#sniper bird (mordecai)
snappedsky · 9 months
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies joins the Vault Hunters in Krieg's mind and meets some unlikely foes.
*Reblogs appreciated*
The Fantastic Fustercluck Part 2
Within the depths of Krieg’s memories, the Vault Hunters find themselves facing off against a duo of unlikely enemies. Fortunately, they’re all about the ‘shoot first ask questions later’ mentality, so they ready their weapons as the larger of their foes charges at them like a speeding vehicle. Before he can reach them though, a different speeding vehicle breaks through the atmosphere overhead.
“Incoming!” a voice exclaims from their ECHO devices.
“Skies!” they gasp and quickly leap out of the way as a drop ship crashes into the ground. The hatch opens up and Skies stumbles out.
“Woo, catch a ride, amirite,” she chuckles as she struggles to regain her balance. “Oof. So, what’d I miss?” Her question is answered when the drop ship is lifted off the ground and she turns to see an evil, purple Brick standing behind her. “Wow.”
He tosses the ship aside with ease and cracks his knuckles. “I shall obtain recompense for the transgressions you just attempted upon my person. Indubitably.”
“What?” Skies questions, “Brick doesn’t talk like that. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t actually know any words longer than two syllables.”
“Skies, watch out!” Moze shouts. Skies turns to see a purple bird diving towards her and she quickly rolls out of the way. The bird then lands on the shoulder of an evil, purple Mordecai.
“Ay, you gonna be bird food,” he drawls.
“Okay, I’m guessing these guys are just versions made-up by Krieg’s mind,” Skies muses then turns to the Vault Hunters. “You guys handle Brick, I’ll take Mordecai.”
“By yourself?” Zane asks.
“Trust me, it’s gonna take all four of you to beat Brick, even a fake one.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Amara shrugs. They charge the beefed up muscle man as Skies faces Mordecai.
“Get sniped, ese,” Mordecai taunts as he fires his sniper rifle at her. Skies races around the arena, dodging the bullets, and shoots her pistol at him. He suddenly vanishes and reappears in another corner of the room.
“Oh, come on,” Skies complains, “Mordecai can’t teleport. He ain’t Zer0.”
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still working on lazarus's skilltree and a random thought appeared in my brain:
Mordecai: i have a pet bird, ignore shields and do big damage
Zer0: i can turn invis/strike undetected and too/one hit kill with b0re
Aurelia: i can stack ridiculous sniper damage just by hitting the enemy, and if i miss i get ridiculous firerate so either way i win
Fl4k: my skilltree is the horrid lovechild of zer0 and mordecai. you can fill in the gaps
Lazarus: with the power of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder i have acquired thebindingofisaac chocolate milk but for guns. also dad showed me how to snipe and i'm an impressionable orphan who had no role models of either gender for most of my life
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borderlands-addict · 7 months
Borderlands au where they are all played as muppets (im crazy take my phone away)
starting with the first gang, Kermit as mordecai,
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starting off strong, i honestly feel like he could pull of a mordecai, the mental image of kermit drinking with one felt froggy hand holding a sniper and the other has a big ol bottle of alcohol is good enough for me. if it doesn’t make sense gimme a min
also blood wing is like, either tom holand in a spirt halloween phenix costume or animal, either way nobody brings up how they are not a bird
now roland, sam the Eagle
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a no nonsense american guy, i could see it.
Lilith- honestly i was running out of ideas here. BUT IN THE MUPPETS. GUESS WHO SAM THE EAGLE HAS A CRUSH ON? janice.
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the fire hawk herself
and last but not least brick as…
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buff gonzo, its funny thats why, imagine gonzo’s voice saying “hey slab!” comical i tell ya
now for the extra characters
Our beloved tannis as…
Yolanda, its the vibes ya know? (no idea why theres no more photos)
crazy tina as….
