pekoamv · 2 years
Present Past and The Future Part 4
Warning: Curse Words, Spoilers
2,2K Words
Thank you all for supporting me it means a lot<3
A/N: English isn't my first language sorry If I made any mistakes :)
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‘’You knocked on Fei’s door, ‘’Come in.’’ Fei said. You open the door and see your beloved Ben sitting on a chair and Fei cutting up meat for her birds, ‘’Hey.’’ you said taking a spare chair next to Ben. ‘’We’re getting tons of missing person complaints in a tree-block radius. I was thinking hysteria.’’ Fei said looking at you ‘’What are they up to? Ben responded ‘’Who?’’ you asked worried ‘’The Umbrella Academy. Use your head, number 2 and 7. First Marcus, now they’re grabbing civilians off the streets?’’ Ben replied annoyed while getting up, Fei stopped cutting meat and responded ‘’Number 2 And Number 7? I suppose that means your number one now?’’ You got up and looked quite mad at Ben, he never called you by your number. ‘’Marcus is missing. I’m taking the reins.’’ Ben said while looking away from you, Fei chuckles at his response. Ben replied annoyed ‘’What? You think it should, be you? Fei looked at Ben and said ‘’You had your chance once. Didn’t turn out too well, Now, did it?’’ ‘’Calm down, both off you, okay? You responded worried, Ben took one off Fei Birds in his hands and started to hurt it. ‘’Say that again.‘’ Ben said with a smirk on his face while Fei made her birds fly around them. 
Grace came in the room and asked to clean it, Ben then let go off the bird and said ‘’Do it quickly. ‘’You know I respect Marcus.’’ ‘’Of course,’’ Fei said mad, ‘’I would do anything to protect him.’’ Ben replied ‘’Sure.’’ Fei responded ‘’But we’ve been number 2, 3 and 8 for far too long, Fei. With Marcus gone, it’s moving day’’ Fei finally accepts it, ‘’What about me?’’ you say unsure,’’ Y/n You have been 8 forever since the day we got together, even in a other time you have been number 8 don’t you want to be higher?, Without me you wouldn’t even be a Hargreeves.’’ Ben replied’’ Wtf Ben how can you say that, don’t forget Sir Reginald wanted to make me number 1 when he met me but I said no, don’t ever call me with my number again and tonight you sleep on the couch.!’’ you responded with tears in your eyes while walking to your shared room, ‘’Y/n wait, come on!’’ Ben shouted while walking after you, you wanted to lock the door, but Ben got in before you could.
‘’Go away Ben, I do not want to be with you now!’’ You shouted upset, ‘’Y/n come on, I’m sorry.’’ Ben said while trying to hug you, but you push him away, ‘’Ben please go.’’ You replied ‘’Listen Y/n love I’m sorry, I got scared when I heard that we died and not even together I got scared, remember when I asked you to marry me?’’
‘’2017 5 September Before Y/n became a Sparrow and was Y/n Quinn.’’ Ben Pov, ‘’Are you ready Ben?’’ Sloane Asks Happy, ‘’More than ever.’’ Ben responded happy ‘’Y/n is ready.’’ Fei replied coming in the room while birds following her, ‘’We will call you, when we got everything ready for the party.’’ Marcus responded ‘’Me and Sloane will make a strawberry cake.’’ Jayme said while standing up, ‘’You really love Y/n’’ Sloane responds ‘’More than anything, I need to go, I do not want Y/n to wait.’’ Ben replied while walking to the Door, ‘’Call us, when she said yes’’ alphonso shouted before Ben left. ‘’20 minutes later’’ ‘’I missed you Benerino.’’ You said while hugging Ben, ‘’Do not call me that Y/n, let’s go I found this new place your gonna like it.’’ Ben replied smiling and going in the car, 5 minutes later, ‘’Where are we going?’’ you ask while looking at Ben ‘’It’s a surprise but you will love it and never forget it.’’ Ben responded while taking your hand in his.
