peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
Dakota patiently waits, soft grin on his face as he takes the first bite of his own frozen treat, pleased with how it immediately satisfied his tastebuds and absolutely gave him a much needed chill. He can’t help but laugh and give a thoughtful nod and lift of the shoulders. “Fair enough. Maybe give it a try if there’s a next time.” He offered, outstretching his hand in return. 
“Nice to meet you! I’m Dakota.” He offers another smile and retracts his hand, stirring the spoon around a bit. “Orange sherbert! It’s sweet but not dairy so my stomach won’t feel gross in the heat.” He explained, spooning another bite while he thought, examining E’s face before speaking. “Have you been in town long? You look familiar but I might just be imagining it.”
E can't help but smile back at this guy. Well, more of a smirk than anything, but still genuine amusement at the simple joy Dakota is showing while enjoying his sherbert. At the question, the smirk fades from his face as he tries to remember how long he has been in this little town. His memories of the city before this town and all the bullshit he experienced leading him to transfer here still leaves him simmering in rage. 
“Well, I’ve been here for around 5 years now, I think…” E says while slightly shaking his head to refocus. “You may have seen me around at the Silver Dollar or even the Devil’s Backbone from time to time. Or maybe you’ve been in trouble with the law before.” he says with a wry chuckle while watching Dakota for any reaction.
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
With a grunt of acknowledgment and a look of pained focus, E. begins the recommended remedy. Behind clenched teeth and a scowl he presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth, still coated with remnants of the betraying treat. Soon the grimace of pain lessens and his jaw relaxes, his eyes focus again as he looks to the helpful man in gratitude. 
“Not sure if that helped or enough time just passed,” he says as his gaze turns to the melting and mostly gone ice cream cone, the internal struggle on whether or not to finish it plain on his face as he stares for a moment. He looks back up to his new company and stretches out his hand free of ice cream as he says, “Thank you, either way. I’m E. What did you end up getting?” 
Dakota patiently waits, soft grin on his face as he takes the first bite of his own frozen treat, pleased with how it immediately satisfied his tastebuds and absolutely gave him a much needed chill. He can’t help but laugh and give a thoughtful nod and lift of the shoulders. “Fair enough. Maybe give it a try if there’s a next time.” He offered, outstretching his hand in return. 
“Nice to meet you! I’m Dakota.” He offers another smile and retracts his hand, stirring the spoon around a bit. “Orange sherbert! It’s sweet but not dairy so my stomach won’t feel gross in the heat.” He explained, spooning another bite while he thought, examining E’s face before speaking. “Have you been in town long? You look familiar but I might just be imagining it.”
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
A classic choice. But it didn’t satisfy his taste buds, no synapses firing off as an absolute resounding yes in his head at the idea. “Hmm.” He hums, nodding, though he smiles and a chuckle follows. “Tends to get’cha when you least expect it. A 7/11 slurpee did that to me once.” He clicked his tongue and shook his head, reviewing his choices once more before giving his order to the kid behind the counter. 
Soft scoop into the cup he pays and thanks the kid, dropping a dollar into the tip char and going to join his new found company. “Someone once told me if you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, it helps.” He shrugs at the idea, spooning some of the ice cream into his mouth. “Though, I dunno if that ever helped me none.”
With a grunt of acknowledgment and a look of pained focus, E. begins the recommended remedy. Behind clenched teeth and a scowl he presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth, still coated with remnants of the betraying treat. Soon the grimace of pain lessens and his jaw relaxes, his eyes focus again as he looks to the helpful man in gratitude. 
“Not sure if that helped or enough time just passed,” he says as his gaze turns to the melting and mostly gone ice cream cone, the internal struggle on whether or not to finish it plain on his face as he stares for a moment. He looks back up to his new company and stretches out his hand free of ice cream as he says, “Thank you, either way. I’m E. What did you end up getting?” 
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
word association: obligation
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
“What were you thinking?” (from David)
“I was thinking someone needs to do something” (from E.)
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
meme night | questioning minds meme, word association
(source) / (source)
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
open starter || eli @arst-starters
he’s fast, but not quite fast enough to catch the leash slipping through his fingers. the dog darts faster than his three legs can keep up, bumbling on concrete. it’s cute, but there’s something about the grey hairs in his muzzle that suggest perhaps one should stop him. when he finally does come to a stop, eli is on his tail (haha).
“He’s friendly–!” is the first thing to come out of his mouth, along with a laugh that says please don’t react poorly, “Maybe too friendly…”
At seeing the lumbaring dog, pure joy on his greying face at the taste of freedom, E. finds himself reacting without thought. Throwing himself onto his knees and opening his arms wide for the approaching tackle from the oafishly misstepping creature. As they collide in a mock of a tussle, E. scratching at his sides and neck as the dog bounds around his side and knocks into him to get him off balance. At a particularly good body slam from the dog E. falls to the side letting the dog have the win while continuing to give the victor ample pets.
Only then does he look up to notice Eli has caught up with a hard to place look on his face. “Oh hey, Eli.” E. pants from the ground on his back, the dog still wrestling him down. “What’s this fearsome animal's name?”
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
open @arst-starters location: Pilgrim Square
It was so motherfucking hot. Rarely did Dakota curse aloud but this heat had him swearing under his breath with just about every step, the sticky humidity clinging to his skin even as he stepped into the air conditioned ice cream shop. The cool breeze followed by the sweet smell of fresh baked cones lifted his spirits a bit as he mosied up to look over the selection, smiling at the kid behind the counter in greeting before turning his attention back to the tubs of ice cream. 