Abby cadabby! yeah shes pink, and pretty cool, she could pull off a crazy lil girl
one of the only human character is marcos, fits with his whole self insert bedtime story thing
Jack would be the guy who played the lemur from the muppets most wanted, i dont care im not looking it up
lastly…the one you have all been waiting for….
mad moxxi as…..the one and only….
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Axton id gonna just slide a woven dream catcher over to Mordicai. "Um, if it helped me get though my restless nights, it should help you with your sleeping issues. I mean, I also knock two or three shot back as well, but you don't drink anymore."
Mordecai had just been sitting in a booth in Moxxie's bar when the commando sat across from him and slid the dream catcher over. He didn't think it was that obvious, but apparently it was. "Yeah. Mox has just been giving me water." Though just being there was a massive risk for him. "Axton, how...how did you deal with it?" Mordecai knew what was wrong with him. PTSD. But he didn't want to just come out and say it.
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molemanninethousand · 5 years
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I saw that posts about Mordecai being a simp were recently trending, and this is what I immediately thought of.
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vaulthunterlands · 3 years
My God Mordecai is hilarious in comparison to Zer0. Zer0, the sniper class of BL2, is this high-tech, unknown species that is such an efficient deceiver and killer that they are quite possible unkillable by a mortal man, meanwhile Mordecai is just,,, dude with a gun and his pet bird best friend. It's so funny because they're just such polar opposites despite being snipers.
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cryptid-stimming · 2 years
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Mordecai (Borderlands) x Lady Nagant (BNHA) Stimboard (with loving hearts, sniper guns, and Mordecai's pet bird Bloodwing)
x x x / x x x / x x
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saferemercer · 3 years
June 26th, Late Evening, After the Queen’s Gala
"There ya go lass, she's all set for yeh!" 
Safere glanced at the dwarf gryphon master, still holding the winning ticket in her hand. To the right of her, stood Snowbeak, the majestic, white Wildhammer gryphon she had just won in a high society raffle. The beast was immaculate; feathers shining in the moonlight, beak seemingly polished to a mirror sheen and talons sharp as adamantine steel. She was straight out of a storybook. 
Safere looked down at her rented tuxedo; a crab meat stain on her collar, one cufflink gone and her shoes having stepped in something grey and slimy. She didn’t want to think about that too much. All in all, she felt pretty damn foolish standing in front of this paragon of gryphon-kind, ready to take her as a mount. 
“So uh...you have any tips for how to...uh, care for her?” she asked. “I mean...I have another gryphon, but he’s older and kinda half-blind…”
The dwarf chuckled, unlatching the gryphon’s chains. “Oh, Snowbeak is ah’ feisty young lass, she’s gonna want ta’ fly around prettah’ often. You’ve got ah’ roost fer her, yeah?” 
Safere rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah...definitely,” she hoped. 
“Good, good. She needs tha’ best of care! You gala types can manage that, ah’m sure. You ah’ knight or ah’ cleric of some kind?” 
Safere rubbed her head, harder. “I’m...a...uh, protector.” 
“Protector! Ha, tha’ sounds good! Yeah, Snowbeak is fit fer the grandest of adventures. The soarin’ clouds, the tallest mountains, the greatest-” 
“I get it, I get it,” Safere said, through gritted teeth. “I’m...sure we’ll have a wonderful time together.” 
The dwarf shrugged and gave Snowbeak a final pat on the snout, before he opened the gate and led her out of the pen. Safere walked up to her, trembling just a little. She raised a hand and brought it down to touch her beak. The gryphon stared into her eyes, as she was touched. Safere swore she could sense a subtle disappointment in those eyes. She sighed. 
“I know, Snowbeak...we’ll...make this work,” Safere said, now starting to regret ever taking a raffle ticket. 
July 20th, Mid Evening, Crowsfield.
Snowbeak was screaming at her. Well, squawking might have been more accurate, but it sure felt like screaming to Safere. If the beast could speak common, she had an idea of the level of vitriol she’d be experiencing right now. 