10 minutes later ‘’Close your close and keep holding my hand, okay?’’ Ben said you reply smiling ‘’Will do Benerrino.’’ Ben steps out the car and goes your side and takes you out the car, you hold his hand and follow him, ‘’Open your eyes, my love.’’ Ben said smirking and you see a table, roses, candles, drinks, some food and the beautiful night light its was perfect, ‘’Ben its beautiful, thank you, I love you Benerino.’’ you replied while hugging him. ‘’I love you too Y/n but please do not ever call me that again.’’ Ben responded ‘’Nope I won’t stop saying it.’’ You replied while smiling, after 20 minutes drinking, eating laughing and talking Ben said ‘’I forgot something in the car, can you wait here for me?’’ you nod my head and give Ben a kiss on his cheek before he goes you get up. After 5 minutes ben came back while holding a small box, ‘’Y/n I love you, more than anything you know that, right?’’ Ben asks while getting closer, ‘’I know that and, I love you too Ben.’’ you responded while looking confused, Ben gets down on one knee and opens the small box and inside there is a ring ‘’Y/n Quinn, I love you more than anything, I never felt something like this and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I will take care of you, do anything to make you happy, protect you and if I do ever do something that hurts you, you can throw me on the couch, I truly love you Y/n I want to spend the rest of my days with you and have our own family in the future, so will you Y/n Quinn marry me and make me the happiest man alive?’’ Ben asked ‘’YES YES YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES, I will marry you!’’ you responded with tears in your eyes, Ben than puts the ring on your finger and kisses your lips, ‘’I love your y/n, you just made me that happiest man alive.’’ Ben replied and gave you one last kiss, before calling his family ‘’Hey Sloane Y/n said yes.’’ Ben replies Smiling, ‘’OMG congratulates everything is ready for the party, so you two can come home.’’ Sloane responds ‘’Thank you, see you soon Ben reply before taking y/n in his arms I love you, Ben very much I cannot wait for our wedding.’’ You responded Smiling. 
‘’35 minutes later you are arriving at Ben’s house’’ ‘’We got to do so much for the wedding.’’ you said while holding Ben’s hand and walking inside the house ‘’CONGRATULATES!’’ the sparrows shouted when you two got inside the house, ‘’Omg thank you.’’ You responded happy, Sloane, Fei and Jayme all came to hug you, ‘’I cannot wait to have you as my sister.’’ Sloane said ‘’Let’s have a sleepover after the party.’’ Jayme requested, ‘’Y/n, Ben.’’ Sir Reginald said while coming in the room, ‘’Dad is there something wrong?’’ Ben asked worried, ‘’Nothing is wrong, congratulates, Y/n, Ben, I can’t wait to have you as my daughter in law, if you need help with the wedding you know where to find me, ‘’Will do, thank you.’’ you responded confused Ben gave you a drink and said, ‘’Let’s party, my future wife?’’ You giggled and kissed Ben’s cheek. 1 Hour later, you all had so much fun and had a great night you sure would not forget tonight, Sloane took your arm and said ‘’Sorry Ben, but we will have a girl sleepover, goodnight, everyone Goodnight.’’ You, Jayme, Sloane, and Fei all stayed up 2 hours longer, played games, talked, did each other, make up, watched some movies, and then got to sleep, ‘’This is the best is the best day ever.’’ you think before falling to sleep,
Back to the present
‘’I am sorry y/n, I love you more than anything.’’ Ben said while taking you in his arms, ‘’I love you too Benerino, just don’t do it again okay?’’ You replied while hugging Ben, he laughs and gives you a kiss on the head before he replied with ‘’Okay, I promise love, but this is the only time I let you call me Benerrino.’’ ‘’I don’t want to lose you Ben, since the day we met I can’t be without you Ben, when this is all over let’s just go somewhere else and have a family, a happy place.’’ you responded while looking at Ben seriously, ‘’Okay when this is all over, I promise.’’ Ben replied before hugging you more you both later fall asleep in each other arms. 
The next morning, Ben woke you up and said ‘’Wake up, we got a meeting with the umbrellas and, if you ask how I got my ways.’’ You nod your head and get ready after that. You, Fei, and Ben got to the meeting place and saw Allison and Viktor, ‘’Where is the rest of your pathetic family?’’ Fei ask serious, ‘’Aww. Is that the best you can do?’’ Allison responds fast, ‘’Last waring’’ Fei replied, ‘’Yea you do not get to warn me about shit, flock of she-gulls.’’ Allison said while getting closer, Ben laughs a little bit and stop when he sees you look annoyed at him, ‘’Let us just get this over with.’’ you said annoyed and looking at the umbrellas, ‘’Where the fuck is Marcus?’’ Ben asked mad Viktor says nervously ‘’Marcus is…. Um…’’ But then Allison cuts him off and said, ‘’Safe. For now. But that will change really quick if you don’t do exactly as we say.’’ Vikor looks confused and worried at Allison,
