pwoops · 6 years
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Parswoops Parent Trap AU for @parsebingo
When Holly and her doppelgänger, Alison, meet at a summer camp in Maine, the girls hate each other immediately. When their ‘friendly’ competition gets on everyone else’s nerves, the girls are placed in the Isolation Cabin, where they discover that they have more in common than they thought.
Eleven years ago, Kent Parson and Jeff Troy met at a hockey game in Las Vegas, and soon fell in love and got married. They adopted identical twin girls, and everything appeared to be perfect. Less than a year later, they’re filing for a divorce.
Holly Parson lives in New York, where her father Kent is a world renowned fashion designer. Alison Troy grew up in Napa, California, where Jeff owns his own vineyard. Their arrangement worked. Kent and Jeff never have to see each other again, and the girls aren’t aware that they have a twin.
After discovering that they’re sisters, Holly and Alison switch places in order to meet their other parent, and eventually bring them together again. What they didn’t plan for was Jeff announcing that he’s getting married…
Can the girls stop the wedding and get Jeff and Kent to fall in love again? And will Jeff realize his mistake all those years ago, and go after Kent when he leaves a second time? The twins are in for a wild ride, and Kent and Jeff are about to find out that true love never dies.
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parsebingo · 6 years
im going to make and release a holiday season parse bingo card for anyone to go at if they wish. anything y'all think would go best on there? im thinking a mix of general seasonal things, a few things from some of the major religious holidays, and seasonal-related tropes. please send in your ideas any way you wanna get hold of me. 
(i might make a separate card for each holiday if anyone is interested in one, so if you want kent + Hanukkah, etc., lemme know!)
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softkent · 6 years
snow, snuggles, and shitty
Kent Parson/Jack Zimmermann, Jack Zimmermann & Shitty Knight Rated M Tags: Snowed In, Injury Recovery, Anxiety, Coming Out, Temporary Mobility Aid Chapter 1/?  2.1k words 
for @parsebingo​ squares  snowed in, injury, recovery, shower sex, bed sharing.
read on ao3
Before the Aces announce Kent being put on IR, he texts Jack, asking if he could come for a quick visit while his knee rests. Of course Jack immediately thinks of how it would be to wake up next to Kenny again, to just be close to him, but his rational side speaks first.
Doesn't the team need your support? What about training? Kit needs--
Kent fields the questions sufficiently enough for Jack to concede. He books his flight before Jack can change his mind.
Jack isn't worried. Really. Everything is going to turn out fine. None of this is going to cause him any problems. Everyone won't think anything of Kent coming to visit him. The world knows they're friends. His friends know he and Kent are friends. No one will look beyond that.
Okay, Jack's worrying a little. He's talked things over with Kent, who reassured him for the hundredth time that things are gonna be fine, but Jack's anxiety didn't get the memo. He takes in a long breath through his nose and puffs it out through his mouth in a frustrated sigh.
With everyone else out for classes or studying, Jack has the Haus to himself, awaiting Kent's arrival. He’s picking away at the blanket covering the green couch waiting for Kent to knock on the front door. With each passing minute, Jack comes up with more reasons for Kent not to be here. He'll hate the Haus, the couch, berate Jack for using the roof as a room, and so on. He realizes all these passing problems aren't real. Kent wouldn't judge him.
A rapping on the door makes Jack jump out of his thoughts.
“Ziiiiiimms!” he can hear Kent whining a little muffled out on the porch. “I’m freezing out here!”
Jack gets up and jogs to the door. When he swings it open, a gust of biting wind blows into the house followed by a shivering Kent with the help of crutches. He watches as Kent bends down to unlace his boots.
“You’re the one that wanted to come visit me in winter,” he reminds him, reaching out to hold his shoulder when he sees Kent swaying a little with his weight on his bad knee. “Here, let me,” he says in a huff.
He bends down himself to untie the boot himself. Kent looks away from Jack’s ministrations and bites at his lip. If it weren’t for the cold outside, Jack thinks the pink on his cheeks is from the embarrassment of needing help.
“Thanks,” Kent whispers when Jack sets his boot beside the other near the other shoes littering the entrance way. “We, uh, we alone?”
Jack stands up, taking his time to let a smile spread across his lips when he’s looking down at Kent’s hazel eyes. He nods, knowing what’s coming. He throws his arms out to steady them both when Kent jumps forward, grabbing Jack’s face and bringing him down into a kiss.
Immediately, Jack is pulled back into the thousands of kisses they’ve shared over the years. Kent’s hands are cold, but sure holding his face like it’s something precious. They’re chests press firmly together. Jack bends down a little to make the reach easier on Kent with his one good leg. Jack’s chapped lips catch a little against Kent’s, but neither of them pay it any mind.
