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on tonights news: asexual or aromantic folks, while not having some of the same experiences as other lgbt groups, still deserve to be able to find safety in our community because they go through enough shit from people who youd think would understand their struggles and empathize………. more at 10
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Kimi no na wa + Food
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i’m ready to quit school and move to a little ivy-covered cottage in the countryside and do nothing but read and take walks in the woods all day
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Hey, remember that one time on Phineas and Ferb when Doofenshmirtz’s daughter and her friends (who were all allergic to bee stings) were almost attacked by bees?
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But then Doof jumped in the way screaming “YOU LEAVE MY BABY GIRL ALONE!!”
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And then proceeded to
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pour honey all over himself
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to lead the bees away
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and jumped into a river? All to protect his daughter?
A+ dad right there.
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*back from the dead plays ominously in the background*
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Favorite Homestuck Quotes: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
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i noticed the eye differences in the scene with the falling flowers, their eyes changed
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So I’ve bee playing UnderTale recently, and I’ve been reading a ton of AUs too (they’re all great btw they’re so much fun) and I kinda came up with my own, so I thought I’d share.
Frisk is a shy and lonely little kid. They don’t talk much, instead choosing to fill their lives with imaginary friends. Chara is a personification of their angry thoughts that want to get back at everyone who made their lives miserable, Napstablook is their old baby blanket, Flowey is the monster under the bed, etc.
More details under the break~
Frisk’s family used to be very close. They had good parents, and an older brother they adored. Unfortunately, their brother has always had poor health, and as time went on he spend more and more time in the hospital. This started to drive a wedge between their parents, who started arguing due to stress.
Frisk’s brother isn’t in the hospital now, but the medicine he takes makes him angry a lot of the time, so they don’t have the best relationship at the moment.
Because of their sons medical issues, both of Frisk’s parents work. Their mom is a middle school teacher and their dad’s an executive at a big company. Their jobs take up most of their time, so they aren’t around a lot. Especially since mom also leads a few clubs at school. This usually means that Frisk is alone at home, or with their brother for hours on end.
To combat the loneliness, Frisk made up a new family. Asgore and Toriel are goats (because goats are Frisk’s favorite animal right now) and while they still don’t get along with each other perfectly, they care a lot about Frisk. Their son is also missing, like how Frisk’s brother is often away at the hospital, or “missing” because the medicine is warping his personality.
Papyrus and Sans came about because Frisk didn’t understand the phrase “skeletons in the closet” and decided to make friendly skeleton brothers to play with.
Napstablook is basically their favorite old baby blanket come to life, and Muffet’s one of their favorite stuffed animals come to live. Mettaton was one of their brother’s old action figures that he gave to Frisk, and he’s going to be a star!
Alphys came about entirely because Frisk liked dinosaurs, and decided that a scientist dinosaur would be the COOLEST. Undyne is a more classic imaginary friend - Frisk isn’t entirely sure what she is but they drew her one day and now she’s here and she’s awesome.
Monster Kid is entirely because Frisk wanted someone their own age to play with, and Temmie basically came around because Frisk couldn’t decide if they wanted a cat or a dog, but they did decide that they wanted whatever it was to talk.
I’m thinking Flowey’s probably one of those cheap plush flower things you win at fairs, except with a face defect that makes him look creepy. So Frisk threw him under their bed as soon as they got home and forgot about him, while he grew to resent being ignored.