‘’See? I told you they have him.’’ Fei said to you and Ben, Ben replied annoyed with ‘’I warned Marcus, but no. he said we had to hear what you had to say.’’ Ben pointed at Vikor, Viktor then respond with ‘’Look, he was not wrong, okay? We want to make thing right with you…’’ ‘’BY KIDNAPPING OUR BROTHER?’’ Ben asked madly you took ben hand to try to make him calm down, ‘’No, that’s.’’ Viktor said before he got cut off by Allison ‘’Yes.’’ She said they both looked confused at each other Viktor tries to explain again with, ‘’Look there is a lot more going on here. The world is in trouble, and we need to work together. My brother could explain it all a lot better than me, but. it’s a time-traveling problem. We cause a paradox, and that paradox is swallowing things. Lots of cows, and a dog, a few lobsters, but also people.’’ You, Fei, and Ben looked confused at each other, Viktor then continues with, ‘’Look, I know it sounds like- ‘’ but Allison cuts him off again and says ‘’Just give us the briefcase, and we’ll give you Marcus.’’ ‘’What briefcase?’’ you replied confused ‘’The one we left in your house.’’ Allison replied fast looking at you, Fei then wants to say something, but Ben stopped her and said ‘’Deal. The briefcase for our brother.’’ Great. Hotel Obsidian, four o’clock Sharp. Or we will send him back in pieces.’’ Allison response while putting her sunglasses on,
Once they left you said, ‘’What a bitch that Allison, who does she thinks she is, I don’t believe they have Marcus.’’ ‘’Let’s just look for the briefcase Y/n. If they left a briefcase behind, Grace would know where it is.’’ Ben said while taking your hand, you, Fei and Ben, got in the basement and Fei suddenly said, ‘’You don’t think it’s weird that they forgot something here? What if it’s a trap? What if we open it and it explodes?’’ ‘’Please. They aren’t that smart ben replied and make you giggle a little bit ‘’Ben is right, but we should still watch out.’’ You responded, suddenly you all hear something weird and walk more in the basement, Ben then says, ‘’Grace? What the hell’s going on down here?’’ You then all see Grace sitting on the ground in front something glowing ‘’Sweet Jesus.’’ you say you then takes Ben hand and walking closer to Grace she then says, ‘’Jesus is one possible interpretation of this deity. Or perhaps it’s the reincarnation of Buddha or Brahma the Creator.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah, whatever.’’ Ben responds you then let go of Ben hand and got closer to the glowing thing ready to touch it, then Grace replies with, ‘’Be careful, number 2 and 8. You don’t want to disturb his slumber. Who knows who the waking god will choose next.’’ Ben than takes you in his arms and said, ‘’don’t touch it just hold my hand I don’t what to lose you.’’ you then nod your head and hold his hand, ‘’Grace, is this what took Marcus?’’ Fei then asks worried, Grace stands up and responds with, ‘’He went right up and touched it. Brazen man. The light of the Lord is too much for mere mortals.’’ You all look worried at Grace, then you ask ‘’Grace, when did God get here?’’ 2 days ago, with our new visitors. Grace responds looking at the glowing thing, you all looked at each other before looking back at the glowing thing let’s just get ready before we meet the umbrellas again, when we are back, we finish this okay. Ben asks worried you and Fei both nod your head.
This was Part 4 I’m making part 5 right now
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pekoamv · 2 years
Is there gonna be a part 4 for past present and future? I love that story so much❤️
Yes, there will be a part 4, sorry, i have been very busy, i will post a part every week from now on. thank you for supporting me, im very happy you love it. ♡
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pekoamv · 2 years
Present Past And The Future Part 3
Warning: Curse Words, Spoilers
Sparrow Ben x Reader
1,8K Words
Thank you all for supporting me it means a lot<3
A/N: English isn't my first language sorry If I made any mistakes :)
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When sir Reginald left the room with Christopher, they all looked very worried at each other. Around 30 minutes later Marcus went on the roof to train in front of his fans. When he takes off his shirt and throws it away, he saw Vanya looking him directly in his eyes. After his work-out they go to a café and talk, ‘’I’m glad we’re doing this. Whatever happens between our two families, the number ones should orchestrate it.’’ Marcus says while taking off his hand gloves ‘’I’m number seven, actually.’’ Vanya responds while looking at Marcus. ‘’Then somebody screwed up’’ Marcus said after taking a sip of his coffee. Vanya replies with ‘’my brothers actually think you’re going to come after us. I don’t want a war we’ve lost enough already.’’  Marcus scoffed. ‘’You shouldn’t have attacked us in our own house.’’ Marcus says while putting down his coffee. ‘’Look this isn’t personal, but we’re the only superhero game in town. We have this place under complete control. But if your people start taking shots at us, it will give the sheep ideas.’’ Vanya sighs ‘’we won’t.’’ Marcus laughed with sarcasm ‘’And I’m just supposed to take your word on that? For your whole family? You’re not even their number one and I’m sorry, but I can’t take the risk. So if you came here to beg me not to make the next move..’’ Marcus said while putting on his gloves,
 Vanya replies while looking up at Marcus who already stood up. ‘’I came here to tell you by tomorrow morning, when your busloads of fans show up, I’m gonna be there on your front lawn, and I’m gonna call you out for a fight, just you and me.’’ Marcus looks confused and asks why. ‘’Because your team is good. Better than mine, maybe. But I don’t think you’re better than me, Marcus. I ended the world Twice. And you? You’re just meat in spandex. And I bet you don’t want the whole world watching, when I prove that to you.’’ Vanya said while making things move around them, Marcus replies ‘’What do you really want, Vanya?’’ you have something I need, and I want it back.
