people-of-pandora · 2 years
Continued from here @pixelgamer07
"Post Traumtic Stress Disorder. At least that's what Tannis called it. It's more than self-doubt. It's worse than being an alcoholic. She said that...talking to others who have gone through it could help. Krieg's the only one I know who might fit, but I can't understand a word he says. So...with you bein' a soldier I thought...you might have experienced it." He lifted his goggles long enough to rub his eyes, but dark circles were visible before he set them back in place.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Didn't think I had to say this but I do.
It is rude, disrespectful, and can screw us up.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Mordecai raised a brow at Axton referring to Zer0 as her. As far as he knew most still thought that the assassin was a guy. "I...went to him first." Mordecai said looking around. He didn't want Zer0 to be outed because they weren't careful.
As for the rest, that was cold comfort to him. "Bloodwing is my fault. I was drunk and reckless. I should have known Jack put a bomb in that collar. I should have acted sooner. And I only got worse immediately after. I was passed out drunk when Lilith went to you guys. Roland died and Lilith almost died." He slammed his fist on the table rather hard. He knew Moxxi said something, but he was in the middle of a mental spiral and didn't pay her much attention.
"Jack almost killed everyone because I didn't keep an eye on Lilith! You, Gaige, Krieg, Zer0, Maya, and Salvador had to fix my fuck up!" He knew a lot of problems came from his drinking, but that last one he learned from Brick. Of course his best friend just said he had fallen asleep and Lilith snuck off. But he knew the real reason.
Axton id gonna just slide a woven dream catcher over to Mordicai. "Um, if it helped me get though my restless nights, it should help you with your sleeping issues. I mean, I also knock two or three shot back as well, but you don't drink anymore."
Mordecai had just been sitting in a booth in Moxxie's bar when the commando sat across from him and slid the dream catcher over. He didn't think it was that obvious, but apparently it was. "Yeah. Mox has just been giving me water." Though just being there was a massive risk for him. "Axton, how...how did you deal with it?" Mordecai knew what was wrong with him. PTSD. But he didn't want to just come out and say it.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Mordecai would lean back and sigh. He didn't know many who were in his position and even fewer who were having near nightly nightmares. He thought Axton might have been having them at least, but it seemed he had been wrong about it.
But hearing what Axton said just pissed him off. "And what about when someone's death is your fault?" He was to blame for what happened to Bloodwing. No one would say it but he knew it was the truth. He was with her when she was taken. He didn't move fast enough to save her. He could have done more. And yet he didn't. And this guilt spilled over into what happened to Roland. What he wasn't saying is that he hadn't had any sleep in the past 24 hours.
Axton id gonna just slide a woven dream catcher over to Mordicai. "Um, if it helped me get though my restless nights, it should help you with your sleeping issues. I mean, I also knock two or three shot back as well, but you don't drink anymore."
Mordecai had just been sitting in a booth in Moxxie's bar when the commando sat across from him and slid the dream catcher over. He didn't think it was that obvious, but apparently it was. "Yeah. Mox has just been giving me water." Though just being there was a massive risk for him. "Axton, how...how did you deal with it?" Mordecai knew what was wrong with him. PTSD. But he didn't want to just come out and say it.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Axton id gonna just slide a woven dream catcher over to Mordicai. "Um, if it helped me get though my restless nights, it should help you with your sleeping issues. I mean, I also knock two or three shot back as well, but you don't drink anymore."
Mordecai had just been sitting in a booth in Moxxie's bar when the commando sat across from him and slid the dream catcher over. He didn't think it was that obvious, but apparently it was. "Yeah. Mox has just been giving me water." Though just being there was a massive risk for him. "Axton, how...how did you deal with it?" Mordecai knew what was wrong with him. PTSD. But he didn't want to just come out and say it.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
"Both." With that he would just make sure she was indeed real. "I've been having nightmares. I haven't been able to sleep properly in days, and I'm...I came close to going back to day one." He was hoping she knew he meant his sobriety. Even Talon looked worried about the man that raised him. "I don't know what's going on. If this was just a one time thing, but most involved everyone I care about dying."
When Mordecai got back he walked up to Cathry and hugged her tight. He had been through a lot the few days he was gone. He had constant nightmares, and all of it was mentally taxing. "I...I might need help..." He had never really had nightmares, but those few sleepless nights almost drove him to drink just so he could pass out.
Cathry smiled some and hugged him close nuzzling the sniper. "Whatever you need Kechara." she said and curled her tail around him. "You look like shit." honest as always with him. "You wanna talk or just let me cuddle the fuck outta you?"
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Nightmare @ Mordecai:
You came home to see all your loved ones shot to death. All the people you hold closest. Over the nearby ECHO once held by the assassin you can hear Jack laughing.
