 Listen here you fucking lib-cuck. Do you know what would’ve happened if we hadn’t sent 59 freedom missiles over to Syria the other day? DO YOU?! They would’ve kept using chemical weapons on their own fucking citizens, and that would’ve set a precedent, allowing them to commit even more heinous crimes against humanity.
 It wasn’t simply a PR stunt, you bumbling moron. It was a warning, to stop fucking around, or we’re send in the cavalry. 
 So next time, think before you regurgitate some mindless nonsense, and realize that your liberal, LA living punk ass doesn’t understand shit, you rancid fucking swine.
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And There It Goes!
$1.45 Million Taxpayer Dollars for Trump’s PR Stunt!
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So fucking true man. The only way a Stacy would fuck with me is i used these. God I wish I could hate fuck all those rancid fucking swines
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If I had a katana for every gender, I’d have two katanas.
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Lmao rancid fucking swine. You're clearly not familiar with hypocrisy. Also it's racism, don't be a fucking idiot. You may be a vile human being but you don't need to be stupid too.
Wow wow wow, guess what we have here? Another anonymous cunt too afraid to speak to me like an adult. How am I being a hypocrite may I ask? And what is racism? How am i being an idiot. You’re making general statements without anything to back them up, you rancid fucking swine.
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Here’s an idea. Maybe black girls and boys get into more trouble than white girls and boys? Maybe security guards can actually stop the ongoing threats and counselors cant? Maybe use your head, you rancid fucking swine?
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Schools are six times more likely to suspend Black girls than white girls. 
Schools are three times more likely to suspend Black boys than white boys. 
There are more security officers than counselors in three of the five largest school districts in the U.S.
The statistics won’t come as a shock to those aware of the “school-to-prison pipeline,” a series of policies and practices that push students, especially those most at-risk, from classrooms to the criminal justice system at a young age. 
It’s time we change the conversation and the policy that leads to more incarceration, inequality and hopelessness for so many.
Join the Issue Time discussion on the school to prison pipeline. 
Ask our experts a question by Wednesday 10/5 and follow @the-movemnt for the answers this Friday 10/7!
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hey. how are you
I’m good, why are you anonymous though? However, it’s nice to meet someone once in a while who isn’t a rancid fucking swine.
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I bet ur dick is the size of a paper clip and that's why you don't have a girlfriend... So you feel the need to take your anger out on all women... Well guess what sweetie? While you're out here trying desperately to feel better about your microscopic penis, the rest of us are getting women cause we respect them. Get a life :)
  For your information my waifu keeps me more company than I need, especially when she brings her friends over ;). You need to get a life my friend, for you’re just a pathetic white knight. And I’m sure you get lots of pussy, thinking about other mens cocks. I respect those who deserve respect, and you, you anonymous piece of shit, are not one of them. Now have a nice day, you rancid fucking swine.
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HAHAHAHAA YOU SURE SHOWED THEM DIDN’T YOU? I’m glad thia modern feminism ahs resorted to petty arguments on the internet. God, you’re such a rancid fucking swine I swear.
Me in 2014, looking at the comments section of an article I had posted.
*One poster* “So what does this dumbass chick even look like?”
*Another poster* “I found Sharon on Facebook. She’s really ugly. Far too pale.”
*Me responding in the comments* “OK, now you two Adonises have to post pictures of yourselves. So I can judge you, too. In the interests of fairness, we understand.” 
Then they just whined and called me a hysterical feminist bitch and threatened to get me fired for talking back to them.
They never did post their pictures, though. 
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Your logic has so many fallacies i’m not even goin got begin to descrive them all. I just want you to know you’re a rancid fucking swine.
Moral Standards for Men vs. Moral Standards for Women
Ever since childhood, girls are held to a higher moral standard than boys. The way that parents excuse boys’ behavior with “boys will be boys” and the way that little girls are blamed and taught to police themselves when a boy picks on them are all internalized. When a boy’s behavior is excused, he learns that he doesn’t have to respect boundaries. When a girl is blamed for the actions of a boy, she learns that she has to watch herself very carefully, because anything she does can be used against her.
Girls learn that our very bodies are a threat to boys, because if we don’t follow the dress code, it is our fault that young boys aren’t learning in school, because our failure to control ourselves results in a boy being distracted. 
Boys are taught that they can victimize themselves by accusing a girl of preying on his “natural” desire for her; they are taught they can blame girls for their own behavior, they are taught their own feelings are so powerful and so valid that any action can be excused, if they have a good enough feeling as a reason for the action. That is why rape is the only crime that is excused for being too tempting to commit. They are taught that they are entitled to touch, bully, and pick on girls, and that it is natural and good for them to do these things, that they do not need to learn to control their feelings or their behaviors because it is the girls’ fault for behaving in a way that provoked them.
This is one of the differences between male and female socialization. This is why male people commit 90% of murders and 90% of rapes (whether the victim is male or female). Because men are raised to expect to be excused when violating another person’s boundaries. Because men are raised to feel entitled to forgiveness. Because men are raised to expect the woman to bear the burden of consequences for their behavior. 
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Because the place of a women is to serve, and servants act on the wishes and desires of their masters (Us men), and the second that you start to act on your own, you are no longer faithful servants, and that simply cannot be as the world would descend into anarchy. I know it’s hard for you, but maybe next time try thinking before you open that pretty little mouth of yours, you rancid fucking swine.
how ironic is it that women are sexualized and objectified in every way, but the second we start to act on our sexuality we’re shamed for it? they see us as their sexual objects, but protest when we express being sexual subjects
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I don’t understand, if women want to be directors, they can? Also, you say “only” 32 percent as if it’s not a huge margin. Sure, it’s not half, but it’s a third of all the films. If you want more female directors and/or writers, become a female director or writer. Otherwise, shut the fuck up, you rancid fucking swine.
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Watch: This groundbreaking new series finally puts 12 female writers, directors and producers in charge of women-run movies
There were almost 4,000 short films that played at festivals from 2010 to 2014, and only 32 percent of those films came from female directors. And don’t get us started on queer women of color in Hollywood. This new series is making a change.
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What are you saying? That men and women AREN’T equal? Isn’t that what your whole cause is about? And you’re right, Hillary is NOWHERE near the same level that trump is on. Trump is light years ahead of her, and that’s why people will vote for him to win. Not because he simply has a vagina, but because he’s right. Educate yourself, you rancide fucking swine.
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I challenge feminists to prove to me that rape culture is real
Pro tip ~ You can’t.
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 You’re going to call ME  a troll? YOU’RE THE TROLL YOU RANCID FUCKING SWINE!
You're right, you're not too ugly. In fact, I'd probably give you the honor of sleeping with me, even if you are a rancid fucking swine ;)
Lol you’re definitely a troll
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I'm gonna go through your profile and take a shot for every time you couldn't come up with an insult and used 'rancid fucking swine' instead
 Go ahead and try. I hope you destroy your fucking liver like the Chad you think you are, you rancid fucking swine.
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I know you're just doing this to get a rise out of people- and I'm ok with that knowing it's the only way you can feel good about yourself- but have you ever stopped to consider what these women that you degrade so harshly feel like?
HA! That’s a good one. But you seemed to forget that women don’t have feelings, for they are a bunch of rancid fucking swines.
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do men own the vagina they were birthed out of too
No their fathers own it. Use some fucking logic you rancid fucking swine.
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