wulfmojo · 9 years
how can you not see ableism as a feminist issue
autistic girls, especially black autistic girls, are misdiagnosed and underdiagnosed because of the focus on white cis boys and how they present as autistic
disabled girls and women often have their consent violated, both in medical procedures and otherwise, our bodies and minds are often not considered are own and we are dismissed as not having the capacity to make our own decisions
on top of that many disabled girls are seen as delusional and their speaking out about the abuse they have face, by whatever communication method, is often seen as them making things up and over reacting
many disabled women are fetishised and seen as an outrageous ‘thing’ to fuck, but are not seen as human
disabled girls, especially physically disabled girls, do not live up to ideas of beauty in our society and often have extreme self esteem issues
disabled women and girls face more shit than you could ever know and I need you to understand
Ableism. Is. A. Feminist. Issue.
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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“some of us are Black”
Follow this link to find a bundle of videos and resources related to the sociological study of sexuality
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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Retro Game Room Version 2 I needed to patch the walls and paint, so I thought I might as well change it all up.
23 different consoles and handhelds, about 450 old games. Framemeister xrgb-mini upscaler so it doesn’t look bad on a new tv, handmade custom MAME cabinet, and a fuzzy chair and fuzzy carpet :)
A lot of work, and a lifetime of collecting!
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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Hawkgirl-Jay Anacleto
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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This comic was produced in partnership by Years of Living Dangerously and Symbolia Magazine. For more amazing real life comics, get Symbolia on your iPad or via PDF. And for more information on the biggest story of our time - check out YEARS.
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wulfmojo · 9 years
the definition of aro/ace is literally 'doesnt feel x attraction' what youre describing is either demi or grey tho
here is a list of reasons you are incorrect, with sources
basically: don’t impose asexual identity on people without their consent. and don’t impose non-asexual identity on people without their consent. don’t shunt asexual people into being gray/demi without their consent.
i am asexual. full stop.
side note: i am not demi or gray but demis and grays can still call themselves asexual.
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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wulfmojo · 9 years
Farscape is a heavily serialized show, but its continuity tends to only flow in one direction. Our heroes endure the most insane, absurd experiences, and they carry forward all the damage and trauma that comes with such survival. John Crichton’s experiences in the Aurora Chair stand as the clearest example of this; the introduction of Harvey merely literalized a madness that had been present from “Bone To Be Wild” onward. The characters are given room to grow: D’Argo mellows out, Chiana grows more trusting, Aeryn Sun just generally soars, and Crais becomes… something. Tiny backstory seedlings are allowed to grow into entire plotlines, as D’Argo found his son, Aeryn reunited with her mother, and Rygel got to confront his torturer Durka; these weren’t ultimately happy reunions, perhaps, but much of the tension, particularly in D’Argo’s case, came from the characters’ inability to recognize how much time had changed them. That’s perhaps the most striking tool in Farscape’s long-form storytelling arsenal. No encounter between characters ever unfolds quite the same way twice, if only because the characters are always painfully aware of their past mistakes.
AV Club writing about Farscape, me sobbing. (via recycledstars)
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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Star Wars is not here for your armor misconceptions. In a response that’s getting some digital ink, the official Star Wars page’s reply to a clueless comment on Phasma’s armor. Just say no to actually dangerous boob-plates!
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wulfmojo · 9 years
Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can.
Terry Pratchett
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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wulfmojo · 9 years
The post has become far too popular for it to be reasonable to reply to every misinformed dissenting comment, but I want to reiterate:
Water is all you need for genital hygiene. Soap is not good for your genitals. This includes the outside, for those with vulvae. Anywhere there is a mucous membrane is a place you should not use soap, baby and “feminine hygiene” wipes, sprays, etc. (This includes the anus.)
This is medical fact. It is not disputable. It is not difference of opinion. It is science.
(Links may contain casual cissexism.)
When it comes to hygiene products, this is okay:
Gentle, unscented soaps used occasionally (such as during your period).
Shampooing your pubic hair with gentle, unscented shampoo (this can make it easier to trim or shave, for those who do).
Medically prescribed products.
(Medically sound) pH balanced soap.
Using gentle soaps to wash hands and toys before and after sexual activity.
To quote from the genital hygiene post (bold added):
Your genitals maintain a very specific environment that keeps them healthy and clean on their own. Using hygiene products can upset this balance and make you prone to infections (including STIs), dryness, foul smell, bad discharge.
The majority of genital hygiene products are created with the base idea that the genitals are inherently gross and smelly. This is not true! While many people think they smell strongly, they typically don’t - this hyperawareness of our natural scent is a consequence of body shaming society. You are supposed to have a scent!   And if you have a vagina, discharge is supposed to happen too. It’s a sign of your genitals cleaning themselves!
A good rule of thumb is, if you wouldn’t put it in your eyes or up your nose, don’t use it on your genitals. These are also places that have mucous membranes. While the environments are different, the purpose is the same - as mucous membranes, they have their own, natural methods of self cleansing and keep themselves healthy most of the time, because that is their job - to keep sensitive areas properly protected and lubricated so they can continue to be sensitive to function for specialized purposes.
“But I’ve been using these things and I’m fine!”
You may not actually be fine, especially if you keep having foul smell and think that is why you need to use these products.
If you have been using “genital hygiene” products, including store-bought pads and tampons, “because” of these issues, it’s possible the products are causing them, rather than treating them. Additionally, it’s normal for issues to pop up once you stop using products as your body has to work its way back to normal, so it can continue to be vulnerable. 
Additionally, just because you seem fine, doesn’t mean that it’s medically sound or safe.
I’m honestly just going to start blocking people who rant on about “nasty pussy” and the like because someone is not using damaging products to smell like daisies and taste like honey. These beliefs are not only incorrect, they are disgusting and harmful, and I can’t believe anyone claims to promote “genital health” while spewing this body shaming nonsense in the same breath.
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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Can y'all share these photos instead of their bodies washed up on shore.
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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wulfmojo · 9 years
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wulfmojo · 9 years
I’ve seen some messages/posts recently about coming out and sometimes I forget what it was like to be a baby bi since I’ve been out for three years, so here are some reassurances for people who need them <3
The only requirement for being bi is identifying as bi. That’s it.
You don’t have to date, kiss, or have sex with a particular gender, or anyone at all, to be bi.
You can be bi and still be confused or unsure.
You can be bi and have a preference for a certain gender.
You can be bi and other things at the same time. You can be both bi and pan. You can be biromantic and asexual or ace-spectrum. You can be bisexual and aromantic or aro-spectrum. Personally I’m both bi and queer.
Being in a relationship does not change your identity to straight, gay, or anything else.
People will try to invalidate your identity by saying things like “it’s just a phase” but you know what? Even if your bisexuality is a phase, even if you identify as something else later on, your bisexuality is valid right here, right now.
Come out at your own pace on your own terms. You’ll know if and when you’re ready, and if you’re still not sure, it’s okay to wait.
You deserve friends, family, and romantic and sexual partners who respect your bi identity.
Your bi identity is valid and you belong in bi spaces, queer spaces, and LGBTQ+ spaces.
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