Mordecai grabbed the ECHO and saw Jack. That damn face! He felt anger. A rage welled up in him like he never knew along with the grief. He smashed the ECHO and got some alcohol and drink himself into a stuper. Than the spirits of those he loved appeared. All accusing him. Blaming him for their deaths and he woke up.
He was still out on a mission. From here he ECHOED everyone to check in. Most didn't answer, but the few that did helped to settle his nerves. "Get a grip man. They're all badasses. Jack's dead. And if he wasn't it wouldn't be that easy."
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Nightmare @ Troy:
You come back from a meeting to find everyone close to you slaughtered, standing over them is Tyreen drenched in blood. She grins and looks to you, "Get over here parasite... if you wanna live. You wanna feel her last moments of life don't you?"
Seeing his sister, everything around him gone, it sent him into a frenzy. But when he rushed at her he felt himself suddenly get lighter and than the agonizing pain as he realized his only good arm was cut off and than Tyreen gripped his head.
And this is when he woke up. He had slept alone tonight so he silently went out to check on everyone. Once was was satisfied all of it had been a dream he went back to his room and sat down. "It...It was just a dream...Just...Just a dream..."
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Give my muse a nightmare!
Ask Box Only
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
"Thanks for believing in me and all, but engineering like this takes a lot of trial and error. For example when I first tried implementing the hover system a lot of parts would snap and break. So I salvaged what I could and started over." Ellie could probably refine the design more, but for him it was perfect.
His excitement was just wild as hers. "We should pack than. A few days of food and water. Than resupply at Fyrestone." He hadn't tested the weight limit, but figured it could hold their weight and a few pounds of food and water. "And at Wam Bam I think it epuld be good if we found that rat Zer0 mentioned. At least for you. I know that there aren't many left..."
Tyreen didn't help things. Anyone who opposed her died. And unlike psychos rats formed communities. They formed their own families. And most rats fought against her to keep their freedom. Those that did join were outcasts for one reason or another. "Listen, you...interact with the other rats. Do they hate me for what happened?"
Peers over at Troy. "You okay?"
Troy let out a sigh and shook his head. “Had to wipe out a branch of the COV because they were getting…out of hand. One of them, a psycho calling himself Son of Tyreen, was claiming she was speaking to him and that she wanted them to sacrifice non-believers.” He than pulled up his ECHO and showed his little rat the carnage.
“For a moment i…I felt my old self coming back. The part of me that enjoyed this back when Tyreen was still alive.” He set the device down as the recording played and he put his arm over his face. “What…What if I end up going back to that?”
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
"Wait till you see this." He got on it while it was still suspended, turned it on, reved it, and then flipped the switch causing the two wheels to flip to hover mode. "Took me a while to get the mechanism to work!" He flipped the switch again and turned it off. He was happy to see her excited over this. "Oh I'm sure she will! But due to how the frame is you can't really attach weapons to it. Plus vehicles like this were phased out long before any of us were born."
He would than pick up some very old magazines that had images of the same kind of vehicle there were referred to in several ways. "But if this gets enough of a reaction this could be the start in getting them brought back." He then lowered it so it was on the ground proper. "And this is what I want to use to get us to Fyrestone. But it will be the first time taking it out for a proper test drive."
Peers over at Troy. "You okay?"
Troy let out a sigh and shook his head. "Had to wipe out a branch of the COV because they were getting...out of hand. One of them, a psycho calling himself Son of Tyreen, was claiming she was speaking to him and that she wanted them to sacrifice non-believers." He than pulled up his ECHO and showed his little rat the carnage.
"For a moment i...I felt my old self coming back. The part of me that enjoyed this back when Tyreen was still alive." He set the device down as the recording played and he put his arm over his face. "What...What if I end up going back to that?"
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Troy is a genius when it comes to tech. Give him a few days and he can figure how to pull apart and put back together anything man made. Alien tech, such as Eridian tech, is well beyond him but he still finds it fascinating. And if he encounters any alien tech he will want to tinker and mess around with it until he either figures out how it works, or gives up on it.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
He barely heard her and turned the music down before he opened the door for her. He had a wall hiding anything that he worked on, and so what he had would be a surprise. "Hurry up! You have got to see this beauty!" With that he would rush off again putting some finishing touches on the transformation mechanism. But he felt it was ready for a test drive. It would take a day or two to get to Fyrestone. If it worked perfectly. "Welcome to my true inner sanctum by the way! Anything that Tyreen 'came up' with I made right in here. And my latest project is probably some of my best work. And I think those Catch-A-Rides would be better if this gets integrated into the system."
Peers over at Troy. "You okay?"
Troy let out a sigh and shook his head. "Had to wipe out a branch of the COV because they were getting...out of hand. One of them, a psycho calling himself Son of Tyreen, was claiming she was speaking to him and that she wanted them to sacrifice non-believers." He than pulled up his ECHO and showed his little rat the carnage.
"For a moment i...I felt my old self coming back. The part of me that enjoyed this back when Tyreen was still alive." He set the device down as the recording played and he put his arm over his face. "What...What if I end up going back to that?"
