pearlsinpower · 5 years
I love it so much!! And i love the meanings and I identify so much more with it than with the previous one
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HEY LESBIANS! lookin for a more inclusive flag to use with pride coming up? may i recommend THIS BEAUTY?
not only are the colors web safe, easy to produce IRL, simple, lively, & vibrant, but they each have individual meanings and are based on the flowers in sappho’s poem! 
you can see the creator’s article here—i prefer the harmonized color version by mayakern, so i’m using that here 💕 id love it if this one caught on, so please use it if it inspires and resonates with you the way it did with me! 🥰
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pearlsinpower · 5 years
This is heaven 😍😍
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So! Here’s my late b-day gift to @boringartist, which is ALL 45 OF HER GODDAMN PEARLS not including adoptables. XD
Went back all the way back to page 1 of her art tag to find ‘em all. There was originally gonna be more detail in their outfits, but I felt like this was sufficient. Plus I didn’t wanna make boringartist wait for the pic longer than I already did. ^^;
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
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My dog - a 8 years old Yorkshire - has luxating patella (grade 3 in the left leg, 4 in the right leg) along with arthritis, and requires an emergency surgery because it can lead to a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament due to her being overweight. And there are some extra risks for my dog undergoing surgery and anesthesia, because of her collapsing trachea.
And the biggest problem is: I don’t have money to pay for the surgery nor the recovery. I’ve spent almost all my money already on the vet ($970), for pre-op care (medication, x-ray and exams - $700), special food and medicine ($490). If you want to check: https://imgur.com/a/Z8N9Z4s i’ll be updating and posting more photos of her.
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My available balance is: $422. (The currency is BRL.) This will cost $3200 for the surgery (only for the right leg), and up to $1300 for post-op and recovery (ten physiotherapy sessions, maybe more).
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( Good afternoon! We are available to start the physiotherapy this week. Each session is $130. )
Veterinarians are planning at least two surgeries (left and right leg) for Lolo over the next six months. The first surgery will be in a tomorrow with a long recovery. (60 - 90 days). 
Even the smallest help will go a long way in helping Lolo get the care and the treatment she needs. It’s absolutely fine if you can’t commission or donate, if you can boost this post, or include Lolo son in your prayers, i’ll be eternally grateful. 
She is my everything, a life without her would be nothing but empty.
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
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A small tribute to fellow black women!
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
My first full Amethyst (we don't talk about the feet, ever) and I'm pretty proud I must say ^^
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
I told Miyazaki I love the “gratuitous motion” in his films; instead of every movement being dictated by the story, sometimes people will just sit for a moment, or they will sigh, or look in a running stream, or do something extra, not to advance the story but only to give the sense of time and place and who they are.
“We have a word for that in Japanese,” he said. “It’s called ma. Emptiness. It’s there intentionally.”
Is that like the “pillow words” that separate phrases in Japanese poetry?
“I don’t think it’s like the pillow word.” He clapped his hands three or four times. “The time in between my clapping is ma. If you just have non-stop action with no breathing space at all, it’s just busyness, But if you take a moment, then the tension building in the film can grow into a wider dimension. If you just have constant tension at 80 degrees all the time you just get numb.”
Which helps explain why Miyazaki’s films are more absorbing and involving than the frantic cheerful action in a lot of American animation. I asked him to explain that a little more.
“The people who make the movies are scared of silence, so they want to paper and plaster it over,” he said. “They’re worried that the audience will get bored. They might go up and get some popcorn.
But just because it’s 80 percent intense all the time doesn’t mean the kids are going to bless you with their concentration. What really matters is the underlying emotions–that you never let go of those.
— Roger Ebert in conversation with Hiyao Miyazaki
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
First Valentine
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Keep reading
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
Happy Valentine’s Day
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
“I never meant to make you feel like second best.”
