I expect you've been asked before but is there a designated bolthole that you're going to use after the 17th or do you intend to just discontinue the blog, it would be sad to see one of the few really well written incest blogs just disappear into the night like that.
Hard to find a good place to host animated gif photosets. One test: https://humblr.social/@personne_ne_le_saura_jamais
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I could see her watching her brother fuck me. Tess thought she’d caught us. 
But from the dreamy look on her face, I knew we'd caught her. Incest is like that. Once you realize it's happening all around you, you feel the itch. And you've got to find someone to scratch it.
"Just once,” she said, “just so I know what it's like."  I could tell she was so wet.
Bobby said the same thing when I sucked him in a month ago. We did it again a week later, because it was so good. Just once? More like once a day. Until we all came together for Thanksgiving.
Between Tess and me, Bobby's going to be busy.
We'll be sure to keep him hydrated.
Incest, the gift that keeps on giving  ... pleasure.
More sisters seeking brotherly love. More seductive cousins. More original gifs.
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College boys are cocky, but never cocky enough. They have no idea what they are capable of.
A while ago, I checked my son's iPhone – a mother has to be sure her son is safe – and found that he was getting and sending texts like these:
"Man, I jerked off twice yesterday." "Loser, I came three times. Massive load each time."
Appalling. This had to change. So much potential. All of it wasted on socks and Kleenex.
I had to rethink my wardrobe. I'd been dressing out of Victoria's Secret, to prepare him for all those whores in the world. But that was too subtle for my new plans, so I got a dozen outfits from Frederick's of Hollywood. I wanted him to see that the biggest whore of all was with him at home.
The day he said, "Damn, mom, you look like a hooker," I knew he was ready to take the plunge.
We had one of those "talks". More or a workout, really. But it was all good, and it's gotten better every day.
Sure, I rode him. I rode him a lot. It was the only way to get results. I used to have to wait while he took ten minutes finding my G-spot. Now he hits it first time, every time.
Worth it for him, too. Watching your Mommy flush, feeling her hard nipples all over your chest while she spasms, and then taking her weight as she collapses in your arms, and keep fucking – there's nothing like it, he says.
Now he was hard whenever he was home. Then I started slipping my panties into his lunch box and texting him sexy pics while he was in class. His professors noticed he couldn't concentrate worth a damn, even Dr. Slocum, the little tart. The blood cells that might be in his brain were too busy elsewhere.
So I told the dean I wanted my boy to do some work-study in the "family business", that it'd be much harder for him working under me. That gave me a chance to improve his self-image, especially concerning his hard-on. He was shy about it, at first, but now he flaunts it, finds ways to wave it in my face, or press it up against my ass. Totally inappropriate.
God, I love it. I bought him some spandex running shorts, and that's all he wears now. When they're wet with pre-cum (pretty much all the time), I can see everything. I swear to god his balls pulse when he ogles me in my new outfits. 
I get a Frederick's of Hollywood shipment every day, to give him something new to look at or to replace something he's torn up. Their stuff is so flimsy. Most of their outfits don't make it through one of our fuck sessions.
I used to tell him he was my own private Chippendale, but he's too raunchy for that now. Every day, we compete to see who can dress the skankiest. It's a friendly competition. Very, very friendly.
He gave up his girlfriend, then he gave up dating. He was too busy scouting out new ways to make Mommy climax. No way I can fall asleep now unless I've cum on his cock (or his fingers or his tongue) at least six times.
He always cums with me. And when I'm lying there, freshly fucked and totally exhausted, he'll just let his eyes roam over my body and stroke that big dick of his till he's blasted me with creamy jizz from head to toe. Such stamina. Mommy and her bad boy stick together.
And it's just been a month. Another advantage of home work-study is that I can make sure he's properly hydrated. You might think that "gallons of cum" is an exaggeration, but, take it from a proud Mommy, it's not. So I've always got ice tea and energy drinks for him. I slipped a Cialis into his glass today, for the first time. I want to kick it up another notch.
He doesn't know it yet, but I've booked the honeymoon suite at the Hyatt for us the next couple of nights. I'm going to have to tip house-keeping extra to change the sheets twice a day, but it will be worth it.
There will be a heart-shaped hot tub, champagne, and more Cialis, lots of it. When he's done frosting me tomorrow, I'm going to make him lick it all up, before I let him he fuck me again. By the time he's done feasting on our juices, his eyes will roll back in his head, and he'll fuck me like a maniac. (Those times are the best. He's like a fucking machine. He won't tell me what's he's thinking about.)
Wrong? You bet. Too nasty? No such thing. There's so much more nasty to cum. My son has no idea what he's capable of. But Mommy intends to find out. ________ More sons hooked on home-cumming. More mommies who squeeze out every last drop of their devotion. More original incest gifs.
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Reblog with the link to your blog for the next promo
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You're brilliant.
Merci. Aimez votre mère, tous les soirs, à maintes reprises, mon frère.
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By the way I just found your tumblr and fell in love!
Merci, ma petite.
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How my extended family has grown - thank you all...
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This blog is awesome! You're a very talented writer. It's hard to find good long captions, I'm glad I came across this blog.
De rien, merci.
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Just started following, how do think of those hot fantasies?