Ben’s Pov
 One off Fei’s birds flew back into her room, and says ‘’He’s making a deal with them.’’ I’ll handle it.’’ Ben responds annoyed, Fei looks at Ben and then walks away.
  Marcus Pov
Marcus walks down in the basement and sees Grace, ‘Marcus, Have you seen a briefcase? asked Grace while drawing something on the ground, ‘’What you doing? Marcus said worried walking closer, ‘’Worshiping.’’ Grace responds and continues drawing, Marcus then sees a big glowing round thing ‘’Holy shit.’’ he replied ‘’Yes, it is holy, isn’t it beautiful.’’ Grace said standing up. ‘’What is this thing Grace?’’ Grace stares into it. ‘’It’s a miracle I can’t make out what its saying tough, can you? Grace askes while smiling, ‘’It’s just noise.’’ Marcus responds while getting closer to the glowing thing almost even touching it, ‘’No Marcus. ‘’It’s a message from God, listen.’’ ‘’I think I can hear it.’’ Marcus said while touching it and a shockwave comes around Marcus and then he screams in pain and vanishes with many other things. Grace just smiles and sits back on the ground.
 The next day all of you notice Marcus is gone. Fei walks up to Ben ‘’I found one off them.’’ Ben responds ‘’let me wake up Y/n and then we go’’ Ben goes to your shared room and says ‘’Hey Y/n, love, wake up, Marcus is missing.’’ The umbrella kidnapped him, Fei said she saw one of them so wake up and we will rescue him.’’ Still not sure what actually happened you agree and decide to get ready. Ben, Sloane, You, Fei and Christopher decided to go kidnap Luther, the big guy. After watching him being unaware of Fei’s birds following him. He later he realizes what’s going on and starts to run faster and then runs into a lantern causing it to fall. Sloane made him fly and says ‘’Hello stranger’’ ‘’Oh hey.’’ he responded. You walked up to him and kicked him in the face as hard as possible, causing him to black out. 10 minutes later after you got home Ben asks ‘’you okay, love?’’ ‘’Yea I’m fine Benerrino, nothing better than kidnapping someone in the morning.’’ Ben Laugh and says ‘’We are getting Marcus back only by this way and stop calling me that.’’ 20 minutes later you all sit all the table and see Luther walking in the room with a dwell ‘’Ah, there he is.’’ Alphonso said laughing, ‘’Please, join us.’’ Fei said while eating ‘’It’s okay. Nobody is gonna hurt you.’’ Ben responded ‘’I might.’’ you replied jokingly while taking some toast, ‘’Smoothie?’’ Sloane askes nicely Luther responded while putting down the dwell ‘’Yeah, thanks.’’ ‘’You must be starving. Come join us.’’ Fei asked while putting food in her mouth, Luther joined cuz he saw all the butter on the table. He is taking the seat across Ben.
‘’So, we know your number one. But we haven’t been formally introduced yet. I’m Ben, number two and this is my wife Y/n number eight.’’ Ben said while taking your hand, ‘’It is so good to see you guys again.’’ Luther says before going back to eat. ‘’Why does everyone keep looking at us like that’’ you said annoyed ‘’Because Ben has been dead for 15 years and you almost 1 month.’’ ‘’DEAD WE DIE AND NOT EVEN TOGETHER!’’ You think to yourself ‘’Dead?, What do you mean, dead?’’ Ben said mad while looking at Luther. ‘’It’s kind of a long story’’ Luther shrugs and looks away. Fei and the rest introduced themselves. Ben introduces Christopher by saying ‘’Don’t mind him, he’s in a bit of a saucy mood today.’’ Something that makes everyone laugh at the inside joke. Luther then also laughed without understanding it something that made you laugh harder.
‘’Wait, uh, what about, um, number 1?’’ Luther askes while putting food in his mouth. The mood got ruined, and everyone looked serious at Luther. ‘’What about him?’’ you ask dead serious, ‘’Where is he?’’ Luther responded. Ben stabs into the table, ‘’That’s what we like to know.’’ Ben threatens. ‘’Are we playing a game?’’ Luther asks with a dumb smile on his face Ben replies with ‘’Whatever game the umbrellas are playing, you’re gonna lose! You took our number one, so we took you.’’ Luther looks confused and says ‘’Wait we took Marcus? Why would we do that?’’ ‘’Act of war or a Death wish?’’ Jayme said. Sloane explains that the last time the sparrows saw Marcus they were with his sibling, the little one with big powers. ‘’Vanya? It does not sound like Vanya to go and kidnap anybody. You know, having said that, I am usually the last to know about these kind off things.’’ Luther said while eating, ‘’You’re their number one, shouldn’t you know everything’’ you ask confused ‘’I know you think so, but discipline has never really been our strong suit. It’s pretty much free-for-all over here.’’ Luther said chuckling.