“I know, I get it, you’re angry!” Safere grumbled, trying to clean her feathers with an old brush. “We don’t...we don’t fly as often as you’d like...and I wish I could fix that, but I just...don’t travel as often as some people. Ok?! Buddy doesn’t mind, do ya pal?” 
She turned to the black gryphon in the pen next to her. The cross-eyed, older gryphon was chewing on a large ferret he had caught earlier that day, but in the same way a tired farmer might sip on a tall glass of sweet tea. He was in no rush. 
As if Snowbeak could understand Safere’s words (she was almost certain she could, some days), the majestic gryphon snorted at her, in seeming disgust. 
Safere sighed. “Yeah, I know, you don’t like being compared to Buddy. But he’s the only gryphon I’ve ever really known before, so maybe we can just-” 
Snowbeak raised her legs and flapped her wings right in Safere’s face, knocking her to the ground, landing flat on her ass in the dirt.
“Oh, fine!” Safere shouted, lying down in defeat. “Have it your way! I’ll just let you-” 
“Might I be of assistance, Miss Mercer?” 
She looked up to see a man in copper colored armor, standing above her, offering a hand. She turned around and gripped his palm, rising back to her feet. She recognized the man immediately. He was the only one she knew who would wear a fully enclosed helm in such sweltering weather. 
“Mordecai, right?” Safere asked, despite knowing she was right. She just..hadn’t spoken to him that much. 
He nodded. “Indeed, Miss Mercer. Mordecai Sharpe, at your service.” He sounded calm and helpful, even if his expression was entirely unreadable. That copper-colored mask he wore always bore the same neutral, placid expression. His eyes were the only thing that could be seen. Kind brown orbs, blinking every so often. 
Safere sighed, dusting off her trousers. “Well, uh, have you got any experience with gryphons? At least more than I do?” 
Mordecai nodded once more. “I rode one for nearly a decade. Back when I was a more...active member of The Silver Hand. She was a gorgeous creature, fair and swift...but I didn’t appreciate her at the time.” 
Safere blinked. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean that I...neglected her,” he began to say. “Not in the sense of health or feeding, I assure you. I always kept her well fed, clean and cared for. Until the day she died, she never missed a meal, nor was she abused. But…” 
The man’s shoulders fell, for but a moment. “I didn’t truly appreciate her. I never even named her. Not really. Whenever a fellow knight would ask me, I would say something like...Silverwing or Judgment. But it was a hollow excuse for a title. I simply didn’t care. She was a beast to be used for glory. Much like a sword or a shield. Cared for, certainly. But never loved. Never seen as more than a tool.” 
Mordecai turned to look at the gryphons. “Do I have your leave to approach her?” 
“Sure,” Safere replied, shrugging. “Just be ready, because she’s in a mood.” 
He walked up to Snowbeak, slowly reaching into a pouch on his waist and retrieving a handful of wildberries. Once he reached the gryphon, he held out his palm and let her eat from it. She did so with some trepidation, but soon enough, had cleaned his gauntlet entirely. She then leaned her head against his arm, as he stroked her gently. 
“A beautiful lady...you should be very-” 
Mordecai and Safere turned around to see a young woman running toward them, a distraught expression on her face. The paladin ran forward to meet her halfway. 
"Miss, what is wrong?!" 
"Please, they took my brother, please they took him into the forest-" 
He laid a hand on her shoulder...and she seemed to calm down, enough to explain more clearly, at least. By then, Safere had joined Mordecai by his side and was listening closely. 
"She took Theodore, the...some witch, I saw her snatch him from his bedroom window and take him into the moor! I tried to run after her, but these...skeletons rose up from the dirt! Undead monsters! Out in the Bleakmoor! Please sir, miss…please help my brother…” the girl wailed, tears welling in her brown eyes. 
“We have no time to lose. Miss, return to your home and wait for us there. We will find him. Safere,” Mordecai said, turning to face her. “Might we-” 
She nodded, already running back to Buddy. “Come on!” she called back. Fiddling with her ebon gryphon’s chain, Safere mounted him and pulled the reins. He may have been an older gent, but Buddy knew when it was time to get serious. Years of getting Safere out of sticky situations had given him a kind of sixth sense. He rose to his feet and flapped his wings, ready to burst off. 