Kent pulls back enough to smile wide at Jack. He’s familiar with this look--so open and warm. Jack knows he looks the same--looks like he’s brimming with love. He leans in to press a peck to the corner of his smile.
“Thank you for coming,” Jack whispers to him and slips his hands firmly around his boyfriend’s middle--holding him close as he buries his face into his neck to breathe him in.
“Hey,” Kent says, patting Jack’s back. “Don’t mention it. This is a completely selfish trip.”
They laugh for a moment as they appreciate each other’s presence. Jack can’t remember the last winter he felt this warm. Jack’s foot nudges Kent’s bag, making a point and distracting him from the flood of butterflies in his stomach.
“Want me to get this upstairs? I can’t have you eating it trying to juggle things while climbing the stairs with that,” Jack explains, nodding to his crutches.
Kent rolls his eyes. “I got up that hell of a sidewalk all on my own, big guy, with ice! I think I can handle a few steps.”
Jack puts his hands up in defeat. “Alright. Guess you don’t need me to carry you up either, then.” His boyfriend’s eyes go wide for a second and he opens his mouth to protest. “No, no. It’s all good. You can handle yourself.”
“That was before I knew you carrying me was an option. You know how much I...enjoy you lifting me.”
“Or is it why I’m usually lifting you that you enjoy?” Jack asks, walking off into the living room.
Kent hobbles after him, scoffing. "Well, nobody told me that was on the table!"
He collides into Jack with groping, hopeful hands. Jack keeps their balance, again, and wonders if he'll end up getting injured himself before Kenny heads back to Las Vegas. He still wasn't sure how long Kent will be staying.
Like he'd suggested, Jack quickly bends his knees and gets his hands under Kent's ass. He lifts him up to wrap his legs around him, giving him ample time to steady himself without hurting his knee and starts walking up the stairs, duffle bag forgotten by the front door.
“Jackie-boy! You aren’t going to buh-lieeeeve what that white supremacist asshat said in class today,” Shitty yells once he’s inside the Haus, knocking the snow off his boots.
He looks up when he doesn’t get his usual hello. A few feet down the hall is a duffle bag next to a pair of crutches. He toes off his boots without bothering to unlace them and hops in stocking feet away from the entryway in an attempt to avoid wet socks.
Shitty peeks into the living room. Jack’s school stuff is on the coffee table with the TV off. He looks back to the duffle bag and crutches. On top of the bag, an Aces hat is resting upside down. One of Shitty’s eyebrows shoots up as a large smirk pulls up the corner of his mouth.
Before Shitty heads upstairs to put away all his class shit, he picks up the duffle bag and tucks it beside the stairs, out of the way, and picks up the crutches. Since nobody’s down here, whoever needs them is probably going to need them getting down here. Though he’s pretty sure he knows who must be up there with Jack, he doesn’t let himself fully think it. Jack’ll tell him, or he’ll find out eventually. No need to ponder it. He thinks about knocking on Jack’s closed door, but instead quietly leans the crutches beside it and tiptoes down to his door.
Jack wants to thank his therapist for suggesting he focus his schedule around morning classes. He knows it was meant to help him get up and out of the house first thing so he won't have time to dwell and build up his anxiety, still being partially asleep, but if one of the perks is the entire afternoon in bed with his boyfriend maybe he should send her some flowers...
"You sure you don't wanna do online school and come live with me?" Kent asks through his heavy breathing and blissed-out expression, laying naked and half on top of Jack. "I could get used to this."
Jack rolls his eyes and catches his own breath for a second. "You sure you don't want to get traded to the Falconers or something?" Jack asks with a smile, thinking back to all the times they've joked about this. "I could definitely get used to you being here."
Kent smacks what he can reach of Jack's ass and slides off of him onto the other side of the bed. He curses having forgotten to watch out for his leg and readjusts to stretch it out.
"Did you lie to me about the PT guy saying this was okay?"
"No! I would never lie about sex, Zimms."
"I meant coming here in the first place...Wait, did you really ask about sex?"
Kent laughs and nods. "Hell yeah, I did! Gotta ask the important questions: sex, showering, and driving. All of which are completely good-to-go."
Jack pulls Kent to him, letting him rest his head against his chest and places a quick kiss to the top of his messy, blond hair. "Does that mean you're ready to go again?"
Kent kisses Jack’s chest with a smile and licks his nipple in a fast, completely unsexy way. Jack finches away with an unexpected giggle, shielding his other nipple from Kent with his hand. From the glimmer in Kent’s eyes, he knows he’s a goner. Jack has never won a tickle fight in his life.
