paulxyperrette · 3 years
Haven't seen you around in quite some time. Just wondering if you're okay.
Am all good. Just busy. I have a lot of side blogs and never update them (thanks ADHD). My interests have moved on (also thanks ADHD) but I’m still active on my main which is @x-multifandom-trash-x
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Does that person realise your post is still up? And so is their comment. We can all see you never said there was a video. They just look like an idiot now.
It’s what they do. Don’t even worry about it. I gave them the benefit of the doubt but now it’s just funny.
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Sure is, she said lockdown has made her hair healthier and posted that pic 😍
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So pretty, her hair makes me jealous ❤️
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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So pretty, her hair makes me jealous ❤️
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Hey thanks for the clarification, I went back and found the post. I never said anything about a video - I said Lauren had talked about it before. I meant on her twitter. Here’s some proof (this took me about 5 minutes to find, I’m sure you could find more if you actually looked for longer than I did but it’s late here and I’m tired). One is from her twitter, agreeing with Pauley that she is terrified of MH. The other is from an article, so may need to be taken with a grain of salt as there is no direct quote from Lauren there.
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Uh … wow
So my inbox currently looks like this:
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So, obviously, I won’t be replying to all those individually. I will attempt to answer all those questions in this post though.
First. Maria leaving has only been reported by media, not confirmed by NCIS or Maria herself yet. So it might not be true. But for the sake of this post, let’s assume it is.
The easiest question to answer here is will I keep watching NCIS once she’s gone. The answer is no. Of course not. I do like some of the other cast members but I don’t like them enough to keep watching a show whose culture I simply don’t agree with. (If MH were to leave, there’s some speculation that he might only have a few seasons left lol, and the show were to continue I might consider coming back to the fandom, but that’s not what we’re talking about here).
I want to make VERY clear. I do NOT know why Maria is leaving. I do know the showrunners had the first 4 episodes already written (cause of COVID shortening last season) and some plans for the new season. I also know a few months ago Maria was saying how much she wanted to come back and wanted the show to be renewed. What is not clear is whether something happened that made Maria change her mind. Or whether the showrunners changed their plans and are forcing her to leave.
I have no idea if anything has happened between MH (or any other cast/crew member) and Maria. BUT I do believe she is the type of person who would come forward or do something about it if it had. That might not be until after her last episode airs but I do truly believe that if someone hurt or threatened her, she will not let it go or let them get away with it. So I guess only time will tell.
Am I happy she’s leaving? It all depends on why she’s leaving. If this was a CBS/showrunner decision then no I’m not. If this is what Maria wants then I’m happy as long as she’s happy and safe. But I’ll still be a bit sad not to have my fave on my tv consistently. And if it was a bullying issue then I’m furious, but happy that she’s looking after herself. So yeah, can’t really decide how I feel (or at least not anything beyond sad that she won’t be on tv for a while) until I know more information. Also I know she’ll get lots of other jobs, I’m not getting the vibe that she wants to retire, so I’m not super worried or anything.
Hope that clears everything up 😊
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Hey there @inthisroomofsilence I meant to reply to this earlier but I’ve been super busy. First of all I never recall blocking you so idk what happened there. I did have a period of blocking people I thought were sending anon hate then unblocking them if I still got anon hate with them blocked (this plan was flawed but I didn’t realise lol) so it might have been then. I never blocked because you asked for proof, I never even saw you ask for it tbh.
Now the reason I offered my opinion is because it was asked for. That’s what my followers wanted so it’s what I gave.
Also I only mentioned MH leaving as I’d seen a lot about that on Facebook at the time this was posted, lots of people are wanting to Gibbs retire (either leave completely or do what’s happened with Ducky and still appear sometimes) and have McGee take his place. I actually think this would be cool from a story perspective regardless of all the MH drama. So that’s why I mentioned that. I think the show would pull at least 3 seasons with no MH but that’s just my opinion.
Idk what your issue is with me mentioning the racism, sexism, and homophobia on the show because I see other people talk about it on tumblr constantly. I don’t mean bts I mean on screen. Our only gay character being killed off. Very few minorities and some being killed off or treated badly (to be fair this is improving). And women being treated like shit constantly. This is what’s on screen, it backs up what Pauley says, sure, but I wasn’t saying anything that hasn’t been said by others.
As for proof, I have seen some that isn’t in the public eye. But I’m not allowed to share it. I wouldn’t disrespect my friends (or my idol) in that way. Now I know that gives you no reason to believe me. But I don’t really care because my friends who shared that with me are more important to me than a stranger on the internet. So yeah, have a nice day.
PS I honestly never thought about the tag situation. I used to actually tag using anti MH thinking everyone who liked him would have that blocked (very wrong assumption lol). In future I’ll make sure to just use the Pauley tag. However, it did make sense to use the Maria tag for this post since it was predominantly about her. 😊
Uh … wow
So my inbox currently looks like this:
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So, obviously, I won’t be replying to all those individually. I will attempt to answer all those questions in this post though.
First. Maria leaving has only been reported by media, not confirmed by NCIS or Maria herself yet. So it might not be true. But for the sake of this post, let’s assume it is.