Mordecai was running up now, while the young woman returned to her homestead.  He looked at Buddy and Safere. “I...don’t know if I’ll be able to fit on there with you. Or if your gryphon can carry my extra bulk,” he said, gesturing to his mix of chain and plate mail. “Perhaps if-” 
Safere shook her head. “You’re taking Snowbeak!” 
The paladin shook his head. “No, miss Safere, she is yo-” 
“This is not the time to argue, pal! Get to it!” Safere shouted. 
Mordecai nodded and ran to the ivory bird, expertly climbing upon her saddle without even a wayward twitch from the proud beast. She shrieked out a battle-squawk and took to the air almost immediately, leaving Safere and Buddy to catch up. 
They were soaring above the hills now, keeping low enough to spot any figures...if it wasn’t so bloody dark. 
“I can’t see a damn thing down there!” Safere shouted, the wind coursing through her hair. 
“Let us remedy that,” Mordecai roared back. “Cover your eyes, Mercer! For just a moment!” 
Safere did as she was told, bringing her wrist back across her eyes, just as the night turned to sunrise in front of her. Her peripheral vision was a holy inferno, but it soon faded enough until she felt comfortable to gaze openly again. Mordecai was still glowing, casting a net of light across the hilly moor below. 
“There!” he said, pointing down. Sure enough, no longer shrouded beneath a barrow-hill, Safere could spot a crowd of figures. Over a dozen skeletal warriors, covered still in the dirt and grime of their former resting places. Most gripped broken hatchets and rusted blades. A couple held ancient shortbows. These two decrepit snipers took aim as Safere and Mordecai came down upon them. With surprising dexterity, an arrow was loosed, aimed right at Snowbeak’s chest. 
But the gryphon saw it coming, swiping the missile away with a talon. The other shot toward Safere and Buddy; its aim was less true, allowing them to dodge the projectile with a quick turn. By then, the two of them were landing. Hard. 
Snowbeak smashed into the center of the undead, scattering two of the boney bastards into splinters. Mordecai pulled his great morningstar from his shoulders, the flanged head gleaming with golden fire, as he slammed it into the rotting ribcage of another, crushing the sternum and wasting the foul creature away. 
Safere came down less glamorously, but no less effective. Her cutlass in one hand, silver edged and shining, slicing through the skull of the axe wielding monster nearest to her. The foolish archer she had landed by, tried to swat Buddy with his bow, only for the elder gryphon to grab him in his beak and snap his spine. 
“Interlopers!” A shrill voice screamed. Safere turned to see a wretched old hag, twisted and deformed, holding a young boy by the scruff of his pajamas. The child was wailing, kicking at his captor, to seemingly no avail. “You will not stop the sacrifice to Gorak Tul!” 
“Gorak Tul is vanquished, fiend! Killed in his own realm of shadow and failure!” Mordecai growled, shattering the knees of an approaching skeleton. “You will accomplish nothing!” 
“Yeah, you suck!” Safere helpfully added, stabbing another undead. 
“Fools! Gorak Tul’s spirit lingers, forever! And I will be his new bride!” the witch shrieked, raising a twisted dagger to the child’s throat. “The boy’s blood will show me the way!” 
Safere grit her teeth, looking around for any options. There were still a half dozen skeletons advancing. Buddy was fighting off one more to her left. Snowbeak...was gone. Where had she-
Mordecai let loose a sharp whistle. The gryphon moved so fast, she was more of a blur of white upon the wind, than any discernible form. Just as the witch had barely begun to look behind her, she was rammed by the Wildhammer gryphon, sending her gangling form flying forward, her loose grip on the boy’s shirt going slack, as he fell a few feet to the ground. 