Sometimes step to by step, revision after revision, getting closer and closer and closer till finally I can release it to the world; sometimes in a big rush, just flowing from out my fingers onto the screen.
And then I need a cigarette ;-)
(And thanks - just passed 1200 followers!)
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hay thanks for following me :) i love your blog there grate captions ! the go soooo well :) so the asking part ha you started this blog because you like this and i followed because i like this ... but what have you done in real life ? :)
The title of my blog says it all: No one will ever know. Which leaves you lots of space to imagine the worst very best.
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Are you French ? ;)
Non. Nous sommes desole. Êtes-vous?
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brittany herrera
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Dem titties!
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She gave me sly looks all during the rehearsal at Miss Tilly's, loving the outfit I’d selected for her. When she thought no one else could see, she'd blow me a kiss, or bend over low to flash her cleavage. And then she'd become the prim and proper miss again.
The contrast drove me crazy. Too aroused to stay, I left early, just as her teacher repeated, "remember, girls, practice makes perfect."
I'm waiting in the den when Hayley walks in. “You know Kate’s hot for you, don’t you?”, she asks, straddling me. “She said ‘He's so strong’.”
I grab her delectable bottom and grind her crotch into my growing hardness, murmuring, "but he grows weak at the sight of his little girl."
She asks, "were you hard there too?" I nod, and she looks very pleased with herself. She rains little kisses on my cheeks and neck. After a bit, she stops, and slips off onto the couch next to me. “Oooo, and Debbie warned me I’d get in trouble with you for my slutty outfit.” She puts her head into my lap. “What did you say?” She fiddles with my zipper. Putting on a haughty voice, she says “‘My dad has a different perspective. He wouldn't ask himself if I’m a slut.’”
I reach over to tug down her bustier, and say, "he already knows," as her nipples begin to peek out.
She pulls the zipper all the way down and fishes my cock out. “Tess likes you, too.” She’s getting breathy, excited. “She asked me how you help me recover after rehearsals.” Her delicate fingers are tracing up and down my cock.
I press my cock to her lips and whisper, "with my special treat." She lowers her mouth over my cock and starts to suck. I lean back and look away for a moment, so I can last a little longer. I open my eyes again. She notices and slows down. Her dark hair, done way up over her head, cascades around her cheeks, framing her mouth as she ever so gradually sucks me all the way in.
She knows just how I like it, and just how to keep me on edge. First just the tip of my cock is electrified, and then, as she sucks and licks and nibbles, it spreads down to the base, and to my balls.
She must sense how close I am, because she stops. She climbs back on the couch, her knees outside my legs. Her eyes are beautiful, the pupils fully dilated. She's been fantasizing her every move while she was taunting me at the rehearsal. “Riley was impressed, too. ‘Your father's so big.’” I grasp her hips, pulling her cunt gently onto my cock and say, "Big enough to stretch his darling out just right." Her eyes widen as she lets me slip all the way in.
I give her a few moments to get used to me,  distracting her by tracing my tongue around the edges of the bustier, barely getting at the top edge of her nipples.  Soon, she begins thrusting her hips against me.
“But, you know, the best part, Daddy, was when Beth finally saw you and asked me whether we came together.” She’s speeding up, massaging my cock with her well-toned pussy muscles as I pump in and out. Her fishnets chafe against my thighs. And then I grab her hips to stop her - two can play at this teasing game. She’s panting, giggling, flushing all at once - she must be close.
She's pleading with her eyes for me to finish her, as I rub the head of my cock all over her cunt lips. I pause, press just the tip in, and say, "We will, just as you imagined it."
She squeals, “Let’s, Daddy, right now.”
I slam her hips all the way down, so she consumes me entirely. We cum together, and cum, and cum. She collapses against me, and we doze.
Minutes, perhaps an hour. later, who knows, I wake to feel her sliding her pussy slowly up and down my cock.
Her hair is disheveled. her make-up smeared, one stocking torn, her tits all the way out of the bustier. The wantonness only I could see at earlier is fully revealed.
She locks eyes with me and coos, "We should follow Miss Tilly's advice," as she swivels her hips, thrilling every bit of my cock, "let's make it perfect together."
I blow gently into he right ear and say, softly,"If it takes all night, Hayley, even if it takes all night."
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You. Are an amazing person. Do you write all of these beforehand or is it all on your head?
Thank. You.
Sometimes, an image inspires the whole story, so I can write it in a single pass, with some clean-up and editing. More often, an image sits for days or even weeks in the drafts folder, gather notes and bits of dialogue. Then I take a session or two to pare it down, streamline it, and publish. 
It seems to be better to tell the story the image inspires than to try to find an image or animated gif to suit a story I want to tell. Those don't seem to work out as well.
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And what we might have seen, if the webcams had been on:
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Mom knows it's good to the last drop, and
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sis is relentless
Oh, and it's Official.
If you work really hard at it, you can drain a teenaged boy almost dry.
M and A have been struggling to keep up with L and me; but they’re basically now having “dry” (but incredibly intense) orgasms.
I never knew you could really get all the cum out of someone before! Of course, it almost took five days, but still!
Maybe we’ll be nice and let them have tomorrow to recover.
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what is your deepest darkest sexual fantasy?
Just one? The answer is hidden in my tumblr.
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