The easiest question to answer here is will I keep watching NCIS once she’s gone. The answer is no. Of course not. I do like some of the other cast members but I don’t like them enough to keep watching a show whose culture I simply don’t agree with. (If MH were to leave, there’s some speculation that he might only have a few seasons left lol, and the show were to continue I might consider coming back to the fandom, but that’s not what we’re talking about here).
I want to make VERY clear. I do NOT know why Maria is leaving. I do know the showrunners had the first 4 episodes already written (cause of COVID shortening last season) and some plans for the new season. I also know a few months ago Maria was saying how much she wanted to come back and wanted the show to be renewed. What is not clear is whether something happened that made Maria change her mind. Or whether the showrunners changed their plans and are forcing her to leave.
I have no idea if anything has happened between MH (or any other cast/crew member) and Maria. BUT I do believe she is the type of person who would come forward or do something about it if it had. That might not be until after her last episode airs but I do truly believe that if someone hurt or threatened her, she will not let it go or let them get away with it. So I guess only time will tell.
Am I happy she’s leaving? It all depends on why she’s leaving. If this was a CBS/showrunner decision then no I’m not. If this is what Maria wants then I’m happy as long as she’s happy and safe. But I’ll still be a bit sad not to have my fave on my tv consistently. And if it was a bullying issue then I’m furious, but happy that she’s looking after herself. So yeah, can’t really decide how I feel (or at least not anything beyond sad that she won’t be on tv for a while) until I know more information. Also I know she’ll get lots of other jobs, I’m not getting the vibe that she wants to retire, so I’m not super worried or anything.
Hope that clears everything up 😊
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Uh ... wow
So my inbox currently looks like this:
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So, obviously, I won’t be replying to all those individually. I will attempt to answer all those questions in this post though.
First. Maria leaving has only been reported by media, not confirmed by NCIS or Maria herself yet. So it might not be true. But for the sake of this post, let’s assume it is.
The easiest question to answer here is will I keep watching NCIS once she’s gone. The answer is no. Of course not. I do like some of the other cast members but I don’t like them enough to keep watching a show whose culture I simply don’t agree with. (If MH were to leave, there’s some speculation that he might only have a few seasons left lol, and the show were to continue I might consider coming back to the fandom, but that’s not what we’re talking about here).
I want to make VERY clear. I do NOT know why Maria is leaving. I do know the showrunners had the first 4 episodes already written (cause of COVID shortening last season) and some plans for the new season. I also know a few months ago Maria was saying how much she wanted to come back and wanted the show to be renewed. What is not clear is whether something happened that made Maria change her mind. Or whether the showrunners changed their plans and are forcing her to leave.
I have no idea if anything has happened between MH (or any other cast/crew member) and Maria. BUT I do believe she is the type of person who would come forward or do something about it if it had. That might not be until after her last episode airs but I do truly believe that if someone hurt or threatened her, she will not let it go or let them get away with it. So I guess only time will tell.
Am I happy she’s leaving? It all depends on why she’s leaving. If this was a CBS/showrunner decision then no I’m not. If this is what Maria wants then I’m happy as long as she’s happy and safe. But I’ll still be a bit sad not to have my fave on my tv consistently. And if it was a bullying issue then I’m furious, but happy that she’s looking after herself. So yeah, can’t really decide how I feel (or at least not anything beyond sad that she won’t be on tv for a while) until I know more information. Also I know she’ll get lots of other jobs, I’m not getting the vibe that she wants to retire, so I’m not super worried or anything.
Hope that clears everything up 😊
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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Okay so this was from a post about her dog being groomed. But HER HAIR IS PURPLE! Omg I love it 😍💜
Also her shirt is so cute 🔥
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
🎁 Put this in the inbox of your favorite blogs! let's spread some positivity
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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Latest statements from our girl. ❤️ Also throwing in Lauren Holly’s response too.
Now I know in recent years, the fandom has spoken a lot about the racist and homophobic undertones in the show. So I guess that this won’t be a surprise to many. I’m still so glad it’s being talked about.
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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Sad news about the retirement ... but I think we all knew it was coming.
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you either know or you think have a good heart. and if you get 5 back, you're pretty great!
❤️ This is so sweet, thank you.
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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It’s not over!!!!!! I’m so excited! ❤️
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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Pauley, Brian, Rocky, Sasha, and Michael on the fundraising telethon for Project Angel Food. This was the surprise Pauley had for us and it was awesome. I wanted to post the clip but the file is too big, you can find it on the KTLA Facebook page though.
So nice to see these guys together (albeit virtually) for a good cause. ❤️
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Are you worried about Pauley’s announcement? I kinda am...
No ... not yet. I think it’s best to wait and see what it is first. She said it was an announcement that will be good for NCIS fans. But she also said it is being announced during a fundraiser. So I think she’ll just be auctioning off some NCIS memorabilia for charity.
Everyone’s jumping to conclusions thinking she’s coming back. If that’s the case I’d be concerned. But I think it’s unlikely. And I trust Pauley and her decision making.
Let’s just wait and hear the announcement and go from there.
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
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Pauley and Cheech Marin on the set of Broke
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paulxyperrette · 4 years
Hey everyone since it’s the finale of Broke today, if you have Twitter, please use the tag #ThankYouBroke when you tweet about it. Use it to show the cast and crew some love!!!
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