Luther says that his siblings are probably worried sick about him and that if you free him, he’ll send Marcus over without a scratch. He stands up and tries to leave. Ben however pulls him back down and states “What’s the rush? Stick around till Marcus is back.” Luther makes an attempt to scare him all it does is push him further, “Oh and if you try to escape Fei’s birds with peck your eyes out and make a nest inside your skull. And if you don’t like that Y/n will make you suffer and let you beg for death.’’ Ben said chuckling and takes your arm, You and Fei giggle and both like that idea, ‘’Ben, we need to talk.’’ you say once you two are alone, ‘’sure what’s wrong?’’ Ben said worried ‘’Do you believe him that we died and are not even together. That other guy with the hat said also something like that.’’ You say while looking at the ground ‘Of course not! They are trying to play with us and see our weakness.’’ Ben replied walking close to you and cups your face. ‘’Yea your right, thank you Benerrino.’’ You say ‘’Anything for my wife, but don’t call me that any more seriously Ben replies while hugging you. Thinking to yourself you might think that there lies a truth in what Luther said.
2 hours later you were reading a book in your room while Fei came in and says ‘’Family meeting something happened to Jayme and Alphonso.’’ You looked up to her and rushed down. In the room you immediately hugged Jayme and asked if she was okay. She and Alphonso where both okay. Some minutes later Luther comes into the living room. Fei says ‘’Doesn’t Look like your family is coming anytime soon.’’ Luther replied sarcastically ‘’Oh, no, I’m sure they’re just, you know, working out the final details and… ‘’ Luther stops talking when Ben stands up walking to him and say smirking, ‘’Relax. You’re free to go.’’ Luther looked surprised ‘’Why?’’ ‘’See it as a gesture of goodwill. But I want you to pass along a very important message to your family.’’ Ben said walking closer to Luther. ‘’Yeah of course’’ Luther said smiling. ‘’Let Marcus go and if any of you hurt one hair on him, we’ll come for you. All of you. And I promise we won’t be so hospitable next time. And You’ll do as we say, or else…’’ you said standing and showing your powers whiles Fei lets her Birds show, ‘’Birds. In my brain or suffering till I beg for death. Got it.’’ Luther said nervous ‘’Don’t forget your tote bag.’’ Ben said while snapping his fingers and smiling. Alphonso grabs it and gives it to Luther. He takes it and gives Sloane a sad look ‘’Hope you enjoyed your stay.’’ Ben said and Luther walked outside. You took Sloane’s arm and whispered if she liked Luther. She blushed and ran to her room.
Later in the night you and Ben were in your room and said ‘’I will take a glass of water want something?’’ ‘’No thanks Y/n. When your done come to Fei’s room.’’ You saw Luther walking outside and Sloane closing the door, ‘’Um what happened Sloane, and you can’t walk away this time.’’ ‘’Maybe me and Luther.’’ talked Sloane respond looking down embarrassed, ‘’You like him!’’ reply walking to Sloane, ‘’Don’t tell anyone, he is just wonderful, I should go to sleep.’’ Sloane answered giggling, ‘’Goodnight.’’ you said walking to Fei’s room.
This was part 3, I’m making part 4 right now, Please tell me if you like it and want more.
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pekoamv · 2 years
Present Past And The Future Part 2
Warning: Curse words, spoilers
Sparrow Ben x Reader
2k Words
A/N: English isn't my first language sorry If I made any mistakes :)
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‘’I’m Y/n Quinn, and yea I’m new in town.’’ you responded. ‘How long are you planning to stay here?’’ Ben asks looking at you smiling. ‘’I don’t know it’s nice here apart from the bank robbery yesterday’’ you said with a confused look on your face. Ben responds by saying ‘’luckily the Sparrow academy came and saved everyone’’. You look confused at Ben. The first thought that popped into your head was I saved everyone right? Still looking confused you reply to Ben ‘What’s the Sparrow academy?’’ Ben looks surprised at you ‘’you don’t know the sparrows?’’ He sighs. ‘’Well that explains a lot. You let Bens hand go and ask him what he means by that. Ben smirked ‘’calm down Y/n I was joking’’. You shrug and apologize. “Let’s get shopping’’. Ben smiles while leading the way.
An hour later you thank Ben with a huge smile on your face. Ben replies with ‘’Yea if you ever get lost again or need anything just call me.’’ He slid a note to you with his number on it. ‘’Will do and thanks again’’ you say happily. ‘If you want to thank me, you could just take me on a date tomorrow.’’ Being shy about what Ben just said, you look confused for a second. ‘’Alright Ben, when and where?’’ Ben smiles. ‘’Does 8pm sound good to you? I will pick you up since you’re new in town’’ Ben says and walks away smiling to himself.