Throughout the first season, we see that on several occasions that Adora indeliberately demeans Catra by misjudging her and not taking her seriously. While Adora never meant to make Catra feel less than her or intentionally sought that out, their dynamic is inherently unequal in part from the way Adora treats Catra.
Of course, this inequality in their relationship is not entirely Adora’s fault—even if it was her actions that exacerbated it—because ultimately this unhealthy dynamic stems from the abusive environment that they were raised in. When Adora was a child, she was told that Catra was her responsibility. And that if Catra got hurt it was Adora’s fault for failing to “control” her.
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Adora was a child when the tremendous responsibility of controlling her best friend’s behavior was placed on her shoulders. It is essentially impossible to foster any sort of equal dynamic when one person is told that they have to take care of and are responsible for the other’s behavior.
While Adora is Catra’s friend, she’s also essentially her guardian and protector. It’s her job to watch over and protect Catra.
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And if Adora sees Catra fall out of line, it’s her job to attempt to rein her back in.
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Adora loves and cares about Catra, but she grew up completely in this environment where she was raised to be a soldier and while she recognizes that Catra is being mistreated she—falsely—assumes that it is in part justified because Catra is not a good soldier.
And Adora is taught to recognize and respect the traits of a soldier. Catra does not have these traits at all, while she is skilled in combat she is always late to simulations, she breaks the rules, and she is repeatedly disrespectful to her superiors.
And as a result, a part of Adora does not truly respect Catra as an equal because she struggles to recognize Catra’s strength and independence from her. Adora struggles to understand Catra or look at things from her point of view because she’s spent her entire life being the one in charge.
In “Princess Prom,” Adora yells at Catra that “This isn’t a game.” Previously Catra had been teasing towards Adora, but this line turns Catra serious and angry. Because in this moment, Adora is reminding Catra that Adora doesn’t treat her seriously.
Adora does not respect her because she sees Catra lead this attack, this accomplishment, and she diminishes it as a “game.” In many ways, Adora is viewing Catra as the girl who skipped out on simulations and never seemed to try hard. Adora is assuming that this doesn’t matter to Catra—just like the simulations—and that it isn’t important, that it must just be a “game” to Catra. And Catra is understandably upset in response.
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Adora is ignorant of Catra. She does not realize that this isn’t a game to Catra, just like she didn’t realize that Catra wants to be a Force Captain or that she struggles with insecurity regarding her place in Adora’s shadow.
And this blindness and ignorance is a core component on their dynamic. In “The Promise,” Adora says that Catra would “probably” let Shadow Weaver erase her memory. And Catra responds, “Yeah, well, you never had much faith in me.”
Adora may not be aware of her behavior and treatment of Catra, but Catra has been around Adora enough times to feel its effects. Catra constantly feels awful around Adora because Shadow Weaver hinged her entire self worth and identity around her—and Adora, whether she means to or not, has a habit of seemingly reinforcing Shadow Weaver’s ideas of her.
Adora loves Catra. She cares for her tremendously, but as a result of the messed up circumstances they were raised in Adora has an instinctive habit of minimizing Catra’s feelings and experiences.
In the temple when Catra fought the robot, that was her moment, but Adora stepped in the last minute and saved the day. And then she didn’t even acknowledge Catra’s strength and ability to protect herself, instead implying that Catra needs Adora to protect her. When Catra insists she “had it”—and she very nearly did—Adora has a sly grin on her face as she says “Sure you did.”
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In Adora’s mind, it is her job to protect Catra and as a result, she struggles to realize that Catra does not need her protection. And that often times her protection does more damage to her.
This isn’t to say that Adora is at fault for Catra’s abuse—that is absolutely not the case—or that Catra is the one in the right, she is wrong in a lot of ways. Both Adora and Catra have made mistakes in their relationship and both of them have flawed understandings of the other. The purpose of this post is to focus specifically on how Adora is flawed in this specific regards to their relationship, but that does not mean that Catra is not in the wrong as well.
And while Adora never meant to, she did frequently treat Catra like she was less than her—like she wasn’t her equal.
