Hey just got done finding and reading all of your amazing chubby train writings on deviantART. I have no idea if you are even on this blog anymore, but I just thought I’d let you know my night has been made much better. :) Like seriously it’s very rare to find someone who has such specific kinks and is an amazing writer. I love the thought you put into the biology of these humanoid trains lol anyway, wonderful stuff just thought I’d let you know :)
I’ve pretty much abandoned that fandom for a variety of reasons but glad you enjoy my work.  I still get random notes on this blog so there’s definitely others floating around out there looking for this very niche thing
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ngl recently I’ve felt bad about the people and friends I’ve just sort of abandoned last fall.  Something I saw made me stupid thirsty and want to talk more about this stuff again but I kept remembering that outlet is pretty much gone now, especially with tumblr rapidly dying. It was a good place for more mild/moderate weird kink content vs the more extreme or generic stuff elsewhere.
Interest in the characters I used to write about here hasn’t really come back though...Other than this later trainish character I made but they’re very much more an angst/comfort rather than kink/sexual character.
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Flavor Asks!
1) Desserts usually come at the end of a meal, so they’re often eaten on already-full bellies. ♡ Does your character go for dessert even if they’re full? Do they tend to get an achy tummy afterwards or do they know when to stop?
2) Sounds like all that sugar might not be sitting well. Is your character’s stomach gurgly when it’s achy or too full? Does it get loud enough to betray them if they try to insist that they’re fine?
3) Careful… you can always have too much of a good thing. Does your character ever binge on too many sweets, maybe during the holidays or other special occasions? Doesn’t that tend to end with all those treats making a reappearance? Someone better keep an eye on them!
1) Does your character ever snack absentmindedly on salty foods when they’re multitasking? Have they ever ended up with a stomachache when they lost track and ate more than they meant to?
2) The movie credits are rolling, and your character has suddenly realized they just scarfed down way too much popcorn on top of dinner. Did they snuggle up to watch that movie with a friend or partner? I bet it’s easy to tell that their stomach is bothering them; I sure hope their loved one is willing to rub and soothe that tummy. Or have they been rubbing all along? c;
3) Does your character have a bad habit with filling up on junk food? Their belly isn’t feeling so good… do they have any go-to remedies to ward off the ache?
1) Is your character a picky eater? Or are they the unpicky eater? Would they pass off their bitter greens and black licorice, or would they be the one everyone passes them to? Always be careful when treating your friend as a human garbage disposal! They don’t look like they’re feeling very well…
2) The more bitter the medicine, the better it works; at least, that’s how the old saying goes. Your character must be really sick if they’re asking for that nasty stuff! Or will they refuse to take it because of the taste no matter how bad they’re feeling?
3) Mmm, black coffee. Bitter and strong. Is that the way your character likes it? Or will they take one sip, grimace, and reach for the cream and sugar? Too many mugs of embellished coffee though might not be too easy on their stomach! Are they going to regret all that extra cream and sugar later?
1) Grapefruit? Granny Smith apples? Tart cherries? Does your character like the tart things in life? If so, they may want to pair them with some form of protein or starch! Highly acidic fruits might not sit well on an empty tummy…
2) No seafood dish is complete without a spritz of lemon over the top! Does your character have preferences for the way they like certain foods prepared? Do those special flavor notes ever tempt them to eat even more than they would normally?
3) Yogurt. Commonly described as a sour fermentation of milk. Well, used to be, anyways! How about some frozen yogurt? Does your character ever abuse the loophole of a purportedly “healthy” food and end up eating too much as a result? It’s good for you, so how bad can it be? Except – ooh, tummyache. Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea after all.
1) Big hearty meals tend to be high in starch and rich with flavor – will they eat until they’re stuffed on their favorite comfort foods?
2) Oof, that’s a lot of carbs in one sitting. Do they just feel full or are they bloated to boot? How likely is your character’s belly to give them away when they’ve overeaten? Do they get bloated easily?
3) I bet they’d feel better if they free up some room! Does your character find relief after big meals if they can burp up some excess air? Do they cover their mouth and try to be polite? Are they shameless?
1) Wash it down with milk! Does your character drink a lot of liquids when they eat spicy meals, to cool the heat? Does this ever upset their stomach?
2) Spicy food is known for being disagreeable to some tummies! How tolerant is your character to spicy foods? Will they get a bellyache after just a little? After a lot?
3) Okay so they know their spice tolerance. They’re confident. They got this. Surprise! They go out to eat with a group of their friends and the appetizer is the spiciest salsa with chips they’ve ever tasted. It would probably be a little too much… but everyone is cheerfully urging them on. It turns out to be a mistake and their tummy is killing them just a half hour later. But they carpooled here and can’t just leave. How do they deal with being unwell away from home?
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Lol ain’t I glad I’ve only got written stuff on here that staff can’t possibly bust me for.