A few moments later Ben gets back home. ‘’I’m back!’’ Ben shouts while slamming the door behind him. ‘’Fei said you found the girl and talked with her.’’ Marcus responds with a big sigh ‘’Her Name is Y/n, she doesn’t know anything about us and is quite new in town.’’ Ben says while looking at Marcus who’s sitting on the couch. Fei had many more questions about the new girl. “Did she say anything about her powers or about yesterday? She asks Ben. ‘’No, she didn’t, I have a date with her tomorrow to figure more things out. Maybe she will talk about it when she trusts me more.’’ Ben responds annoyed sitting down next to Marcus. Marcus looks at him ‘You did all of this without telling us you aren’t number 1!’’ Marcus looked mad. ‘’We are a team we make plans together!’’ Ben looked even more annoyed than he already was. ‘’Do you want me to cancel it?! Ben shouts and stands up. ‘’Calm down we are family’’ Sloane’s says trying to calm them down. ‘’Sloane is right, and Ben’s plan is pretty good?’’ Jayme says with a smirk on her face. ‘’Take her here so we can meet her.’’ Marcus says sitting back down Ben turned around to face Marcus again. ‘’No, she will meet you all when I say so.’’ Ben had enough and walked away. Sloane whispers to Fei ‘I think he likes the girl.’’ Sloane giggled ‘’You think so?’’ Fei whispered laughing ‘’It’s obvious.’’ Sloane responds
Next day
‘’Good morning!’’ Sloane says excited. Ben responds with a soft good morning and walks in the room. ‘’Where will you go with Y/n? Jayme asks while eating het cornflakes. ‘’Can I eat in peace for once?’’ Ben replies and takes his food.
Your pov:
‘’I’m lost again, I just wanted to buy food’’ you say to yourself. You grab your phone and call Ben.
Bens phone rings. ‘’Who is that?’’ Marcus who came into the room asked while grabbing some milk. ‘’I don’t know, let me pick up.’’ Ben responds ‘’Hello who is this?’’ Ben askes Hi it’s me Y/n, sorry for calling. Ben smirks and replies ‘’Its fine, are you okay?’’ ‘’It’s his girlfriend’’ Sloane wipers to Fai and giggles.
‘’Yeah, I’m fine I just got lost again.’’ You say while being worried, Ben replies smiling with ‘’Tell me what you see, and I will come soon as possible.’’ You describe the area and thank him.
‘’Y/n is lost I will pick her up.’’ Ben says walking away. 20 minutes later you were waiting for Ben to arrive. ‘’Y/N!’’ Ben shouts stepping out of  his car ‘’Ben thank you so much!’’ You shout running to him ‘’Are you okay and how do keep getting lost?’’ Ben asks looking worried at you ‘’I don’t know this place sorry and I’m okay thank you.’’ you respond looking embarrassed at the ground, Ben smirks and pulls you into a hug.  ‘’Did you eat anything?’’ Ben asks. You just shake your head because you’re in embarrassed.
At the café
‘’Take what you want it’s my treat.’’ Ben says ‘’Thank you Ben, why are you so nice to me? You ask looking at Ben, ‘’Want me to stop, alright buy for yourself then.’’ Ben responds jokingly. You reply with ‘’I wasn’t planning to accept your money anyway.’’ Ben looks confused at you. A few masked men with  weapons are came into the café ‘’GET DOWN AND GIVE UR MONEY OR WE SHOOT’’ shouted one of the masked men.  ‘’Y/n get down.!’’ Ben said and started pulling your arm and made you sit down next to him. ‘’Are you, okay?’’ he whispers to you worried. For a moment you question yourself if you should use your power. But you don’t want Ben to see it or get him hurt. ‘’Y/n!’’ says while tapping your shoulder. ‘’Sorry I’m fine’’ you reply ‘’Don’t lie to me’’ Ben responds annoyed. He stood up and used his tentacles taking the masked men down.
5 minutes later the cops and the rest of the Sparrows came to the café. ‘’You’re a Sparrow?’’ you ask in shock. Ben replies with ‘’I will answer all your questions later, I promise.’’ He looks worried at you, you nod your head still in shock from what you’ve seen. ‘’WTF happened?’’ Marcus asks Ben ‘’5 masked men came with weapons, and I used my power to stop them now, happy Marcus?’’ Ben responded mad. ‘’Are you and the girl okay?’’ Sloane asks worried. Ben replies with ‘’I’m fine but she’s shaken up from it.’’ Sloane walks up to you ‘’Hi I’m Sloane, I am Ben’s sister, are allright?’’ Sloane asks with a smile on her face. ‘’Yea I’m fine, nice to meet you I’m y/n.’’ You responded.