Analysis paralysis. He can’t pick, mouth twisting off in gentle frustration until he looks to the patron to his side, nodding at their pick. “Hey, what’d you get? Is it good?” 
Lapping furiously at the frozen treat he’d just bought, E. leans against the cool wall of the ice cream shop, enjoying the chill air inside. The sugar rush is as welcome as the crisp, refreshing sensation. That is, until the cursed brain freeze wrecks his senses and shoots a spike of pain through his skull, bringing a snarl of torment to his expression as his free hand slaps into his head. Massaging his forehead, he lets out a low, whimpering groan as the ice cream melts down his knuckles before landing on the ceramic tiling at his feet.
Through aching eyes he sees the sweat-sticky man beside him asking him about the source of his torture. E. responds to him with a grimace of pain on his face, “Cookies and cream. It was better when it wasn’t trying to kill me.”​
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
~I dug my grave with honest lies~
FACECLAIM: Dan Stevens
NAME: Ezekiel “E.” Ellis
MEANING: He doesn’t like his birth name. Means “God’s strength” 
GENDER: Cis Male
HEIGHT: 6’ 0"
AGE: 37 - July, 28th
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, basic Spanish and Russian
HAIR COLOUR: Dirty blonde
EYE COLOUR: Bright blue
SKIN TONE: Fairly pale white
BODY TYPE: Lanky, but toned and wiry
ACCENT: American
VOICE: Dan Stevens
POSTURE: Slight slouch
SCARS: Knife wound left forearm, many around torso and back from fighting
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S): Probably his eyes as they take in every detail, followed by the disapproving scowl.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Sweet mom and a dad that put him in underground fights for extra money for the family. He would bet on him when he really needed money, but a lost fight cost his parents their lives from an unforgiving bookie.   
CLOSE FRIENDS: His dealer-buddy
CRIMINAL RECORD: From underground fighting
VICES: Indeed. Drink, drug, fight, fuck, etc
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: A hole is a hole
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words of Affirmation
CHARACTER THEME SONG:“Mr. Self-Destruct” - Nine Inch Nails
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME: He’s either working too much, or partying too much
MENTAL ILLNESSES: Probably ADHD if he ever got diagnosed
PHOBIAS: Being alone
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL: In capabilities, high. In self worth, questionable
VULNERABILITIES: Maybe doesn’t think things through before taking action as much as he should, and is maybe too influenced by affection.
Werewolf, recently started transforming into a large wolf with dark gray fur when confronted with survival situations of high adrenaline or stress. He currently is unaware of what is happening and does not remember his time as a wolf, or refuses to remember. A full moon, this is a time of unavoidable transformation where the wolf is strongest. The wolf then searches the forest for prey, for those unwise enough to tempt fate under the dark twisting branches as the light of the full moon sends splinters of light onto the blood soaked mossy ground at its paws.  When he transforms the wolf eats its way out of his insides as it shreds the muscles and skin of his body away from the inside to free itself from the human prison. The wolf is larger than most men, stronger and faster than most wolves, and possesses an intelligence more cunning than both.
No control over changing or what he does while in that form as he is still newly changed since moving to Babylon. Under great stress leads to the wolf taking over. No memory of what happens when in this form leaving him with no explanation for the blood on him or the strange places he wakes up in. Has emotional problems and deals with them by working too much or partying too much. Meaning waking up in strange places isn’t exactly unheard of. Impulsive decision making and a little easily manipulated by affection.
-PERSONALITY: He’s smart, he‘s jaded, and he’s a bit beaten down by both. He tries to do good and help people when he can, to a fault. While acting like he doesn’t give a damn and kinda being a dick. Tries to not let people get close because he’s not worth it. Very haunted by his parents death and the things he saw in the police departments. 
- Even as a child you understand that you’re living in poverty. You hear your parents fighting about money. You see that your things are cheap and broken. You see that you don’t get a lot and when you ask for something you get told no so many times you stop asking for things. 
- As you get older you grow  into a man's body, you go to school and they call your parents in to say you have anger issues. Your dad has an idea to help you channel that anger with fights. So what if he pushes you hard, he has money riding on it after all.
- Your dad wants you to be a cop so you can do some good with your life. Unlike him. You’re an adult now so you have adult responsibility helping your family make ends meet and he still needs you in those fights sometimes. So much money for this fight, and you just can’t win it this time. Apparently your dad made a big bet with people who don’t have a lot of patience if you can’t pay up. You come back home to find a mess of your parents' bodies. A message left in pools of blood to anyone considering not paying up on their lost bets. Message received.
- Years spent trudging through the ranks and jumping through hoops to make your way to being a detective. Following your dad’s hopes for you to make something of yourself. All to just see that you can’t make a  real difference when you’re pushing through corruption. You decide to transfer out of the city filled with crooked cops and go to a small town to do actual help. Or maybe you’re told you’ve been transferred for making a big scene about corruption.
- It’s a small town with small crime typically, but also where a cop can do good for someone in need. It’s been five years of actually helping people and making a small difference. It gets boring sometimes, but you try hard to stay busy. It’s on a case that you're looking into when you find yourself in strange situations you can’t quite explain. A wolf acting unusual, seeming to try to get you to leave an area you're investigating and attacks you as a last resort and you have to go get medical attention. You get real sick from this but you eventually heal up and get back to work, wondering the whole time about what that wolf was keeping you from. You eventually go back to see but there’s nothing there anymore. So that’s another case without a satisfying answer.
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
E. after a long night
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Hey! All good in the head now?
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
test test
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peanutbuttervibxs · 2 years
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dreamland 🌴
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