As the guys trickle on back home from a day of boring classes while they were wishing they were out playing in the snow or even just at home sleeping, the sky gets darker and the snow’s falling faster. When Holster stumbles in past the wind, the snow building in front of the porch is halfway up his shins.
Jack and Kent are warm up in bed with Jack’s laptop perched on his knees playing a cat video Kent insisted they had to watch before Jack could play another YouTube video in some series called Facts You Wish You Didn’t Know About Our Past Leaders.
Kent tells him again with deadly sincerity, “you can only go so far down to YouTube rabbithole before you come up for air and a good ole cat video and restart the cycle or you’ll end up watching some of the weirdest ever made by man at three am questioning reality.”
Jack’s giggles shake his stomach and computer so much the screen tips back so neither of them can see the video anymore, only causing his laughing to increase.
“You goober,” Kent chuckles and moves the laptop to the nightstand after pausing the video. “I think that’s enough of YouTube before we go insane.”
“Goober? Really?”
Kent tries to push Jack off the bed, but Jack grabs onto his arm. They shuffle back and forth for leverage until Kent tips backwards, head towards the floor, with Jack sliding over top of him. They’ve half laughing, half screaming when someone knocks on the door.
“You dyin’ in there?” Shitty yells through the bathroom door.
Jack tries to right himself, but Kenny slides out from under him to the side, causing Jack to slip onto the floor.
“Ow! Told you I’d end up injured! Nah, Shitty. Nobody’s dying!” Jack yells back to him.
He’s about to tell him to come in and say hi to Kent when he remembers their clothes are still next to his door instead of covering them up. He glances up to where Kent is sitting stark naked without a single iota of modesty, legs fully splayed, and stifling his laughter behind his hand.
Along his neck are a few red marks popping against his lightly tanned skin. A few streak trail down Kent’s chest where Jack’s fingernails traversed his body down to his hips earlier to get better leverage. In the back of his mind, he’s glad Kent won’t be stripping down in a locker room full of chirps and interns taking photos for social media.
“Alrighty, brah. What do you want for noms? Dining hall closed early ‘cause of the storm. I’m thinking pizza,” Shitty yells to him.
Kent looks at him expectantly. When Jack doesn’t answer straight away, he nods at him and motions to the door. Jack relents and tells Shitty they’ll be down soon.
“I thought you might want to avoid everybody for as long as you could…,” he mumbles while picking up his pants.
“Why would I do that? Hey, look at me…” Kent says, voice laced with concern. He waits until Jack turns back to him before he goes on, “I love you and am part of your life. I’m not going anywhere or trying to hide from your friends. I know you have good taste, so I’m sure we’ll get along.”
Jack looks away with a nod. The voice of his anxiety isn’t reality. Sometimes, it’s just so hard to separate the two. The nagging feeling that Kent’s just saying things to make him feel better sits in the back of his mind, but he choose to trust what he’s saying. Kent came all this way. He wouldn’t have done that just to hook up.
“Yeah, I know you’ll like ‘em.”
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khashanakalashtar · 6 years
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off to a good start on @parsebingo! if you call two squares that aren’t in line a good start, which I still do.
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pwoops · 6 years
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Tattoo Parlor AU for @parsebingo: 
Kent Parson owns a tattoo parlor in Las Vegas. Business is going as usual, when Jade Grace, bassist of Mike and the Stands, comes in. Kent won’t admit that he’s been crushing on Jade ever since the band’s videos started going viral, but a few tattoos and songs later, Jade is definitely in love with the cute tattoo artist who brings his cat to work.
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pwoops · 6 years
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Pimms Werewolf AU for @parsebingo​
Kent moves to Montreal to play hockey in the Q. What he doesn’t expect is the strange events that occur every full moon. Turns out the Zimmermanns aren’t just your normal, celebrity family.
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parsebingo · 6 years
Hello! If I've never participated in parse bingo before and just want to see how many I can do from the holiday card, do I still need to fill out a form?
For the holiday card you can just go at it! No need to sign up or anything since the sign ups are to get your own fancy personalized card. 
You can so as many squares (or as little) as you want! This page on the blog explains the different kinds of BINGO! you can get, if you have any questions about it. 
Basically, make whatever you like for the cards (and yes, one work can count for multiple squares), post the thing here on tumblr and/or Ao3, and tag this blog and/or add it to the Ao3 collection! 
If you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up!
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parsebingo · 6 years
5 + 1
Want to to the these things happen plus the one time it didn’t (or something to that affect), but aren’t sure how to go about it? Missing a place to kick off from in relation to our dear kent? Well, here’s some ideas. 