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
"Probably best if we show up on something that can't kill them. Got somethingI'vebeen working on though! Meet me in my workshop in a bit!" Troy had never let anyone else in there. Not even the girl he loved. When Tyreen had been alive it was his only sanctuary. But he had something he had to show her..
When she walked off he smiled and went to his own pet project. It was a secret even from her. He had seen old motorcycles and had started putting one together himself. Using the hover tech from Maliwan he had created a hover bite with some bandit markings and a little blood for red. It was a nice ride, but needed some fine tuning before it was perfect. So blasting some music he got to work making sure everything was in place before he began to mess with it.
Peers over at Troy. "You okay?"
Troy let out a sigh and shook his head. "Had to wipe out a branch of the COV because they were getting...out of hand. One of them, a psycho calling himself Son of Tyreen, was claiming she was speaking to him and that she wanted them to sacrifice non-believers." He than pulled up his ECHO and showed his little rat the carnage.
"For a moment i...I felt my old self coming back. The part of me that enjoyed this back when Tyreen was still alive." He set the device down as the recording played and he put his arm over his face. "What...What if I end up going back to that?"
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Hearing that he could help but laugh a bit. Now he knew where all the technical know how came from. Former Hyperion workers went native. "Jack would is rolling in his grave." Than he got the next message and his face went red. Than Heather said something and he jumped hiding the message. He knew what the Fertility Festival could entail. And the fact it had been suggested for him and his Little Rat had his heart racing and than she spoke up right by his ear.
Okay. He needed to calm down and focus. In three days Zer0 and his uncle would be showing up. The meeting place is Fyrestone. And than Wam Bam. He had gained a few pounds so he looked healthier than he had. Mostly because he wasn't skipping meals anymore. "Please don't do that again." He sent the strange sniper a message.
Sounds good. See ya in Fyrestone.
With that he would sigh. "Alright. So how far is Fyrestone from here?"
Peers over at Troy. "You okay?"
Troy let out a sigh and shook his head. "Had to wipe out a branch of the COV because they were getting...out of hand. One of them, a psycho calling himself Son of Tyreen, was claiming she was speaking to him and that she wanted them to sacrifice non-believers." He than pulled up his ECHO and showed his little rat the carnage.
"For a moment i...I felt my old self coming back. The part of me that enjoyed this back when Tyreen was still alive." He set the device down as the recording played and he put his arm over his face. "What...What if I end up going back to that?"
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
He smiled hearing that and than ruffled her hair. "Still gonna call you Little Rat." If she wanted him to call ger by her real name than he would. As for Lilith, it wasn't about letting them. It was about stopping them without killing them. He had gotten better. He could at least drain the stamina out of someone and just leave them feeling weak and tired. Nothing some food and sleep wouldn't fix.
Than when his ECHO ent off he checked and replied.
'Sending what I have. Bandits are good at making things, but not so great at anything else.' And with it was everything regarding his usual arm. "Hope they can make sense of bandit scribblings. No offense Ps-Heather, but the family doesn't exactly make education a priority. Unless it's about building whatever they can think of. Than somehow you all are like godamn engineers."
Peers over at Troy. "You okay?"
Troy let out a sigh and shook his head. "Had to wipe out a branch of the COV because they were getting...out of hand. One of them, a psycho calling himself Son of Tyreen, was claiming she was speaking to him and that she wanted them to sacrifice non-believers." He than pulled up his ECHO and showed his little rat the carnage.
"For a moment i...I felt my old self coming back. The part of me that enjoyed this back when Tyreen was still alive." He set the device down as the recording played and he put his arm over his face. "What...What if I end up going back to that?"
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
"Yeah well guess I just got lucky. Want to know more? I'm all over the ECHO net." Troy wasn't about to tell this guy anything. For all he knew this was a guy who lost a lot of people back in the day. Technology definitely suggested Maliwan, but the armor was a little crude. "So you're shit is worse than Tediore?" This guy had to be a scavenger just slapping shit together until it works. Troy assumed this guy had a fairly advanced power source in a crude looking suit. B
Though he wasn't wrong about two people basically running things on Pandora. Though now it was just one.
Seven feet of dark green and gold power armor reached out and took hold of Troy's robotic arm. "Shocking you managed to get this thing working. Jack tended to install brickware into his loaders. And by brickware I mean brick your brain. Still, finding replacement parts in good condition must be hard, especially on this ass end planet." The arms was released, gauntlets now across the strangers chestplate.
Troy didn't take too kindly to being grabbed like that so the moment he was leg go Troy backed away ready for a fight. "And I bet you'd like to know how I bypassed it huh?" Not that he had to. Loaders didn't have the same kind of software. Actually the only thing left that did have that kind of software was supposed to be for Jack's personal use. "And you have ten seconds to tell me who you are before I reduce you to a pile of ash."
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