pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
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Hey, so many of you know I just done a macbook giveaway, well here’s a Canon giveaway, who doesn’t like free stuff?!
Here’s how this will work:
You have to follow me. I will check when I choose the winner.
Likes do not count for anything, only reblogs will count. You can reblog this as many times as you’d like.
Do not create any extra blogs or whatever, I will be looking on your archives.
Winner will be chosen like as if it were a raffle drawing.
Winner will be contacted via ask, so make sure that you have that on/open.
This will be over on May 21st 2015, and the winner will be announced on the 22nd.
I am doing this basically to make someone else happy & no longer need the Canon. Please don’t participate if you already own a Canon, but you can if you’d like I guess. I really don’t care if you live in Hogwarts, anyone is allowed to enter.
Here’s what the winner will get:
Canon EOS 1100D ($650)
Camera Cover R-F-3
Battery Charger LC-E10E
EUR AC Cable 1m
Battery pack LP-E10
Battery cover
Interface cable IFC-130U
All the disks needed.
The camera is near enough brand new.
If you think this is “stupid” of me to do or anything of that sort, than just ignore it. It’s that simple.
Q. “Why would you just giveaway an expensive camera to a stranger?”
Q. “How do we know you aren’t bullshitting us?”
A. To make a fake contest just for followers is stupid, plus, I have a picture of me holding the camera :)
Good luck!
Also, if you want to make some easy money in the mean time by playing apps then go here
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pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
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I swear on everything that this isn’t just some stupid contest to gain followers. I’ve been wanting a new macbook for ages so now I have two. I was thinking about returning/selling my old one, but I wouldn’t be getting the same amount or more than what it was originally priced. Anyway, who doesn’t like free stuff?
Here’s how this will work:
You do not have to follow me. I don’t want any followers that don’t actually like my blog. I do ask of you to kindly check out my blog though. If you like it cool, if not, then your loss.
Likes do not count for anything, only reblogs will count. You can reblog this as many times as you’d like.
Do not create any extra blogs or whatever, I will be looking on your archives.
Winner will be chosen like as if it were a raffle drawing.
Winner will be contacted via ask, so make sure that you have that on/open.
This will be over on May 21st 2015, and the winner will be announced on the 22nd.
I am doing this basically to make someone else happy and also because I accidentally deleted the other contest I was doing. Please don’t participate if you already own a Mac, but you can if you’d like I guess. I really don’t care if you live in Hogwarts, anyone is allowed to enter.
Here’s what the winner will get:
Macbook Pro
Protective Case
All power leads and cables
The Mac is basically brand new.
If you think this is “stupid” of me to do or anything of that sort, than just ignore it. It’s that simple.
Q. “Why would you just giveaway an expensive laptop to a stranger?”
Q. “How do we know you aren’t bullshitting us?”
A. To make a fake contest just for followers is stupid, plus, I have a picture of me holding the mac and you can clearly see my url etc on the mac.
Good luck!
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pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
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Frozen Lakes Patterns
With the fall of temperatures, we have gathered for you the most beautiful photographs of frozen lakes and ponds from all around the world : Russia, Switzerland, Japan or also in Canada, their frozen surfaces are full of aesthetic and graphic patterns.
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pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
Some Sad but Sweet AU's
-I’m in a cancer ward and oh my god you’re that celebrity I love here on a charity visit and wow you’re just as awesome as I thought you’d be. -I’m an aspiring author and you’re the publisher I’ve sent 5 different pieces to please don’t reject this one I’ll do anything -my town was destroyed in a hurricane/tornado/tsunami and you’re a Red Cross member and I swear you were sent from heaven -I’ve been homeless for month and always go to the same soup kitchen you volunteer at and you’ve always been so kind to me -I’m a refugee from a warring country and you took me in -I’m the sole survivor of this battle and you’re from a nearby town and you nursed me back to health so I could go home but now I kinda wanna stay with you -we met at a mutual friend’s funeral and it was the weirdest place to meet somebody but you’re really cool -I’m a homeless student and I stay in the school all hours it’s open to use the showers and stuff and you’re the janitor who lets me do it and I help you clean in return -you bullied me when we were little kids but we got matched up by this dating website so what the hell
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pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
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Marta Lipinski
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pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
“we’re in the same art class and I’m awesome, but you’re not and you’re failing and you need help so I guess I’ll tutor you” au
“I mistook you for my best friend and jumped on your back in public and now I’m embarrassed” au
“we’re playing the same music quartet and you keep...
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pastjemriah-blog · 9 years
People seem to think embracing life means to jump off cliffs and kiss strangers. Maybe it’s just slowly learning to love yourself.
(via heart)
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
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“Use your byakugan and see how many people you can spot with their zippers down.”
i love these dorks so much.
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
u know i’ve expressed my love for fake married/fake dating many, many times but like. is anything better. is anything better on this earth. does any trope or genre truly care for us quite like this one. let us reflect on a few of the gifts that fake married/dating consistently...
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
I don’t even procrastinate anymore I just straight up neglect 100% of my responsibilities
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
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ishvalan elric brothers au??
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
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I’m really bored at work and I want to paint a mug but I don’t know what. I guess you can consider this as a giveaway. Like and reblog if you want to get a mug hand painted by me and if you win I’m gonna paint it based off your blog and what you like. This thing ends by tomorrow around 3:30pm pacific! Also, you must be following me. Kay, good luck!
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
When it comes to the Harry Potter movies, certain complaints might seem trivial when compared to issues like worldbuilding fail or character assassination, but there’s a lot of reasons for fans to froth and vent over superficial change.
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
I need you to look at this.
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Nishinoya is such a fucking great libero okay. Now, I say this because even though this happened
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Usually, when the libero goes in blind to a new team’s set up, they don’t necessarily receive right away. Especially if it’s the ace that spikes. 
Nishinoya managed to get a touch on a ball that Ushijima sent over, on the first try. Noya adapts quick, if you recall, he managed to judge Oikawa’s serve pretty quickly, almost just with reflex. And I’m going to go ahead and assume that the only reason Noya’s touch on the ball was wonky is because Ushijima is a lefty, which changes things up a bit.
I can’t wait for my tiny baby to rock the court. I am so READY for Noya to shut down this so called ace.
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
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pastjemriah-blog · 10 years
this is how I melt and blend the crayons! if anyone wants to try it out themselves c: just be careful with the hot glue gun!
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