And in order for Adora and Catra to ever come together again, Adora needs to make changes in how she sees Catra. She needs to be able to acknowledge Catra’s strengths and not diminish Catra’s accomplishments. She can’t instinctively “protect” Catra because she needs to understand that Catra can protect herself.
And I think Catra has found a way to establish herself as Adora’s equal in a way she never could by her side, but instead as an enemy across the battlefield.
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
This is out of nowhere but I wanted to tell you that 3 days after I had watched your meep 'rescue' video(like. Months ago) we found a cat in our car as well! Shes really affectionate
Aaaahhhh!!!! I want pictures!!!! I wanna see your new baby! ♡♡♡
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
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The more I think about this scene, the more I have to admire how well the show has been setting this up, and for how long.
Way back in “That Will Be All,” during Blue and Yellow’s first scene together. What are two main facts that we establish about Yellow?
One, she believes that everyone needs to set aside feelings and carry out their expected roles for the good of society.
And two, she can’t stand to see Blue in distress.
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This second point is reiterated in almost every episode where they interact with each other.
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Which is precisely why it feels so shocking and wrong when Yellow zaps her.
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The crew set up these two contradictory inclinations in Yellow’s character precisely for the moment when those two inclinations would come into conflict.
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
My son you angel 😚
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
Baby giiirl 💖💖
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
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the gov’t don’t give a sh*t about the environment.
Tumblr, let’s take a stand
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
Steven Universe - Familiar (from the beginning)
Steven’s come so far, and I have so many emotions and feelings for SU and its characters, and the journey they’ve been on throughout it. And so I had to edit this!
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
Thank you!! Finally someone AGAINST him!!
I hate Freud. His whole weird theory about penis envy and children being sexually attracted to their parents and secret desires and all that shit actually came straight out of an attempt to ally himself with wealthy and influential rapists and was a direct form of victim blaming.
He had started the research looking into “hysteria” which at the time was really usually referring to women’s symptoms of PTSD. It turned out that the reason so many woman had these symptoms is because so many of them had experienced sexual violence– especially CSA and incest at the hands of their fathers. 
At first he was making real progress, and it was through working with these women that he discovered that talk therapy could be used to treat trauma. The symptoms of PTSD were lessened when women were able to safely speak about their experiences out loud and be believed. 
But it wasn’t the women who paid for the therapy. It was their fathers, husbands, the same men who were perpetuating the violence in the first place. And Freud didn’t want to validate his patients (the women) if it meant making his clients (the men) unhappy.
So he came up with a new idea. These symptoms weren’t from trauma. The memories weren’t real. These women were just sexual beings as children and had penis envy and it made them lust for their fathers and fantasize about the rape that they had reported to him. That’s where the shittiest parts of Freud’s theories emerged. Another part of it besides just the monetary aspect, though, was that there was a feminist movement on the fringes starting up at the time and by publishing work about women’s CSA he would be aligning himself with it and therefore losing support, respect, funding, prestige from his male peers and from the psychological community at large. He literally made that gross victim blaming shit up to keep his own reputation with these fucks and to make sure he still got publication and fame.
By coming up with fake theory about little girls fantasizing about incest he not only fucked over generations of women, the feminist movement that was arising, and the entire psychology field for years to come, but he also completely swept away any progress made in understanding trauma and so we didn’t have any clue why men coming back from war had “hysteria” like women during WWI.
And our research on PTSD and trauma is still lacking to this day, especially because of the stigma that maybe traumatized people deserved it or wanted it or imagined it. People don’t want to believe it’s real. Perpetrators of traumatic violence want everyone to forget about it, not acknowledge it, or trivialize it.
And they have Freud’s cultural legacy to help them.
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pearlsinpower · 6 years
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The birth of Pearl.
Pink and Pearls first encounter. Dedicated to the donator who said to sketch freely. Thank you so much for your donation ; u ;
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