Safere ran over to him, making sure he was unharmed. Aside from some dirt stains and a bruise on his shoulder, he seemed to be fine, if still wailing and terrified. Within that handful of moments, Mordecai, Buddy and Snowbeak had dispatched the handful of remaining skeletons, their bones scattered and unmoving. The witch...lay in a defeated pile nearby, groaning like a sickly weasel. 
“You are beaten, monster. Submit and be judged!” Mordecai commanded, his aura pulsing like wildfire. He stood above the subdued wretch, morningstar at her throat. 
The witch mewled and raised her elongated arms, in a show of surrender. “I...yes, I am defeated! Oh, brave and powerful paladin! I...submit to your mercy! Please!” Her yellow eyes wide and pleading. 
“Mercy! How could a villain such as you deserve-” Mordecai began to say...before stopping and sighing. “Very well, witch. You will come with me, bound and subdued...to be judged by the people of Autumnhearth! And see what mercy they lay upon you!”  
The paladin barely shifted his gaze, but for a mere moment, he did glance at his belt, to retrieve a length of rope...only for Safere to watch as the hag began to channel a pale blue energy in her palm. 
A Ruinous Bolt! Safere thought to herself. She had been researching just last night. In a flash, she drew her Gnomish pepperbox from the back of her trousers and fired. One, two, three, four…
Her aim did not fail her. Each silver shot ripping into the hag’s flesh, with the last metal ball landing right between her sour yolk-yellow eyes...which made the spell in her palm fade away and the witch slump back onto the ground, as dead as her would to be husband. 
Mordecai looked back at the shot riddled body and exhaled. “My thanks, Miss Mercer.” 
She nodded, sweat dripping down her forehead. In her arm, the young boy blinked and wiped away tears. “That was...so loud!” he squeaked. 
“Ah yeah...sorry about that, Theodore,” Safere said, grimacing. “But it’s over, your sister is waiting for you.” 
The boy nodded and hugged her, still crying, but less feverishly. Mordecai came over to him, kneeling down and offering a hand. 
“How would you like to fly on a gryphon, master Theodore?” he asked. 
For likely the first time that night, the boy smiled. 
The reunion with Theodore’s sister (Charlotte, they learned) was full of more tears and smiles alike, but the boy was soon returned to his own bed, with a small number of local farmers promising to watch over the house until morning. Mordecai would join them, sitting down by the front fence with Safere. Snowbeak and Buddy waited nearby. 
“That was...an exciting evening, wouldn’t you say, Miss Mercer?” Mordecai said, having removed his mask, among the two of them. Safere had seen his burned visage before and grown accustomed to it. The permanent half grin across his partial lips and exposed cheek, were little more than a beauty mark to her by now. 
“Hell of a lot more...fighting than I expected, that’s for damn sure,” she said, sipping from a glass of fresh milk. Supplied by Theodore's grateful farming family, after the two of them had refused the meager amount of silver they had scraped together as a reward. “But this is good cow juice.” 
Mordecai sipped from his tin straw and nodded. “Indeed. Regardless, you fought well. Thank you again for your expert shooting.” 
Safere chugged the last half of her moo-juice and stood up, brushing off her pants. “Don’t mention it, Mordo. Last thing I needed tonight was having to tell Wes that her Warden took a Ruinous Bolt to the chest.” 
He chuckled and stood with her. “You recognized the spell? How impressive.” 
“Yeah, all that reading paid off, just like Mere said it would,” Safere replied, smiling. 
“You make the steward proud, I’m sure,” Mordecai said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you returning to Easthollow with your gryphons, then? They’ve had a busy evening too.” 
“One of them, yeah,” Safere said. 
“Good, I hope they-” 
The paladin turned to look at her, confusion in his eyes. “One of them?” 
“I’m leaving Snowbeak with you, Mordo. You made an incredible team. And I’ll be damned if I’m gonna break that up.” 
