peydavis · 5 years
Send in 💟to find out what kind of ‘dere’ my muse is
Send in ⚔️ to find out what my muse’s moral alignment is.
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character quiz meme
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peydavis · 5 years
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peydavis · 5 years
You Are: True Neutral
True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. True neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. However, true neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction.
Send in ⚔️ to find out what my muse’s moral alignment is.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Chaos --- XXXXX (5)
Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Evil ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
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peydavis · 5 years
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Send in 💟to find out what kind of ‘dere’ my muse is
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peydavis · 5 years
You’re taking a poll on how to dress a doll? Don’t you think that whole thought is a little, I don’t know, extreme? It’s just a doll. What’s it matter if she’s wearing one outfit or another?
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I am. Bo Peep is more than just a doll, she’s a family heirloom, and the fact that people don’t seem to understand that is just showing me that I really need to do more to boost her profile. Maybe I should set up an InstaRoyal account for her -- obviously you wouldn’t be interested in following, but I’m sure between her adorableness and my acting skills, I’d be able to accumulate quite the follower count.
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peydavis · 5 years
I don’t see why you can’t just bring Bo Peep with you, lots of people bring their favorite items from home to school. I never come to school without my favorite book and this stuffed owl that my parents got me when I was really young. It helps me from getting too homesick when I can’t go home for the weekend, which sometimes when school starts I have to devote the weekends to studying. And then softball season of course it’s all games and practice. But I suppose if I were to offer up an opinion to help you out, I’d go with pantsuit. Save the dress for when you’re leaving home again after Winter break. 
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It’s such a slippery slope, though. You bring one thing and suddenly you feel like you have to bring them all. If I bring Bo, I absolutely can’t separate her from her sheep and Woody, and then if I bring Woody, I feel quite guilty leaving behind the Slinky Dog that my dad got him, to replace his old one. And then... well, you get the idea. Soon my entire room is filled with childhood relics and there’s no space for growing up and filling my room with things that matter to college Peyton. That’s a good idea, though. Her dress is quite... thick, it’ll keep her warm through the winter in a way that her lightweight pants could never.
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peydavis · 5 years
Casper: BLEH if that's all you guys do for fun, no wonder he's so boring!! I'd be bored too if all I did was stand around reading all day 🙄
Casper: But what if there's no way to really drag them down? Like they're happy even if they lose?!
Peyton: It's not all reading! Sometimes there's writing, and improvising, and singing, and playing games like Mafia. And there's WATCHING musicals, too! And now kissing! We have plenty of things we can do together.
Peyton: Well, then I suppose it depends on whether you think they enjoy your company more than the company of their other potential partners. Or, you could just be selfish and stop thinking about which they might enjoy more, and just pursue whichever option YOU'D enjoy more instead.
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peydavis · 5 years
Since when are pants, let alone pantsuits, more freeing than dresses? I don’t know about you, but it’s like a trillion times easier to do things in dresses than anything else? All you gotta do is just lift them up and keep moving, pants require so much and you can only really pull them down, which doesn’t help if you’re trying to wade in a fountain because some birds started playing keep away with your sunglasses!
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I happen to agree with you that I’d much rather wear a dress, although I tend to wear shorts underneath them, at least when i’m acting, so that anyone looking up at me from an audience chair while I’m on stage won’t get a peek of more than they deserve to see. Bo’s dress is a little long and cumbersome, though, with her big hoop skirt and all. And her pants are quite stretchy! I actually think she could roll them up if she found herself in that very specific fountain situation, or if she ever needed to make her way through a stream or anything like that. Also, inquiring minds need to know: did you get your sunglasses back? That story was about you, right?
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peydavis · 5 years
Woah, Woody like Woody’s Roundup Woody? You guys still have one?! That’s amazing, I’ve seen so many boxes on the Isle for them, and they looked so cool when I was a kid but I never got to see one for real. How could you be more concerned with Bo when Woody is right there?
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The very same! We actually lost ours for a bit -- dad made the mistake of giving him to a child named Bonnie, thinking Bonnie would cherish and appreciate Woody, when really the girl let him sit in a closet in favor of a fork that she got out of the trash! He was so sad when she lost him, but eventually, a Woody with ANDY in Sharpie on his foot turned back up in our hometown, Bo Peep in tow, like some kind of miracle! And they’re both incredible, thank you. A packaged deal, in my opinion -- all my childhood puppet shows featured them being madly in love, it felt right. 
