performiiing-blog · 10 years
ok guys im probably gonna be cleanin up this blog a little bit bc i feel like i need to have a semi-fresh start with charles so yeah i'll be on here again !!
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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Back in time with Aaron: 2011
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
He curls closer, arms draping around his neck as he nuzzles against his jaw happily. "You're too good to me. I can't believe I managed to hold onto you for this long." A smile as he purrs and kisses his jawline sweetly. "Don't ever leave me, okay?"
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"Hey, I do practically everything for you. I might as well make it officially, right? I mean, I pamper you like you’re my husband. Why not give you the proper title." He teased, pressing kisses along his cheek. "I’ll always treat you like the broadway king you are." 
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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give me cry face mike or give me death
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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'not that i don’t think you’d look absolutely adorable in your p a j a m a s;;; they’re not really…….. appropriate attire for a FANCY italian place. w h i ch reminds me  we are now horrendously late  thanks to me and it’s l i k e ly we have LOST our table, and now must tragically come up with another date.’
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"well, now that you've gone along and wrecked our plans for the night by looking positively dashing, we might as well just hang around here. i like to think my place is rather nice." a smirk and then he's stepping aside to let dorian inside.
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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Masons fear dissipated the moment he saw the grin he loved so much. He hugged him back, pressing kisses along the man’s neck. He’s never been this happy before, nor has he ever wanted to marry someone this bad. To wake up next to his star everyday. “I love you so much, baby.” He whispered before pulling away to put the ring on his finger. 
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"I love you too, Mason." He whispers back, pulling away just to watch him slip the ring onto a slender finger. Then he gives this little giggle of excitement as he presses their foreheads together affectionately. He honestly could not think of a happier moment, pressed close to his fiance, exchanging 'i love you's and kisses. Blue eyes flutter, moving to look at the gorgeous ring adorning his finger. "You're way too good to me, darling."
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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c o l d fingers will eagerly CLASP around the soft warmth of his  fiance’s hand, p u l l i n g him down next to HIM, so they are C L O S E R. (dorian misses just sitting  with charles.) it can’t be HELPED though„, this is what charles l o v e s, and dorian supports  that effortlessly. 
's f i n e charles, you LOVE being in musicals. yeah i miss you a LOT but—————- i can’t be g r e e d y„, keep yous from all your fans. we can be together right now. you got a b r e a k from rehearsals, don’t ya??’
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  warm fingers intertwine with cold ones, but he doesn't mind at all. in fact, he's quite accustomed to it. god, he misses just sitting around and outrageously declaring their love for one another. or just talking and spending all hours of the day together. he missed it more than anything even if he lived to be on broadway. "you should start being greedy. i miss you so much... but, yeah, i have a break. if you asked me to, i'd never move from this spot." he curls up against dorian's side, head falling onto his shoulder.
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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         finn’s grateful for the time to catch his breath, chest          heaving with a woozy smile on his face, eager to kiss          him again. this was decidedly better than arguing          about guys getting periods.
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        he'll kiss him only for one more moment before pulling         away, hands keeping finn held against him. a smug smile         curls on his lips as he presses a kiss to his jaw. "still         feelin' grumpy?"
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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       ”i don’t recall inviting you inside.”
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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kanye shrug griisly
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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Sebastian Stan + Shirtless (& Abs)
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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      "someone replaced the middle of my oreo       with toothpaste."
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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      "stressed ? no, i'm not stressed."
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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‘what?? s u e me for tryin’ ta look GOOD for you, unless you wanted me all r u m p l e d and in sweatpants.’
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"i almost changed into pajamas 'cause i thought you weren't coming. i've actually done that  b e f o r e."
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
I think about you. But I don’t say it anymore.
—  Marguerite Duras, Hiroshima, Mon Amour (1959)
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performiiing-blog · 10 years
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        "hm. 'm not sure how i feel 'bout you showing up to this...         date an hour late. you didn't seem the type to do so."
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