Ben walks up to you and says ‘’Want me to bring you back to the hotel?’’ No, I can walk there by myself. I’ll  see you tonight you reply and walk away. Ben takes your arm and asks you if you still want to go on this date after what you’ve just witnessed. ‘’I’m curious and I deserve answers.’’ You said shrugging. All you could think about is what you just saw. He got powers, he is like me, I need to know more about him. ‘’Fei watch Y/n and Ben, I hope this doesn’t ruin our plan.!’’ Marcus says mad Ben replies agitated with ‘’It fucking won’t!’’ and he walks away.
2 hours later you looked everywhere to find out more about Ben and his family and what shocks you that you are all born on the same day and got all powers. ‘’Wtf does he know about me and my powers?’’ You say to yourself, ‘’I should get ready before Ben comes’’ you say to yourself walking to the bathroom, around 8 pm you wait outside before the hotel in a nice dress for Ben to pick you up, Ben Shouts ‘’Y/N!’’ Walking out his car with flowers in his hand ‘’Hey Benerrino.’’ You respond looking at him. Ben replies with ‘’Don’t call me that, thank you, are you okay?’’ ‘’I’m fine I.’’ You stop. ‘’I just want answers, okay?’’ Ben smiles ‘’You get them but don’t forget its also a date so try at least to have fun.’’ He handed the flowers to you. ‘’Here I hope you like them.’’
You reply embarrassed, ‘’Thank you where are we going?’’ ‘’What’s the fun about it if I tell you now?’’ he giggled. ‘’Don’t worry about it you will like  it.’’ Ben said Smirking and driving, after 5 minutes of silence  you decided to talk and ask Ben ‘’did you know about my powers and that we are born on the same day and if yes was all of this an act?’’ Ben replies while on the road.  ‘’Yes I did know about your powers and what I did wasn’t an act, I asked you out because I like being with you.’’ You blush and looks away. ‘’I also like being with you Benerrino.’’  You reply while still looking away. ‘’Don’t call me that Y/n or I will give you annoying nickname.’’ Ben responds, ‘’I don’t care I like it you.’’ say giggling.
10 minutes later you arrive, ‘’We are here.’’ Ben said while getting out the car and opens your door, ‘’Thank you, do you hear often you?’’ responded Ben replies while walking and taking your hand, ‘’Only if its special, like now.’’ You smile looking down. ‘’Get what you want it’s my treat said Ben smirking and sitting down. ‘’Thank you again Ben’’ you responded smiling after 30 minutes eating laughing and talking ben says smirking ‘’Come, I got one more place to show you.’’ You respond with ‘’What place?’’ while taking Ben’s hand ‘’You are going to like it, its 5 minutes from here.’’ Ben said smiling while walking and holding your hand,
5 minutes later you arrive there and it’s a very beautiful place where you see the town and has many lights. ‘’What do you think Y/n’’ Ben said while holding your hand, you reply with ‘’Its beautiful, thank you for bringing me here.’’ Ben looks at you and going slowly with his face closer to you and says thank you for coming with me y/n, you make me feel something I never did.’’
Back at the present 2019
1 day after the fight with the Umbrella academy, you woke up with Grace next to you ‘’Hi Y/n are you okay?’’ Grace asked, you respond with ‘’I’m fine, thank you grace, what happened?’’ Grace replied while standing up, ‘’You hit your head very hard that made you faint. Ben asked me to tell him if you woke up to go to the gym room. ‘’I will thank you.’’ you responded while slowly standing up, 30 minutes later after you showered and got ready you arrive at the gym room and say ‘’Hi Everyone Fei and Sloane at the same time asked, ‘’Are you okay Y/n?’’ I’m fine thank you, where is Ben?’’ you replied Ben responded while hugging you from behind ‘’I’m here Y/n, I was so worried about you. ‘’I’m sorry’’ you say before giving your husband Ben a kiss on his cheek,
Marcus comes inside the room and says, ‘’Finally awake I see.’’ ‘’We need to do something to them. They disrespected us Marcus, we need to be out there finding these freaks and take them out! Ben said annoyed and facing Marcus. Marcus looks back at Ben and faces him “And get our ass kicked in 30 seconds like what happened before? Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that? Reginald came into the room and said ‘’Number 1 you called me.’’ ‘’Yea, we want to know if you know anything about the umbrella academy.’’ Well, they have no loyalty, are unimpressive, cried too much and showered too little, the only thing they lacked more than grit was any regard for one another Reginald said, ‘no loyalty, we can use that’’ Ben responds good give a full repost to Christopher.’’ Marcus responded Reginald reply still, ‘’I wouldn’t underestimate the umbrella academy, yes, their skills are as lacking as their hygiene, yet somehow, they saved the world in 1963. Had they not, none of you would be standing here now perhaps I misjudged them.’’
This was part 2, I’m making part 3 right now, please tell me if you like and want more.
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pekoamv · 2 years
Present Past And The future
Warning: curse words and season 3 spoilers!! 