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cute tendencies of the signs
aries: using lots of hand motions and fumbling their words together when they get really worked up
taurus: raising their eyebrows in suspicion, biting their lip when they disagree but dont wanna talk about it
gemini: taking overdramatic breaths when anything unusual or draining happens, their eyes widen a lot too
cancer: fiddling with a pencil or having their leg bounce up and down a lot, they dont even notice half the time
leo: trying to tell you a joke but end up laughing before they can finish it, they wink a lot too
virgo: slyly tryin to hide a laugh or a smirk, they roll their eyes at the silliest things all the time
libra: blushing uncontrollably and covering their face when they're embarrassed, their laugh is contagious
scorpio: laughing so hard they fall or can't even control themselves, their eyes get really squinty in the process
sagittarius: covering their eyes when something is unbearable, OR if something is really really exciting
capricorn: tapping their feet or tapping a pencil, kinda lowkey making a good track for a rap song or something
aquarius: looking deep in thought or spacing out, you literally have to wave your hand in front of them
pisces: giggling, a fucking lot, but their laugh is so cute like who even cares at this point honestly
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I just wanna lay down w someone n listen to cool jams and hold hands and talk abt space and life goals together
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some asexuals know they’re asexual from day one
some asexuals don’t realize they’re asexual until after they’ve had sex
either way, they’re sexuality is valid, and you need to respect them.
they are NOT just “not ready for sex”
they have NOT just “not had sex the right way”
they’re sexuality is valid, whether or not you think it is. Respect it.
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Alright, so I’m pretty late to the whole gemsona bandwagon, but whatever. And I might be unable to commit to a skin tone.
This is Bismuth. While she was technically born in the Kindergarten, she’s a homeworld gem at her core. Her gem’s on her right shoulder, and her weapon is a long staff. She’s friendly, gets along well with most people, and would be easy to fuse with if she were willing.
Long backstory under the cut for those curious enough to want to learn more! Aslo, SPOILERS!
Bismuth’s backstory, truthfully, begins with Ruby and Sapphire. Before they fused, no one had ever even thought about fusing two different types of gems. It was a disgusting idea, and immediately frowned upon by everyone.
Everyone, except a certain scientific gem. She was intrigued by the idea of combining different gems to take advantage of both gems strengths, and so, after a bit of pleading to Blue Diamond, the scientist began researching this inter-gem fusion phenomenon. 
Blue Diamond figured that they should be prepared in case the rebellion attempted to utilize this new type of fusion. The scientist just wanted to create the perfect fusion.
After years of research, the scientist finally decided that, in order to create a flawless fusion, a new gem would be necessary. One that would be able to get along with any gem, and to compliment them perfectly. One that was absolutely loyal to her superiors. 
She immediately began designing such a gem. Several attempts ended in abject failure, with the gems being broken to prevent them from causing harm, but finally, after decades, if not centuries of research and trial and error, the perfect “fusion gem” was created.
Unfortunately, she was created just a little too late. The plans for the cluster had already been laid out, and homeworld was beginning to retreat from earth. A fusion gem like Bismuth would no longer be necessary.
However, her loyalty and ability to gain other gem’s trust was admirable. With just a few tweeks, the Bismuth line could be useful once again. 
With that in mind, there was no reason to breath this first Bismuth; not when they could easily re-educate her for her new purpose.
Now, the Bismuth line acts as peace keepers and snitches. They are usually assigned to squads of gems to make sure there is no fighting between them, and if they hear any whisper of betrayal, they are to turn the traitorous gem in.
Of course, the original Bismuth’s true purpose - to fuse - has never been used. She has been taught to find inter-gem fusion as disgusting as the rest of the gems, and that it is treasonous to fuse like that.
Unfortunately, it’s harder to forget one’s purpose than one would think, and so Bismuth has always been fascinated by fusions. Unlike the rest of the Bismuth line, her loyalty stems from a constant need to be a part of something, if not a fusion, then a team or, better yet, a family. This need is what drives her to follow homeworld’s orders, and to go along with her new “purpose”. 
It helps that she was never told what her original purpose was.
She tends to act as a sort of “magnifier” for people’s personalities. If she’s around loud, angry people, she will become a loud, angry person, for example. She will erase her own personality to get along with her comrades. She will modify herself to fit a need. 
She will do anything to have friends. 
This doesn’t make her very popular with anyone except her superiors, though. Most gems find her flip-flopping nature annoying, and try to avoid being paired with her. But she’s one of the best Bismuth’s there is, and as such is usually assigned to the most important diplomatic missions. 
Under her watch, there is absolutely no in-fighting. At least, not the physical kind.
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a fallen human
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