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peydavis · 5 years
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And this is the inevitable time of year where I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who is Bo Peep and why do you have to change her clothes?
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She’s my doll! Or well, she was my aunt Molly’s lamp once upon a time, but then she was given away and I’m not really sure where she ended up, but somehow she and my father’s favorite childhood toy, Woody, ended up back in our custody eventually -- looking worse for the wear but still wonderful -- and I got to play with them growing up, and I know it sounds kiddish but she’s just such a big part of me, you know? Or maybe you don’t know, did you ever have any toys?
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peydavis · 5 years
Casper: He can have his stupid place I'm better than him at having fun anyway! He's boring with all his stupid "me me me" talk. I just wanna have fun and he's just. Not.
Casper: OH HEY QUESTION is it better to help someone win by being on their team or helping them win by being on the OPPOSITE team and playing really badly?
Peyton: For us acting and being the best at it IS fun. You're just maybe better rounded than we are, since you have a plethora of other interests.
Peyton: Or maybe not a PLETHORA, but you at least have... fireworks.
Peyton: That depends - are you good at the thing that you'd be teaming up with them for? If you are, then playing together with them is probably more fun, but if you're not then you don't want to drag them down!
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peydavis · 5 years
That inevitable moment where summer ends is fast approaching, and that means my least favorite time of year: leaving Bo Peep behind at home with Woody and my parents, instead of bringing her here to school with me. I go weeks on end without seeing her, which means weeks on end without changing her clothes for her, and I was just wondering -- should I put her in her classic dress before I head back to ASU, or should I let her wear her more ‘freeing’ pantsuit instead?
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peydavis · 5 years
Casper: Uh-huh, sure whatever I WON!
Casper: NOPE I'M GOOD!
Casper: Kay now I'm done
Peyton: That rant was actually quite tame compared to some of the things he's had to say about you. And he was worried about you taking his place - you're too kind-hearted to be truly cut-throat :-p
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peydavis · 5 years
Kaz: And give our money to that enterprise? I know that more movie musicals make this genre more accessible to the masses but I don't know how I feel about supporting watered down movies. You remember Rent, don't you?
Kaz: Then again, from your description, that sounds like a hell of a date! The ambiance, the theater snacks (that don't kill our lovely vocal chords), and the music. Its not like the story ever had a plot anyway, just going to listen to the music is all we'd be able to do.
Kaz: TAYLOR SWIFT SHOULD JUST HAVE A SONG AS A SONGWRITING! SHE'D BE SUCH A GOOD ONE! Whoever cast them to be in the same movie though... big mistake on their part. Then again, what about this movie isn't a mistake? I'm just shaken truly at everything I know about it.
Peyton: You mean the 2005 version? Because after seeing Rent Live this past winter, I really don't find the film to be quite as much of an affront as I once did :-p
Peyton: We can't let any musicals flop, unfortunately. Even if they're critically slammed, the fact that they're being made at all is important, so I think we should stick to it. And any excuse for a date with you, of course. I'm sure people see our public appearances as us showing off, but we ARE the best couple in Auradon, why shouldn't we? :-p
Peyton: Tom Hooper directed Les Mis, did they learn nothing from that? That movie didn't even have anyone but Samantha Barks and Aaron Tveit with musical talent! HUGH JACKMAN WAS ATROCIOUS IN IT!!!
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peydavis · 5 years
If you could say anything to one person in your life without any consequences, what would it be?
I guess I’d tell my older sister that even though I find her very, very, very obnoxious, I still love her. Most of the time.
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peydavis · 5 years
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I don’t care about the answer to this question, and I’m quite annoyed at you for sending it to me because now I’ll be trying to find the perfect tune to sing it to for the next three hours as a vocal tongue twister. 
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peydavis · 5 years
Casper: So... I win? DID I WIN? YES, I WON!!!
Casper: Huh? Oh, yeah, uh, that wasn't, you know, anything against you. It was mostly him because he took forEVER in figuring it out, but I guess it's because he didn't like the stupid head I knew he was 😁
Peyton: While I think in this scenario I'm the ultimate winner, having procured a talented new friend AND a boyfriend out of the ordeal, you most certainly are also victorious.
Peyton: Well, he's not a stupidhead, but I suppose you're entitled to call him some things to make up for lost time, so... carry on?
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