The 5 times ___ and the 1 time ___:
in the sin bin + the time he deserved it
he tried to come out + the time it worked
chirps hit too close to home + the time he reciprocated the hurt
kit ruined something + the time she fixed it
kent hide his feelings + the time he didn’t have to
someone told kent their feelings + the time kent realized what they meant
kent hooked up with someone + the time they called him after
he’s rejected by those close to him + he notices the support system he has
he goes to jack + the time jack seeks him out
kent considered another career + the time he knew he was were he belonged
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parsebingo · 6 years
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Would you want to play a game of bingo centered around one of your favorite characters? Maybe even pick a card with a theme such as ship tropes, Kent fanon tropes, or even, dare I say, kinky things? Well, do I have great news!
Welcome to Parse Bingo! 
In the coming weeks, this blog will host a bingo challenge event for Kent Parson! Wooooo!! All people and forms of medium are welcome. 
We will be giving out personalized bingo cards based on your personal desires as a creator (or you can pick from a theme if you want a surprise). Things are still in the making process, and I’d love your help!
If you have any bingo square ideas, please leave them in my inbox! Examples: Swoops, bed sharing, Kit Purrson, Trans character, You Can Play, etc. Everything goes (and yes, I mean kinky things too. There will be a few NSFW card options.   😉  )
Follow the blog to get updated as to when signups will be opened. If you have any ideas or questions, please just send an ask or message my way! 
Bingo Card Example: 
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parsebingo · 6 years
Card Types Thus Far
Okay, so far I have a few card types and want to know if I should add anymore. 
General (tropes, common tags, hockey things)
AUs (entirely AU-based)
Soulmate AU (there are so many different iterations of soulmates that I made a card of them in case anyone is in that kinda mood, and I’m not going to lie, I love me some soulmates!)
NSFW (your general smutty things)
NSFW Extreme (this option can be a whole card or mixed in with NSFW. it contains the more taboo, uncommon kinks, tropes, and AUs some people have problems with)
Kenny (all Kent, Hockey, or Check Please specific things. Can be a card on its own or combined with others)
If you have any ideas for other card types or squares feel free to send a message or an ask! I’d love to hear your input. This event is for the Kent peeps, so I want everyone to feel included and excited! 
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parsebingo · 6 years
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Posting Guidelines
So, you’ve finished a square! Now what? This event is rather relaxed, so however you want to post your work is how you should do it, but to make everything a little more cohesive, here are some guidelines to follow:
@parsebingo in the post [if it’s here on tumblr, if it’s elsewhere mention or link to this event]. optional: tag as #parsebingo
state which square (or prompt) the piece fills
tag any triggers
on Ao3: post your work to this collection
After you post your work for a square, you can check off that spot on your card! If you want, you can post your journey trying to make bingo, edit your card with some sort of bingo chip [colors, kent’s face, kit’s face, a paw print, etc.]. Feel free to tag the blog in these posts and/or share them on the discord!
Happy making!
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parsebingo · 6 years
[If sent in by 12pm, EST, May 15th]
Reminder that this is an open-ended event. You can ask for a card at any time and now will receive it as soon as it’s completed, unless choosing a deadline, which will be grouped as needed.
There will be a few posts coming up this week explaining:
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask, message, whatever!
Happy making, everyone!
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parsebingo · 6 years
All cards have been sent out!
[If sent in by 11am, EST, May 9th]
Reminder that this is an open-ended event. You can ask for a card at any time and now will receive it as soon as it’s completed, unless choosing a deadline, which will be grouped as needed. 
There will be a few posts coming up this week explaining:
How to post
Ways to make bingo
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask, message, whatever! 
Happy making, everyone! 
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parsebingo · 6 years
The current one-month deadline is approaching! You have until June 30th to make Bingo! [aka three days :O i know! how did time move so quickly??]
As you post your works, please tag parsebingo so I can share them! Don’t forget about the Ao3 collection too! 
Reminder: this is a fun challenge meant to not hold much pressure. If you aren’t going to make the deadline, just let me know and I can switch you to a different type, such as extending another month, providing no deadline to leave it open-ended, etc. 
Sign-ups and Square Suggestions are always open. 
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parsebingo · 6 years
One Month-ers!
Your deadline is coming up! August 30th is the end of this round. If you want to change your deadline or need an extension, just let me know!
Happy creating!
Reminder that this is an open event, always accepting new participants!
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parsebingo · 6 years
The current two-month deadline is approaching! You have until July 28th to make Bingo! [aka a little over a week :O i know! how did time move so quickly??]
As you post your works, please tag parsebingo so I can share them! Don’t forget about the Ao3 collection too!
Reminder: this is a fun challenge meant to not hold much pressure. If you aren’t going to make the deadline, just let me know and I can switch you to a different type, such as extending another month, providing no deadline to leave it open-ended, etc.
Sign-ups and Square Suggestions are always open.
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