patterjack · 5 years
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Sporting only the HIGHEST of fashions
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patterjack · 5 years
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I'm a big sister now, and must protect my baby at all cost
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patterjack · 5 years
My determination to master a stick knows no bounds!
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patterjack · 6 years
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I've been having a lovely time having sleep overs with my chihuahua friend Bambie and just generally been my funny, playful and adorable self. And we've also had some wonderful news... my human mama is going to have a baby! I'm going to be a big sister!!
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patterjack · 6 years
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We went on holiday to Wales! It was amazing and beautiful and I went to lots of new places!
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patterjack · 6 years
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It's been so long since I updated, but finally at 3 years and 3 months old, I had my first camping trip with mama, her friend, and my dog friend Poppy! We had such a fantastic time! We went swimming in rivers and chased bunnies and saw sheep!
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patterjack · 7 years
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I am the prettiest princess of all the princesses ever 😍😍
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patterjack · 7 years
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Today I went to the groomer cause I was getting all tatty and I'm far too excited about everything to sit still for a proper brush. He was a lovely fellow who gave me a free bow so now I look like a smooth beautiful princess 💖
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patterjack · 7 years
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I am just the best doggo in the world. My mama and I are a team. Partners in crime. Thick as thieves. I’m her best friend.
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patterjack · 8 years
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So yesterday (5th March) was Mia's second birthday!! We celebrated with a long walk, a bit of swimming and stick chasing, and also a trip to the pet store to pick out her own presents. Happy 2nd Birthday baby, mama loves you loads 💖
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patterjack · 8 years
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Mummies little pumpkin.
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patterjack · 8 years
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I still don't like walks. I love being at the park but getting there is scary. Don't like the metal box on wheels.
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patterjack · 9 years
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Whatcha eatin there mama?
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patterjack · 9 years
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The first picture is self explanatory, but the others are family portraits. My mamas girlfriend has two Labradors, my buddies Benji and Alfie :D
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patterjack · 9 years
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Who cares if I was hit by a car? I'm still gonna dive about and be cute like the tiny fuzzball I am.
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patterjack · 9 years
Bad News
Today we have some bad news. Mia was hit by a car tonight. She's alive. But we had to take her to the emergency vet. She has a small cut above her eye and it looks like she's injured one of the back legs, but we won't know till we see her usual vet tomorrow. Fingers crossed this brave little soldier can pull through.
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patterjack · 9 years
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I am so ready for Christmas dinner!
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