This account might be dead but I hatehatehate deleting my old stuff in case someone somewhere fonds it amusing
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It’s strange. Almost immediately after that last post I’ve actually had that interest flicker back.
I actually made a new train-based character recently but they weren’t intended to be hot, yet oddly I feel a sort of attraction to them similar to how I felt the chars on here.
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This blog is officially pretty much dead. It’s been a solid two+ months and I think I just lost interest in these characters (and trains in general tbh). I really don’t know why but I just had a very sudden shift in tastes and interests around the beginning of the school year.
Still into the kinks in general, mind you, but don’t have any particular characters I use in them outside of one OC that even then isn’t really the most suitable for it.
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Even though I’ve strayed so far from how I was, burping is still fucking adorable and hot ngl.
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I’ll probably be posting more on @2000peopleperhour since my tastes have seemingly changed so suddenly. Not deleting this blog or anything but no guarantees if/when I’ll be posting much here again. We’ll have to see where my mind goes.
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I finally did wrote something I’m sorta happy with. Nobody probably cares but eh, maybe there’s a lurker who does. It’s a bit more rude and raunchy than my other stuff since Magnum and Vortex are like that.
Texy stuffs his love and things din’t go quite right and they end up cuddling while he rubs Magnum’s tummy. Some mention if nsfw stuff but nothing too explicit. Also a few jokes about emeto but nothing actually happens.
Magnum wasn’t one who was bothered by pain, he usually enjoyed it, actually. But Vortex could tell something was up.
Magnum was helplessly pinned under him as he pressed each mouthful of banana pudding to his lips and traced the muscles of his thighs. He was... very vocal in his appreciation of it, shivering and wavering and moaning with each touch and spoonful. Vortex stared transfixed at his throat, oddly entranced by his swallowing. Slowly, he began to fill up, growing breathless and hot from arousal and exertion and the pressure on his belly. The cold metallic fingers of Vortex’s right arm approached the swelling bulge of his middle. Magnum had an incredible appetite and bloated very obviously when he was full. Their breath hitched as he made contact, Magnum from being touched in one of his few sensitive spots, Vortex from feeling the labored rise and fall as he struggled to breathe and the flinching and churning of his muscles beneath the thin, rubbery layer of fat on him. It wasn’t exceptionally loud, but his belly gurgled a lot when stuffed and hearing that struggling sound and Magnum’s moaning was making both of them get hot. Vortex squeezed himself to hold things together for a few more minutes.
He began to undress himself and then assist Magnum in doing so, since he was somewhat incapacitated in this state, rubbing and soothing his swollen stomach every once in a while to comfort and tease him. Once they were ready, Vortex began to slide him backwards into a laying position.
“My dear, I’ve got you loaded and in position, it’s time to ride. Just don’t think about Firehawk’s looming demise.”
They both laughed in confusion. Magnum trailing off into groan and pained belch.
“Oh dear, things not settled yet?”
Vortex placed his hand to his swollen side, as Magnum gave him a pleading look and cringed as a cramp worked its way up his abdomen. Vortex laid an ear against the angry bulge and could hear all sorts of upset gurgling within, and his skin wavered with ugly churning. This wasn’t just him struggling with an overfilled tummy, something was going wrong.
“We should probably stop and take care of this.”
Magnum nodded weakly, a bit disappointed but relieved.
“I’d joke about Roman showers but laughing obviously isn’t too comfortable for you right now. Let’s get something back on you so you’re not so cold and get you somewhere cozy.”
He walked Magnum over the the couch after throwing on some big old t shirts and underwear, his heavy middle throwing his stride off. He knew Mag cared little about hard surfaces normally, but stomach pain always frayed his nerves and he’d prefer something softer. Magnum buried his face into a pillow and let him pull up his shirt to take care of his upset belly.
Usually Vortex preferred his mechanical arm, as it was steadier and more powerful than his natural one, but at the moment there was more need for gentleness. He slowly rubbed wide circles into Magnum’s tummy, hoping it would at least distract from the pain or maybe stir up some trapped air and relieve a bit of the pressure in his gut. It was firm but somewhat malleable, like dense foam. He wasn’t stuffed to his limits, but still very full and heavy and clearly struggling with it. His stomach could be fussy and sensitive, particularly with rich foods, which didn’t always sit well with him. Occasionally he could feel his muscles tense and release as he belched up a bit of air, followed by the feeling of the bloat sinking down a little. He let his metal arm wander and finger comb his long red-orange waves and stroke his cheek. Magnum seemed to be calming down a bit and breathing more easily. Vortex got a bit firmer in touch as he massaged his middle as it softened and relaxed. Suddenly he felt Magnum clench up.
“Oh no, not right-“
Magnum let out a long, deep, disgusting burp.
“Oh thank god. That is all, right?”
“Ooh, that felt so good.”
“Yeah, no thrill like your partner almost getting sick on your couch to make you feel relieved. But it’s good that you seem to be feeling better. You’re talking anyways.”