Mordecai shook his head, raising a hand in disagreement. “No, Miss Mercer, I couldn’t accept such a-” 
“First off, call me Safere. Or Saf, even,” Safere said, making sure her cutlasses were properly attached to her belt. “Secondly, I’m not gonna hear any arguments on this. Snowbeak deserves someone like you. Someone brave and worthy of her. Someone who can make the best use of her skills. And that ain’t me.” 
The man was silent for a moment. “You are worthy of more than you think, Mi...Safere. And you are as brave as any champion of the Hand that I’ve ever known. You joined me in the search for Theodore without a second thought. Lent me your steed, without hesitation. Charged into the mass of undead and stood by my side.” 
He whistled, causing Snowbeak to trot over. Mordecai rubbed her neck and watched as she nuzzled back. “If this is your desire...your command, I will do so. I will care for and love Snowbeak, as I failed to do for my former steed. But never believe it is because you are unworthy. Promise me this.” 
Safere sighed and smiled, looking down at her boots for a second or two. Before returning his gaze and nodding. “I promise.”
He nodded back. “Good. Also, I ask that you bring Buddy along to visit every so often. The two are quite...attached.” 
She blinked and looked from Snowbeak to Buddy. The white gryphon was looking back at him, softly cooing. Buddy in turn was waving his wings slowly and...prancing? 
“Buddy, you scoundrel!” Safere exclaimed, laughing. “Have you been laying down some moves behind my back?!” 
Buddy squaked, shaking his wings and hopping up and down. Snowbeak scraped her talons in the dirt and squawked back. 
“Best warn your gryphon master of the possibility of eggs, in the future, eh?” Mordecai cautioned, chuckling along with her.
Safere gave him a thumbs up. “You bet. Keep safe out there, Mordo! See you soon!” She left with a spring in her steps, mounting her flirtatious bird and soaring off toward Easthallow. The wind in her hair felt like energy flowing through her. She let out a loud “woooooooooo!” and grinned. 
It had been quite a night to fly. 
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dagsborderlands · 3 years
I wish more artist gave Mordecai love. Guess I’ll have to make art of my sniper bird baby. *rolls up sleeves*
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omoghouls · 5 years
Also, I totally headcanon Mordecai being incredible at embroidery- like, that precision sniper eye gives him an advantage with the threading and needle work (mind you he basically only embroiders birds, or revolvers lol)
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babeybunny · 4 years
ok so imagine. mordecai with a weak bladder right? so he asks dr. zed for a special shield that can help him, y'know, not wet himself. so hes in the middle of a fight right? and he gets his shield shot off and- uh oh- he pees himself. right there. and he cant acknowledge it bcuz hes like, in the middle of a gunfight. just saying lol :P -🚬 Cig
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And you know his weak bladder is caused from his drinking habit and just his general being- although he tells everyone that since he's so tall, his bladder can take a punch (and by punch he means the lightest touch and it's o v e r), because he refuses to admit he's got any weaknesses (dont want anyone to use that against him after all-)
Asking Zed is by far, worst than actually seeking medical treatment from the man- Mordecai grits his teeth and bares the light chuckles that come from the doctor as he rummages around through his box, "Sure I can make that, can't be having accidents, least not the ones I don't get paied to fix eh?"
Thankfully the shield looks like any other, which gives Mordecai some relief as he and the other vault hunters are found in the midst of a bandit and skagg fight (but, when aren't they in that scenario?)
The sniper is at the slightest disadvantage due to there being no perch/ledge to snipe heads off- so, he's got his pistol/revolver out, taking down the enemies, Bloodwing finding his next feast of bandit tounges.
Mordecai grins as he watches his bird gouging the eyes of one of the physcos, "Good job, Bloodwi-!"
The depleting noise beeps, blood rushing between his ears as the bullets whizz by him.
His shield broke. Mordecai pushes through the initial panic as he sends bullets through the bandits skulls. But, as he's reloading, the brief moment of rest, his body take it and,,,he starts pissing himself right where he stands, the dirt becoming mud beneath him. His heart skips a beat, but, he doesn't have time to react, gotta keep his eyes on what's important right now.