Sparrow Ben x Reader Part 1
Your powers and abilities include telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing that allows y/n to both read thoughts and also give your targets waking nightmares. (Just like Wanda’s powers (if you don’t know, she’s a Marvel character). (Before Y/N became Hargreeves she was Y/n Quinn) Length: 985 words
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When the Umbrella Academy prepared for their fight with the Sparrow Academy, Y/N Comes inside the living room with a confused look and asks “Wtf is going on?!” A mysterious young man with many knifes all over his clothes calls your name. Jayme, Bens sister, replies by saying “she is Ben’s wife you perv”. That’s when things took an odd turn. Marcus turned around and he responded with “you got 30 seconds to leave or we’ll beat the shit out of you”. It seems like they were going to leave until the member with a hat faced towards  Ben and you saying “you look way better alive Ben and Y/N, they’re in life and dead together isn’t that adorable’’. Ben replied to him by saying ‘’shut your mouth’’. Ben walked over to him and punched the guy in the face, which made the guy with the hat take a hit on the ground. At that moment a fight started between the Sparrow and the Umbrella.
‘’Hey you didn’t have to do that!’’ shouted the biggest one at Ben.
‘’Um yes he did” you responded facing him. It didn’t take long before everyone started to fight. Marcus was fighting the big one, Fei the pretty one, Christopher fought the man with the knifes, Ben and…the little kid? Alphonso, Sloane, Jayme and you watched Fei kick the pretty girls ass. Until she said something that made Fei freeze, that’s when Alphonso and you joined the fight.
‘’Hit me. C’mon, hit me in the face.’’ Alphonso said just before she hit him as hard as she could, the punch reverberating back to her face. Walking slowly towards her you kick her and before you could kick her again she disappears. When everyone had been thoroughly dealt with you meet back up with the others in the living, watching Marcus kick the big guy his ass.
‘’Thai food for dinner?’’ Fei asks to mixed opinions. ‘’What about fine Italian? They ask, annoyed at everyone’s indecisiveness. ‘’Marcus stop’’ you say. ‘’Not yet’’ Marcus responds and starts to finish the called out sibling of the big guy. Making Marcus look up let the big one go. Focusing on the one that escaped you go after him, hunting him like a cat and dog. Stopping to hear his footsteps you track down where he is.
‘’Where are you going?’’ you say standing about 5 feet away from him. ‘’we were just starting to have fun.’’ You said jokingly. ‘’Look I don’t want to hurt you Y/N. I mean we both know I could’’ he says laughing
‘’Oh fuck you’’ you say not taking your eyes off him as he tries to go around you. Circling him you reveal your knife. ‘’Nice knife too dangerous to play with though.’’ he says while walking to you. C’mon we both know this isn’t you, you were so kind sweet and wouldn’t dare to hurt a soul,’’ he gets closer, close enough to touch you. Becoming freaked out by what they all said about you and your husband being dead. Deciding that you won’t hurt him, and saying he should ‘’Go,’’ He runs to a different part of the house. Resuming where you were with the rest of your family, you stand over the person who distracted Marcus. Just as you were about to punch them, they sent a powerful blast that threw everyone backwards. Hitting your head on one of the many ornament things in the room. You started to see everything blurry. Ben is saying something to you but understand nothing and then drops to the floor.
‘’Y/n Past Before she became a Sparrow 2017 12 January”
Y/n just came in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario, She always stayed at one place and decided  it was nice to finally see the world.
She needed to go to the bank to take cash. Everything was peaceful until some robbers came with weapons. Y/n didn’t know about the Sparrows back then, she was scared and used her powers to make them all fall. The doors opened and Y/n and many other people ran for their life while the sparrows were being in shock. ‘’Wtf happened!’’ Ben said ‘’Idk let’s check the cameras.’’ Marcus responds. They watched the camera footage and were in surprised  to see someone with such strong powers. ‘’Fei find her and lets go home’’ Marcus said. Jayme nods and replies with ‘’Maybe she is one of us?  Marcus shrugs, ‘’Maybe let’s find out and make a plan at home.’’
“Did you find anything at the academy’’ asked Sloane. Fei shook her head. ‘’We are going to need a plan if we find her.’’ Ben said ‘’Let’s just talk to her before we do anything.’’ Ben nods his head you’re your direction ‘’oh fuck I hope no one saw that.’’ You said to yourself walking back and forth while being worried.
The next day Ben walks around the streets and sees you walk around like a lost puppy. ‘’Do you need help?’’ Ben asks while looking friendly at you. You looked up at him and nodded replying ‘’yea I’m kind of lost.’’. Ben puts his hand on your Shoulder, ‘’Well, where do you need to go?’’ he asks while looking around. ‘’I am actually looking for a clothing store, I need new clothes.’’ You responded shrugging while staring embarrassed at the floor.  Ben grabs your hand and got your attention.  ‘’I’m Ben, are you new in town’’?
This was part 1 I’m making part 2 right now please tell me if you like it and want more
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