“Shame we didn’t get to fuck.”
“Well, cuddling and getting to rub your little tummy is a nice compromise.”
Magnum hissed in annoyance.
“What? You’re cute with a little extra in your middle. And you stuff your face and get flustered and grumbly when you overeat.”
“And you’d look nice as a B&M.”
“Oh shut it.”
Vortex silenced him with a surprise kiss.
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I’ve made some halfassed attempts at writing but it’s been hard for me to focus on stories or word things well lately, kinky or otherwise.
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I’ve been kind of thinking of kink stuff again but just not felt the need to post here since I know the interest isn’t really there. Most people came here for a certain sort of content and my brain just seems to have suddenly shifted to somewhat different one this past month and idk why or how. My tastes were pretty consistant for years and now this.
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I guess I’ve reached the “This is my blog I’ll do what I want” point.
Have some nsfw and kink thoughts on Magnum. Humanization on a coaster of the same name at Cedar/Point. This starts off with less naughty stuff and switches to full nsfw about halfway.
-As I’ve mentioned before, he has a surprising appetite for being a skinny guy, since his coaster can absolutely devour lines. It’s pretty noticeable when he’s full because he bloats noticeably. Not terribly gurgly but he’s very vocal in general, which includes expressing pleasure or pain.
-He prefers to stick to lighter food like fruit and eat a lot of it vs smaller amounts of heavier food since he just likes the full heavy stuffed feeling and richer stuff can upset his tummy. He’s usually extremely pain tolerant but not when it comes to stomach pain.
-While generally very lean he’s always had a little bit of belly squish and has gained a few pounds over the years as well. He usually sucks it in or wears a corset but even without any of that it’s not terribly noticeable. He’s just pretty self-conscious about it because he doesn’t like looking vulnerable or soft in any way. Though his boyfriend Vortex (the one at Kings/Island) thinks it’s adorable and loves to squeeze/rub him when he’s full.
-Building on that, because he’s a bit soft and sensitive there, Vortex’s touch there turns him tf on. Just stroke some fingers up the insides of his thighs and rub his belly and he’ll be a puddle.
-He loves gender nonconformity and finds the idea of guys with very feminine faces and clothes but when you look down there’s no boobs and they’re very obviously fem dudes to be very hot (as does he the opposite). Especially if they’re the tougher type like him.
-Naturally he fucking loves lingerie and vaguely fetishy clothing in general, all things sleek and strappy and shiny and tightly laced and stretchy is yessss.
-If you know anything about that ride, it’s no surprise he also has a thing for spanking and thighs. Forget butts, what this man loves is are some nice shapely quads to squeeze and smack and grab (or someone handling his own). And thigh squish when wearing thigh highs is also amazing to him.
-He’s very vocal during sex and likes his partners to be as well since he’s a roller coaster and loves audible feedback from people.
-He has a hard time finding partners for naughty times because he’s... very well endowed and pretty much only gets off on being crazy fast and rough and most people can’t take him and nope the hell out once his pants come off or just offer and handjob out of fear.
-Usually has been dominant in brief encounters, but forms long term relationships usually with people who can overpower him since he loves being controlled and teased in the bedroom. He’s bi with no preference but has ended up mainly with guys because they’re a bit more willing to take someone as big as him. He’s perfectly happy to bottom or top. (And loves taking it hard and fast as much as he does giving it)
-He loves having his hands tied and his bf having his way with him, slowly frustrating and teasing him until he can’t take it. Vortex loves seeing the look in his eyes and his moaning and whimpering and twitching and feeling his muscles tense up.
-While thighs are his favorite thing he loves legs in general. Positions with raised/spread legs are hot af to him, as are knees going weak/shakey.
-He’s very willing to use protection despite it being a huge hassle to get due to his size and latex allergies and not even being necessary since coasters can’t transmit human disease or get pregnant. He just hates messes, especially when caused by bodily fluids of any kind, and the cleanup involved lol
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Another way I’ve been feeling weird lately is that while I’ve def been thinking about stuffing I’ve been oddly more into thinner characters only and not even into the wg part. And I’ve been sort of seeing some girl stuff that I lowkey like?
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Hahaha my mind’s been so weird lately and now I’m thinking of mild kink stuff with my fursona/mascot character. I just like the idea of it in silly fishnets or something acting all sexy while laughing its ass off because it’s a completely asexual being. That and being sorta soft and snuggly (I have snuggles with my fur/suit’s legs stuffed with pillows before and it was wonderful haha)
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While I wasn’t that crazy about the actual story, a couple years ago I saw a slightly pudgy character’s belly/sides described as “rubbery” and that’s just such an interrsting description it’s stuck with me.
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I sincerely wish I could click myself back into this mindset because man thinking of cuddly heavy chars is much easier to fall asleep to than 80s sparkle boy angst.
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Me a few hours ago: Yeah I lost interest in kink stuff with this character
Me now: Okay maybe not some super mild cutesy stuff
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