Once they claim victory over the bandit clan. They all stand there, bloodied with both theirs and others blood and viscera. It's finally time to breath.
Then there is a pause, Lilith's nose raises in the air, "God, does bandit's piss linger this close?"
Cue Mordecai trying to abscond, the now cold wetness rubbing against his legs as he speed walks away. Freezing in spot when he feels the weight of the berserker's large hand on his shoulder. Mordecai is ready to be ridiculed, taunted and teased by the larger man. But, Brick leans in.
"Don't worry I won't tell 'em, you got your knapsack in the outrunner?"
Mordecai nods stiffly, watching as Brick calls to the other.
"Mordy n' I are gonna make it a early night n' head back to New Haven."
Lilith and Roland just nod, waving them off, off handily tell them to save them a seat at the bar.
Brick smiles and pats the sniper's back as he starts them to the outrunner, "See, ain't no worries 'bout that."
Mordecai tugs at his mask, feeling the warmth spreading over his cheeks.
"T-thanks, amigo."
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bastardsunlight · 4 years
[ Hawk @ Mordecai ] "I think I know why you gotta throw that bird. If he took off directly from your arm under his own power, he'd blow your ass over. How good are his eyes, anyway -- I mean, can he even SEE you from a distance? Especially if you turn sideways. Holy fuck, I just about lost you the other day from the wrong angle. No wonder you're so goddamn good with that sniper rifle; nobody can fucking spot you."
“Did Lil’ put you up to this? I’ll fuckin’ shred you--come at me, pendejo.” Lilith had once told him that if he turned sideways, he would resemble a zipper. The observation has stuck with him ever since. “You wanna see how I gotta throw the bird, huh?” 
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rubyredsiren · 4 years
Sammy chuckles, “A’ight I guess I can try- ahem”
“I’m Bird Da- Mordecai, and hoo boy do I love my pet bird- moreso than I love sniper rifles!” She adds a wink and a fingergun at that.
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people-of-pandora · 2 years
Continued from here @pixelgamer07
"Post Traumtic Stress Disorder. At least that's what Tannis called it. It's more than self-doubt. It's worse than being an alcoholic. She said that...talking to others who have gone through it could help. Krieg's the only one I know who might fit, but I can't understand a word he says. So...with you bein' a soldier I thought...you might have experienced it." He lifted his goggles long enough to rub his eyes, but dark circles were visible before he set them back in place.
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tench · 5 years
Me playing BL1 as Mordecai: can't hit shit, the bird is mvp, sitting on npc's tables, sitting on npc's laps, sitting on npc's faces, holding my sniper rifle so it'd fit into a nps crotch, designated driver, but i cant control the vehicle and there's only vertical parking (also jamming the x button till the “you can’t hit shit” line while in the car with friend), hiding in trash box while my friend (as Brick and also as my only impulse control) is trying to play the game... also foil hat.
Me after playing all the games: ... I still lowkey think it's canon, just a very oof-brand rakk ale
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emilemiblem · 5 years
Another random costume question: Quick! AH dresses as Borderlands characters for Halloween. Who picks which characters and why? 😘
Jack needs to be Lilith, both fiery redheads who will fuck your shit up at any given moment
Jeremy would be Brick, the muscular softie who loves to punch things but has the biggest heart
Michael would be Salvador, who uses his rage by unloading on enemies with weapons upon weapons but can also be one of the weirdest people to have a conversation with
Ryan I’m torn between him being Axton or Moze: both are soldiers hardened by war but also huge dorks underneath all of the toughness they put out. 
Geoff is Mordecai, the expert sniper assassin who adores his bird and mostly keeps to himself, but he could also be Roland, the soldier who is protective of his friends and the greatest leader
Gavin I keep picturing as Scooter, the heart of gold dork who is incredibly smart when it comes down to their interests but can also have moments of ‘okay dumb’ that are endearing
(God I would do everybody else but that would take me a while to think ahdfklsahd)
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