here it is! Click the link below to join!
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parsebingo · 6 years
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Posting Guidelines
So, you’ve finished a square! Now what? This event is rather relaxed, so however you want to post your work is how you should do it, but to make everything a little more cohesive, here are some guidelines to follow:
@parsebingo in the post [if it’s here on tumblr, if it’s elsewhere mention or link to this event]. optional: tag as #parsebingo
state which square (or prompt) the piece fills
tag any triggers
on Ao3: post your work to this collection
After you post your work for a square, you can check off that spot on your card! If you want, you can post your journey trying to make bingo, edit your card with some sort of bingo chip [colors, kent’s face, kit’s face, a paw print, etc.]. Feel free to tag the blog in these posts and/or share them on the discord!
Happy making!
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parsebingo · 6 years
Reminder that your deadline is tonight at 11:59 pm EST. If you want to change your deadline, please just let me know! 
Tag me, message me, etc. with your finished works so I can collect them and if you make bingo LET ME KNOW! Then I can add you to the winner’s wall! 
Happy making!!! 
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[casual reminder that this is an open-ended event. you can sign up at any time, hand pick your card and deadline (or lack of one)! ] 
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parsebingo · 6 years
The current one-month deadline is approaching! You have until June 30th to make Bingo! [aka three days :O i know! how did time move so quickly??]
As you post your works, please tag parsebingo so I can share them! Don’t forget about the Ao3 collection too! 
Reminder: this is a fun challenge meant to not hold much pressure. If you aren’t going to make the deadline, just let me know and I can switch you to a different type, such as extending another month, providing no deadline to leave it open-ended, etc. 
Sign-ups and Square Suggestions are always open. 
0 notes
parsebingo · 6 years
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It’s finally here! The sign-ups are ready!
How to Sign Up!
Check out the card types available here. [if you need any clarification, just ask!]
Go fill out this google form. [please double check your stuff]
Wait with antici—–pation for your card! [It will be sent to you in the method you determine in the form.]
Some people thrive on time pressures (and I am not one of them), so we have options! It’s your choice whether or not you want a deadline included with your card. If you choose to have a deadline, your card will be given out with the rest of the peeps that want said deadline, that way everyone has the same amount of time with their cards!
Getting Your Card
Cards will start being sent out May 9th. After that date, they will role out as they are asked for. Once cards start rolling out, I’ll make a post outlining all the submission options. 
Be kind! This event is all about Kent and we all know there are some people that aren’t too fond of him. This isn’t a place for all that negativity. Be kind to each other, duh.
If you are under 18, no NSFW things for you. There’s no way for me to know if you’re lying about being an ‘adult’ but please don’t!
NSFW/Kink Bingo cards will only be given to those that request them.
Work must be your own. Don’t steal from others! If you’re doing an edit or related work, ask the original artist for permission.
If you have any questions, please check the FAQ and event pages on the blog or send an ask/message!
[If there is any interest, I can create a Discord group for communication, inspiration, motivation, and a place to cry about how hard making things. :D ]
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parsebingo · 6 years
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My Details square for @parsebingo! Every single instance of Kent Parson’s eyes in the comic, plus one of the extras.
let’s see how many squares I can fill without actually making bingo
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